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Estimated Health (After Scaling): 12019


Burai is a close range boxer archetype, and has a variety of tools to get in and stay in, as well as some of the highest damage in the game. With an easily accessible dodge and parry, as well as a variety of strong buttons, he's an absolute menace, and sticks to the opponent like glue.

Known as the "Fine-Eyed Baron" because of how his eyes are near-constantly closed, Burai Yamamoto is a strong, disciplined boxer who was forced to aid Agito of the Dark keep control of the school. When Rouga Zanma defeated Agito, Burai swore loyalty to Rouga and joined the Wolf Fang Brigade. Despite his general seriousness and unflappability, Burai has a crippling fear of girls, as seen whenever he fights Senna Kyoudou, Kunagi Tenrou, Kinako Tsukiyomi, Kendou and Kyuudou Nakanishi, or Erika Miyazato. He also dislikes ghosts to the same, or even greater, degree.

General Strategy

Though he has a few mid-range tools (most notably his Flicker Jabs), Burai is by and large a very up-close and personal fighter. With his stamina gauge (BBBR Burai Stamina Gauge.png), he has a number of devastating combos at his disposal due to the fact that it allows him to create many more chains than the textbook. In a pinch, it can also get him out of bad situations or put him into the fray relatively quickly. However, it is easy to overuse "stamina combos" and empty the gauge very quickly, so caution should be exercised to preserve it for the critical moment.

Burai's other great tool comes in the form of the parry. Though it takes timing and practice to do reliably, parrying a move at mid-or-close range will give him a strong opportunity to punish careless mistakes and combo the enemy to death.

Burai's supers can see standalone use, but they often don't, usually being tied into a combo to compensate for their relatively short range and semi-long windup. Dolphinfish Blow tends to be infinitely more useful for setting up juggle combos due to the groundbounce.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

BBBR Burai 5A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
150 Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

A very good jab. Burai needs his close range buttons and this is a great one, although it is super stubby.

BBBR Burai 5B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400 Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

A lightning fast normal like most of Burai's buttons. has slightly more range than 5A, but in general it has a lot of the same usage.

BBBR Burai 5C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
900 Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

Burai dashes forward and does a quick strong punch. This is Burai's best normal for neutral poking, as it has high damage and very good range. This is an all around great button.

Crouching Normals

BBBR Burai 2A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
150 Mid - - - - - N, Sp, Su

A fast crouching jab. It's decent in pressure strings, but it's not a low, making it not a great crouching tool over 2B.

BBBR Burai 2B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
500 Low - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

A fast low swipe. This is Burai's only low hitting normal, and a very strong one at that. A very good normal to use when tripping up the opponent.

BBBR Burai 2C.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
2C 900 Mid - - - - - N, Sp, Su

Burai performs a launching uppercut. This is not a great button in neutral or pressure as it's very slow startup, but it can be used in combos, and it does launch.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
2[C] 1000 Mid - - - - - N, Sp, Su

This version does more damage and launches better but is much slower. A very situational button you'll avoid most of the time.

Air Normals

BBBR Burai jA.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
250 High - - - - - N, Sp, Su

A fast air jab. This button is best used as an air-to-air, as it doesn't have much combo potential. It is a decent jump-in too, although you won't get anything from it.

BBBR Burai jB.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
600 High - - - - - N, Sp, Su

An air uppercut. This is pretty much only an air-to-air as its hitbox doesn't really hit grounded opponents at all. It can work, but it's best to just use it as an air-to-air and sometimes a combo tool.

BBBR Burai jC.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
900 High - - - - - N, Sp, Su

A downward punch, This is Burai's best jumping attack, and a pretty great overhead in general. Definitely worth using.

Command Normals

BBBR Burai 6A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
500 Mid - - - - - J, Sp, Su

A standing uppercut. This is a pretty good anti-air, as well as a strong pressure tool.

BBBR Burai 6B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
750 Mid - - - - - N, Sp, Su

A strong close punch. This command normal is mostly used as combo filler and in pressure to catch an opponent mashing.

BBBR Burai 6C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 Mid - - - - - N, Sp, Su

A slow punch downwards. Mostly used in combos to groundbounce an opponent, it doesn't have much use outside of it, but there is frametrap potential.

BBBR Burai 5C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 Mid - - - - - N, Sp, Su

Burai steps back and throws a strong punch. This is an amzing tool in neutral and pressure as it allows you to dodge some of your opponent's buttons, as well as giving you a pretty decent combo on hit.

Universal Mechanics

BBBR Burai 5D.png
Forward dodge
Forward dodge
BBBR Burai 4D.png
Backward dodge
Backward dodge
BBBR Burai 2D.png
Jump dodge
Jump dodge
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
5D N/A N/A Invincible - - - - -

Burai dodges forward, and is invincible and intangible for the duration of the dodge, allowing you to dodge your way in.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
4D N/A N/A - - - - - N,Sp,Su

Burai dodges backwards. This is essentially a better backdash, with more invincibility, and is a good tool to escape your opponents pressure if they leave gaps.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
2D N/A N/A Invincible - - - - N,Sp,Su

Burai does a dodge jump, and is invincible for the duration of the dodge. Holding 1 or 3 will let you do a forward or backward jump as well, making this a pretty good dodge for avoiding many attacks, as well as jumping lows.

BBBR Burai Parry.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
NA NA - - - - - NC

Burai has a parry similar to Street fighter III. By pushing forward for highs and down for lows at the right time, Burai will parry and have a chance to punish. While not always useful, this is something you should get very good at doing, as parrying the right things will let you punish normally unpunishable moves.

BBBR Burai ThrowWhiff.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400 Unblockable - - - - - NC

Burai grabs the opponent and does a quick punch. The reason for the low damage is that Burai leaves the opponent standing, leading to very easy combos off throw. This is a fantastic button for Burai.

Big Bang Mode
Big Bang Mode
BBBR Burai BBM.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
N/A N/A - - - - - -

Universal Big Bang Mode activation. Requires 3 bars and can be done anytime you have control on the ground. Lasts for about 7 seconds. During Big Bang Mode, Burai regains stamina extremely fast, allowing for crazy combos and pressure.

Special Moves

Straight Combination
BBBR Burai 5A.png
1st Hit
1st Hit
BBBR Burai 5C.png
2nd Hit
2nd Hit
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400+600 (982) Mid - - - - - Su

Burai does two straight punches in combination. It' sa decent special but nothing amazing, it can only cancel into supers.

Cross Upper
BBBR Burai 6B.png
1st Hit
1st Hit
BBBR Burai 2C.png
2nd Hit
2nd Hit
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400+600 (982) Mid - - - - - NC

Burai does a gut punch into an uppercut that launches the opponent. It's not great, but it has its uses.

Flicker Jab
BBBR Burai 214A.png
A version
A version
BBBR Burai 214B.png
B version
B version
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A 900 Mid - - - - - Sp, Su

Burai does a quick long jab. This is pretty much his only mid-range tool, and it's a great one at that, giving you a chance to get in and start using his truly terrifying moves.

B 900 Mid - - - - - NC

This version has a delay, but can be used to trip up the opponent.

B-Power Arts

Dolphinfish Blow
BBBR Burai 6C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
1600 High - - - - - -

Burai does a hard overhead punch. This is a strong overhead that groundbounces on hit, allowing for some pretty big combos.

Freedom Punch
BBBR Burai 5C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
1200+200*6 Mid - - - - - NC

Burai does a straight punch with 7 hits. The first hit does the most damage. This does a fair amount of damage overall and is a good combo ender with 1 meter.

Big Bang Break

Fist of Freedom
BBBR Burai 6B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
5222 All - - - - - -

Burai does a gut punch up close. If it connects, he goes into a Dolphinfish Blow before ending with a powerful straight punch. Good as a combo ender when in Big Bang Mode, especially if you're aiming to kill. Ends Big Bang Mode instantly.


Combo Theory

  • Combo damage varies from character to character, so all damage numbers come from testing on a full-health Rouga.


  • jC > 5B > 5C > 6B > 2C > 6C > 6A > 2[C] > dl.jA > dl.jB > jB > jC (4821)
  • This combo works both midscreen and corner, and give you enough time to B-Steal and still get oki. This is a good use of stamina too.
  • jC > 5B > 5C > 6B > 2C > 6C > 6A > 2[C] > dl.6A > 2[C] > dl.6A > 2[C] > 63214D > dl.2[C] > dl.6A > 2[C] > dl.jB > j.C (6036)
  • This is Burai's 2C loops, and is the strongest combo outside of BBM. This is a strong combo but not necessarily practical, although 2C loops can be used in other contexts.



A Color
B Color
C Color
D Color

BBBR Navigation

M. Heita