Big Bang Beat Revolve/Kunagi

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Estimated Health (After Scaling): 10962


Kunagi is a powerful, well-rounded character with some of the best normals in the game, as well as extremely versatile projectiles that can be used both in the air and on the ground. She can attack from angles that most other characters aren't equipped to deal with, and can be considered to have one of the best neutral games with her high mobility and strong tools for controlling space. Her damage is quite poor, and her offense boils down to basic strike/throw outside of a handful of knowledge checks.

Kunagi Tenrou is Rouga Zanma's strong-willed childhood friend and fiancée. She's blunt and direct with everyone, Rouga included, and that contributes to her difficulties in getting along with most people. However, so far as Rouga and her friends are concerned, she has both a soft spot for them and the utmost faith in their abilities.

General Strategy

Kunagi's strength is her ability to control the neutral. You'll be using your superior mobility in conjunction with your air fireballs to harass opponents from a safe distance and make it difficult for them to find an opening. Kunagi's tools are excellent for ensuring that you only have to engage the opponent on your own terms. On offense, run strike throw with absurdly fast 5A staggers and various plus-on-block normals including 4C.

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

BBBR A Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 5A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
150 Mid - 6 - - +4 N, Sp, Su

Kunagi does a quick poke forward.

BBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 5B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
350 Mid - 11 - - -4 J, N, Sp, Su

Kunagi spins and slashes diagonally downward.

BBBR C Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 5C 1.png
1st hit
1st hit
BBBR Kunagi 5C 2.png
2nd hit
2nd hit
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
5C 500*2 (825) Mid - 11 - - -4 J, N, Sp, Su

Kunagi spins and slashes two times. Can be cancelled in between the slashes. The second hit launches the opponent on counter hit, though chances of actually counterhitting with the second hit are very low.

Crouching Normals

BBBR Down.pngBBBR A Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 2A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
130 Low - 6 - - +1 N, Sp, Su

Kunagi attacks with her tail.

BBBR Down.pngBBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 2B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400 Mid - 8 - - -4 N, Sp, Su

Kunagi does a horizontal slash. This normal is gigantic and deceptively disjointed. Your main poke in neutral, and an excellent button for whiff punishing. Hits mid and will NOT catch opponents walking back.

BBBR Down.pngBBBR C Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 2C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 Low - 17 - - -10 N, Sp, Su

Kunagi slides and slashes, sweeping the opponent.

Air Normals

jump BBBR A Button.png
BBBR Kunagi jA.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
180 High - 6 - - - N, Sp, Su

Kunagi does a quick kick downwards.

jump BBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi jB.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400 High - 9 - - - N, Sp, Su

Kunagi slashes horizontally. Recovers fast enough that you can do another air normal before landing, or even throw a fireball.

jump BBBR C Button.png
BBBR Kunagi jC.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
400*2 (680) High - 13 - - - N, Sp, Su

Kunagi spins in the air, slashing with both hands. Can hit twice. Can be cancelled into any aerial move. Can cross-up.

Command Normals

Aoki Tsume: Sora
BBBR Right.pngBBBR A Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 6A.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
800 Mid - 12 - - -2 J, N, Sp, Su

Kunagi slashes diagonally upward. Launches the opponent. It's big, fast, and covers an excellent angle for anti-airing.

Aoki Tsume: Kabuto Wari
BBBR Left.pngBBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 4B.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
500 High/Air - 29 - - +10 Sp, Su

Kunagi hops backwards while slashing diagonally downward. Bounces the opponent on hit if they're airborne or on counter hit.

Aoki Tsume: Tora
BBBR Left.pngBBBR C Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 4C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
700 All - 16 - - +2 J, N, Sp, Su

Kunagi spins and slashes horizontally. Launches the opponent on counter hit.

Universal Mechanics

Aoki Chikara: Shuuchuu
BBBR D Button.png
BBBR Kunagi BBM.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
N/A - - - - - - NC

Kunagi is surrounded by a fiery blue aura. While the button is held down, her B-Power gauge increases at a constant rate. Fairly quick recovery and startup.

BBBR Neutral.png/BBBR Left.pngBBBR A Button.pngBBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi ThrowWhiff.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
800 Unblockable - 7 - - +53 Sp, Su

Kunagi grabs the opponent, and throws them with a backflip. Launches the opponent halfway across the screen, but gives hard knockdown, so you still get okizeme. Cancellable into specials and supers upon landing from the backflip.

Big Bang Mode
Big Bang Mode
BBBR A Button.pngBBBR B Button.pngBBBR C Button.png
BBBR Kunagi BBM.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
N/A N/A - - - - - -

Universal Big Bang Mode activation. Requires 3 bars and can be done anytime you have control on the ground. Lasts for about 7 seconds.

Special Moves

Kirisaku Mono
BBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR Right.pngBBBR A Button.png/BBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 236X.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A 500 Mid - 16 - - -15 Su

Kunagi flings a shockwave along the floor. Travels quickly for about 2/3 stage distance.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
B 500 Mid - 16 - - -15 Su

Kunagi flings a shockwave along the floor. Travels slowly at first then accelerates, reaching about 1/2 stage distance.

Kirisaku Mono (Air)
jump BBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR Right.pngBBBR A Button.png/BBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi j236X.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A 500 Mid - 12 - - - NC

Kunagi tosses a disc at a 45-degree downward angle, retaining air momentum.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
B 500 Mid - 22 - - - NC

Kunagi tosses a disc at a 45-degree downward angle, halting air momentum and hopping backwards.

BBBR Right.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR A Button.png/BBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 623X.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A 800 Mid - 6 - - -15 Su

Kunagi jumps into the air with a slash, encircling herself with a crescent. This is a shorter jump with NO invincibility.

B 765 Mid Invincible 12 - - -31 NC

Kunagi jumps into the air with a slash, encircling herself with a crescent. This version is invincible and gives hard knockdown on counter hit.

Goumagetsu (Air)
jump BBBR Right.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR A Button.png/BBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 623X.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
600 All - 12 - - - Su

Air version of Kunagi's 623X series. Unlike the ground version, j623A and j623B are identical. Main use is to combo into j623D in order to end a combo.

Aoki Kage: Sensou
BBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Left.pngBBBR Left.pngBBBR A Button.png/BBBR B Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 214A.png
A version
A version
BBBR Kunagi 214B.png
B version
B version
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A 600 All - 38 - - +4 NC

Kunagi slides forward, creating a shockwave of slashes that follow her motion.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
B 600 All - 38 - - +7 NC

Kunagi slides backward, creating a shockwave of slashes that follow her motion.

BBBR Left.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Left.pngBBBR A Button.png/BBBR B Button.png(~BBBR C Button.png)
BBBR Kunagi 421X.png
BBBR Kunagi 421AC.png
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
421A/B N/A - - - - - - -

Kunagi leaps forward (A) or backward (B). Can be cancelled into a follow-up with C.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
...~C 800 High/Air - 5 - - - Sp, Su

Kunagi performs a large crescent slash. Groundbounces airborne opponents.

Aoki Kage: Shinsoku
BBBR Down.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR A Button.png/BBBR B Button.png/BBBR C Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 22A.png
A version
A version
BBBR Kunagi 22B.png
B version
B version
BBBR Kunagi 22C.png
C version
C version
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A N/A - - - - - - -

Kunagi teleports to the air directly above and behind the opponent. Full aerial action is available during the descent.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
B N/A - - - - - - -

Kunagi teleports to the ground directly behind the opponent. Has a recovery period after landing.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
C N/A - - - - - - -

Kunagi teleports to the ground roughly 1/3 screen distance away from the opponent. Has a recovery period after landing.

Aoki Kage: Shinsoku
jump BBBR Down.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR A Button.png/BBBR B Button.png/BBBR C Button.png
BBBR Kunagi j22X.png
A/B versions
A/B versions
BBBR Kunagi j22C.png
C version
C version
Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
A N/A N/A - - - - - -

Kunagi does a straight fastfall. Short recovery period after landing.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
B N/A N/A - - - - - -

Kunagi does a 45-degree fastfall. Short recovery period after landing.

Version Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
C 300 All - 16 - - -4 NC

Kunagi does a 45-degree dive slash. Recovery period after landing. Launches grounded enemies, gives hard knockdown on airborne enemies.

B-Power Arts

Goumagetsu: Shingetsu
BBBR Right.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR D Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 623X.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
450*5 (1853) Mid - 1+11 - - -14 NC

A version of Kunagi's DP that costs 1 bar of meter. This move is NOT invincible and its only real use is for ending meter dump combos in BBM.

Aoki Tsume: Oni
BBBR Right.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Left.pngBBBR Left.pngBBBR D Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 63214D.png
BBBR Kunagi 4C.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
300*10, 1300 (1805) Mid - 8+3 - - +2 NC

Kunagi makes a series of rapid fast slashes before stepping forward with her 4C, knocking the opponent away.

Goumagetsu: Shingetsu (Air)
jump BBBR Right.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR D Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 623X.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
450*5 (1853) Mid - 1+11 - - - NC

Air version of 623D. Your go-to high damage combo ender.

Big Bang Break

BBBR Left.pngBBBR Down-Left.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR Right.pngBBBR A Button.pngBBBR B Button.pngBBBR C Button.png
BBBR Kunagi 421AC.png
Damage Guard Property Startup Active Recovery Block Adv Cancel
3289 High/Air - 24+2 - - +4 NC

Kunagi teleports above and behind the opponent, attacking with a large crescent slash from above. On hit, it continues into a barrage of aerial dashing attacks ending with a hard knockdown. Good as a combo ender when in Big Bang mode, especially if you're aiming to kill. Ends Big Bang Mode instantly.


Combo Legend
Numpad Notation
BBBR Up-Left.png BBBR Up.png BBBR Up-Right.png
BBBR Left.png BBBR Neutral.png BBBR Right.png
BBBR Down-Left.png BBBR Down.png BBBR Down-Right.png
7 8 9
4 5 6
1 2 3
up-back up up-forward
back neutral forward
down-back down down-forward
  • Light Attack: BBBR A Button.png
  • Medium Attack: BBBR B Button.png
  • Heavy Attack: BBBR C Button.png
  • Special: BBBR D Button.png
  • 236 = BBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR Right.png
  • 214 = BBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Left.pngBBBR Left.png
  • 623 = BBBR Right.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.png
  • 421 = BBBR Left.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Left.png

  • 41236 = BBBR Left.pngBBBR Down-Left.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR Right.png
  • 63214 = BBBR Right.pngBBBR Down-Right.pngBBBR Down.pngBBBR Down-Left.pngBBBR Left.png
  • Micro Dash = 66 BBBR Right.pngBBBR Right.png
  • j = Jump BBBR Up-Left.png / BBBR Up.png / BBBR Up-Right.png
  • Dash Jump = 669 jX BBBR Right.pngBBBR Right.pngBBBR Up-Right.png
  • jc = Jump Cancel
  • dl. = Delay
  • w. = Whiff
  • xx = Special Cancel
  • X = Any Attack Button
  • [X] = Hold
  • ]X[ = Release
  • TK = Tiger Knee
  • (N) = Multi-hit move hits only N times
  • SKD = Sliding Knockdown
  • HKD = Hard Knockdown
  • BBM = Big Bang Mode
  • BBB = Big Bang Break
Character Abbrevations

Combo Theory

  • Combo damage varies from character to character, so all damage numbers come from testing on a full-health Rouga.


  • 5/2A > 5B > (5C) > 2C > 4C > 236B, 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > j.C(1) > j.236B > 6A > 421A~C > j.22C (2513)
  • This is your standard meterless BnB, giving you a strong knockdown anywhere on screen.
  • 5/2A > 5B > (5C) > 2C > 4C > 236B, 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > j.C(1) > j.236b > 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > j.C > j.623B > j.623D (3120)
  • This is a metered version of the above combo that sacrifices okizeme for roughly 600 more damage. Only suggest using this for guaranteeing a KO.
  • 5/2A > 5B > (5C) > 2C > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B, 5C(1) > j.C > j.236B 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B, 5C(1) > j.C > j.236B > 6A > 421A~C > j.22C (2932)
  • This is your meterless optimal. Very precise and prone to dropping if the delay on 236B, dl 5C(1) isn't perfect.
  • 5/2A > 5B > (5C) > 2C > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B, 5C(1) > j.C > j.236B 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B, 5C(1) > j.C > j.236B > 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B, 5C(1) > j.C > j.623B > j.623D (3508)
  • The above combo but with a metered ender.


  • 5/2A > 5B > (5C) > 2C > 4C > 63214D, 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > j.C(1) > j.236b > 6A > 421A~C > j.22C (2962)
  • A metered combo that does slightly less damage in exchange for a hard knockdown.
  • 5/2A > 5B > (5C) > 2C > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B, 5C(1) > j.C > j.236B > 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B > 63214C, 6A > 421A~C > j.22C (3637)
  • Optimized version of the above combo using 236B, 5C(1) routing.
  • 5/2A > 5B > (5C) > 2C > 4C > j.C(1) > j.236B > 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > j.C(1) > j.236b > 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > ABC > dl 63214D, 63214D, 63214D, 6A > 41236ABC (5220)
  • Resource dump BBM combo. Doesn't have to start in the corner, just need to be there by the first 63214D.
  • 5/2A > 5B > (5C) > 2C > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B, 5C(1) > j.C > j.236B > 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B, 5C(1) > j.C > j.236B > 6A > 421A~C > dl j.236A > 4C > 236B, dl 5C(1) > 236B > ABC > dl 63214D, 63214D, 63214D, 6A > 41236ABC (5938)
  • Optimized version of the above combo using 236B, 5C(1) routing.


A Color
B Color
C Color
D Color

BBBR Navigation

M. Heita