Template:O.tog Prof FData

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Note about Hitboxes & Data!
Genkai Laugh.png

The tools used to capture the hitboxes for YYMD are from a tool that isn't ready for public use, and was graciously given to the TF wiki editors specifically to present what we can for those interested in playing and learning YuYuMD. Wishing to respect the developers' intent, the tools will not be hosted here at this time. When that changes or when new tools become available, we will certainly do everything we can to make them as publicly accessible as possible! Until then, we hope the info we can provide, helps!

Crouching Normals

Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
2B / 2YY B.png
yes - Low 1 1 - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
2A / 2YY A.png
no - Low 1 1 - -


Ken Henge

Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
236A/236YY A.png
j.236A/j.236YY A.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
236B/236YY B.png
j.236B/j.236YY B.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -

Can be performed Grounded or Jumping. Both the YY A.png and YY B.png versions share the same frames and hitboxes, but travel at different speeds.

A useful screen-travel tool if nothing else. The grounded versions, especially the slower YY B.png can leave a lot to be desired. A properly timed back-dash has enough invincibility to push against Ken Henge and punish its recovery.

The Air versions though can be especially useful. They can be freely controlled either up or down during travel and can be acted out of as well. Against taller characters like Y.Toguro, Sensui, or even Chu, it's possible to time an air Ken Henge to hit the top of the opponent, then chain together a 3 or 4-hit combo before landing and potentially further extending the combo.

Chichu Syokusyu
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
22A / 22YY A.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
22B / 22YY B.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -

While not immensely significant, O.Toguros hurtboxes do slightly differ between YY A.png and YY B.png. Otherwise, the important difference is the location on the screen that the attack appears, depending on whether the YY B.png (short) or YY A.png (far) version is used.

"I'm about to ruin this mans whole career"
Six hours later
"I'm about to ruin this mans whole career"
Six hours later
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
22C / 22YY C.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -
Zenhoukou Syokusyu
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
A+B / YY A.png+YY B.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
28A, B or C
28YY A.png, YY B.png or YY C.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -
File:O.Tog Stills 28All.png

The only differences between the different versions are the distances across the screen that O.Tog teleports. The different buttons correspond to the same distance away from O.Tog regardless of whether he is facing left or right, and he will always be facing the opposite direction that he teleported from.

Really great corner-escape tool if your opponent can't time an effective meaty, and can be especially useful in neutral against characters that thrive off of being up-close. The startup also lasts quite some time and can be used to trick opponents into continuing to attack O.Tog's after-images since the frozen teleport frame is so similar to his idle animation. Very easily punishable if the opponent catches on, however. If they predict a teleport and stay within range of the YY B.png and YY A.png versions, it can be fairly easy to react to and punish accordingly before O.Tog recovers.


Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
6262A/6262YY A.png
No - Mid 1 1 - -

Note: Input notation used is "literal", but is easier accomplished by doing a reverse double quarter circle. Even then, admittedly, this is one of the more obnoxious supers to execute due to YYMDs turn-around mechanics.

  • Directional Notation: T Right.pngT DownRight.pngT Down.pngT Right.pngT DownRight.pngT Down.png YY A.png
  • Number Notation: 632632A

The super can be stopped mid-animation by tapping C / YY C.png.

O.Toguro transforms into Ken Henge, then starts wildly spinning. Can be freely controlled left and right, regardless of which direction O.Tog was facing during startup.

Technically speaking, this is one of the best supers in the game, since it can instantly kill every member of the cast with a very specific dizzy setup. Otherwise, O.Tog cannot combo into it, and its slow startup makes it fairly unpractical until the opponent is dizzied- in which case, why not just go for the instant kill. The beginning transformation during startup is practically identical to Ken Henge, so it could be used to trick the opponent into thinking O.Tog will be dashing forward with Ken Henge, then catch them off-guard when the super begins.


Forward Dash
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
66 / T Right.pngT Right.png
yes - Mid 1 1 - -

Back Dash
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
44 / T Left.pngT Left.png
YY C.png+YY B.png
yes - Mid 1 1 - -
(Blocking High)
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
5C / YY C.png
yes - Mid 1 1 - -

"So you've chosen Death..."
"So you've chosen Death..."
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
6A / 6YY A.png
(While close)
yes - - - - - -
Input Chain Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv
A+B+C / YY A.pngYY B.pngYY C.png
(While close)
yes - - - - - -

Reference list of Misc left to add:

- Blocking Low