Mizuumi Wiki:NG, The Newgrounds Fighting Game/Salad Fingers

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Salad Fingers.png


Salad Fingers is a surreal post-apocalyptic, psychological horror Flash cartoon series created by British cartoonist David Firth in July 2005. It is usually featured on YouTube and Newgrounds.

Salad Fingers has had multiple appearances in Newgrounds crossovers, one of which being Newgrounds Rumble where in his story mode he isn't particularly aware that a lot of the Newgrounds Rumble cast are trying to kill him. But due to some severe chemical imbalances giving him longer arms, jump height, and super strength, he'll become just as sturdy a competitor once people step inside his comfort bubble.

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Salad Fingers.png Salad Fingers
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  • Salad Fingers prototype design is faithful to his original appearance in Newgrounds Rumble until it was later replaced with a different design unique to Project: NG.
    • Salad Fingers sprites file size in Newgrounds Rumble was so big at the time (1.2 MB) that in the Newgrounds Rumble interview if they were ever to make a sequel then Salad Fingers sprites would need to be redesigned.

Rumble Interview for the Salad Fingers.jpg