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Setting Launch Options

  • Right click on Skullgirls in the Steam library → 'Properties' → 'Set Launch Options...'.
  • Each option is preceded by a '-'. Multiple options are separated by a space. For example: "-nomenuwrap -fw -socdlikehitbox"


These options were added to assist blind players.[1]


  • Disables menu wrapping, so pressing up on the top menu item will not wrap to the bottom, and vice versa.
  • Disables wrapping on the team size choice, character select grid, assist type choice, and custom assist confirmation menus.


  • Copies the text in the game to the clipboard, allowing screenreaders and similar software to read it aloud.
  • Adds a sound to the hitstun/blockstun recovery spark. The recovery spark only occurs on combos over 2 hits.[2]


  • Same as -useclipboard but adds a sound every time the copy target changes (i.e. when you move the cursor).



  • Resets the keybindings to default on startup. Keybindings can still be configured in-game, but will reset every time until this option is removed.[3]
  • Same effect as going to 'Help & Options' → 'Controls' → 'Restore Defaults', then 'Accept'.


  • Changes the input parser to interpret simultaneous Up + Down inputs as an Up input instead of the usual neutral input.[4] See SOCD.


  • Forces the game to poll a controller's POV hat if the driver says it's supported.[5]
  • Warning: This removes functionality of PS3 controllers and other similar DirectInput controllers.


These options are used by developers to troubleshoot bugs, but players can also use them to investigate game behavior.


  • Available in Training Mode or Replay Theatre.[6]
  • Press the '-' key once to slow down the game to 25% speed. Press it a second time to pause the game. Each press after that will advance the game by a single frame.
    • You can still control your character in the paused state by keeping inputs held when tapping the '-' key.
  • Press the '=' key to undo slow down or pausing caused by the '-' key.
  • Press the '0' key to pause the game/resume the game at full speed.


  • While enabled, each match you play will save a replay which can be viewed under 'Extras' → 'Replay Theater' in the main menu.[7]
  • Replay menu controls:
    • Left/Right moves selection by 1
    • Up/Down moves selection by 25
    • LP/LK/MP starts a replay
    • MK/Select exits.
  • Playback controls[7][8][9]
    • LP toggles hitboxes
    • MP toggles "simple" attack data
    • LK toggles input display (P1 is bottom/left, P2 is top/right)
    • MK toggles 25% slow motion
    • HP rewinds by 1 in game second
    • Left+HP rewinds by 5 in game seconds
    • HK fast forwards playback, hold left/right to go faster/slower
    • Start pauses just like in game.
  • Automatic Replay Viewer is a very useful program written by Mao for automatically viewing replays in succession, allowing you to easily leave recording software on to record entire sets.
  • Replay save location
    • Each replay has two files: a .ini file and a .rnd file
    • Windows:[My Documents directory]\Skullgirls\Replays
    • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Skullgirls/Replays
  • Replays must be named with consecutive numbering in order to be listed in the Replay Theatre.
    • e.g. If the replay directory already contains round_0001 through round_0005, and round_0103 is copied into the directory, it must be renamed to round_0006. Otherwise it will not be visible in-game.
  • If the game launches with over 9,998 replays, it will delete the newest ones.


  • Creates a file that logs the game's actions and processing. This file allows a developer to identify bugs in the game.Cite error: Closing </ref> missing for <ref> tag
    • Windows:[My Documents directory]\Skullgirls\Save Data
    • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Skullgirls/Save Data

Match Performance


  • Disables the characters' trailing shadow sprites that appear during a Blockbuster attack.
  • See -extrasupershadows.


  • Disables dynamic lighting.



These options affect the online versus experience.


  • Adds 'Extra Frame Delay' to the menu under 'Help & Options' → 'Settings' which adjusts the amount of additional input delay.
  • "the short version is: if you want the game on PC to feel like PS4, always keep your GGPO delay at 1 and while playing offline or in training mode, set Extra Frame Delay to 1. Ideally you should remember to set Extra Frame Delay back to 0 before playing online. but if you don't, your rollbacks will be 1f worse than normal (as if you had 33 more ping than normal)" - Mr Peck


  • Disables the red dot in the upper-left corner of the screen that appears during online matches when playing on wi-fi.


  • Enables linear interpolation on camera movement to smooth out abrupt jumps caused by rollbacks.


  • Disables the additional confirmation prompt when picking a team online. As soon as you pick your team, you are locked in for the match.


  • Displays the connection quality during online matches.


Similar to using the settings found under 'Help & Options' → 'Video Settings'.


  • Sets the game to fullscreen
  • Alt + Tab will force the game to minimize


  • Sets the game to fullscreen windowed. The game will act like a normal window, but take up the entire screen (no title bar).
  • Reducing window resolution in-game will not resize the window
  • Alt + Tab will not force the game to minimize.

-res [w]x[h]

  • Sets the window resolution where w=width and h=height.

Windowed Mode

These options change how the game interacts with your desktop and other running programs.


  • The Control and Shift keys must be held in order to drag the window around.


  • The game will stop playing when the window is not in focus.
  • Changing focus during an offline match will automatically open the pause menu.
  • See -ignorefocus.



These launch options helped the developers locate and diagnose bugs but are now unnecessary since the bugs were fixed.


  • Show GGPO debug text on-screen during an online match.
  • White text indicates that no input was received for 40 or more consecutive frames.
  • If -enablereplays is enabled, the debug text is saved in the replay file.
  • Pressing Start during an online match adds a "player pressed Start" message into the GGPO log in the .rnd file.


  • Shows debug messages when loading save data.


These launch options used to be opt-in features but have now become the default behavior. A new option may exist which will allow you to disable these features.


  • Enables Steam Cloud save games.



  • Fixes lag related to GGPO.
  • Adds a blue box to the top of the screen.


Unconfirmed Behavior

-c filename

  • Specifies a custom config file. Config file includes video settings and button config.
  • This is a development option that doesn't affect the game.[10]


  • A manual crash fix for certain Macs that have extremely recent updates.


  • A fix for controllers using PS3 and PS4 drivers that improperly reported having zero POV hats.[11]
  • Restores d-pad and joystick functionality.
  • Replaced by -vjoyfix.[5]

-sc [x].[y]

  • Sets the screen scale multiplier.
  • Example: -sc 1.0
  1. "Skullgirls Patch Notes 1/27". 2014-01-27. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  2. "Skullgirls Patch Notes 2-1". 2014-02-02. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  3. "A few more smallish updates...". 2020-06-01. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  4. "A few more smallish updates...". 2020-06-01. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  5. 5.0 5.1 "The Typing of the Skullgirls patch notes 12-23". 2013-12-23. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  6. "So long, and thanks for all the square-roots-of-a-fish...". 2017-06-02. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  7. 7.0 7.1 "Robo-Fortune lives! (Whether she wants to or not.)". 2015-07-07. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  8. "7/22 patch!". 2016-07-22. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  9. "A Biggish Small Update!". 2020-06-02. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  10. "Steam Launch Options". 2015-08-23. Retrieved 2020-10-11.
  11. "Skullgirls Patch Notes 12-16 - Additional Information Version NEXT". 2013-12-16. Retrieved 2020-10-11.