Alice Gear Aegis CS/Controls

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Control Types

The primary mechanic that Alice Gear Aegis CS players live and die off of is its Boost and Dodge (or Step in Japanese) mechanics. This mechanic is so important that there’s a special section in the controller options reserved for how Boost and Dodge activate.

Control Type A

The default setting. The control type works as follows:

  • Tilting the left analog stick slightly in any direction will make you move normally
  • Pushing the left analog stick all the way to the edge in any given direction will activate Boost movement
  • You can disable automatic Boost activation by holding down a specific button. The default location of this action is the left analog stick’s internal button, but can be remapped to somewhere else on the controller.
  • Pressing the bottom face button on your game pad (B for Nintendo controllers, and X for Sony ones) activates Dodge

This control scheme is recommended for players who have good mechanical control of their left thumb to do those very precise tilts on their analog stick during the heat of battle.

Control Type B

The inverse of Control Type A. This scheme works as follows:

  • You will move at normal speed regardless of how far you tilt the left analog stick.
  • Boosting is only activated by holding down the Boost button, with the default location being the left analog stick’s internal button. This action can be remapped to somewhere else on the controller.
  • Pressing the bottom face button on your game pad (B for Nintendo controllers, and X for Sony ones) activates Dodge

This control scheme is recommended for players who want to hold a button down to trigger Boost activation instead because the mental strain of remembering to be gentle with the analog stick just to move normally is one more thing they don’t want to worry about.

Control Type C

This is a good way to throw off a Senko no Ronde fan’s muscle memory, that’s for sure. This scheme works as follows:

  • Boosting AND Dodge Step is mapped to one button. By default, this is the controller’s upper-right trigger button (R for Nintendo controllers, R1 for Sony ones). Since you now have two actions mapped to one button, the left analog stick’s internal button does nothing now. It is possible to remap it to that location if you want to though.
  • Tapping this uniquely programmed button activates Dodge as intended
  • Holding down the same button for a few moments ignores the Dodge command and activates Boost movement instead for as long as it’s held down

The Japanese wiki says that this Control Type is reminiscent of Sega’s Border Break series, but the trade off is you do not get instantaneous Boost activation like you do with the other types, and a few of the default actions for the first two Control Types were moved to different buttons on this configuration for some reason.

Guides and Theory