Tough Love Arena/Pork

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Pork is the grappler of TLA who also can play as a midrange character. They have strong strike-throw pressure with Caber, can wall their opponents out in neutral with Heavy Punch, and can do a ton of damage. They have these strengths at the price of sometimes having a hard time on defense and sometimes struggling to approach.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Pressure: With a varied kit of frametraps combined with a command grab, Pork always makes the opponent nervous with 50/50s.
  • Okizeme: Getting knockdowns sets up scary strike/throw mixups or safejumps.
  • High Reward: Pork’s most common starters lead into great damage, great corner carry, and favorable knockdowns.
  • Defense: Pork struggles to counter most blockstrings, meaties, and frametraps due to having a lack of a frame 1 reversal.
  • High Risk: Pork’s approach options have a high layer of commitment due to slow startup and can be stuffed/punished.

Move List


TLA Shorthand

Basic Moves

TLA Pork 5L.png
TLA Pork 5L Hitbox.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
50 5 10 10 +5 +1 -

Pork's fastest attack. A low punch to the gut. Has short range but is useful in scrambles, combos, and pressure. Can not anti air Jumps like other 5L's.

First Hit Scaling: 2 Hits

Cancels: H, S

Toggle Hitboxes
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Heavy Punch
TLA Pork 5H.png
TLA Pork 5H Hitbox.png
The big punch.
The big punch.
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
80 9 5 15 +5 -5 -

Pork's heavy attack. A big beefy punch with an excellent combination of range, startup, and damage.

Cancels: L, H, S, RC

Toggle Hitboxes
Toggle Hitboxes
TLA Pork 5HH.png
TLA Pork 5HH(1) Hitbox.png
TLA Pork 5HH(2).png
TLA Pork 5HH(2) Hitbox.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
40, 80 10,10 10,10 34 +29 -20 -

Pork moves forward into a shoulder tackle, followed by an uppercut that launches the opponent. Pork is put right next to the opponent. Useful for combo extensions and creating pressure.

Cancels: RC

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TLA Pork 5HS.png
TLA Pork 5HS Hitbox.png
Talk to the hand.
Talk to the hand.
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
70 13 5 20 +2 -8 -

A low-risk, low-reward followup to Heavy Punch.

Cancels: S, RC

Toggle Hitboxes
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Jump Attack/Spike
TLA Pork 6S.png
TLA Pork 6S(1) Hitbox.png
Rising Knee.
Rising Knee.
TLA Pork 6S(2).png
TLA Pork 6S(2) Hitbox.png
Falling Kick.
Falling Kick.
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
150, 100 11, 18 6, 6 5 KD, +20 +10 Armor vs. Air: 6-17

Pork's Jump attack. The attack has two parts: the rising knee at the beginning and the falling kick. The rising knee is a fast anti air attack that leads to an automatic knockdown on hit. The falling kick occurs if the rising knee did not hit anything and functions similar to other jump attacks.

First Hit Scaling: 1 Hit (Falling Kick portion only)

Cancels: 4 (During startup)

Toggle Hitboxes
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Universal Mechanics

TLA Pork Throw.png
TLA Pork Throw Hitbox.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
200 5 10 10 KD - -

Pork chucks the opponent behind them with a grunt.

  • Throw can not hit most attacks during startup and active frames.
  • Moves with armor can be hit with Throw during armor frames.
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Rapid Cancel (RC)
6T (during hitsun or blockstun of a move)
TLA Pork Rapid.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
- 35 0 0 Stop Time Frames 1-35 Stop Time Frames 1-35 1-35

A universal metered option that removes the end lag of a move.

  • Costs 1000 meter to use.
  • Allows for combos and setups that are not possible otherwise.
6T (while blocking a move)
TLA Pork Reject.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
- 10 5 15 ±0 -2 1-15

A universal metered option that acts as a low risk, low reward reversal.

  • Costs 1000 meter to use (essentially half meter/one bar of meter).
  • Pushes the opponent a short distance away.
  • Allows Pork to reset to neutral when they are under pressure.
4T (while in hitstun)
TLA Pork Burst.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
- 20 2 28 KD -24 1-22

A universal metered option that combo breaks.

  • Costs 2000 meter to use (essentially full meter).
  • Pushes the opponent full screen and acts as a full reset to neutral.

Special Moves

Caber Toss
TLA Pork 5S.png
TLA Pork 5S Hitbox.png
The reason you play this character.
The reason you play this character.
The fake out for the reason you play this character.
The fake out for the reason you play this character.
Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
Caber Toss 80 10 64 15 +30 - -

A sliding command grab. Unlike normal throws, Caber keeps the opponent on the same side that they were on. Pork can also combo off of it, leading to higher damage and better knockdowns. However, it has shorter range than throw and slower startup. Pork starts sliding forward on frame 26.

First Hit Scaling: 3 Hits

Cancels: 4 (during startup)

Version Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
Shy Caber Toss - - - 10 - - -

Pork stops before command grabbing you. Can only be done before the move starts sliding forwards. Takes 20 frames from Caber Toss startup to fully whiff in neutral. Canceling any normal into Caber Fake will result in the normal being 1 frame less advantageous if canceled quickly.

Toggle Hitboxes
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TLA Pork 4S.png
TLA Pork 4S(1) Hitbox.png
TLA Pork 4S(2).png
TLA Pork 4S(2) Hitbox.png
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
100 20 5 20 +9 -8 Armor vs. Air and Projectiles 1-4, Armor 5-25

Pork's reversal, an armored two-handed chop. A high risk, high reward reversal that sets up into oki and pressure. Chop also makes for a great antiair, as it either knocks down or catches the opponent on their landing frames depending on timing.

First Hit Scaling: 3 Hits

Cancels: RC (on hit)

Toggle Hitboxes
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Empty Jump
TLA Pork 6S4.png
TLA Pork 5S Hitbox.png
TLA Pork 5S.png
A fakeout into Caber.
A fakeout into Caber.
Damage Startup Active Recovery On Hit On Block Invuln
80 41 64 15 +30 - -

Pork fakes out a Jump Attack and lands with Caber instead.

Scaling: 3 Hits

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TLA Pork color1.png TLA Pork color2.png TLA Pork color3.png TLA Pork color4.png TLA Pork color5.png
Default color palette. Striped Pork. Mint Pork. Peach Pork. Plaid Pork.

TLA Pork color6.png TLA Pork color7.png TLA Pork color8.png TLA Pork color9.png
Porkenstein. Golden Pork. Normal Pork. Rose Pork.


The Lean Cut - Pork Comprehensive Guide

Pork Tech Video

Pork Video Guide

