Under Night In-Birth/UNIEL/Eltnum

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lol anime story

Unique Trait/Health

Eltnum has two unique traits. The first is that she is one of two characters in the game to have an air throw. The second is her Bullet gauge.
If you look under Eltnums health you'll see a unique meter that displays twelve bullets and a horizontal meter underneath that with a white section. She can have up to 12 bullets at a time, that are consumed by 236x and 22A/B. Once you are out of bullets you need to manually reload with 22C before you can shoot any more, this is where that second bar with the white zone comes into play, after you initiate the reload you must hit a button to confirm the reload. If you confirm while it's in the white area you will be rewarded with a special reload (indicated by shiny/pulsing bullets) instead of regular ones.
Health: 9,400





Approaching on Ground
Approacing from Air
Stopping Ground Approaches





Move List

Normal Moves

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 5 x x -2 x x -

A mid punch to Eltnums side. Hits mid, Standard combo starter. In Vorpal, you can whiff the move and cancel into other normals or specials to create frame traps during pressure.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 5 x x -2 x x -

A low kick, self cancelable. Has a fairly low profile. In Vorpal, you can whiff the move and cancel into other normals or specials to create frame traps during pressure.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 7 x x -6 x x -

Standing low kick,moves Eltnum slightly foward. block string fodder.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 6 x x -8 x x -

Crouching jab that pushes the player a bit forward. Good poke. Can also be used to move closer during a backstring so you can reverse beat into an A normal.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 12 x x -16 x x -

Unreal half screen normal, Eltnum takes a swing with her whip.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 12 x x -5 x x -

Two hit sweep, launches the opponent on hit. Hits low. On hit, 1st and 2 hit can be canceled. On block, only the second hit can be canceled. Has fairly far reach and can be used to punished whiffed moves such as Gordeau's 5C. Vital to your combo game and helpful at times in neutral

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 7 x x x x x -

Downward kick, can be used for air to ground.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 9 x x x x x -

Horizontal kick with pretty okay range, has a deceptive hitbox that hits farther back than it looks. Can cross up and be used as air to air as well.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 12 x x x x x -

Aerial somersault that hits the area right in front of Eltnum.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 18 x x x x x -

Same hitbox as j.C, keeps Eltnum in the air a little long which can help with avoiding some projectiles as well as alterating your jump arc. On hit, it pops the opponent up into the air.

Command Normals

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 26 x x -8 x x -

This is your overhead. Eltnum swings her leg and brings it down on the other players head. Somewhat slow but can be used to punish and GRD Break oponents who shield low. Can be followed up.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 32 x x -8 x x -

This is your overhead, only a bit slower. This is mostly a combo utility, on charge this move now ground bounces allowing for much more freedom with comboing from the move.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 21 x x +3 x x -

Follow up to 5C, Eltnum pulls her whip back. It is a little slow, but if you make your opponent block this, you'll be at a frame advantage and reel them towards you. Unless you use 5[C], then there is gap between 5C and 5CC in which the opponent can jump out so be cautious about using this too much.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 8 x x -10 x x -

A low swing that launches, jump cancel can be buffered very early by holding 8 while the move is coming out. Can be used to stuff grounded assault attempts.

Dash Normals

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 10 x x -5 x x -

Eltnum short hops and then takes a swing with her leg, on hit this will wall bounce.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x 10 x x -5 x x -

A rising attack followed by a dive kick. Just as it's described it has a hitbox while she's rising as well as on the dive kick. Second hit is an overhead. Mostly used for combos. It can only be cancelled into Chain Shift on block so don't rely to much on this when not in Vorpal.

Universal Mechanics

Force Function
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x x x x x x x -

Sion attacks with her whip. This is special cancellable.

Force Function (charged)
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x x x x x x x -


Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x x x x x x x -

On the ground, Sion kicks and knocks her opponent down.

Air Throw
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x x x x x x x -

Sion is also one of the only characters with an air grab. You can follow raw air grabs up with a combo.corner.

Special Moves

Hollow Point

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A x x x x x x x -

Sion shoots out horizontally. Pew pew. This attack has little duration but very good recovery. shoots 1 bullet.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B x x x x x x x -

3 shots and has more range.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX x x x x x x x -

laser that wall slams and gives you a free reload.

Warning Shot

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A x x x x x x x -

Sion shoots 1 shot at her feet. It's not punishable on block and can be used again or with other moves to create frame traps

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B x x x x x x x -

Shoots 5 shots at the opponent's feet. Super safe on block but has considerable amount of pushback. This is mainly used in combos so keep an eye on your bullets. Because this uses 5 bullets, you might not want to use this for blockstrings


Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x x x x x x x -

There is a small frame and a white bar under Sion's bullet stock. Should you press A, B, or C to match the white bar, it will allow Sion to load a stronger set of bullets. Sion's reinforced bullets glow in the bullet meter and have improved abilities.

Etherlite Air

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A x x x x x x x -

This is a DP, has upper body invincibility, and can be EX or CS cancelled in the first 3 hits.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B x x x x x x x -

has full body invincibility but cannot be canceled at all on block or whiff. Can chain shift on hit but can only only be followed up if it's a counter.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX x x x x x x x -

This move has fast start up with invicibilty. Good for reversals and combo enders for extra damage. Can be CS canceled once she lands.

Etherlite Ground

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A x x x x x x x -

Sion lays some etherlite to trip up the opponent. The A version is a low and if spaced properly is tough to punish on block but you are at a frame disadvantage.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B x x x x x x x -

B version is a mid and has more range. Good for catching people jumping.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX x x x x x x x -

The EX version hits mid and is air unblockable. It leaves the opponent in a standing position so you can follow up with a combo or go for a reset.

Cutting Sync

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A x x x x x x x -

Command dash. The A version makes her duck and move forward. Sion can move through her opponent with this.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B x x x x x x x -

The B version makes her kick straight up after the dash. You can jump or reverse-beat cancel this on hit. On block this move can cancel into other special moves which makes it possible to stagger pressue, though it's not recommended.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX x x x x x x x -

The EX version make her move forward at double speed, then rise up with a multi-hitting kick. You can reverse-beat cancel this on hit as well.

Slide Air

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
A x x x x x x x -

Dive catch-grab kick. A successful hit will have you slam the opponent into the ground. The A version is the fastest.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
B x x x x x x x -

The B version is slower but unblockable.

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
EX x x x x x x x -

The EX version will multi-hit, and you can change the direction of the subsequent hits left or right.

Infinite Words

Barrel Replica

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x x x x x x x -

Sion supports her body in place with etherlite then fires a huge beam.

Infinite Words EXS

Tri Hermes Blackland

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Cancels Guard/Shield Hitbox
x x x x x x x -

Same properties as everyone else's. 3601 damage raw.


2A>2B>2C(2)>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>dash C>22B>dash C>22C
2B>2C(2)>J.[C]>J.A (whiff)>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>dash C>22B>dash C>22C
3C>J.[C]>DJ.[C]>J.214A (whiff)>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>dash C>22B>dash C>22C

A starters:

2A*n(up to 3)>2C>JB>JA>JC>66C>22B>66C>22B>66C>22C

  • From blockstring when 2A hits more than twice. JB has to be slightly delayed.


  • This is your punish combo from max range 5A, and works well in frame traps for example, after 5CC)
  • The 6[B] will whiff on hyde, linne, and hilda, instead of 6[B], do JB>JC>66C>etc

B starters:

2B>2C(2)>J[C]>JA (whiff)>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>66C>22B>66C>22C

  • This game for Eltnum is all about landing this combo. High damage, works everywhere, character non-specific.

2B>2C(2)>J[C]>JA (whiff)>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>3C>J[C]>jc>J[C]>air throw

  • Same as above but when you are out of bullets and want to end the round. No time for reload, so use it sparingly.


  • Similar to above, but when you start with 2A, this is easier to execute since 5B>5[C] link can get dropped because of hitstun proration.

C starters:


  • Useful combos for when 2C hits (but not when it hits at its tip).

236 starters:


  • When 236B hits, use this for carry. Good neutral tool. You can start with 236C too for full screen punish.


  • Similar to above, but when you see the wall bounce is not enough for


  • Similar to above, but only when you are cornering your opponent close to wall.

421 starters:

421B>J[C]>JA (whiff)>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>66C>22B>66C>22C

  • Same as the first one, but with 421B starter. Does over 3.5k even without any buff.

421C>delayed J[C]>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>66C>22B>66C>22C

  • Quite some damage from a reversal. Works everywhere. delay J[C] as much as possible.

Assault starters:


  • From assult JC.

6D>deep JB>2C>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>66C>22B>66C>22C

  • (full BNB off Assault only possible with deep jB land 2C. 6[B] whiffs against Linne / Hyde / Hilda. Omit 6[B] and use jABC > 66C instead)

Air throw starters:

air throw>2C>9jc>J[C]>delayed JA(whiff)>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2C(1)>22B>66C>22C

  • From air throw at any height. You can punish assaults if you see it during Chain Shift.

air throw>dash 2B>9jc>J[C]>delayed JA(whiff)>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>66C>22C

  • From air throw at low heights.

Chain Shift Combos:

214A/B>CS>microdash 2C>J[C]>delayed JA(whiff)>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>66C>22B>66C>22C

  • If 2C hits OTG, omit the second 22B>66C.

j214A/B>CS>2C>J[C]>delayed JA(whiff)>5B>5[C]>421B>6[B]>2A(whiff)>22B>66C>22B>66C>22C


Alchemist Black Barrel Fleeting Lover Great Sphynx Fang and Nail
Transylvania Ghost Wing of Horus Aswan Falucca Psycho Garden Living Dead
Dunkelheit Burn Gem Nostalgia Silence Iceberg Neo Venus
Bello Girasole Summer Vacation Amore Pesco Jet Black Snow Fairy
