Pocket Bravery/System

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🇧🇷 PT

Last updated in version 1.23


Going to add unorganized notes about the system here, then organize them later.

There is an extremely weird but extremely important quirk with the game. When the training mode tells you a move is -8 on block, this means you need a move that starts up in 6 frames to punish it. After the recovery of every attack, there is 1 frame where you can block, but can't do anything else. This is accounted into how plus or minus a move is by the training mode, so even if you can only attack on the 9th frame after being -8 oB, you can block on the 8th frame.

Characters have different walk speeds.

Character life is universally 2000.

All characters have 4 prejump frames. Also 1 frame of recovery from landing.

Prejump frames are throw invulnerable (as is the frame of landing recovery), therefore a player holding up can never be thrown. You have throw protection for 13 frames after waking up.

Players can hold up to two bars of super, and two bars of elemental. All supers cost one super bar, all elemental attacks cost one bar of elemental.

You can cancel specials into elemental attacks (Called E.Cancels) for half of a super bar plus the normal cost of the elemental attack.

Similarly you can cancel specials into supers (Called S.Cancels) for half of a super bar plus the normal cost of the super.

Final attacks are only available when your character is at 30% health or less. They cost two elemental bars, and can only be used once per round (whether you hit or not).

You may press HP+HK to perform a breaker while in hitstun or blockstun. Using a breaker in hitstun costs two elemental bars. Using a breaker in blockstun costs one elemental bar.

Characters have a guard bar value of 46 (represented in pixels). Normal attacks deal 1 pixel per hit. Most special attacks deal 4 per hit (including many elemental attacks). Most single hitting supers do 13. There are some characters like hadassa whose kick special does 2 pixels per hit, and Mingmei qcf+KK which does 20 pixels.

The guard bar has four hidden pixels of value in it. Two at the start, and two at the end, with one more hit after those last two hidden pixels causing the break. (It's possible that technically the guard bar is 45 points, and it breaks once it reaches -1 rather than reaches 0, but I don't think that matters.) Besides these hidden pixels, the guard bar is accurate.

Supers cannot be broken.

Most supers do not inflict any stun.

All characters have a stun threshold of 1000.

It seems that all attacks (aside from most supers) incur 65% of their damage as stun. Since characters have 2000 life, and 1000 stun threshold, a character can only possibly be stunned once per round.

If you get stunned, you may not breaker at any point during the ensuing combo.

Characters may or may not have different total guard values.

When a character's guard bar is fully depleted, they enter a guard crush state momentarily where they cannot act for about 62 frames.

When a throw and strike would trade, the throw wins. Note: You cannot grab limbs in this game with throws.

All character's throw frame data is identical (I'm pretty sure), however damage and stun values differ pretty significantly.

Throw damage comparison:

Hector, Arshavin, Ndidi(Back): 264

Sho, Ximena, Hadassa, Kimberly(Back): 220

Jorge(Forward): 217

Kimberly(Forward): 212

Nuno: 205

Daisuke, Sebastian, Malika, Mingmei, Jorge(Back): 176

Ndidi(Forward): 129

After inputting a throw, you have about 30 frames to input a direction to throw them in (forward or back). No direction will result in throwing them forward.

Most character's fastest normal is their 5LP. Crouching LP/LK are generally slower than their standing counterparts. Most far standing heavy attacks are quite slow. This means many attacks can look extremely negative, such at -12, but are safe against most characters as long as the attack pushes you out of range of LP/LK.

