Theatre of Light/Brawler

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Revision as of 07:31, 20 March 2024 by Virgoswag (talk | contribs) (Added Gameplan // Revised Pros and Cons // Revised caption for SP~M1 // Added proper caption for SP and S1 :))
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TOL BrawlerPortrait.png
Archetype: Rushdown
Health Defense Multiplier:
  • Melee: x1.5
  • Ranged: x1.5
Stagger Defense Multiplier:
  • Melee: x1.5
  • Ranged: x1.5
Walk Speed: 20
Max Light: 3

Brawler is a very oppressive rushdown monster, having high speed and moves that can quickly get to enemies, allowing for devastatingly powerful combos with their clean hits. Brawler is recommended for people who want to snowball and obliterate opponents in seconds.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Great mobility: Being able to cancel S1 with SP and keeping S1's cooldown, he'll be able to dash and zig-zag his way around the map at ease.
  • Flexible on any ping: Has consistent 50+ damage combo on any ping delay.
  • Snowball momentum: Having 3 or max stacks can make the opponent recklessly attack you in an attempt to decrease it. Leading to more control within the match.
  • Explosive Damage: Either it be a poke or combo, Brawler will deal exceptionally high damage.
  • Limited defense: While Brawler has access to SP evade frames, it is unfortunately more in favor to go into the offense. Hit them before they hit you.
  • Squishy: Having the same damage resistances as Gunner, he's surprisingly fragile once caught.
  • Difficulties on positioning: Learning to land Brawler's clean hits consistently as well it's range is a must in order to do well.
  • Lackluster Psyches : Brawler's Psyches are unfortunately too situational and deals respectable damage at best.

Move List


Clean Hits

Certain moves (S1, S2, SP~M1, SP~S1) will count as a Clean Hit whenever certain conditions are met (Most nostably, hitting a "Sweetspot"). Landing a Clean Hit will stun enemies for longer than usual and give a Clean Hit stack that will increases his damage further.

Clean Hit stacks are capped at 6 and are displayed on a counter above your moves. Clean hit stacks are lost upon either: getting hit (lose 2), charging S1~S2 (HOLD) at emotion level 1-3, landing SP~S2, or landing S2 (HOLD). Having clean hit stacks will also change the property of some of his moves.

Normal moves

Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
6 0.8 - 0 0 Melee - - - -

Fast uppercut that makes the opponent airborne

  • Can be used to combo into SP~S1 for a pretty easy Clean Hit.

Comin' Over!
Poke or Clean hit snipe
Poke or Clean hit snipe
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
  • 0.8 (Normal)
  • 0.9 (Clean Hit)
- 0 0 Melee - - - -
  • Has a Clean Hit sweetspot at the farthest point of the move that starts combos.
  • Damage increases the more clean hit stacks you have.
  • Really useful extender on combos due to having 0 cost

Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
  • 10 (Normal)
  • 12 (CleanHit)
  • 1.0 (Normal)
  • 1.2 (Clean Hit)
- 1 0 Melee Evade - - -
  • Clean Hit Sweetspot is on your body
  • Does less knockback on a Clean Hit
  • The best starter you have, leading to Touch of Death combos on half of the cast

Get Down to Business.
Evade on 2nd dash
Evade on 2nd dash
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
N/A - - 0 0 - Evade - - -

Mobility Tool & Your best friend

  • Followups can be used immediately after pressing SP
  • Like other SP skills, It can cancel S1, S2 and ATK
  • You can do a quick 180 turn then turn back for an insane dash

Clean hit on Demand.
Clean hit on Demand.
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
  • 8 (Normal)
  • 12 (Clean Hit)
0.9 - 1 0 Melee - - - -
  • Clean Hit Sweetspot is near the tip of the hitbox
  • The most reliable way to clean hit as it can be done in an instant

Let's go... Super Snake Ki- wait wrong game.
Let's go... Super Snake Ki- wait wrong game.
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
  • 8 (Normal)
  • 12 (Clean Hit)
0.8 - 2 0 Melee - - - -


  • Activates Clean Hit and restores 1 Light when hitting airborne opponents, best used after ATK.
  • Can often whiff at high ping or against laggy opponents.

Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
13 1 - 2 0 Melee - - - -
  • Deals extra stagger damage equal to (Clean Hit Stacks x2)+2 per hit, then removes 3 clean hit stacks.
  • Does not activate any [On Hit] abnormality cards
  • Sets up for the most DAMAGING S2 stagger starter combos regardless if it clean hits or not.


S1~S2 [HOLD]
Good luck landing this
Good luck landing this
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
4+(4 x Clean Hits) 1 - 1 1 Melee - - - -


  • Holding down the skill will consume Clean Hit stacks to increase the damage and distance traveled
  • The skill can be charged up to twice your Emotion Level
  • Can often bait parries if they miscount your consumed stacks.

All Dead
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
5+(5+(Clean Hits x 4)) 1.2 - 2 3 Melee - - - -


  • Consumes all Clean Hit stacks, deals extra damage for each stack
  • The animation is shorter if done several times in one life
  • You will not get a Clean Hit stack from S2 if you hit the sweetspot


Recommended Decks

EL1: None
EL2: None
EL3: N/A
Cardless Brawler, heavily benefits off the 40% strength and 30% defense buff from running cardless.

EL1: Cocoon
EL2: Predation
EL3: N/A
Enables specific combo routes with predation, however, don't get too used to the Predation boost, as over-reliance can lead to you being unable to reach EL2.


Brawler's gameplan is simple, you see the opponent and punch them as hard as you can see fit.
Rush them or bait them to capitalize on their blunder, here's how to do so in a nutshell:

Zoning: Frowned upon though it works. You snipe using your S1's INSANE reach while dashing away with your SP to leave them little to no chance of punishing you but once you're able to get a good clean hit in with S1, you can either to a 4-hit clean combo or optimally do 6-hit clean combo, as doing so will buff your S1 to do a whopping 14 flat damage.

This playstyle is a double-edged sword, as it is powerful, due to the nature of client sided hitbox, you'll have a lot of moments where you got hit miles away though you're far.

Footsies: Due to Brawler's kit being very mobile, you can zig-zag towards and around either using S1 or SP altogether. Using your SP~M1 is to be reckoned with on this playstyle as it can be inputted on demand for an instant clean hit. but if you're feeling confident, S2 will destroy them.

This'll be your general gameplan as Brawler.

Rock-Paper-Scissors: The most aggressive and what makes Brawler scary every turn/interaction. You have no hesitation, go in. S1 in long clean hit range, SP~M1 upon clean hit range. S2 once they're backed to a corner. You utilize your SP's evade window to go in with great advantage upon them. They have counter/DP you say? Well just stare at them realize their blunder THEN GO IN.

A very high-risk yet very high reward playstyle of Brawler. May induce mental damage to both users.

Theatre of Light Navigation

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