Under Night In-Birth/UNIST/Nanase

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She dances. Taking on the pure air from the night sky, she seeks the one who turned her into
an In-birth. The young boy with a long red blade. Her pure and silky white skin, that is
contrasted with her body that has been consumed by the night. The traces of her innocence
are clouded. Is what she is feeling truly the desire for vengeance?
Perhaps the answers will present itself in the story... maybe.


A mysterious girl, chasing after Hyde for reasons unbeknownst. While she cries, "If you're a man, take responsibility!", the exact details of the quarrel is unknown -- that is between the two of them. She wields a long sword with ease, and fights opponents with a style that almost toys with her opponents. Underneath this Night, she finally finds the man she's looking for, the kid with a "Red Sword". Following the rumors, she dives into danger head first, making her way to the Abyss.

A-After what you did to me...
Y-You better take responsibility as a man!


Nanase is a rushdown oriented character with unorthodox mixups, very strong pressure and frametraps, and a number of tricky crossups. She has great aerial movement control, air normals and jump canceling tools, letting her control the air in a normally very grounded game. With or without resources, she has a variety of tools to maintain the advantage and keep others blocking for a long time, and can punish impatient players who try to poke out of her pressure with well timed delayed specials. She boasts powerful offence with one of the safest and strongest oki tools in the corner. While the range of her normals is average, her specials and EX moves have far greater reach, so she remains a threat even at range. Nanase's kit fits the "main character"-type, but also boasts unique tools that let players get creative with their offence.

From NeoN & Murphy's Nanase Primer

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Strong Fireball game.
  • Strong normals (long-range lows, disjointed 5B.)
  • Relatively safe pressure with C-normal rebeats and safe B normals.
  • Fast dash-speed.
  • Strong stagger game.
  • Easy to confirm normals at any range.
  • Meterless reversal.
  • No standing overhead outside of dashing normal(66c) / special (214x-x, 236x-b).
  • Can be challenging to open people up.
  • Reversal isn’t very horizontal.
  • Most specials end her turn without cs or meter to make them safe.
  • 2a is a mid.

Character Stats

Forward Walk Speed Backward Walk Speed Jump Startup Jump Duration
850 -650 4 42
Dash Startup Initial Dash Speed Dash Acceleration Max Dash Speed
5 2000 150 4200
Backdash Startup Backdash Duration Backdash Distance Backdash Invul
5 28 -48900 1~8 Full
9~10 Throw

Unique Trait

  • Ground normals, air normals, and dash attacks can be cancelled with Force Function on block or hit.

Vorpal Trait

  • Force Function can be cancelled into aerial version.
  • Aerial mobility increased for 3C jump cancel and Force Function.

Frame Data Help
Header Tooltip
Damage Damage done by this attack.
(x) denotes combined damage
[x] denotes minimum damage
Guard The way this move must be blocked.
High = Can block standing
Low = Can block crouching
Mid = Can block standing or crouching
Air = Can block in the air
Air Shield = Can block in the air while shielding
Unblockable = Cannot be blocked
Cancel Actions this move can be canceled into on hit or block, unless specially noted.
N = Normal Cancelable
SE = Self Cancelable
SP = Special Cancelable
EX = EX/IW Cancelable
CS = Chain Shift
UNQ = Unique (See description)
TH = Throw Cancelable
J = Jump Cancelable (Hit cancelable only by default)
(X) = Hit cancelable only
-X- = Can additionally be cancelled during whiff
Property Special properties this move has. Click on the property to navigate to an explanation.
Cost The resources this move costs to use.
GRD = GRD Blocks
EXS = EXS Meter
Vorpal = Vorpal
GRD Break = Causes GRD Break
Attribute Attributes of the attack. Mostly used in situations involving invul.
There are two sets of attributes: Strike/Throw and Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile
Every move has a Strike/Throw attribute, but doesn't always have Head/Foot/Dive/Projectile attribute.
Strike = Strike (Anything that isn't a Throw is a Strike)
Throw = Throw
Head = Head (Most jump normals)
Foot = Foot
Dive = Some air specials
Projectile = Projectile
Startup Frame when the first hitbox is present.
+ denotes the frames before and after super flash.
Active The amount of frames that this move will have a hitbox.
(x) denotes frame gaps where there are no hitboxes is present.
Due to varied blockstuns, (x) frames are difficult to use to determine punish windows. Generally the larger the numbers, the more time you have to punish.
Recovery Frames that this move has after the active frames if not canceled.
Overall Frames that this move takes from start to finish before the character returns to neutral.
Advantage The difference in frames where you can act before your opponent when this move is blocked (assuming the move isn't canceled and the first active frame is blocked).
If the opponent uses a move with startup equal or less than this move's advantage, it will result in opponent hitting that move.
±x~±x denotes a possible range of advantage. The left value is when the active frames hit sooner (generally worse) and the right value is for when the active frames hit later (generally better).
Invul The frames where this move cannot be hit by an attribute.
Full = Fully invincible
Strike = Strike invincible
Throw = Throw invincible
Head = Head invincible
Foot = Foot invincible
Dive = Dive invincible
Projectile = Projectile invincible

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
190 Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 2 12 19 -2 -

Downward sword swing.

  • The attack has less horizontal range at the top than it does at the bottom, which can cause it to whiff a jumping opponent at certain spacings.
  • It has more horizontal range at the bottom than 2A does.
Arguably Nanase's best normal
Arguably Nanase's best normal
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
390 Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
8 3 17 27 -4 -

Nanase pushes a big gust of wind in front of her.

  • Has a bit more range than her 5A and about the same range as her 2B.
  • 5B's hitbox covers the entire area directly in front of her while keeping Nanase herself in the back of it.
  • Great as a general purpose poke to deal with opponents coming at you from both ground or air.
  • If you hold forward (6B) and hit a j.236B projectile with it, it will send it diagonally upwards.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
580 Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 3 23 37 -8 -

A standing horizontal slash that covers about 1/3rd of the screen.

  • Great poke when spaced correctly.
  • ...However, the slash itself has a thin hitbox in terms of vertical reach and will whiff against jumping opponents unless you catch them just as they're jumping off the ground.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
673 Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 3 26 45 -10 -

A charged version of Nanase 5C.

  • It has more range and hits harder than 5C, making it Nanase's farthest reaching normal.
  • If you can hit a grounded opponent with this move, it combos into 236A~A for a high damage combo.

Crouching Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
140 Mid N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
5 2 12 18 -2 -

Nanase pokes forward with the hilt of her sword.

  • Less horizontal range than 5A but comes out 1 frame faster, being Nanase's fastest poke.
  • Can be used to poke out of gaps in pressure.
  • Useful for rebeats to make pressure safe (5C/2C > 2A is -1 on block.)
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
440 Low N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 3 18 29 -5 -

A crouching horizontal sword slash at the opponent's feet.

  • Hits low and comes out relatively quick.
  • Has a great range, making it a good poke when spaced correctly.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
560 Low N, SP, EX, CS Knockdown - Strike, Foot
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 4 23 38 -9 -

A large crouching horizontal sword slash.

  • A low sweep that has more range than 2B.
  • Moves Nanase forward making it useful in combos.
  • When cancelling into a whiffed 2A, 2C becomes only -1 on block.

Air Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
130 High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 2 15
[2 on landing]
23 Varies -

A jumping hand smack.

  • Good for intercepting in air to air situations at close range because of the fast start up.
  • Hitbox reaches lower than it looks.
  • Falling j.A can sometimes catch people off guard, especially if it comes after a whiffed air normal.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
380 High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
11 3 19
[3 on landing]
32 Varies -

A jumping horizontal slash where Nanase swings the sword back towards her in a sweeping upward motion.

  • Has a wider hitbox than j.C, allowing it to hit behind her in some instances.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
510 High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 3 16
[3 on landing]
27 Varies -

A followup horizontal slash to jB where Nanase swings the sword back forward in a diagonal upward motion.

  • Mostly used as a combo tool.
  • Due to a bug in UNIST, this move is unaffected by shield's effects and can be canceled on block even if shielded.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
520 High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5 18
[4 on landing]
34 Varies -

A jumping downward slash.

  • Mainly a combo tool.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
720 High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS Launch - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 3 25
[4 on landing]
45 Varies -

Charged version of j.C.

  • Floats Nanase forward and up as it hits, allowing extended air combos and mixups.
  • If done low to the ground, this lets you add further air attacks rather than landing on the ground.

Command Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
570 Mid N, SP, EX, CS, UNQ Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9 3 29 40 -14 7~11 Head

Nanase does a handstand and kicks upward into the air.

  • Launches on hit.
  • One of her best starter options for punish combos.
  • It has some head invulnerability after the startup, making it a good option to use as an anti-air.
  • On block, this move can be canceled into a unique jump that functions like her float where movement can be controlled, opening a variety of options.
    • When performing the unique jump on block, your landing recovery is 0f if you don't do anything. Otherwise, typical landing recovery rules apply.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
520 High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS Knockdown - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 3 [4 on landing] - Varies -

A downward slash that causes a hard knockdown on air hit.

  • Useful for setting up air projectile oki, making it a good combo ender in the corner.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750 High, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS Ground Bounce - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 3 [4 on landing] - Varies -

Charged version of j2C.

  • It has a far bigger hitbox than j.2C, reaching far below Nanase, and will ground bounce on hit.
  • It's a useful tool to call out certain ground approach options from other characters.
  • This move has a lot of blockstun, even retaining its advantage if shield blocked close to the ground.
Pseudo Air DP
Pseudo Air DP
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
650 Mid, Air Shield N, SP, EX, CS - - Strike, Head
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 4 15
[4 on landing]
30 Varies 8~15 Head

A rising slash where Nanase swings her sword upward in a crescent moon shape.

  • The slash itself will make Nanase rise in the air, giving it a huge vertical reach.
  • A strong tool to hit people out of the sky, and recovers fast enough to be safe on whiff.
  • Has head invulnerability once it is active (frames 8~15).
  • This is the only air normal that Nanase cannot use more than once before landing.
    • For example, if you used j.8C and then cancelled it into j.FF, you cannot use j.8C again until you land. This restriction is unique to j.8C.

Dashing Normals

Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
444 Low SP, EX, -CS- Knockdown - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
18 13 9 39 -4 to +6 12~17 Foot

Nanase leaps forward and twirls before landing and sweeping at the opponent's feet with her sword.

  • Hits low. The beginning of the animation is the same as 66C, which hits overhead, so it's a somewhat ambiguous mixup.
    • Not a true 50/50 however, as it is possible to fuzzy block it in most situations.
  • On block it is special and FF cancelable with a very generous window, making it useful for frametraps. You can also use Chain Shift on whiff.
  • It becomes plus if it hits in the later frames of the animation.
  • Its active frames make it a good meaty option.
  • On hit, it can be picked up with a quick normal or special for a combo.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
666 High SP, EX, -CS- Knockdown - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
27 4 16 46 -2 to +1 15~26 Foot

Nanase leaps forward and twirls before swinging her sword down.

  • Hits overhead. The beginning of the animation is the same as 66B which hits low, so it's a somewhat ambiguous mixup.
    • Not a true 50/50 however, as it is possible to fuzzy block it in most situations.
  • On block it is special and FF cancelable, making it a relatively safe overhead. You can also use Chain Shift on whiff.
  • On hit, this has plenty of hitstun to combo off of even without special canceling.
  • The damage proration is awful though.

Universal Mechanics

Force Function

Breeze's Liberte
B+C / j.B+C
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - 1 GRD -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1 - - 51 - -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
- - - - 0.5 GRD -
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1 - - 51 - -

A vertical wind jump when done from the ground and a float when done from the air.

  • From the ground, you can cancel into any air action starting on 4f. From the air, you can act as soon as 13f.
  • You can also drift forward and backward while in this state.
  • The ground version can be used to get a jump cancel during pressure. The air version can be used similarly to a double jump cancel, enabling extended aerial pressure.
  • In vorpal state, can be used a second time in the air and GRD cost is halved.


Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1640 Unblockable - - - Throw
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
4 1 22 26 +49 (hit) -

Nanase grabs the opponent and tosses them away in a gust of wind.

  • If a j.236B projectile goes by during the grab animation, it will hit, but ends up dealing a bit less total damage as proration hurts the throw (1492 to be exact.)
Guard Thrust
Guard Thrust
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid - Launch 100 EXS, GRD Break Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
15 5 26 45 -12 1~15 Full,
16~45 Full on hit
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid - Launch Vorpal Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
12 5 26 42 -12 1~15 Full,
16~45 Full on hit

Blows the opponent away on hit.

  • Usable only during blockstun.
  • Generally better to use while in Vorpal as it's faster and costs less resources.
Veil Off
Veil Off
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid, Air - Launch, Wall Bounce, GRD Break 100+ EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 2 [7 (3 on hit) on landing] 58 (54 on hit) -13 1~30 Full
Full Charge
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid, Air - Launch, Wall Bounce, GRD Break 100+ EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
68 2 [7 (2 on hit) on landing] 108 (103 on hit) -14 1~91 Full

Universal reversal that blows the opponent back on hit.

  • Airborne: 1~52, Standing: 53~59.
    • For Full Charge version: Airborne: 1~101, Standing: 102~108.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and puts you in Veil Off state which grants 20% more damage, but drains your meter at a slow rate.
  • Meter drains much slower when health is below 30% (orange health).
  • You can hold down A+B+C to delay activation and gain a few extra benefits, but doing so is highly unrecommended unless trying to run the clock as this move already has a long start up as is.
Cross Cast
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
0 Mid, Air - Launch 100+ EXS, Vorpal Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
2 4 20 25 +3 1~19 Full

Cancels an action and launches the opponent high into the air on hit.

  • Airborne: 1~25.
  • CVO cancel is treated the same as EX cancel, you can only CVO when you can EX and the opponent is in hit/blockstun.
    • Including in the air.
  • Requires at least 100 meter and consumes vorpal state and drains meter at a fast rate.
  • Has a lot of hitstun, making it easy to combo from.
  • Grants an additional bounce if both have been used in the combo so far.
    • If the opponent does end up hitting the ground during the combo, damage is prorated.
  • Pressing A+B+C can be used for a shortcut for Infinite Worth.
  • Used mostly as a way to tack on extra damage, or to reliably close out the round.

Special Moves

Chasing le Rêvé
Short Distance
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750 Mid -EX-, -CS-, UNQ Knockdown - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7~21 15 20 41 -13 to +1 -
Long Distance
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750 Mid -EX-, -CS-, UNQ Knockdown - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
9~35 27 28 63 -33 to -7 -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1836 Mid, Air CS Launch 100 EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+8~22 15 27 50 -12 to +2 1-3 Throw, 2-23 Projectile

Nanase charges forward behind a wind-powered sword. Often referred to as "Swordcar" by the community.

  • Variable startup and frame advantage is because all versions can hit the opponent at different points in the travel path. An early-hitting swordcar is fast but unsafe compared to a late-hitting swordcar.
  • A and B versions cause knockdown on hit, which can lead to favorable trades for Nanase.
  • A version has the fastest startup and travels the shortest distance.
    • Can be used sparingly as a poke in close-range situations or to break out of pressure.
    • This version is usually used in combos unless otherwise specified.
    • It can go under and beat certain special moves like Orie's Divine Thrust.
  • B version travels far but is always unsafe, and should not be used without resources to remain safe.
    • This can be used to continue a combo from a range where you're too far to use any other move.
  • C version has projectile invulnerability starting on frame 2, making it an excellent option for punishing fireballs as well as some whiffed normals.
    • As a starter, you have ample time to pick up even from far away by using 236B and confirming into a combo for solid damage.
Avancer With You
Real Soviet Damage!
Real Soviet Damage!
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
890 Mid EX, CS Crumple on ground hit, Wall Bounce on air hit - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17 10 23 49 -7 -

Nanase follows up Chasing the Rêvé by stabbing her sword forward.

  • Crumples a grounded opponent, sends them flying forward and causes a wall bounce if airborne.
  • Possible option to end a combo if you want the distance, otherwise you have better choices.
  • Nanase's best starter for damage, but the awkward and long startup means you get few occasions to use it.
  • If you use it while at point-blank range to the opponent, you'll end up on the other side of them. The blockstun and distance is usually enough to prevent some opponents from punishing you without a fast, long range move or shielding.
Aureole of the Starry Sky
Weak American damage.
Weak American damage.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
730 High EX, CS Knockdown - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
24 5 20 48 -7 16~28 Foot

Nanase follows up Chasing the Rêvé by hopping forward and slashing downward with her sword.

  • Unsafe on block. Never use this without meter or CS to confirm or make it safe.
  • Foot invul might allow you to low crush, but still a very risky option.
  • If you do happen to hit with this, you can pick up with a quick normal as well.
    • It's not very good even as a combo starter, though.
Halte Once in a While
People really should punish this.
People really should punish this.
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
956 Mid, Air EX, CS Launch on hit, No Collision otherwise - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 3 23 39 - 6~16 Projectile, 14~16 Full

Nanase follows up Chasing the Rêvé by passing through the opponent and launching them up into the air with a tornado.

  • This move is unique in that it only has a hitbox if it actually hits the opponent. Otherwise, Nanase will go through the opponent completely.
  • On hit, Nanase has enough time to follow up with nearly anything.
    • She will always sideswap on hit, making it an easy option for sideswap routes.
  • However, the move is long enough that it can be reacted to, leaving Nanase open to punishment if she doesn't hit.
Ange's Invitation
why can't 214C be +4
why can't 214C be +4
Near Tornado
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1355 Mid, Air EX, CS, UNQ Launch, Vacuum - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
17-32 18 28 62 -9 to +6 -
Far Tornado
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1355 Mid, Air EX, CS, UNQ Launch - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13-23 18 28 58 -9 to +1 -
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1670 Mid, Air CS Launch 100 EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+11 18 29 58 +3 1~3 Throw

Nanase jumps and creates a tornado before floating back down.

  • Startup and advantage vary depending on when the tornado hitboxes hit the opponent.
  • A and B version can be cancelled into a divekick follow-up.
  • If the opponent blocks in the air, the divekick is air unblockable and will always hit.
  • A version is angled towards her and she floats back to where she started.
    • Drags the opponent towards her on hit.
  • B version is angled away from her and she floats forward.
    • Hitbox is larger than the A version.
    • Follow-ups can cross up if delayed a bit.
  • C version is a much larger version with B's angle and Nanase travels with the tornado.
    • The hitbox is massive, and can cover a large part of the screen.
    • Because it is plus on block, it can be used to keep Nanase safe. However, if shielded properly, Nanase is 0 on block.
    • Useful for comboing off moves normally out of reach of Nanase's other confirms.
    • If an opponent blocks in the air, Nanase can hit them with a ground normal upon landing.
    • On hit, has a very long hitstun making it easy to combo off of.
Conveying my Vrai Couer
Dive like the wind!
Dive like the wind!
Close Distance
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
800 High EX, CS Knockdown - Strike, Dive
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
14 until land [27 on landing] - -9 to -3 -
Middle Distance
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
800 High EX, CS Knockdown - Strike, Dive
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
16 until land [25 on landing] - -7 to -1 -
Long Distance
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
800 High EX, CS Knockdown - Strike, Dive
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 until land [27 on landing] - -9 to -3 -

A dive kick followup to Ange's Invitation.

  • You can delay it for as long as Nanase is in the air.
    • It will always attack the opponent's position at the time you use it, meaning it will auto-correct if you or the opponent switch sides.
  • You can get a full combo off a counter hit, otherwise you will have to spend meter or Chain Shift.
  • A version travels the shortest distance and is the fastest.
  • B version travels farther than A and is slightly slower on startup.
  • C version travels the farthest, and Nanase rises up slightly during startup.
Plumage Dancing in the Wind
3 hits, small
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1131 Mid -EX-, -CS- Launch, Vacuum - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
7 7 38
[18 on landing]
51 -23 4~13 Dive, 7~13 Head
4 hits, tall
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1359 Mid (CS) Launch, Vacuum - Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
6 10 45
[18 on landing]
60 -31 1~9 Full, 10~15 Head, 10-15 Dive
8-16 hits, EX
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1670-2216 Mid (CS) Launch, Vacuum 100 EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+6 16 58
[18 on landing]
80 -50 1~6 Full, 7~10 Strike

A reversal move where Nanase kicks directly up into the air, making a tornado form around her as she does.

  • All versions are capable of hitting on both sides of Nanase.
  • A version has the shortest range, both vertically and horizontally.
    • It can be cancelled on whiff, but is not so good except as a combo ender in specific situations.
  • B version has better vertical range but still suffers horizontally.
    • Tends to lose to well-spaced attacks, so don't lean on it too much as a reversal.
    • Can be cancelled on hit using Chain Shift for good damage.
  • C version reaches very high in the air and is a little wider too.
    • You can do more damage and hits by mashing buttons and moving the stick.
    • One of Nanase's most damaging options to end a combo with, though it does allow the opponent to air tech. Try not to use it as such unless you can close out the round with it.
Let the Fleur Carry your Feelings
Straight Air Fireball
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750 Mid, Air -EX-, CS Launch - Strike, Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
20 (+27 on crouching) 26 [10 on landing] 38 +10 (+17 on crouching) -
Curving Air Fireball
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750 Mid, Air -EX-, CS Launch - Strike, Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
24 (+27 on crouching) 26 [10 on landing] 42 +10 (+13 on crouching) -
Ground Fireball
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750 (in air), 444 (on ground) Mid, Air -EX-, CS Launch - Strike, Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
21 (+27 on crouching) until hit [10 on landing] 40 +9 (+15 on crouching) -
Large Ground Fireball
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
750 (in air), 444 (on ground) Mid, Air -EX-, CS Launch - Strike, Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
28 until hit [12 on landing] 49 +7 -
EX Fireball
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
1523 Mid, Air CS Knockdown 100 EXS Strike, Projectile
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+6~32 until hit [13 on landing] 52 -5 -

Nanase throws out a wind projectile with unique properties depending on which button is pressed and whether it is held.

  • Advantage is based on usage at lowest height at point-blank.
  • A pivotal tool in Nanase's pressure and overall gameplay.
  • All versions can be TK'd and it is recommended to do so.
  • B and C versions remain active until they hit an opponent/projectile or leave the screen.
  • A and B versions float the opponent on hit.
  • Frame advantage changes depending on whether the opponent is standing or crouching.
  • A version goes forward through the air.
    • Regular A version travels straight forward, while increased A version is bigger and follows a path that curves upward.
    • Nanase retains her forward/backward momentum when using this move, but always floats slightly upward as well.
  • B version falls down to the ground before moving forward along the ground.
    • Nanase's momentum stops in the air when she uses this.
    • While falling, it does more damage and has better combo proration.
    • Regular B version is small enough to go under some projectiles, like Hyde's or Akatsuki's. Increased B version has a bigger hitbox.
  • C version is more of a tornado that travels downward at an angle.
    • Has some homing capability on grounded opponents. If it hits the ground, it will travel fullscreen and curve upwards.
    • If you cancel j.236B into this, the j.236B projectile can hit the opponent on the ground allowing for a combo.


Infinite Worth

Atmosphère of the Aether
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
[Min: 1100]
Mid, Air except sword hitbox - - 200 EXS Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
13 4 57 73 -41 1~36 Full, 37-44 Throw

Nanase performs an invincible sword uppercut before jumping up and pushing a ball of wind into the opponent to knock them down.

  • The sword portion of the hit is air unblockable.

Infinite Worth EXS

Lumière of the Dawn
Damage Guard Cancel Property Cost Attribute
3750 Mid, Air - Knockdown 200 EXS, Vorpal or GRD Break Strike
Startup Active Recovery Overall Advantage Invul
1+15 6 46 67 -25 1~26 Full

Nanase becomes surrounded by a pillar of light which goes into a cinematic on hit.

  • Must have less than 30% health (orange health) to use.
  • After the cinematic, characters will be moved to the middle of the stage, regardless of where they were positioned before.
  • Due to the cost, it is usually not recommended to use this move unless it will kill the opponent.



Default Unlocks

001 Moulin à Vent
002 Altar of Iris
003 Blitz Flugel
004 Averse Ciel
005 Katze Madchen
006 Nature Gale
007 Seesse Luna
008 Sol Envidia
009 Glicina Boton
010 Mars Soir

Customization Unlocks (2000 IP Each)

011 Freeze Night
012 Thin Vermilion
013 Vert Clair de Lune
014 Glamorous Aura
015 Notre Dame
016 Apricot Tea
017 Stille Vulkan
018 Briny Air
019 Winter Nacht
020 Otaria Bianco
021 Juillet Peche
022 Le Lac Des Fees
023 Insulator Girl
024 Grizzled Doe
025 Stratoshpere
026 Gingko Biloba
027 Chitose Green
028 Luft Minze
029 Depletion Garden
030 Mystique Senior

External Links

Patch Notes