Battle Craze!!/Tsugumi/C-Side

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link C-Tsugumi serves as a prime example of a glass cannon for Battle craze. Her lightning fast speed and pressure makes her something to be feared. Her C-Tech can make getting in on your opponent a breeze, and when you do your opponent will be begging for lighting to strike..well once I guess.
Pros Cons
  • The fastest run in the game
  • The best pressure in the game: her CT makes her attacks very ambiguous since you can cancel into them on block as long as you don't use a special/super.
  • Mix-ups: if used right. It can also let you preform left right mix, but it will be minus when not cancelled from 263+LP.
  • High Damage: BIG damage thanks to A combo extending level 2 and Raijin Force.
  • Low Health: Has the second lowest health value in the game
  • Reliance on meter and her charge for her best damage.


Trait "Raijin Force": After contacting with 3 bolt attacks, Tsugumi gains a brief burst of speed. During this time, her Craze Technique consumes this buff in order to enhance it, and allow it to cancel out of specials.
Health 900
Mobility Run

Move Overview

Universal Mechanics

Craze Tech