Asuka 120 LimitOver/Netplay

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Rollback with RetroArch

🧩 Setup

  1. Install RetroArch from Steam
  2. In Steam, Right click on RetroArch: Properties > Installed Files > Browse & put all files in "system" folder (if it doesn't exist, create it).
  3. Start RetroArch
  4. In the sidebar, select Import Content > Scan Directory, go to your ROM folder & click <Scan This Directory>.
  5. Settings > Latency
    • Run-Ahead to Reduce Latency: OFF
  6. Settings > Input > RetroPad Binds > Port 1 Controls
    • Map your input as your default xbox/PS controls, NOT the game input (btw Retroarch notation uses Nintendo's layout).
  7. Netplay > Network
    • Use Relay Server: ON
    • Relay Server Location: Custom
    • Custom Relay Server Address: for US (East) / for EU
      • ⚠️ If you don't see this, go to Settings > User Interface > Show Advanced Settings, toggle it ON.
    • Netplay Check Frames: 0
    • Input Latency Frames: 2
    • Frames Range: 3
  8. Netplay > Lobby Filters set everything to ON.
  9. In the sidebar, click on Saturn, find & launch LimitOver. Select SEGA Saturn (Beetle Saturn) for the core.
    • If you don't find LimitOver in the list, it might shown as "Asuka 120% Limited", click on it, check Information at the bottom & rename the correct file.
    Recommended Button layout
  10. Press F1, Control > Port 1 Controls
    • Assign the previously set RetroPad buttons (shown on the left) to the current console controller (on the right).
    • ⚠️ This part is NOT intuitive! Don't worry, it's not you, it's the emulator's fault. Press F1, to go back in game & test your buttons. Good luck.
  11. Once done, go to Control > Manage Remap Files > Save Remap File As so you never have to do this again.
  12. Now just set up your name in Settings > Users > Username and you're finally ready to play! ✨.

Host & Join

🌐 Host

  1. Netplay > Host > Start Netplay Host
  2. Start the game you want to host. Wait for your opponent ✨.

🌐 Join

  1. In Netplay > Refresh Netplay Host List
  2. Find your opponent in the list, click on them. Fight ✨.
    • If your game doesn't start: boot up the game and retry.
    • If you don't see a list: try to click Refresh LAN list then Resfresh host list again. If that doesn't do it restart RetroArch (sometimes restarting twice works too :V).