Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Gordeau

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He reaps. He slashes his enemies to satisfy, but it is not enough -- he wishes to reunite
with an old friend. Offering a souveneir for an old acquaintance. The land is fast, expanding
as far as the eye can see. The sky, without boundaries, no ceiling. He raises his sickle,
and prepares for the night.


Gordeau is one of the founding members of Amnesia, alongside Chaos and Hilda. During a skirmish with the Bankikai, his friend Roger was turned into a void, and was subsequently put down by Wagner. This caused him to leave Amnesia in order to hunt down Wagner as atonement for encouraging him to go out that night (though he still works for them as a hired mercenary).

During his non-Night activities, he works as a bartender. Currently freeloading at Chaos's house.

Unique Trait/Health

Health: 10,800

Character Trait: Gordeau's "assimilation" grabs all steal GRD from the opponent

Vorpal Trait: In Vorpal, Gordeau's force function gains head invuln, increased reach, and -3f startup and recovery.


Gordeau boasts some of the best footsies tool among the cast, with a mixture of kicks and punches that make him stressful to deal with up close, along with his scythe to poke out opponents at range. Along with some great mix-up potential, including several standing overheads and command grabs, and three great reversals, he's quite threatening when he gets within his effective range. In addition, most of his standard combos will end with Assimilation, which steals one block of GRD from his opponent, which gives him an easy way to maintain a lead.

That said, he can have problems approaching the opponent from afar, as he has no projectile or other gimmick to help him, meaning he has to use standard methods of approach like dash-blocking to close distance and get his game-plan started. But that isn't the worst problem to have. Enjoy your high-tier.

Move List

L = Low, H = High, UNB = Unblockable, CS = Chain Shift

Startup includes the first active frame.

Normal Moves

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
180 L Sp,EX,CS - - Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 2 12 - -1 -

Gordeau's fastest normal and works like many standing light kicks in other fighters. Near worthless in neutral, but works well as a pressure starter and a reverse beat from 5C.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
160 HL Se,Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 2 13 - -3 -

Crouches and does a jab. Longer reach than 5A and can be rapid-fired. Standard pressure tool.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
510 HL Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 4 17 - 0 -

Steps forward and punches the opponent's stomach area. Short reach.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
490 L Sp,EX,CS - - Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 3 17 - -4 -

Forward low kick with a decent reach. Standard crouching medium kick normal. Somewhat takes second fiddle as a low mix up next to 3C. Can OTG off of a Mortal Slide for combos.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
690 HLA Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 6 38 - -26 -

Steps forward to slam his scythe down. A safe poke with long reach, but is air-blockable.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
950 H Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
30 6 37 - -25 -

Becomes an overhead and is no longer air-blockable if fully charged. More reliable than the regular version, but midscreen often requires B Mortal Slide to be used to follow-up, using up two ground bounces, so good combo execution is a must.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
350,420 (744) L,H Sp,EX,CS - - Foot, Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 3(5)6 22 - -10 -

Swings his scythe right above him in an outward arc. Useful anti-aerial and works to get the opponent airborne during a combo.

head invincible frames 14~18

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 H/AS Sp,EX,CS - - Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 4 X+2 - Varies -

Punches downwards. Standard air-to-ground light punch attack.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
250,350 (582) H/AS Sp,EX,CS - - Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 2(8)6 X+3 - Varies -

Two horizontally long forward kicks. Decent air-to-air and air-combo filler.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
610 H/AS Sp,EX,CS - - Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 4 X+4 - Varies -

An aerial ax kick laced with darkness. Common Assault starter.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750 H/AS Sp,EX,CS - - Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 5 X+4 - Varies -

Same as j.C, fully charged version slams the opponent to the ground making it possible to continue the combo.

Command Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
720 H Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
27 5 16 - -3 -

Steps forward and punches down. Hits overhead. Can be cancelled to specials on hit.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
520 HL Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 2 16 - -2 -

Standing kick with the same animation as 66B. Causes sit-down on counterhit.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
610 (710) L (Sp),(EX),(CS) - - Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 (17) 10 13 (15) - +4 to -5(-7 charged) -

Sliding kick with long reach. Move stays active for a long period of time and sweeps on hit. Cannnot be cancelled on block. Can be charged for longer range, but more disadvantageous on block. values in () are charged

Dash Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
660 HL Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
10 2 12 - -2 -

Yakuza kick. Safe move even if guarded.

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
980 HL Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 12 12 - +2 to -8 -

Tackles the opponent with a shoulder charge. Causes wallbounce if the move hits. Cancellable on block.

Universal Mechanics

Rusty Nail
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1221 (1527) HL (CS) - - Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
23 (18) 4 24 - +1 -

Uses his claws for three long slashes. Move has a long hitbox, but it can be dodged by crouching right in front of Gordeau. Crumples on hit, making it easy to follow-up. in vorpal gains increased properties which are listed in ()

Air normal invincible frames 10~26
During Vorpal air normal invincible frames 8~23

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1510 UNB - - - Throw
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 1 22 - Normal: +19 (combo stun)
[2]: +6 (combo stun)

Grabs the opponent in a one-handed hold, chokes them with a single grasp, and then throws them towards the edge of screen with an underhanded throw. Can combo in corner.

Additionally Gordeau can also drop the opponent right before him by holding 2 during the throw, can combo from this state.

Guard Cancel
Normal Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 HL - - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 5 26 - -12 -

Completely invincible frames 1~15

Vorpal Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 HL - - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5 26 - -12 -


Completely invincible frames 1~12

Veil Off
Normal Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 HLA - - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20~68 2 Till L+7 - Uncharged:-13 Charged:-14 -

Universal reversal. Invincible from start-up until the first active frame. You can delay the start-up until the 68th frame, but there's no real incentive to do so outside of thwarting meaty attacks.

Completely invincible frames 1~30/91

Cross-Cast Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 HL - - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
2 4 20 - +3 -

Occurs if enemy is in hitstun. Used mostly as a way to tack on extra damage, or to reliably close out the round.

Completely invincible frames 1~19

Special Moves

Mortal Slide

A Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1434 HL Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 4(4)6 15 - -3 -

Absolutely amazing special. Its long reach and safe frame advantage gives Gordeau a great poking option, and it can be used to start, extend, and end combos.

B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1434 HL Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
22 4(4)6 17 - -5 -

Slower startup and longer reach than A version. Really only used off of combo starters like 5[C] or Dash C that cause the opponent to be too far away for A version to hit.

EX Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
2039 HL (CS) - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+13 2(4)3 27 - +5 -

EX version causes Gordeau to drag the opponent in, launch them up, and Mortal Glide them away. Decent combo ender, but its most common use is during pressure with it dragging the opponent to Gordeau and leaving him at an incredible frame advantage. Even if shielded, it still leaves him at +1.

Throw invincible frames 1~3

Shaded Harvest

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
850 HL Sp,EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 2 27 - -6 -

Follow-up for the ground version. The button used has no effect on the move's properties. Swings the scythe back dragging the opponent right before Gordeau. Can be comboed with normals on hit.


Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1600 UNB (CS) - - Throw
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 4 30 - +14 (combo stun) -

Shade Harvest's follow-up. Same move as his special Assimilation. Grabs the opponent, absorbs 1 GRD block and forces them down. Does a little more damage than the normal one.

Mortal Glide
A Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1434 HL EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 2(10)8 X+9 - -10 -

Does a little twirl with his scythe in the air. Air unblockable nature and wide reach means that this move will win most air-to-air exchanges. Doesn't show up that much in combos.

B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1434 HL EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 2(10)8 X+9 - -19 -

Identical to the A version, but this causes Gordeau to fly backwards. Used more for defense.

EX Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
2039 HL (CS) - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+13 9 X+9 - +8 -

This is a midair reversal. And that's beautiful.

Strike and projectile invincible frames 1~13
Throw invincible frames 1~3

Grim Reaper

A Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1345 HL EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 6(9)3 19 - -6 -

Moves forward while doing a really big spinning swing with his scythe. Second swing causes wall bounce. Works as an excellent anti-aerial since the move is aerial unblockable. Slow startup but fast recovery.

  • 623A is whiff cancellable, allowing you to follow-up with 236C to make it safe provided you have meter.

Head invincible frames 15~16
Air Strike invincible frames 13~16

B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1415 HL EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 6(9)3 28 - -15 -

Starts up faster then A version but with longer recovery.

  • 623B is whiff cancellable, allowing you to follow-up with 236C to make it safe provided you have meter.

Head invincible frames 9~10
Air Strike invincible frames 7~10

EX Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
2074 HL (CS) - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+6 6(9)3(10)6(9)4 33 - -18 -

EX version has some invincibility. In the EX version Gordeau does four swings instead of two.

Completely invincible frames 1~8


Ground command grab
Ground command grab
Anti-air command grab
Anti-air command grab
Super command grab
Super command grab
A Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1400 UNB (CS) - - Throw
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 2 25 - +14 (combo stun) -

Command grab where Gordeau uses his free hand to dig into the opponent and rips out a part of their soul, which absorbs 1/2 GRD block. Move can't be followed without Chain Shift and does lower damage than Gordeau's normal grab, but has longer reach than his normal grab.

Throw invincible frames 1~12

B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1500 UNB (CS),(EX) - - Throw
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 5 24 - +16 (combo stun) -

An anti-aerial version of Assimilation. Opponent can recover sooner then A or EX version.

Air normal invincible frames 6~12

EX Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1600 UNB (CS) - - Throw
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+11 2 25 - +28 (combo stun) -

EX version's start-up has some invincibility. If EX version is used the opponent can't use roll to recover.

Completely invincible frames 1~13

Precise Aim

A Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
550 HL EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 3 15 - +7 -

Slams the top of the scythe on the ground.

B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1484 H EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 4(12)17(11)5 34 - -9
(22F gap before overhead)

After the scythe hits the ground Gordeau picks it back up to continue witn an aerial swing. Last hit is overhead.

EX Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
2005 H (CS) - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+8 5(20)42(11)6 35 - -23 -

EX version has invincibility and its final slash is air-unblockable.

Completely invincible frames 1~28

Precise Aim (air)

A Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
110*6 All EX,CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 17 X+9 - - -

Does the scythe spinning animation during the middle of 22B

B Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
100*4, 850 H EX,CS - - Strike, Air Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 12(Till before ground)3 28 - -5 -

Performs both the spinning and the slamming animation from 22B

EX Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
55*6, 1100 H (CS) - - Strike, Air Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+11 36(Till before ground)5 34 - -21 -

j.214B on steroids

Throw invincible frames 1~3

Infinite Worth


Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3095 HLA - - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+12 3(12)3(11)4(15)6(24)5(8)3(3)3(3)3(6)3 19 - -4 -

Twirls the scythe around after four quick slashes. First slash has a horizontally wide reach so it is pretty easy to combo into. Move also has good invincibility and a wallbounce at the end if the last hit connects.

Completely invincible frames 1~27
Throw invincible frames 28~31

Infinite Worth EXS

Soul Exodus

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3623 HLA - - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 3 49 - -26 -

Starts with a purple pillar of light. If it hits, a special animation will be shown and around 3500 damage is dealt. Use of the move will cause GRD Break, except if the user is in a Vorpal state before using it. If used within a combo, damage of the move is greatly reduced.

Completely invincible frames 1~26


Basic Combos


2B>5B>5C>3C>2B>3C>2C>Charged j.C


Mid Screen

  • 5A Starter

5A>5B>2B>5C>3C>236A>236A>2C>Charged j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A

  • 2A Starter

2A (Up to 3 times)>5B>5C>3C>236A>236A>2C>Charged j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A

  • 5B Starter

5B>2B>5C>3C>236A>236A>3C>2C>Charged j.C>j.A>j.B>3C>236A>236A>236A


  • 2B Starter

2B>5B>2C(1)>5C>3C>236B>236B>2C>Charged j.C>j.A>j.B>3C>236A>236A>236A

2B(Hit with the tip)>5C>3C>236A>236A>3C>2C>Charged j.C>j.A>j.B>3C>236A>236A>236A

  • 2C Starter

2C>j.B>j.C>3C>2B>Delay 3C>3C>236A>236A>236A

2C>Charged j.C>(3C>)>236A>236A>2C>236B>236B>236B

2C>5A (Whiff)>5B>j.B>j.C>3C>2B>Delay 3C>3C>236A>236A>236A

  • 3C Starter



  • 6B Starter

6B>22A>2B>236A>236A>2C>Charged j.C>j.A>j.B>3C>236A>236A>236A


  • Assault Starter

Assault j.C>5A>5B>5C>3C>236A>236A>2C>Charged j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A

Assault j.C>5B>2B>5C>3C>236A>236A>2C>Charged j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A

  • Mortal Slide Starter

236A/B>236A/B>3C>2C>Charged j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A


  • Grim Reaper Starter

623A/B/C (Chain Shift)>(Dash)>j.B>j.C>5B>236B>236B>2C>Charged j.C>j.A>j.B>3C>236A>236A>236A

623A/B/C (Chain Shift)>(Dash>j.B>j.C>3C>236A>236A>2C>Charged j.C>j.A>j.B>3C>236A>236A>236A

623A/B/C (Chain Shift)>(Dash)>j.B>j.C>5B>236B>236B>2B>5C>j.B>j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A

623A/B/C (Chain Shift)>(Dash)>j.B>j.C>3C>236A>236A>2B>5C>j.B>j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A

623A/B (Aerial hit)>22C>(Dash)>2C>Charged j.C>j.A>j.B>3C>236A>236A>236A

623A/B (Aerial hit)>22C>(Dash)>2B>5C>j.B>j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A

  • A or EX Assimilation Starter

214A/C (Chain Shift)>5C>3C>236A>236A>2B>5C>j.B>j.C>3C>236B>236B>236B

214A/C (Chain Shift)>22A>2C>236B>236B>2B>5C>j.B>j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A

  • Throw Starter

Throw (Hold the stick down)>5A>5B>2C>2B>5C>3C>236B>236B>236B (Doesn't work on Linne)

Throw (Hold the stick down)>5A>2C>Charged j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A

  • Notes:

2C>Charged j.C>j.A>j.B drops really easily against Vatista and Chaos. Recommended to use other routes against them.

2B>5C>j.B>j.C>3C often drops against Eltnum. Try to evade using that route.


  • 5B Starter

5B>2B>5C>236A>236A>Dash C>22A>5B>j.B>j.C>3C>236A>236A>236A


  • 2B Starter



Combo 1: [j.C] > 3C > 236A > 236A > 236A

Combo 2: j.B(2) > j.C > 3C > 236A > 236A > 236A

Combo 3: [j.C] > j.A > j.B(1) > 3C > 236A > 236A > 236A

Combo 4: j.B(2nd hit only) > j.C > j.B(2) > j.C > 5B > 236A > 236A > 236A (might be char specific?)

Combo 5: j.B(2) > j.C > 3C > 2B > 3C > 3C > 236A > 236A > 236A


2Ax3 > 2B > 5C > 236A > 236A > 2C > Combo 1

5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > 236A > 2C > Combo 1

(near corner) 5B > 5C > 236A > 236A > dash C > 22A > 5B > Combo 2

2B > 5C > (3C) > 236A > 236A > 3C > 2C(1) > Combo 2

236A > 236A > 2C > Combos 1-4

236A > 236A > 3C > 2B > 5C > Combo 2

(near corner) 236A > 236A > 3C > 22B > 2B > 5C > Combo 2

B+C > 236A > 236A > 2C > Combo 1

Throw (hold 2) > 5A > 2C > Combo 1

Throw (hold 2) > 5A > 5B > 2B > 5C > 3C > 22B > (41236D)

(corner) 22B > 2B > 5C > Combo 2

6B > 22A > 2B > 236A > 236A > 2C > Combo 3

6B > 22A > 3C > 2B > 5C > Combo 2

(near corner) dash C > 22A > 5B > 236A > 236A > 2B > 5C > Combo 2

2C > Combo 5

623A/B > 236C

Chain Shift:

5A > 5B > 5C > 3C > 236A > 236A > 2C > j.%5BC%5D > j.A > j.B(1) > 5B > 22C > CS > Veil Off > 41236D

Throw (hold 2) > 5A > 5B > 2B > 2C > 5C > 3C > 22B > 22C > CS > Veil Off > 41236D

(corner only?) 214A > CS > 22A > 2C(1) > 236A > 236A > 2B > 5C > Combo 2

(side switch combo) 214A > CS > 6D > j.%5BC%5D > 5C > 236A > 236A > 2B > 5C > Combo 2

623A/B > CS > dash j.B(2) > j.C > 5B > 236A > 236A > 2B > 5C > Combo 2

623A/B(only specific version?) > CS > j.B(2) > j.C > 3C > 236A > 236A > 2B > 5C > j.B(2) > j.C > 3C > 22B > (214C)

(near corner) 623A/B > CS > 22A > 3C > 22B > 2B > 5C > j.B(2) > j.C > 3C > 22B > (41236D)

623A/B > 236C > CS > Assault > j.%5BC%5D > dash 2B > 5C > Combo 2

623C > CS > dash j.B(2) > j.C > 5B > 236B > 236B > 2C(2) > Combo 3

(corner) 623C > CS > 22A > 3C > 22B > 2B > 22A > 5B > Combo 2


