Shaman King: Spirit of Shamans/Systems

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Note: Make sure to check out the HUD Detail and Basic Control overview pages first, so that the notation and things referred to on this page aren't confusing!

temp Note 2: This page is extremely work in progress, and is missing a lot of information aswell as bearing some possibly incorrect information. Working on it! Hazama funnyface.gif

Health-bar System

The most peculiar part of this game is what is immediately visible on the HUD: There are 3 bars, two of which are related to your health, and one which is related to your damage.


OSP and SMP are how damage is taken in Shaman King, and you can think of them as concepts of a "Shield" and "Real Health".

OSP is what characters will be primarily dealing damage to in Shaman King, and draining it is how you deal damage to the SMP bar. The OSP bar starts at its maximum amount (with the amount depending on character), and when the OSP bar reaches 0 from the opponent hitting you, it'll refill and its max amount in number is dealt to the SMP bar as damage.

For example, if a character's max OSP is 75, and their OSP bar gets drained, 75 damage is dealt to the SMP bar.

OSP does get chipped by special moves, but it cannot go any lower than 1 (unless if the OSP bar is red), and an actual hit is always required to drain it and damage SMP.

You may also notice that the OSP bar turns a light pink-red color after being drained once or twice; this color indicates you are in danger of getting stunned, and it getting drained while in this pink state will initiate the stun. However, you can use Spirit Burst to give yourself more OSP and potentially prevent this.

SMP is your actual health-bar, and when it is drained to 0, you lose the round. When you reach the last quarter of your SMP, it'll begin flashing and you'll be able to use super moves indefinitely. The draw back to this is that during the last portion of SMP, your OSP will also become red and you'll bee vulnerable to being killed by chip damage unless your spirit percentage is at 100%.


GP is the third bar on the HUD, and it is strictly related to damage; this bar starts at an amount that is character-specific, and it can be raised by either an increase Spirit Percentage or using Spirit Burst. Depending on how full the GP bar is, you'll deal extra flat damage on all of your moves (normals, specials, supers, etc).

Damage data on character move-lists assumes the character is at their default GP amount.

Chain System

This game's primary string or chain system is as specific as it is freeform, having the ability to chain any normal into another up to four times before performing unique chain-only attack dictated by the S or W button at the end of the chain. Normals done within a chain can only be repeated two times in a row before a directional change (5 or 2) or a strength change (S or W) must occur.


All normals as well as chain enders can be cancelled into special attacks of supers except for dashing normals. Dashes can be cancelled into specials or supers as well.

Jumping normals cannot be chained together but they can be cancelled into special attacks if the character being controlled has airborne specials.

Spirit Bursting

Spirit Bursting is a mechanic used to sacrifice your SMP to modify your OSP and GP, which can be extremely crucial for dealing optimal damage as some characters.

Spirit Bursting is done by pressing 6X, which will make your character flash white as some of their SMP/Health is drained and their OSP/GP increase. After Spirit Bursting, your health-bar will look like this:

SKSOS SpiritBurstHP.gif

Note: this gif was made with captures of Anna's SMP/OSP/GP stats

The GP bar flashing red indicates that the buffs of Spirit Burst are now active, and after roughly 6 seconds, the buffs will go away. However, during the duration which the GP bar flashes, you can input 6X again to "undo" the buffs of the Spirit Burst and get your SMP/Health back; but you do not get a full refund. The amount of SMP refunded depends on how much time you spent with the buffs, and averages at about an 80% refund.

The amount of GP granted by Spirit Bursting is character-specific, so experiment with it and see if you can find any nuclear damage strategies!

Spirit Percentage

Spirit Percentage is a... well, percentage, that is indicated at the bottom of the screen. At the beginning of a match, the percentage starts at a set amount that is specific for every character (which will be listed on their respective pages), and can be raised by doing Spirit Prompts or attacking the opponent.

The Spirit Gauge increases the damage of your special moves and supers significantly when at 100%, aswell as changing the start-up time of the universal Reflector (read below), but will go away when damage is taken after a short timeframe.

Spirit Prompts

An example of a Spirit Prompt, from Spirit Fusion Amidamaru indicating to press the Circle/Strong Attack button.

Spirit Prompts, also referred to as just Prompts and "QTE's", are how you raise the Spirit Percentage. They show up in intervals for both players, and dictate a random button to be pressed. Failing to complete the prompt doesn't punish the player and simply does nothing. They are more likely to be directional buttons than Attack or Special buttons. All of the buttons that can appear in prompts are as follows:

  • Up - 8
  • Down - 2
  • Back - 4
  • Forward - 6
  • Dash Back - L1
  • Dash Forward - R1
  • Square - Special Button
  • X/Cross - "Shaman Power"
  • Triangle - Weak Attack
  • Circle - Strong Attack

NOTE: During directional prompts,
you can't do diagonals and have it register. It has to be a clean directional input!

Pressing the designated button will make the prompt disappear as you gain anywhere from +2% to +5% Spirit Percentage. You can press the button that is designated for the prompt in the middle of another action and it will still register as completing the prompt, which allows you to gain Spirit Percentage without doing an unsafe option, such as throwing a random S normal.


Reflectors are this game's unique answer to zoning and other special move-related pressure, activated by inputting 4X. Without 100% Spirit Percentage, you'll have to hold the input for longer before the reflector actually comes out. The duration which you have to hold it goes down as you gain Spirit Percentage, until 100% where it becomes instant and a true reversal.

When the Reflector is active, your character will go into a unique animation (usually using their Spirit as a shield or blocking with their weapon), and for as long as you hold the input, the Reflector will stay out. Upon contact with a Special or Super move that would normally hit, you'll reflect it and deal instant damage to the attacker regardless of where they are on the screen.

The drawback of Reflectors is that you cannot block while holding the input to activate them, you cannot block while they're active, and they lose to Normal attacks.

Yoh(Spirit Fusion)
Tao Jun (Lee Pyron)
Tao Ren
Yoh (Oversoul)
Faust VIII (Eliza)
Yoh (Oversoul V2)
Marco (Michael)
Tamao (Ponchi & Conchi)
Iron Maiden Jeanne (Shamash)