Comic Party Wars 2/Controls

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< Comic Party Wars 2
Revision as of 16:00, 20 June 2024 by Ura (talk | contribs) (writing all missing mechanics)
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This wiki uses numpad notation.

Important Note: for special move inputs to register in this game, you must hold down the last directional input while you press the attack button.

Basic Controls

CPW2 is a 4 button fighter, with A, B, C, and D corresponding to Light, Medium, Heavy, and Deflect/Parry. Dash and backdash are 66 and 44 respectively. No character except for Aya can cancel their dash. For characters that have an airdash, it's j.66 and can be done infinitely many times when airborne. There is no backward airdash.

Universal Mechanics

Most characters have a wallslam on 6C. All characters have a launcher on 3C, which they can follow up with a superjump. Eimi jumps automatically. Most supers are on 236236X or 214214X inputs with the strength of the attack button corresponding to the amount of meter used.

Pending the completion of this wiki, the official move list is "技表とシステム.txt" in the CPW directory. The characters are organized how they are on CSS, throw whichever character you wanna know about into a machine translator of your choice.


[6C (near opponent)]

Can't be teched. Some throws can be done in midair.

Desparation Mode

When your health reaches 1/3rd it's original amount (visible by your flashing life bar), the C versions of many special moves and a desperation super costing 3 bars on 236236236C are able to be performed.

Universal Overhead


Chisa and Asahi are the few exceptions to this; Chisa's UO is a short jump that does no damage, and Asahi has none whatsoever.

Hyper Break/Double Jump


AKA, Roman Cancel. Allows you to cancel almost any move into another, usually at the cost of 1 bar. For characters with command normals on B or C, it is recommended to input it as 5BC, as the command normal is sometimes given priority and may cause nothing to come out otherwise.

When performed in midair, 8BC becomes an additional jump.



A high jump that always moves you forward. Usually used after your launcher.

Quick Stand


Allows you to recover faster after hitting the ground.

Getting Started
System Mechanics