
From Mizuumi Wiki
Revision as of 00:35, 13 October 2020 by Sushininja05 (talk | contribs) (fancy combo-legend for the kyanta wiki, this uses the EFZ combo-legend as a base)
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Notation Help

Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.
For more information, see Controls.
Also, character-specific notation, such as Rogue's "PCancel" will be on the character's page.

FB Refers to the act of gaining a "Flash Bonus", which grants you extra meter, on the hit of a move.
KC Refers to pressing B+Y on the same frame, or the macro-button for B+Y. This is known as a Kyanta-Cancel, this game's Roman-Cancel.
DC Refers to cancelling a move by activating demon-mode, this works the same way a KC does but since it's activated differently it's noted separately.
YFD Combo Refers to looping a single EX move over and over in demon-mode until you run out of demon, this references a community member known by "YFDHippo" who popularized demon-mode combos.

(For example: 5Ax2>2B>DC>5EX YFD Combo.)

XEX Refers to pressing X+Y on the same frame, or the macro-button for X+Y.

This is known as an EX move, for example: j.EX>5EX>2EX.

{X/Y/Z} Move X or Y or Z can be used.
#X Indicates that any of A, B and C may be used with #. Example: 3A (Down-right, Light.)

If you have trouble with this notation, you may want to google for "Numpad Notation" elsewhere.

[X]xN or XxN-N Loop the inputs in the square brackets or parenthesis as many times as N, sometimes doesn't include brackets or parenthesis but still means the same thing.

Also occasionally includes a dash to indicate that a varying amount of hits can be performed.

j.X Button X is input while you are in the air jump.
X(whiff) Indicates that X is intended to whiff.
(Delay) or (Wait) Indicates a short delay on the hit.
(X) X move is omittable from the combo.
tk.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.