Battle Craze!!/Ci-Ci/C-Side

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link C-Ci-Ci focuses on a high level rushdown game using his high speed and air mobility to close in on the opponent. Poseidon can also be used for setplay and traps that force the opponent into strike throw mix if used properly.
Pros Cons
  • Rushdown: Ci-Ci can use his puddles to airdash toward the opponent at extreme speeds
  • Setplay: Has powerful setplay and traps, especially in the corner, thanks to Posiden.
  • Mix-Ups His C-Tech is an 8 way airdash, which allow up to change his direction in the air at will. This becomes even more powerful when combined with 1 bar craze cancels.
  • Grabs: His grabs do normal damage, however they also set up his puddles.
  • Lower Health: CiCi has 925 health, 75 points lower then normal
  • Small Normals: C-Ci-Ci normals are generally a little stubby, Mainly his jabs, Using and his other normals are the key to finishing combos in some situations
  • Low Damage: Without puddles Cici can struggle to get 300 damage.
  • Closing The Distance: This can be very difficult for Ci-Ci since he his approach options are telegraphed. Sometimes its best to be patient in neutral.


Trait "Tandem Link": Ajit gains a 5% attack bonus for the rest of the round after landing a Dire Counter or parrying with Future Sight, stacking up to 4 times.
Health 1000
Mobility Run

Move Overview

Universal Mechanics

Craze Tech