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Being the epitome of a British soldier, Oath is RoFighter's original shoto character, boasting strong normals, projectiles, and a DP.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Jack of All Trades: Oath is extremely versatile with strong tools for every situation, and is strong at every style of play.
  • Great Range: Oath has really good range on his normals, while still having good framedata, this makes fighting him at midscreen rather difficult as he can easily zone you out.
  • Defense: Good abare, 623H starts combos on counterhit for high damage, and has a meterless actual invincible reversal in 623M.
  • Varied/Safe Pressure: With 236H okizeme, -2 5M, comboable airthrow and 2L 5L frametrap, Oath has very varied pressure.
  • Projectiles: Oath has a ground and anti-air fireball and both can buffed with 214X. 236S is a fullscreen punish tool.
  • Weak Pressure and Mixup: Heavily reliant on 236H and 214X setups for any kind of mixups, meaning he can't apply good pressure from getting the opponent to block in neutral.
  • No proper Anti Zoning Tools: Oath's 236LX is incredibly slow and is also very simple to deal with, which opponents can use to their advantage in fireball wars.
  • British

Move List

Gatling Tree

•2L-L 5L 2M 5M-M 2M 5H/2H

Normal Attacks

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
5 Mid 8 6 - +7 -3

Instead of a traditional fast, stubby jab, Oath's 5L trades speed for increased range and a larger hitbox.

  • Still relatively fast at 8 frames of startup.
  • A convenient move to throw out in neutral or as abare.

Oath icon.png
Oath icon.png
my pressure do be nasty though
my pressure do be nasty though
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
5M 7 Mid 12 3 - +9 -2

A straight horizontal slash. Commonly used in pressure strings due to its unique follow-up allowing it to be easily hitconfirmed from.

5MM 6 Mid 9 6 - -21 -

A second sword slash that vacuums the opponent in slightly on hit or block.

  • This move has a unique target combo into 2M. This allows 2M to be used twice in one chain, however the second 2M will not be able to chain back into 5M.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
10 Mid 14 8 - -3 -4
  • High damage combo starter and blockstring ender
  • Is your most reliable anti-air due to the arc hitbox and upper body invul. Buffer 5H 236M for an anti air hitconfirm.
  • Has a sword followup that hits high

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
5 mid 6 2 - +11 -
  • Standard self-chaining crouch jab, you go-to abare at close range

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
7 low 11 4 - +5 -
  • Your only real low, mix up with throw for a 50/50.
  • Decent poke that leads to good damage, mostly used in otg pickups and pressure.

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
9 Mid 12 3 - +72 -35
  • Launcher, one of the best pokes and long range punish moves in the game.
    *Gives you a year to confirm on hit.
  • Has almost no blockstun, hope they don't react fast enough to punish.
  • Has a sword followup that hits low, mixup with 5H

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
6 Mid 6 17 - -4 -
  • Godlike jump-in and iad button #1
  • Pretty good when done retreating to wall out the opponent

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
8 High 7 14 - +17 -

Oath's main air to air option.

  • Massive hitbox, one of your 2 overhead. Used as an air to air poke and in 236H pressure.
  • The move stalls you in the air and halts your prior momentum on use

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
9 Mid 11 9 - +47 -

Good air to air and jump in by using it immediately after jumping.

  • Juggles on hit, making it a godlike combo starter and combo filler
  • The move stalls you in the air and halts your prior momentum on use

Special Attacks

Wild Throw
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
15 Throw - - - +47 -
  • Go to combo ender, buffer 236H to setup oki.
  • Unimpressive reward meterless, but can be comboed off of by delaying a move with superflash. (EG: 5S delay 63214S)
  • Has a sword followup that gives you a full combo

Wild Throw (Air)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
18 (4.5x4) Throw 3 - - +27 -

Best airthrow in the game. Meterless comboable anti air, high damage at minimum scaling, setups burstbaits, etc.

Oath Slide
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
5,7 Mid,Low - - - +24 -12
  • Last hit is a low, will catch people offguard.
  • Very punishable on block, but a very good neutral poke if you have meter to make it safe or/and combo from it.
  • Leads to a weak knockdown but can be a good combo ender from far away hits.
  • Has a followup with a summoned sword that makes it safe on block and gives a full combo

Oath Slide (Air)
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
4,5 High - - - +26 -
  • Cheesy jump in, might catch their movement due to long active frames.
  • Oath's divekick, brings them down to the ground with you and gives a knockdown

Centro Slash
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
L 6 Mid - - - -21 -
  • Very usefull projectile. Buffer a dash out of this and throw out another one for great ground control
  • Meterless combos on counterhit
  • All versions have a followup with sword summon
M 6 Mid - - - -21 -
  • 236L but angled up, anti air fireball
  • Juggles on air hit, combo from it with 2S or dash 2H
H 4,4 Mid - - - +36 +28
  • This is a 50/50, you have to guess
  • Multihit fireball you can setup at the end of combos
  • Moves slow enough you can walk behind for protection in neutral

Dragon Slash
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
L 9 Mid 6 - - +46 -

Oath rises into the air with a slash.

  • Your fastest attack and go-to anti-air. You can link air normals or an airdash out of this, making it also a useful combo tool.
  • Not invincible.
M 12 Mid - - - +40 -
  • Oath's meterless reversal. VERY invulnerable, but as with all DP reversals it's minus a million when blocked.
  • Cannot combo no matter what, but the opponent is still left near you so you can start pressure once they get up.
H 15 Mid - - - +20 -
  • EX DP. The move has a lengthier startup but Oath is invulnerable for all of it. Additionally, you can link normals after it on counterhit.

Sword Summon ver. β
Version Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
L/M N/A N/A 12 - 24 - -

Oath summons a magical sword that follows him around. While this sword is active, connecting with specific attacks causes the sword to teleport near the opponent and fly through them for an extra hit.

  • The moves that trigger follow-up attacks are 5H, 2H, Throw, Airthrow and all versions of Centro Slash (236X).
  • Getting hit or blocking an attack will cause all summoned swords to disappear.
H N/A N/A 9 - 21 - -

Oath summons 2 swords instead. The move is also faster, allowing it to be used in combos where 214L/M would not recover quickly enough.

Level 1 Ultimate Attack

Linked Barrage
Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
23(6x6) Mid - - - +34 -

A flurry of 6 sword projectiles. Swiss army knife of a move for the low low cost of 100 meter. Can be used in neutral to win projectile wars or approach safely, useful as a pressure reset, and it's even useful as a (fake) reversal due to its insanely low startup.

  • You can use this move during the active frames of 2S. Doing so causes the swords to appear differently, and also allows you to combo afterwards meterlessly.
  • Can combo into itself anywhere, and can be combo extended from in the corner.

Level 3 Ultimate Attack

Damage Guard Startup Active Recovery Hit Adv. Block Adv.
36 Mid - - - +71 -

A high damaging hitgrab for ending combos. Not very good to use raw because of its pitiful range.


  • 236L if they on the ground, 236M of they on the air, spam dashing normals and airdash j.L/j.M/j.H/j.2S


Slide combo:

  • 2S 236S dash 2S

Realible BnB:

  • 5L 5MM 2M 2H j.L j.M j.H 5MM 2M 5H 623L j.H 2H j.5S j.2S dash 2M 5MM 2H 236M dash 2LL 2M 5MM 2M 5H 2S

Crafter_Paragon (Oath Voice Actor) Combo:

  • 2L 2L 5L 2M 5MM 2M 2H j.L j.M j.H jump j.L j.M j.H 2L 2L 5L 2M 5MM 2M 2H j.5S 5L 2M 5MM 2H j.M j.H jump j.M j.H 2M 5MM 2M 5H 2S 63214S


Color 1: Base

Color 2: Ky Kiske

Color 3(Secret): McDonalds
