Shaman King: Spirit of Shamans/Yoh Oversoul V2

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Yoh Asakura (Over Soul V.2) (麻倉 葉 [O.S.])


SMP: 270
OSP: 90
Initial Spirit Percentage: 73%
GP: ???

Spirit Fusion, Amidamaru! In Harusame!
Character Voice: Yuuko Satou

Yoh Asakura is the main character of Shaman King. He fights alongside his spirit Amidamaru, who he creates Over Soul with by integrating Amidamaru's spirit with that of his sword, Harusame. After training in the Yomi Cave his Over Soul evolved into Over Soul V.2.


The last of the three Yoh clones in this game. He has the highest stats and normal damage out of the three but the lowest special move damage. Yoh has good projectiles and pokes for zoning, and due to Oversoul V2 rectifying one of Spirit Fusion's only weaknesses (being the low SMP/HP), it's considered both the best version of Yoh and one of the best characters in the whole game.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Harusame's Length: Yoh has access to many very long pokes, which due to their range tend to be very safe and can also be confirmed off of quite easily.
  • Buddha Slash: 6SP / j.6SP is a decently large, very fast and high damage projectile that is just as good at zoning as it is in combos; midscreen or in the corner. It also has the added bonus of being extremely hard to reflect due to its speed.
  • Simplicity: Yoh has access to easy and rewarding combo routes, with two good chain enders and a very surefire way to combo into 6SP on the ground.
  • Quit Blocking Low: j.W is one of the most consistent Instant Overheads in the whole game, and while it does not do a lot of damage, it is an extremely valuable tool that allows Yoh to easily open up people that are constantly blocking his pokes and 6SP.
  • Limited gameplan: While Yoh is an effective character, he is very much a one-trick pony that over-relies on his strong pressure and pokes and can be adapted to somewhat easily, which forces Yoh to be creative in how he mixes up his options.

Move List

Startup DOES NOT include the first active frame.
Damage values are based on the characters initial Spirit Percentage.


(WARNING:ATM OV Yoh's movelist is just a pasted version of SF Yoh's. It may even be outdated)

Standing Normals

SKSOS YohSF f5W.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 4 All

Yoh thrusts forward with the Harusame. Unapologetically disgusting poke that can confirm chains from lightyears away. Very good for frame trapping and stuffing the opponent out.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 3 All

Yoh does a small vertical slash with the Harusame. A fast proximity normal. Good for guaranteed but low damage chains.

SKSOS YohSF f5S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 6 All

Yoh slashes horizontally with the Harusame. Although having slightly shorter reach than f.5W and more startup, it does double the damage and still retains somewhat far reach which allows it to chain almost as well as f.5/2W.

SKSOS YohSF c5S.png
Overhead that actually isn't one
Overhead that actually isn't one
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 7 All

Yoh slashes vertically with the Harusame. A risky proximity normal that can be stuck into chains with good spacing.

Crouching Normals

SKSOS YohSF f2W.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 5 Low

Similiar to f.5W in its terrifying range but hits low and is frame slower.

SKSOS YohSF c2W.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 3 Low

c.5W but low.

SKSOS YohSF f2S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 6 Low

Yoh slashes horizontally with the Harusame. A low version of f.5S.

SKSOS YohSF c2S.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 10 Low

A slow low rise of his Harusame. This move is specifically made for low profile anti-airing opponents. Using this for any other reason is a death wish.

Chain Enders

W ender
SKSOS YohSF W Ender.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 ? ?

Yoh slashes with the Harusame. Wallsplats the opponent on hit and causes knockdown. This ender unfortunately lacks utility and is the worse of the two.

S ender
SKSOS YohSF S Ender.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 ? ?

Yoh swings upwards with the Harusame. Launches the opponent on hit which allows you to extend your combos. Can lead to a lot of damage in the corner.

Jump normals

SKSOS YohSF jW.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 3 High

Yoh thrusts downwards with the Harusame. Works as a combo starter.

SKSOS YohSF jS.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 8 High

Yoh does a downwards arcing slash with the Harusame. Works as a combo starter.

Dash normals

Forward Dash Attack
SKSOS YohSF fdW.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 3 All

Yoh thrusts forward with the Harusame. Allows Yoh to advance with a hitbox. This is a great poke.

Backward Dash Attack
SKSOS YohSF bdW.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
6 5 All

Yoh pokes forward with the Harusame. Allows yoh to evade safely with a hitbox directly in front of him.

Special Moves

Amida-Ryuu: Gokoujin
阿弥陀流: 後光刃 (Amida-Style: Halo/Nimbus Blade)
Was never ever a Shoryuken in the source material, but it'll do here.
Was never ever a Shoryuken in the source material, but it'll do here.
SKSOS YohSF 5SP2.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
34 3 All

Yoh advances with a shoulder tackle then does an upward arcing slash. It is made up of two hits, being the tackle then the slash. It may look like a classic shoto dragon punch but it doesnt have any invincibility frames. It launches and works well as an anti-air despite its lack of invincibility.

Amida-Ryuu: Shinkuu Butta Giri
阿弥陀流: 真空仏陀切り (Amida-Style: Vacuum Buddha Slash)
6SP (Midair OK)
Grounded Version
Grounded Version
SKSOS YohSF j6SP.png
Aerial Version
Aerial Version
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
35 11 All

Grounded Version: Yoh fires a sword beam that travels fullscreen. This projectile launches on hit and is Yoh's Main tool of corner loops (This does not mean it cannot be followed up midscreen though). It loops infinitely into itself on Tamao (Ponchi & Conchi). It is hard to reflect without 100% Spirit and is therefore great for constant pressure.

Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
35 10 All

Airborne Version: Same as the grounded version but a frame faster. Sends Yoh backward but it may not be a great evasion tool considering its horrible end lag.

Super Moves

Amida-Ryuu: Dai Gokoujin
阿弥陀流: 大後光刃 (Amida-Style: Grand Halo/Nimbus Blade)
SKSOS YohSF 66SP1.png
First Hit
First Hit
SKSOS YohSF 66SP2.png
Second Hit
Second Hit
Never was done outside of S.O.S. OS either
Never was done outside of S.O.S. OS either
Damage Startup Active Recovery Frame Adv Guard
86 27 All

Similar to 5SP but with an added third hit. Goes fullscreen and can end up being surprisingly safe if the opponent does not have far reaching attacks since Yoh recoils back during the falling recovery quite a bit.



  • S ender > delay c.5W > 6SP > 6SP
  • S ender > j.W > f.5W > 6SP


  • S ender > delay c.5W > delay 6SP > c.5S > 6SP > 5SP
  • S ender > c.5S > delay 6SP > c.5W > 6SP > 5SP

both of the loops above do the same amount of damage

  • (low hp) S ender > delay c.5W > delay 6SP > 66SP
  • W ender > 5SP
  • 6SP > c.5W > delay 6SP > c.5W > 6SP > 5SP
  • (vs tamao) c.5S > 6SP > 6SP... (6SP loops into itself infinitely)


Yoh(Spirit Fusion)
Tao Jun (Lee Pyron)
Tao Ren
Yoh (Oversoul)
Faust VIII (Eliza)
Yoh (Oversoul V2)
Marco (Michael)
Tamao (Ponchi & Conchi)
Iron Maiden Jeanne (Shamash)