Toy Fighter/Controls

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Input Notation

7   8   9    The numeric directional input assumes that the player  
  \ | /    is facing right and corresponds to the number formation
4 - 5 - 6  on a keyboard's numpad. So in application, this makes 4
  / | \    act as "back", 5 - "neutral", 6 - "forward", and so on. 
1   2   3  All further directional notation follows this template.

  • 4, 6 - moves character backwards or forward. Holding 4 also blocks high/mid-hitting attacks. Tapping 44 or 66 will allow the character to dash in their respective directions.
  • 7, 8, 9 - causes the character to jump, 7 - backwards, 8 - in place, 9 - forward. Pressing 7 while against the ring will let you jump on the ring, and access some more moves.
  • 1, 2, 3 - pressing those causes the character to crouch. Holding 1 or 3 will have the character inch slowly away or forward. Holding 1 will block mid/low-hitting attacks, while holding 2 will only block low-hitting attacks.
  • j. - any jumping normal not part of a directional normal or string.
  • [x] - button x can be held down.
  • g. - an attack done while knocked down.
  • b. - a unique attack done when your back is to your opponent.
  • s. - in Toy Fighter, some characters have stance changing moves. While in this second stance, they will have a different moveset. This is usually reffered to as s.PPP etc.

Basic Controls


Toy Fighter features 8-directional movement like a traditional 2D fighter, with blocking being done by holding the back direction (4 or 6). Attacks can be blocked either "High" (4), "Mid" (4 / 1), or "Low" (1 / 2).

Dashing/Running: Pressing 44 or 66 will move you swiftly in that direction. Back-dashing has a cooldown, but dashing foward can be spammed. Holding 6[6] will put your character into the Running state, which comes with some additional moves.


P: Punch
K: Kick
D: Dodge
P+K: Throw/Escape/Reverse/Catch
P+K+C: Bomber (Super Moves)

Normals/Strings: Like most other 3D fighting games, Toy Fighter is primarily string-based, meaning characters have a long list of directional normals and special moves accessible by a string of inputs. Some strings have colored effects, which have special properties and cannot be dodged.

Dodging: Holding down D will automatically dodge attacks, as long as they aren't colored, a throw, or a Bomber. You cannot move back and forth while holding D, but you can press 8D or 2D to roll into the background or foreground respectively.

Throws: Throwing the opponent ignores blocking and dodging. When an opponent is grab, they will play a short minigame where they must press P+K when the cursor is over the blue bar to escape the grab. If the opponent hits the button on the grey bar or straight up miss, they lose 2 life-points. There is also sometimes a very short red bar at the end of the blue bar. When hit, the throw is reversed, and the aggressor must now make an attempt to escape. If the opponent is grabbed while holding D or charging a Bomber, they must hit a shorter yellow bar to escape.

Bombers: Bombers are this games version of super moves. They take a while to charge up, but can either take away 3 life-points on hit, or reduce the opponent to 1 HP on block. You can spam P+K to speed up the charging, or press D to cancle it. When a bomber is used, it uses up one of the orbs below the Bomber bar, and you only get 5 per credit (they do not replenish in the next match). Cancelling Bombers saves the orb.

Advanced Techniques

Tech Roll: Hitting D as soon as you hit the ground will cause you to recover backwards quickly. This can be the difference between getting bodying and getting bodied.

Circle Kick: Every character has access to 214K or 44k (214P for Hero). This makes them kick the part of the ring behind them, which can bump the opponent if they have their back to the other side of the ring.

Atemi: By hitting 6P+K or 3P+K as soon as an attack hits, you can catch the attack. You can also catch an attack while being air combo'd. Some characters have special Atemi unique to them. According to the original japanese website for the game, it also possible to Atemi Bombers, but this has not been recorded.

Toy King