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Estimated Health (After Scaling): 10000


Manbou is an odd character, but surprisingly strong for a presumed joke character. Manbou has good normals, some interesting moves, and a lot of ways to control space. Playing this character may take some getting used to, but with on of the best BBMs in the game, you'll be drowning your opponent in no time.

Manbou is based on a generic enemy that shows up in Daibanchou. The enemy that the playable Manbou is based on doesn't have a consistent name, but in Big Bang Beat Revolve simply uses the Japanese name of the mola mola or ocean sunfish, which is the type of fish that it resembles.

General Strategy

Manbou has a lot of great normals and command normals to play with, as well as various spacing tools. Mid-range is where Manbou gets the most usage out of its specials, so the general strategy is to secure a knockdown in mid to long range, then start pressure with Manbou's pretty good buttons.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

BBBR Manbou 5A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
150 Ground - 8 - - -1 J, N, Sp, Su

Standard jab. It's quick, has a decent hitbox, and is air unblockable. Pretty decent range, making for a good quick poke

BBBR Manbou 5B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
300 Mid - 10 - - -9 J, N, Sp, Su

A reasonably fast poke from Manbou's fin. Good in neutral, although it is a little slower than one might like, but it also moves you forward.

BBBR Manbou 5C.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
5C 700*2 (1192) All - 10 - - -4 J, N, Sp, Su

A downwards fin swing that hits twice. This is easily Manbou's best normal, and you can use it to bully your opponent whether it be in combo or catching a mash.

Crouching Normals

BBBR Manbou 2A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
120 Low - 8 - - +2 N, Sp, Su

A quick low poke. Has decent range for a low poke and is the only true low in Manbou's normals, so it's good for catching standing opponents.

BBBR Manbou 2B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
300 All - 7 - - +9 J, N, Sp, Su

Manbou does a poke similar to its 5B. It looks like it should be low, but it hits mid, and it's not a great button outside of poking while avoiding a higher attack.

BBBR Manbou 2C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 All - 11 - - +4 N, Sp, Su

A large swipe from Manbou's fin. This is another mid, but it's a strong tool, especially for combos.

Air Normals

BBBR Manbou 5A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
100 High - 8 - - - N, Sp, Su

Shares the same animation as Manbou's 5A, and has similar properties. Not a very useful button overall.

BBBR Manbou 5B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400 High - 10 - - - N, Sp, Su

Once again, uses the same animation as Manbou's 5B. It also maintains the property of moving you forward, which allows this to be a pretty decent air stall to trip up your opponent's anti air game.

BBBR Manbou 5C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
510 High - 10 - - - N, Sp, Su

I assume they reused all of the animations because Manbou is constantly floating above the ground regardless. Anyways, this is a great jump in button, if a bit slow, and, like the other moves, keeps a lot of the properties of the grounded move.

Command Normals

BBBR Manbou 6A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
800 Mid - 18 - - -6 J, N, Sp, Su

Good damage is about all this command normal has going for it. Overall it's a rather slow button and in addition you need to be surprisingly close for it to even hit.

BBBR Manbou 6B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400 Low - 22 - - -12 N, Sp, Su

Manbou goes flat and slides. This is a pretty decent slide to trip up your opponent, and the startup can avoid some moves the opponent throws out. However, the long recovery time means you should be careful when using it. The low profile is very belligerent, allowing it to even anti air if the Manbou reads it.

Universal Mechanics

Sanran Riku
BBBR Manbou Child.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
5D 400 All - - - - - -

Manbou drops an egg with hatches into a small Manbou, who shoots a drop of water horizontally. This works similarly to Manbou's own special, but having it be a separate entity allows for pressure and setup potential, making it fairly strong.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
2D 400 All - - - - - -

Essentially the same, only the water drop is shot upwards instead. This can be useful for setups or just to make your opponent squirm a bit.

BBBR Manbou ThrowWhiff.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 Unblockable - - - - - NC

Manbou makes a surprised face and the opponent just kinda... gets grabbed? It's good for mixing block happy opponents.

Big Bang Mode
Big Bang Mode
BBBR Manbou ThrowWhiff.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
N/A N/A - - - - - -

Universal Big Bang Mode activation. Requires 3 bars and can be done anytime you have control on the ground. Lasts for about 7 seconds. Manbou has the unique trait of slowing the opponent down, allowing for combos not previously possible and making it one of the strongest BBMs in the game.

They love reusing sprites with this fish...

Special Moves

BBBR Manbou 236A.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A 600 Mid - 26 - - -5 J, Su

Manbou puffs up and shoots a water drop horizontally. This can be a strong poke tool.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
B 600 Mid - 26 - - -5 J, Su

Manbou puffs up and shoots a water drop slightly upwards. This can be used as a setup or to trip up the opponent.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
C 600 Mid - 26 - - -5 J, Su

Manbou puffs up and shoots a water drop upwards. This is the highest arc, and can trip up the opponent if they're not watching for it, as well as allow you to keep them blocking.

BBBR Manbou 214X.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A 400 - - 20 - - -3 -

Manbou creates a column of water the shoots up next to it. Useful anti air tools potentially, as well as a way to get out of sticky situations.

B 400 - - 26 - - +3 Su

Manbou creates a column of water the shoots up a little ways it. Also useful anti air, and a good way to check an opponent's approach.

C 400 - - 26 - - +3 NC

Manbou creates a column of water the shoots up far from it. A good way to keep your opponent on their toes no matter where they are.

B-Power Arts

BBBR Manbou 214D.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
2080 - - 5+21 - - +56 -

Manbou creats a water column around itself. Essentially an EX reversal, it's pretty good but far from Manbou's best use of meter. It can still be used as a solid get off me tool though.

Big Bang Break

Manbou and His Friends
BBBR Manbou BBB.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
3825 Mid - - - - - -

Manbou traps the opponent in a bubble and summons a school of other Manbou, ending with a giant Manbou crashing into the opponent. Good as a combo ender when in Big Bang Mode, especially if you're aiming to kill. Ends Big Bang Mode instantly.


Combo Theory

  • Combo damage varies from character to character, so all damage numbers come from testing on a full-health Rouga.




A Color
B Color
C Color
D Color

BBBR Navigation

M. Heita