Capcom vs. SNK 2/Iori

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Health 14000 Just Below Average
Stun 70 Average
Stun Duration +60f Poor
Guard Guage Recovery Rate Fast Type Best
Dash Length 102 pixels
Dash Duration
Dash Height 0 Grounded
Run Speed 7.4 Average
Roll Distance 132 pixels
Roll Duration 27f
Recovery Frames 3f Best
Wakeup Speed compared to Ryu 0f Average

Overview & General Gameplan

Normal Moves

Far Standing Normals

CVS2 Iori 5lp.png
Light Punch
Light Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
300 4 RF/SP/SU H/L H/L 2 4 8 14 +5 +5 -
  • While sharing almost the exact same traits as the close jab, the standing jab doesn't have that many tactical uses; You're too far away to tick into throws, and Iori's walking speed is too slow for repeated walk up jabs to set up anything threatening. If you're at this range hit low strong instead.
CVS2 Iori 5mp.png
Medium Punch
Medium Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
800 8 SP/SU H/L H 7 3 25 35 -5 -5 -
  • This move has the special property of being able to chain into Iori's f+strong. There's only one instance in which I use this move, and that's to combo after a connected Scum Gale. Even though it's a far reaching bufferable move, buffering into fireballs is not safe, and the move itself leaves much to be desired in terms of priority and speed. It reaches farther than the f+strong, but at that distance a fierce rekka ken will completely miss. Needless to say, a whiffed rekka ken will lead to a lot of hurt.
CVS2 Iori 5hp.png
CVS2 Iori 5hp 1.png
Heavy Punch
Heavy Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1300/1400 13/14 SP/SU (1st part only) H/L H 7 5 26 38 -5 -5 -
  • Reading on the left of the commas refer to when Iori's head is going OUT. Reading on the right refers to when Iori's head is going UP.

This move doesn't really have much tactical use since the distance to get the bufferable version of the fierce is really specific. However, the bufferable version happens to be Iori's most damaging bufferable move, and there's ONE useful set up to get it shown below (see Running Grab).

CVS2 Iori 5lk.png
Light Kick
Light Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
500 5 SU H/L H/L 6 6 8 20 +3 +3 -
  • AKA "kickin 'em to da curb". Other than randomly whiffing it every now and then as a fake fireball, the only use for this move I have is for combos. See combo section.
CVS2 Iori 5mk.png
Medium Kick
Medium Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1000 10 SU H/L H/L 6 3 26 35 -6 -6 -
  • I probably don't use this move as much as I should. It's quick, has surprising range, and even more surprising priority. I'd use it against characters that can crouch the standing roundhouse if you can get into the range to use it.

6/13/03 - Some Japanese players like to punish whiffs with s.forward into super, but I find that whenever I bait a whiff I'm too far away to hit with a s.forward. I just do a low/standing roundhouse instead. I also noticed that Japanese players have set-ups for COUNTER HIT s.forward and buffer the super on reaction, but to me that's in-humanly difficult (the window to buffer is 3 frames long, 1/20th of a second). That super isn't one that you want to have blocked.

CVS2 Iori 5hk 1.png
CVS2 Iori 5hk 2.png
Heavy Kick
Heavy Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1300 13 X H/L H/L 9 7 22 38 -2 -2 -
  • Iori's best poke by far, despite having the distinction of being one of Iori's two crouchable moves. Any character bigger than a shoto is fair game, however. You can use it fairly liberally against the characters that cannot crouch it to slowly drain their guard meter and entice them into making a mistake that will get you the all-important knockdown Iori needs to get in. Be aware, though, that the move is not safe against a fast roll and that Sagat can punish you hard with a standing fierce into super if you whiff it.
  • Crouchable by half the cast (every female character, Ryo, shotos, Rolento, Haohmaru, Vega, Yun, Kim, Rock, Iori)
  • Treat this move like a budget Sakura or Yamazaki stand RH (yama speed/damage, but -2 instead of +2 on block)

Close Standing Normals

Close Stand Jab
Close Sg lp.png
CVS2 Iori CL 5lp.png
Close Light Punch
Close Light Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
400 4 RF,SP,SU H/L H/L 2 4 6 12 +7 +7 -

Iori's close jab is very useful for many reasons:

  1. ) Comes out in 2 frames, making it Iori's fastest move. 2 frames are as fast as moves get in CvS2 with the exception of Zangief's SPD, which is the only 1 frame move in the game. So what does this mean? Whenever you're in a situation where you have to mash a move, such as trying to avoid a throw, this is the move to mash.
  2. ) +7 advantage, also the most out of any of Iori's moves. 7 frames is a fairly huge advantage as far as CvS2 goes, meaning most links afterwards are brain-dead easy if the jab hits, and if blocked you have ample time to set up stuff safely like walk up to your opponent again and get another close jab. A perfectly timed close jab tick into Scum Gale (8 frames) is very difficult to reverse by jabs or throws. All tick throws can be escaped by jumps, however.
  3. ) At 400 damage, it's the most damaging out of all of Iori's weak attacks that can be chained together.
CVS2 Iori CL 5mp.png
Medium Punch
Medium Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori CL 5hp 1.png
Heavy Punch
Heavy Punch
CVS2 Iori CL 5hp 2.png
Heavy Punch
Heavy Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
1200, 1100 12, 11 SP/SU, SU H/L H 3 6 24 33 0 0 -
  • For the commas above, the reading on the left refers to the first portion of the fierce, where Iori's fist is around his waist level. The second reading refers to when Iori's fist is over his head.

Outside of combos, the main use for this move is for anti-cross ups. Close roundhouse is your main anti-cross up, but you'll want to use close fierce against characters with bigger jumps like Blanka.

CVS2 Iori CL 5lk.png
Light Kick
Light Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori CL 5mk.png
Medium Kick
Medium Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori CL 5hk.png
Heavy Kick
Heavy Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Crouching Normals

CVS2 Iori 2lp.png
Crouching Light Punch
Crouching Light Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Because this version is 1 hit and has a lot of lower invincibility (not to mention lower recovery), it's best used in the neutral game or when the opponent is far from Iori.
CVS2 Iori 2mp.png
Medium Punch
Medium Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori 2hp.png
Heavy Punch
Heavy Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori 2lk.png
Crouching Light Kick
Crouching Light Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori 2mk.png
Crouching Medium Kick
Crouching Medium Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori 2hk.png
Crouching Heavy Kick
Crouching Heavy Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Air Normals

Jumping Jab
7.gif,8.gif,or 9.gif+Sg lp.png
CVS2 Iori 8lp.png
Jumping Light Punch
Jumping Light Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Because this version is 1 hit and has a lot of lower invincibility (not to mention lower recovery), it's best used in the neutral game or when the opponent is far from Iori.
CVS2 Iori 8mp.png
Medium Punch
Medium Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori 8hp.png
Heavy Punch
Heavy Punch
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Jumping Short
7.gif,8.gif,or 9.gif+Sg lk.png
CVS2 Iori 8lk.png
Light Kick
Light Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori 8mk.png
Medium Kick
Medium Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
CVS2 Iori 8hk.png
Jumping Heavy Kick
Jumping Heavy Kick
Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
- - - - - - - - - - - -
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Command Normals

Universal Mechanics



Counter Attack

Guard Cancel Movement

Dodge Attacks

Small Jump



Special Moves

CVS2 Iori hp dp 1.png
HP version
HP version
CVS2 Iori hp dp 2.png
HP Version
HP Version
CVS2 Iori hp dp 3.png
HP Version
HP Version
Version Damage Stun Cancel Guard Parry Startup Active Recovery Total Adv Hit Adv Block Invul
Sg 623.png + Sg lp.png
1700 17 None Mid Mid 4 10 38 52 DWN -33 4 (full), 10(lower)

Footsies DP

  • Because this version is 1 hit and has a lot of lower invincibility (not to mention lower recovery), it's best used in the neutral game or when the opponent is far from Iori.
Sg 623.png + Sg mp.png
700+1100 7+11 None Mid Mid 4 [3/9] 48 64 DWN -42 7 full/ 9 lower

Best DP

  • This version has the highest amount of total invulnerability, so it's the best wakeup reversal and anti air. Make sure to hit the opponent deep to get both hits, otherwise you're missing out on damage compared to LP.
Sg 623.png + Sg hp.png
400+600+1000 4+6+10 None Mid Mid 4 [2/2/5] 59 72 DWN -51 6 full/ 7 lower

Most Damage DP

  • This is the damage DP. Perfectly usable as anti air or reversals, but only when the opponent is point blank. Also the recovery is so bad, Iori loses okizeme opportunities by using it.

Super Moves


Advanced Strategy

Grooves & Groove specific strategy

C Groove

A Groove

P Groove

S Groove

N Groove

K Groove


Check here for matchup analysis, notes, and errata. Could be as simple as optimal punishes, safe jump setups, and effective counter pokes.

For example:


Blanka ball punishes- Any level Maiden Masher, run a little and sweep (low HK), A groove activate sweep custom.



Iori Color Selections

External Links

Capcom Characters
Akuma (Gouki)
Balrog (Boxer)
Evil Ryu
M. Bison (Dictator)
Shin Akuma
Vega (Claw)
SNK Characters
Orochi Iori
Ultimate Rugal