Theatre of Light/Charger

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TOL ChargerPortrait.png
Archetype: Bruiser
Health Defense Multiplier:
  • Melee: x1.0
  • Ranged: x1.0
Stagger Defense Multiplier:
  • Melee: x1.25
  • Ranged: x1.25
Walk Speed: 14
Max Light: 3

Charger is a bruiser who uses copious amounts of Block frames to plow through his opponent's attacks before dishing out high damage through long combos. His defining trait is his Charge resource, which he builds by using and hitting certain moves. Once Charger has amassed enough charges, he gains increased resistances and access to new or enhanced tools, which he can use to easily snowball rounds out of control.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Unlimited Block Works: His charged ATK, SP, and S2~S1 have armor that comes out very early. He has the ability to just cancel one move that has block into another move with block, making it very hard to actually challenge him. The ability to just bully your opponents into respecting you with blocks is integral for every part of playing Charger.
  • Very high damage: Charger has the ability to convert most attacks into extremely high damaging juggles that will typically leave the opponent in a two touch situation.
  • Resource building: Charger can increase his charges to become a defensive powerhouse with insanely high damage combos and a projectile to threaten someone trying to space you out.
  • Fast: Charged ATK and SP are moving him around a lot so he's surprisingly pretty good at zipping around the stage despite his pretty below average slow walkspeed.
  • Light efficient: Most of Charger's neutral tools don't cost any light so he's not ever really worrying about how much he has outside of combos or using S2~S1.
  • Bad anti-air game: Charger does not have very many ways of safely challenging an opponent that's right on top of him in the air.
  • Committal movement: His best mobility options have a large amount of start-up with a super loud sound cue making him pretty easy to snipe or just generally easy to act on if you're ready for it.
  • Sisyphean Struggle: Losing a stock resets your Charge count to zero, putting you at an even larger disadvantage compared to other classes. As easy as it is to keep a snowball rolling as Charger, the same cannot be said for getting it started after dying.

Move List



Certain moves will gain "Charge", this resource will empower Charger by increasing his defense, buffing his SP, and increasing the damage of his moves when he gets to 11+ charges. Certain special moves will also spend Charge. Each time Charger blocks an attack he will gain 2 Charges.

Normal moves

Energy Cycle
ATK (can be held)
Version Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
Uncharged 5-8 0.9 0.8 0 0 Melee - - - -
  • Pretty fast, non committal move.
  • Can only be comboed into SP at 11+ charges.
ATK (hold)
5-8 1 0.8 0 0 Melee Block - - -
  • Starts combos.
  • Can be comboed into most of Charger's kit.

Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
7 0.9 0.85 2 0 Melee - - - -
  • Builds 2 charge.
  • Very good combo extender.
  • At 11+ charge this launches extremely high up, letting you ACTUALLY combo into whatever you want.
  • Restores 1 light on use.

S2 (can be held)
Version Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
Uncharged 6-25 1 1 2 0 Melee - - - -
  • Spends 4 charges, can still be used at 0 charges.
  • Unlocks Charger's particularly insane damage as you can extend from it with SP, though this combo is a bit ping reliant.
  • Restores 1 light on hit.
S2 (hold) (5+ Charge)
6-20 1.2 1 2 0 Melee Block - - -
  • Incredibly rewarding combo starter.
  • If the opponent gets hit by this they should count their blessings.
  • Restores 1 light on hit.

Energy Discharge
S2~ATK (3+ Charge)
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
12 1 1 1 0 Melee Evade - - -
  • Actual command grab
  • Can be used to start or extend combos but isn't very light efficient.

Dimensional Rift
S2~S1 (4+ Charge)
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
8 1 1 2 0 Ranged Block - - -

A blue pillar that Charger shoots away from him.

  • Has a deadzone between the pillar and Charger.
  • Launches the opponent toward you on hit.
  • Very strong to catch the opponent off guard.
  • Restores 1 light on hit.

Energy Rush
Version Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
Normal - - - - - - Block - - -

A tackle with block properties.

  • Can be instantly dash canceled to essentially do an FADC.
SP (11+ Charge)
4-8 1 0.8 - - Melee Block - - -
  • Has a launching hitbox.
  • Starts and extends combos.
  • Doesn't spend charge.


Dimensional Discharge
ATK~S2 (10+ Charge)
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
20-30 1 1 2 2 Melee Block - - -

Command grab super.

  • Pretty slow but does a lot of damage.
  • Almost exclusively used to end combos.

Gigantic Rip Space
SP (hold) (16+ charges)
Base damage P1 Scaling Value P2 Scaling Value Light cost Emo level Hit type Properties Startup Active Recovery
35-44 1.2 1
  • 3 (16-19 charges)
  • 2 (20 charges)
3 Melee Block - - -

Gigantic pillar psyche.

  • Can only be comboed into at max charge.
  • Has enough hitstun to link an ATK after.
  • Will spend every single charge you have.
  • Exclusively used to end rounds or as a niche anti-air to explode your opponent, try to not use this early on since it really does just sap all of your resources.


Recommended Decks

Generally the best deck
EL1: N/A
EL2: N/A
EL3: N/A
Yeah it's cardless, but Charger really likes the 30% extra protection on top of the defense boost given by Charge, not to mention the super high damage bonus on top of that.

EL1: Cardless
EL2: Predation
EL3: N/A
Mostly used for the Ranger match-up or if you'd like to do the most damage possible.

EL1: Violence
EL2: Chained Wrath
EL3: N/A
An incredibly volatile build that focuses on getting high rolls such as the "40 damage S2" and "70 damage Captain's Sword", however makes your SP near useless and as such, you turn a lot of winning matchups against faster characters into losing ones, but once you get in, they'll become a red paste like the ones on WARP trains.


get charge


Very important to clarify that Charger's combos rely on juggles so the opponent might just recover in the air before you get a follow-up during some routes. All of these combos are done assuming you are compensating for ping unless stated otherwise.

If the Charges are listed next to damage that means that the damage is counted assuming you started at max Charge.

Combo Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so the actual notation used in pages can differ from the standard one.

For more information, see Glossary.

X > Y X input is cancelled into Y.
dl.X Wait for a short period before inputting X.
X, Y X input is linked into Y, meaning Y is done after X's recovery period.
[X] X input must be held down.
X~Y Use attack X with follow-up Y.
j.X X input is done in the air. Only used by characters with moves that put them in the air and air variants of moves (currently only applies to Ranger, Samurai and Vigilante)
X(info) Used for when you would like to specify how a move is done. e.g. X(N) meaning X should hit N times, X(whiff), etc.
(XYZ)xN XYZ string must be performed N times. Combos using this notation are usually referred to as loops.
(XYZ^) A pre-existing combo labelled XYZ is inserted here for shortening purposes.
dash or (direction)dash Performs a dash, directions are notated as f for forward, b for back, s for side. If there is not direction specified assume it is a forward dash.
cl. Clean Hit, almost exclusively used for Brawler but can be used for Samurai's sweetspot attacks as well.

Basic Combos

Condition Notation Base Damage
vs Samurai
Light after Turn Notes
ATK Starter, No Charge
3 Light
[ATK] > S1, [ATK] > S1, [ATK], ATK 19 -1 Light
Puts you at 11 Charges when the combo ends, very good if you land an [ATK] as soon as you start a round. You will need to adjust if you get 11+ Charges mid combo.
ATK Starter, 11+ Charges
3 Light
[ATK] > S1, [ATK] ( > S2) / (, ATK > SP > [ATK] > S2) 29/31 (20 Charges) -1 Light
Spends 4 Charges.
ATK Starter, Rip Space, 16+ Charges
3 Light, Emo 3
[ATK] > S1 > [SP] > [ATK], ATK 44 (20 Charges) -2 Light
Keeps it extremely simple, used when you just wanna kill your opponent without much thought. Leaves you at 4 Charges if you get the [ATK] after Rip Space

The Real Damage.

Condition Notation Base Damage
vs Samurai
Light after Turn Notes
ATK Starter, 16+ Charges
3 Light
[ATK] > S2 > SP > [ATK] > S2 > SP > [ATK], ATK > SP 51 (20 Charges) -1 Light
Extremely stylish combo that CHUNKS people.
Charged S2 Starter, Max Charges, Cardless/Predation
3 Light, Emo 3
[S2], [ATK] > S2 > SP > [ATK], ATK stagger [ATK], ATK > SP > [ATK], ATK
  • 101 (Cardless)
  • 103 (Predation)
-1 Light ???

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