Dual Souls: The Last Bearer/Mechanics

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Block (Parry): Similar to Street Fighter Third Strike parries, parries are highly utilized in high level gameplay within Dual Souls, parries are initially great for giving you a second high chance advantage to punishing something that's usually unpunishable such as a jumping BS normal or a long ranged attack. While parry exists, parry has it's antidote alongside it, press SL+K to parry and SL+K after your attack is parried to counter parry your opponent. Counter parrying can be done multiple times back and forth by attacking and then doing SL+K- in the meantime there is a percentage gauge that takes in the percentage of damage that will be dealt to the unsuccessful anti-offender/defender.

Chaos Drive Similar to a V-Trigger in Street Fighter 5, this gives every character a install that is activated if you have a Chaos Point available, every Chaos Drive has different effects such as giving characters speed boosts, projectiles becoming faster or even gaining a new projectile, restoring health or even armor that armors against everything. You can also extend the duration of a chaos drive with the remaining meter you have by pressing PW during the activation.

Customization: Customize your characters with custom colors or select pre-made default alternative colors and choose between 2 Blue Power Moves.

Fatal Blow: After an parry has been performed you can strike the opponent with a BS attack and gain something called "Fatal Blow", fatal blow is a exclusive mechanic to Dual Souls having a huge strike effect similar to a Focus Attack in Street Fighter 4. Fatal Blow opens up new combos as a heavy damage conversion.

Force Break: Similar to Mortal Kombat X and Mortal Kombat 11's "Amplify" system, you can press K after a certain special move to gain an additional attack, new beneficial attack, or even extend combos with certain characters.

Guard: Just like Street Fighter and most 2D fighting games, you have to hold back to "Block" or "Guard" certain attacks like overheads and hold downback to crouch block/guard against low attacks, against crossups you have to switch directions to guard certain attacks that crosses up.

Last Chance: Traditionally, after your health bar is depleted you'd be considered knocked out/dead. In Dual Souls you get a second chance after your life bar has been wiped out. Last Chance is a comeback mechanic that allows you to come at your opponent once again after being defeated. If you are hit within Last Chance you will get Chance Over which kills you. Power Moves automatically power crash on Last Chance. Keep in mind that you can also be chipped out when in Last Chance (mainly by red power moves).

Path(s): Another similarity to Mortal Kombat X & 11 is a feature that references to the so called "variations" being named as "paths" in Dual Souls. Paths are alternative versions of a character with an entire new design and moveset (with some old moves but modified) every character on the roster will eventually get their *Path 2* slot on the roster.

Power Moves

Power Recovery

Purple Recovery



Throw Escape: Traditionally and universally every throw mechanic in an fighting game has a escape mechanic. To tech/escape a throw in Dual Souls you have to press the button that is used to throw somebody (PW).


Mirei (Warrior)
Mirei (Assassin)