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This template defines the table "PFE_DefaultMovelists". View table.

Template DocumentationEdit This Documentation
== Usage ==

Everything is self explanatory except for stockIcon, which is there purely for the Cargo table. Just fill it as the character's stock icon filename, like PFE_Blocky_Stock.png.

| gameCharacter	= 
| nameDisplayed = 
| stockIcon	= 
| characterInit = 
| jab   	= 
| dashAttack	= 
| fTilt 	= 
| uTilt 	= 
| dTilt 	= 
| fSmash	= 
| uSmash	= 
| dSmash	= 
| nAir  	= 
| fAir  	= 
| bAir  	= 
| uAir  	= 
| dAir  	= 
| nSpec 	= 
| fSpec 	= 
| uSpec 	= 
| dSpec 	= 
| grab  	= 
| dashGrab 	= 
| pummel 	= 
| zAir  	= 
| fThrow 	= 
| bThrow  	= 
| uThrow 	= 
| dThrow  	= 
| getUpAtk 	= 
| ledgeAtk  	= 
| itemThrow	= 
| itemAtk 	= 
| taunt  	= 
| finalSmash	= 


Note: This example uses a parameter storeInCargo to prevent this example being stored in the Cargo table.

PFE Blocky Stock.png Blocky Moveset
Jab jab_chrom
Dash Attack dash_attack_claw
FTilt ftilt0
UTilt utilt0
DTilt dtilt0
FSmash fsmash_chrom
USmash usmash0
DSmash dsmash0
NAir nair_joker
FAir fair_bayonetta
BAir bair_cloud_Sim
UAir uair_cloud
DAir dair_shulk
NSpec nspec_hadoken
FSpec fspec_afterburner_Kick
USpec uspec_zss
DSpec dspec_falling_attack
Grab grab0
DashGrab dash_grab0
Pummel pummel0
ZAir -1
FThrow fthrow0
BThrow bthrow0
UThrow uthrow_Combo
DThrow dthrow_Combo
GetUpAtk getup_attack0
LedgeAtk ledge_attack0
ItemThrow item_throw0
ItemAtk item_attack0
Taunt taunt0
Final Smash final_smash0

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