Big Bang Beat Revolve/FAQ

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Frequently Asked Questions

I'm having display issues!

Whether you're trying to fullscreen the game, or make the window not insanely small, this game will fight you at every turn.

  • To get a larger window, the best method is to use the application ResizeEnable, which will allow you to resize the window. This makes for a sharper image, although there is no way to get that fullscreen, and the framerate can be inconsistent sometimes, we're not sure why.
  • For fullscreen, it can be a little more complicated, but in config.ini make sure you set "fullscreen=1". Then, run the game in Windows 7 Compatibility Mode. If you're still having issues you may need to go into the graphics driver application, eg. Nvidia Control Panel, and change the resolution settings to scale fullscreen instead of aspect ratio.

Fullscreen is more consistent, and while a little blurry and even slightly wrong aspect ratio-wise, it is the preferred option for competitive play.

====Why should I play it?====

Big Bang Beat -Revolve- has some amazing universal systems and a very tight game feel, making it one of the best feeling anime fighters out there. This game has very freeform combos, and a low skill floor but high ceiling, making it fun no matter what skill level you are. All sorts of new tech is being found every day, so join the community and help us figure out this hidden gem!

Who should I play?

This game is very well balanced aside from Devil Daigo and Mecha Heita, so the simple answer is, play whoever you want! Here are some places to start if you're looking for something specific though: Good beginner characters: Big_Bang_Beat_RevolveRouga Big_Bang_Beat_RevolveSenna Big_Bang_Beat_RevolveRen

What is the balance this game like?

This game is still relatively unexplored as of now. The general community consensus is that outside a few outliers, the game is fairly well balanced and most characters have a lot of strong options. The universal mechanics help prevent anything too broken from happening for the most part, which helps in maintaining the relative balance. There are no definitive tier lists, however, here are a few community opinions:

Syrkle's Tier List

Text Version

Syrkle's Tier List

BROKEN: Kamui (banned)
S: Agito, Burai, Daigo, Ren
S-: Rouga, Senna, Kunagi, Manbou, Miyazato, Kinako
A: Heita, Hanny, Nakanishi
B: Kojirou
BOTTOM 3: Sanzou, Mecha Heita, Devil Daigo

My character's combo isn't working!

This can happen because of one of two things. The first reason you might encounter this is that combos in the game can be super character specific and therefore will drop against some characters, the biggest offenders being the Heitas, Hanny, Ren, and Agito. The second is that a lot of the initial information on these pages is moved over for a highly inaccurate fandom wiki, and therefore can often be from a previous version of the game. We will do our best to correct these, but if you have the suspicion this is the case for a combo, let us know on the Discord server.

How can I help?

The biggest thing right now is getting the game a proper netcode client. As it is right now we have been able to somewhat reverse engineer the game, but we don't have anyone with the programming knowledge to fix us up with netcode. Otherwise, this wiki can always use more combos, better framedata, or if you can figure out how to get hitboxes. There is a lot of unexplored potential with this game, so come explore with us!

BBBR Navigation

M. Heita