Rainbowcore Hypernova/Indigo

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Indigo excels at mid-range zoning and keepaway, having powerful options to shut down projectiles and incoming offense. In mid range, and sometimes long range play, Indigo can control the pace of the game and use his committal buttons without being punished. With just one bar of meter, Indigo has access to scary mixups and long, damaging staircase combos that force the opponent to use meter to get out.

Indigo struggles when he is under pressure, as he has no hitting reversal options, and a short backdash with low invuln frames. His disjointed buttons have dead zones up close, and that makes him unable to use his best buttons when in close range pressure. Indigo's general escape options have no hitboxes and leave the opponent actionable. Hence, he has to make use of universal mechanics and proactive defense to get out of sticky situations.

Overall, Indigo has a stable, flexible gameplan, with a grounded projectile, a cancellable aerial float that gives him oppressive aerial projectiles, disjointed buttons, and multiple evasive options that let him hold his position on screen. Indigo's design rewards strong fundamentals, letting you stuff approaches before they happen, giving you options to shred opponents up close, or keep them at a distance for your zoning plans.

RCHN Indigo Name.PNG

RCHN Indigo Idle.png
Pros Cons
  • Pro A: N/A
  • Pro B: N/A
  • Pro C: N/A
  • Con A: N/A
  • Con B: N/A
  • Con C: N/A


Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 Mid 2 - - Launch -11

A basic, fast poke that works as a combo starter.

5B Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 Mid 2 - - Knock Away -11

Fast, mid range poke that is generally safe when spaced well. Large dead zone extending from Indigo till the gun.

5B > B Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20+20 Mid 2 - - Knock Away -5

Target combo that makes 5B safer. Still has the same dead zone. Launches the opponent far away, giving wallbounce near the corner.

Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 Mid 4 - - Stagger -17

Moderately fast low with a deceptive animation. Keeps the opponent close on hit for combo continuations. Very unsafe on block.

2B Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 Mid 2 - - Knock Away -7

Like 5B, except a low attack. Has a dead zone till the end of the gun barrel. Excellent for checking grounded approaches.

2B > B Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20+20 Mid 2 - - Knock Away -7

Follow up to 2B, generally just to tack on extra damage or read a delayed approach.

Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20,19 High 2 - - Launch -12, -9*

One the best, if not the best air normal in the game.

  • Hits on both sides for crossups, and hits twice
  • Active for 20+ frames
  • Cancels into Indigo's most damaging combos
  • Trades with most anti-airs and air-to-airs
  • Plus on block when close to the ground

*Block advantage improves with lower air height.

j.B Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 High 2 - - Knock Away -11 (varies)

5B, but in the air. The dead zone is much smaller, and it is safe on block since it pushes Indigo backwards.

In the corner, has no dead zones.

j.B Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 High 2 - - Launch -11 (varies)

Follow up to j.B that launches. Useful as a frame trap, or a combo starter, if you have meter for a Rainbow dash.

Command Normals

Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20,20,20,20 High 22 - - Knock Away +1

A slow, multi-hit overhead you can use after conditioning your opponent. Plus on block if all hits connect.

Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20,20 Mid 2 - - Knock Away -7

A long range attack that covers nearly half the screen. Not fast enough to check dashes, but can be used to whiff punish from afar.

Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 High 4 - - Knock Away -9

An unsafe divekick. Tiny hitbox, hits only in startup, and vulnerable till it hits the ground.

Can be used as an instant overhead.

j.2B Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 High 2 - - Slam -11

Hits straight downward, and shifts Indigo's hurtboxes upward. Nearly impossible to see from double jump height.

j.2B > B Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 High 2 - - Slam -11

Followup to j.2B that makes it a crossup, since it shoots with the other hand.

Special Moves

A Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20,20 Mid - - - Launch -

Indigo's Blasters. Shoots two forward moving projectiles, which usually counters single projectiles from all other characters.

B Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20,20 Mid - - - Launch -

Blasters with faster startup.

Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 Mid 2 - - -8 -11


Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 Mid 2 - - -8 -11



Damage Guard First Active Active Recovery On Hit On Block
20 Mid 2 - - -8 -11

