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This text file contains a list of files to load for the character, as well as character project name. Self-explanatory.

An example .txt from Akatsuki's folder.

FileNum= 3
FileNum= 1


This text file contains all unique moves that this character can do. Note that it only has the move commands in the list and does not contain any actual framedata or graphics. However, conditions such as timing, move followups and inputs can be applied here. Moves 5A, 5B, 5C, 2A, 2B, 2C, j.A, j.B and j.C are universal across all characters.

Special moves are listed as Skills, and normals are listed as Atk_Std, Atk_Cro, and Atk_Air for Standing, Crouching and Air normals respectively. EX moves that take meter such as 236C are listed as 236EX, and Super attacks such as Infinite Worth and Arc Drive are listed with SP.

In MBTL, character move commands must start with cmd.. Examples include

Skill_0202EX = {},	
Skill_0202BorC = {},
Skill_0202A = {},	

Atk_Std6B = {},
Atk_Std6C = {},	
Atk_Air2C = {},
Atk_Air6C = {},

Skill_J0202A = 
		command = ["0202","2+A+B"],
		flags = [ "lastdelay" ],
		CmdCheck = {
			HeightLimit = def_POS_AirDashLimitHeight,

Skill_41236SP_ABC = {}, //Last Arc and Infinite Worth's need both (input)SP AND (input)SP_ABC
Skill_41236SP = {},     //Don't know why but they do

Despite the names containing motions, these commands can have different inputs if desired. Inside the curly braces many functions and variables can be set.

List of Variables

List of Things That Can be Set (incomplete)
Function Name Comment
command = [x, y] Sets the command that this move is registered to. Multiple inputs can be set, such as command = [2A+B, 0202]
num = def_CN_Atk_AddCommandn Used to create moves such as 6CC. Each AddCommand has a unique number n to differentiate.
name = "Cmd_x" Sets the name of the move that will be looked up in the .ha6, or something like that.
UpdateTable = {name = ______} Updates the pattern that is used from the .ha6, and the MoveTable.
flags = Sets flag conditions? Havent experimented and not too sure
CmdCheck = {} Adds conditions that must be fulfilled in order for the move to register. Commonly used for conditions such as having less that 5 fireballs on screen or being on a certain pattern/move.


This is where the bulk of the code is stored, and hence this section will not cover everything. You'll have to do a lot of trial and error.

The MoveTable lists every move + functions for Skills, as well as handling UI Elements and character-unique meters (Noel keys, Yuzuriha Icons, Eltnum Bullets)

Editing Moves

Editing Skills

List of Variables

Editing Characters
File Structure
Using Hantei-chan
HUD and UI