Mizuumi Wiki:NG, The Newgrounds Fighting Game/Fancy Pants

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Fancy Pants Man.png


Fancy Pants Man is the main protagonist of the Fancy Pants Adventures franchise. A young, energetic, & clearly fancy stick figure with signature orange pants, Fancy Pants resides in his hometown, Squiggleville, where he protects the townspeople including his sister.

Fancy Pants Man has had multiple appearances in Newgrounds crossovers, one of which being Newgrounds Rumble where in his story mode he was cordially invited to Free Ice Cream Day in the realm of Newgrounds, Fancy Pants Man couldn't help but grab the nearest portal over. But he'll quickly soon discover that Newgrounds is not a land of niceties or free ice cream.

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Fancy Pants Man.png Fancy Pants Man
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  • Coming soon
  • Coming soon



  • Fancy Pants Man is the very few characters that is consistent with their prototype sprite to current in Project: NG
  • Fancy Pants Man was originally going to be in the base game of Newgrounds Rumble but was cut due to time constraints. But due to popular fan demand, he was later added to Newgrounds Rumble as the final character
    • Originally, the final update was going to be the Fancy Pants Man stage but it ended up never happening due to Brad Borne being unable to finish the stage on time

Fancy Pants Man stage cut.png