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Character Info

Guest starring from his home game, Fatal Art, the Omen of Death himself makes his way into Knockout as a playable character. He is a strong setplay lockdown/zoning hybrid who uses his Razor Ball and Bubble Summon to control screen space as well as the pace of the match.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Razor is great for space control
  • Long ass buttons
  • Ourobubbles (214x) is a braindead easy super to use and gives you infinite blockstrings for fucking existing
  • Drools during his idle animation sometimes
  • EX 6S is a DP reversal that is...fucking whiff cancelable into air bubble summon good lord
  • 2[S] is a great, far low poke that is perfect for covering space when used in tandem with bubble movement.
  • Insane ass chip damage
  • Insane ass combo damage
  • Unblockable Damage Over Time via Acid Puddles. Even damages you during your knockdown animation. This stacks with his already insane chip.
  • If EX 6S wasnt a good enough reversal for you, he also has EX4S, a side switching invincible command grab that starts combos.
  • 236x super goes fullscreen, is a reversal, and is +37 on block point blank. Also starts and extends combos depending on positioning.
  • j.3H basically lets you threaten your opponent from anywhere
  • Bubble allows for tricky air movement
  • Best character in the game (for now)
  • Despite being the "Omen of Death", Vile has never actually been shown to kill anyone
  • Bad dash but not really because he can cancel it into his long ass normals anyway
  • Unconventional Airdash
  • j.L quite literally does nothing

Dr. Roger
Grandmaster Wu