Mobile Suit Gundam: Ex Revue/Dolmel

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Dolmel was a mobile suit designed specifically for Gundam EX Revue as a boss character, and has since only appeared in 2009's Mobile Suit Gundam Katana with a slightly different design. Piloted by the Zeon ace pilot Ramuiko Stein, the Dolmel was created to be a mobile suit that could outclass even the Gelgoog, but couldn't be make an impact in time as the One Year War ended after only a few were created. In EX Revue dolmel controls the neutral game with long reaching buttons, powerful midscreen pressure and a solid tick throw game.

Pros Cons
  • Strong Footsies: Dolmel excels when she is able to keep you midscreen. Giving her more options then in the corner.
  • Great Tick Throws: Dolmel can create near-impossible to escape tick throw pressure if she's allowed to jump in.
  • No Reversal: Since Dolmel lacks a reversal of any kind, it can be difficult to escape pressure and Dolmel has to hold a lot of okizeme that other characters don’t.
  • We Need A Stage Select: A large part of Dolmel’s pressure is following a fireball with Heat Pile, which becomes completely unsafe in the corner. Smaller stages make Dolmel’s pressure much less intimidating because one heat pile is often enough to take a character to the corner.
Dolmel: Ramuiko Stein
GXER Pilot Ramuico Steinand.png

Dolmel Portrait.png

Jumps: One
Air Throw: No
Pummel Grab:No
Defense: +1


GEXR dolmel 5a.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- Mid - - - - - Yes

Fast and suprisingly far-reaching mid. Tends to go over crouching opponents.

GEXR dolmel 5b.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- Mid - - - - - Yes

5a except she uses her arm beams. More startup but is really good at mid-range. However, it tends to go over crouching opponents.

GEXR dolmel 5c.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- Mid - - - - - Yes

Amazing Damage. Can be used as an anti-air.

GEXR dolmel 2a.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- Mid - - - - - Yes

Low lying version of 5a.

GEXR dolmel 2b.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- Mid - - - - - Yes

Low lying version of 5b.

GEXR dolmel 2c.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- Low - - - - - Yes

A Dictator-style slide with Toe Saber. Has a pretty good horizontal hitbox at her lower body. Causes Knockdown.

Jumping Normals

GEXR dolmel ja.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- High - - - - - -

Super fast High. Great instant overhead that's also very useful for tick grabs.

GEXR dolmel jb.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- High - - - - - -

Great horizontal range and works well as an air to air.

GEXR dolmel j2b.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- High - - - - - -

A jump in with amazing damage.Really good Horizontal range. Useful hor hitting grounded opponents, but not as as good as j.B for airborne interactions.

GEXR dolmel jc.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- High - - - - - -

j.B except using the toe saber. Good damage, super active but has a pretty specific hitbox and doesnt work well as an ioh because of its extra startup.


GEXR dolmel 41236x.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- Mid - - - - - No

Dolmel shoots a fireball that travels at different speeds depending on the button used, and can be cancelled into Heat Pile. The fireball can be easily crouched, but because Dolmel can cancel this attack into Heat Pile, that's actually ideal in a lot of situations.

Heat Pile
GEXR dolmel 646x.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- Mid - - - - - No

The core of Dolmel's pressure. Dolmel charges forwards with a multi-hitting shoulder tackle. It's rather unsafe on block, but it's possible to circumvent that problem by using Heat Pile to follow a fireball, making most punishes your opponents try either lose to or trade with the fireball.

GEXR dolmel 2369x 1.png
GEXR dolmel 2369x 2.png
GEXR dolmel 2369x 3.png
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv Block Adv Special Cancel
- Mid - - - - - No

An Odd Saber Wave made up of 2 Hits. Button changes the direction the wave is aimed. Can be used as an anti-air sort of.


Combo Position Damage Works on: Notes
j.C > 5C xx 41236A > 646C Mid-Screen Only ? All A very cool looking stun combo


Dolmel colors
Char's Gelgoog
Char's Zaku
Char's Z'gok