User:Pixloen/FPANModding/Getting Started

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Game files are located in the steamapps / common folder. This can be found by heading to your steam library, clicking properties on your game, then Installed Files > Browse… This folder will be called the game directory for simplicity.

In both games, the files are encrypted or compressed through different methods. It is recommended to have ample storage, as modding the game requires extracting all the assets.


Download the UNIST unpacker and extract the contents into the d folder. Use CTRL+A to select every file in the folder, unselect unistunpacker.exe. With that, drag every other file onto the exe to start the unpacking process. The unpacker is finished when it closes, and otherwise wait with patience. When done, you’ll notice that a folder called ‘output’ appears.

Mod environments are set up through language folders, which the game reads off of. Examples of valid folders include;

  • ___English
  • ___Korean
  • ___S_Chinese
  • ___T_Chinese

The game’s selected language determines which folder’s assets are read from. To create a mod environment, head to the output folder that was unpacked. Take notice of the language folders. Move one of them out to the game directory, and replace if prompted. Then, copy all non-language folders into the same folder. If you want to keep the original japanese assets, replace, otherwise skip if prompted.

And that’s it! All* files are available for editing. Inside your new language folder should be this structure:

PIXL mainfolder.png

Hardcoded Files and D File Editing

Some files are actually hard-coded so that they cannot be replaced or edited normally. The UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH engine uses encrypted assets found in the D folder and can force a hardcoded load (meaning your modifications may not work). Notable hardcoded assets include:

  • Character Select Screen Visuals
  • Character Names
  • Dialogue and BattleRes

However, these hardcode limitations can be removed by editing the d files directly. Using HxD, find the file which contains the filename of the file you are trying to edit. This example will use csel01.pat, which contains the character select graphics (Note: there are two separate versions for if you do not have the Londrekia DLC installed.)

oMtaqooqotvvonnpwmq contains many of the files that are hardcoded.

PIXL hex1.png

This filename listed here is all that needs to be changed. All that needs to be done is to make the filename different so that the game cannot find it in the mod directory. Here, I chose to change the number of the .pat file.

PIXL hex2.png

And that’s it! The character select pat file can now be fully edited. This works with other formats too, such as text files and csv. files.

UNI2 NOTE: If files have been D file edited, then those files MUST be in your game directory at all times. This is because of a change that prevents the game from loading the vanilla asset when it cannot detect a modded asset, causing crashes.




For Beginners
Getting Started
File Structure
Installing Mods
Example Mods
Links & Resources
File Formats & Software Guide
.pat Effects
DDS Images
Engine Documentation
Classes and Methods
D File Folder
Quick Start
Getting Started
Installing Mods
Mods List
Character File Setup
Using Hantei-chan
Character Scripts
HUD and UI
Battle Scripts
CG & Patterns
Editng Vectors
Classes and Methods
HA6 Pattern Reference
UNI2 Modding Notes