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Estimated Health (After Scaling): 10000


Hanny is a stance character who utilizes a BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png wand for long range and a BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png sword for close range. Getting the hang of stance switching can be difficult, but this character has a lot to help you, especially in the height department.

General Strategy

The essential thing to learn as Hanny is how to effectively switch between your stances. In wand stance Hanny has access to a few long range tools, but most notably his 5C becomes a projectile, which is just incredible. In sword stance Hanny has access to a lot of strong pressure tools that are good for up close. Hanny works best when you zone the opponent, secure a knockdown, and then use a combination of wand stance's traps and sword stance's pressure to keep the opponent locked down until you can combo.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

5A (BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny S5A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
150 Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

A very short range shield bash. Most of the time not worth it unless you're very close.

5A (BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny W5A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
130 Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

A pretty good forward moving jab. It has solid range and is an all around good close poke.

5B (BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny S5B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
370 Low - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

A low sword swing. it doesn't make a lot of sense to be a low but it will be one of your most used buttons, it's a fantastic poke.

5B (BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny W5B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
200*3 Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

Hanny shoots lightning from the wand. This can hit up to 3 times depending how close you are to the opponent and is pretty good as a big button.

5C (BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny S5C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
500 Low - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

Another low sword slash. This has more range than 5B but is also slower, s its usage is less often than 5B. Still a pretty good button.

5C (BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny W5C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
300 Mid - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

One of Hanny's best tools, it's a projectile that travels fullscreen. Pretty fast and only one button this is your best long range tool, period.

Crouching Normals

BBBR Hanny 2A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
160 Mid - - - - - N, Sp, Su

A punch with no range. This is pretty much useless as it's not a low and doesn't have any notable range.

BBBR Hanny 2B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
300 All - - - - - J, N, Sp, Su

Hanny does a forward moving headbutt. Since this is a universal button it's a great option for a forward moving poke in mid and close range.

BBBR Hanny 2C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 Low/Air - 11 - - -27 N, Sp, Su

Hanny jumps in an arcing flip. This hits twice and is a pretty decent universal normal.

Air Normals

jA (BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny S5A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
150 High - - - - - -

An aerial shield bash. This isn't a great button, but it does exist.

jA (BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny W5A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
130 High - - - - - -

A sort of air uppercut. It has no range but is a decent situational air-to-air.

jB (BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny S5B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
370 High - - - - - -

An aerial sword slash. This is a pretty good air-to-air, and a decent jump in although it's not active for long.

jB (BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny W5B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
200 High - - - - - -

A pretty good jump in tool, and basically an aerial version of Hanny's 5B, although it doesn't multihit.

jC (BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny SjC.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400 High - - - - - -

Hanny does a spin and then slams down with his sword. This move is slow and doesn't cross up, making it not a great button, with only situational uses.

jC (BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny WjC.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
300 All - - - - - -

Hanny has an air projectile, similar to Akuma. It's not fantastic but when combined with Wand 5C it can help create a wall of projectiles the opponent has to get through.

Command Normals

BBBR Hanny 6A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
600 Mid - - - - - -

A launcher and a pretty good anti air. It's air unblockable, and has a pretty good hitbox too, making it all around a very useful command normal.

BBBR Hanny 6B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
1100 - - - - - - -

Hanny turns into a horse, runs up, and kicks the opponent. Despite the high damage this move sucks, since its startup is horribly long. Not really worth using in any situation.

Universal Mechanics

Weapon Switch
BBBR Hanny SwordStance.png
Sword Stance
Sword Stance
BBBR Hanny WandStance.png
Wand Stance
Wand Stance
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
N/A N/A - - - - - NC

This is Hanny's stance change, and you'll get very used to doing this. BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png Sword Stance is for up close and personal fighting, while BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png Wand Stance is better for zoning and setups.

BBBR Hanny 2A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
1000 Unblockable - - - - - NC

Hanny grabs the opponent and causes a knockdown. Pretty standard as far as throws go.

Big Bang Mode
Big Bang Mode
BBBR Hanny BBM.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
N/A N/A - - - - - -

Universal Big Bang Mode activation. Requires 3 bars and can be done anytime you have control on the ground. Lasts for about 7 seconds.

Special Moves

Sword Flip (BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny S214C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400*2 High - - - - - J, Su

Hanny does a fiery flip. This hits twice. On the ground Hanny takes a step back beforehand, making it good for avoiding attacks, while in the air Hanny comes down directly as has more favorable framedata.

Sword Upper (BBBR Hanny Sword Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny 623C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
800 All - - - - - -

A standard uppercut. This makes a good anti air, as well as being the best meterless combo ender in sword mode.

Sunstrike (BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny W214C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
900 All - - - - - -

Hanny places a sunspot on the ground. This trap will stay even after switching stances, making it a great oki option or a way to defend yourself.

Denji Blast (BBBR Hanny Wand Stance Icon.png)
BBBR Hanny 236C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
20 All - - - - - U

Hanny sends out an orb of lightning that puts the opponent in huge hitstun if it lands. If you do it on the ground, it has the most atrocious recovery of all time. Great in the air, however.

Run Away!
BBBR Hanny 63214A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
NA NA - - - - - -

A command run backwards. This seems completely useless, as literally ever other option Hanny has for moving back is better. Don't use this.

B-Power Arts

Mysterious Rays
BBBR Hanny 41236D.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
300*5 All - - - - - -

Hanny shoots a projectile beam from his mouth. This is a decent damage dealing super, not great but not awful.

Big Bang Break

BBBR Hanny 41236ABC.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
3675 All - - - - - -

Hanny summons a giant Hanny, who lands on the opponent and shoots beams from its eyes. Good as a combo ender when in Big Bang Mode, especially if you're aiming to kill. Ends Big Bang Mode instantly.


Combo Theory

  • Combo damage varies from character to character, so all damage numbers come from testing on a full-health Rouga.




A Color
B Color
C Color
D Color

BBBR Navigation

M. Heita