Lethal League Blaze/Toxic/Data

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Revision as of 07:03, 28 June 2024 by Grati0 (talk | contribs)
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Character Hurtboxes

Standing Width Standing Height Half Crouch Width Half Crouch Height Crouch Width Crouch Height Laying Width Laying Height
60 138 60 96 80 64 138 45

Character Hitboxes

Swing Grab Smash Front Smash Top Bunt Spike Throw Height Lowest Point
124 x 138 110 x 138 110 x 138 110 x 100 110 x 178 121 x 170 89 79

Character Angles

Up Ground Down Air Down Smash Spike Forward Spike Backward
57° -25° -35° -41° -21° -106°