Kirby Battle Blitz/Jodie: Difference between revisions

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*Important in jodie's combos as it is one of his few moves that can pickup knocked opponents
*Important in jodie's combos as it is one of his few moves that can pickup knocked opponents
*Will outspeed many moves and has an amazing hitbox, but is wiff-punishable.
*Will outspeed many moves and has an amazing hitbox, but is wiff-punishable.
*The move itself is very good at wiff-punishing the opponent.
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=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Overhead</font>=====
=====<font style="visibility:hidden; float:right">Overhead</font>=====

Revision as of 13:05, 18 August 2022

KBB Jodie Render.png
Owned by: KlasiqueTV
HP: 1000
Meter Size: 3000
Prejump Frames: 2
Extra Movement Options: Teleport (236A), Invul Run (214B), Extra Jump/Dash (6C, j.6C, j.5C)


Jodie is someone who doesn't have a past, born without a name, or better yet, doesn't know his past. He just knows that he was always alone. No family. No mother. No father. No anything. When he was really young he would do anything to survive. He was very raw and almost emotionless having to deal with the struggles of the world alone, but one day he met someone named Kaige. Kaige is a very lazy and laid back guy, but he has a strong sense of justice, and likes to have fun. He was the one to give Jodie his name, and because of him, he discovered the power of "The Wielder". After going through so much together, now his precious friend is missing. Outside of the Strike Force, Jodie also works for a secret organization called "The Company" along with Kaige. Now ever since Kaige went on a reconnaissance mission and lost all contact. Jodie vows to search for his friend either dead or alive till the day he dies.


Jodie is a very versatile stance character who can freely choose between rushdown and footsies. He is able to trade fast moves and burst movement for massive hitboxes and powerful fatals and vice versa at will, allowing you to play Jodie however you desire, as long as it's up close and personal.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Exceptionally high damage output. - Jodie can easily defeat his opponent in 2 touches if they don't starburst.
  • Many really good reversals. - They give him a better disadvantage state than most of the cast.
  • Very Fast Burst Movement. - Allows him to quickly get in when he sees a chance.
  • Exceptional Meter Build. - Giving him enough meter to do his exceptionally high damage often while continually having access to his extra movement options.
  • Easy to use at a beginner level
  • His Approach is Vulnerable. - His burst movement leaves him vulnerable and wide open, if only for a brief moment, making him susceptible to reads.
  • Lacks any midscreen or fullscreen presence. - Jodie is forced to be in the opponent's face to be effective.

Command List

Normal Moves

5A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 Mid 5AA, 2A, 5B, 5C, 236A, 214A, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 3 6 0 (0) 5 5

Jodie takes a jab at the opponent.

  • It's a fast poke that confirms into either continued pressure or a combo.
5AA Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 Mid, Air 5BB, 5C, 6C, 236A, 214A - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 5 8 -1(0) 5 5

Jodie follows up with a kick.

5B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 Mid 2A, 5AA, 5BB, 6C, 5C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
10 12 13 0(0) 5 10

Jodie does a high kick.

  • Can function as an anti-air if timed properly, but there are better moves for that.
  • Can be done in a block string to set up a pseudo 50/50 of either cancelling into 5C and doing and high attack, or cancelling into 2A for a low attack.
  • Achieving the right circumstances for this is difficult, but may be worth it for an extremely fast pseudo-50/50. It's safest to do this by cancelling into 5B from your 5A jab in a blockstring.
5BB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
up to 40

5 per hit, up to 8 hits

Mid, Air 5BBB, 5C, 6C, 214A, 214B (Projectile Invul) 0 - 31 - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
3 24 17 -3(0) 5 5

Jodie breakdances on the opponent.

  • This move has very, very high meterbuild, so it's a staple in every combo.
  • Useful in blockstrings as it leads to 5BBB, which can be canceled.
  • This move itself can be cancelled into several important pressure moves for unpredicable pressure. Some routes completely punish many forms of retaliation.
  • It can be cancelled into 5C, but it is not recommended as you will be negative.
5BBB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 Mid, Air Jump (on hit only), 5C, 6C, 236A (on hit only), 214A - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 4 20 9 (-8) 5 10

Jodie kicks the opponent high in the air.

  • This is one of jodie's main launcher in combos. It's advantage over 6C is that it builds meter rather than drain it.
  • On block, this causes a lot of blockstun for the opponent, so you can cancel the move to take advantage of it. Twinkle cancelling it is especially powerful (and very costly) as it leads to a guaranteed 50/50.
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
40 total, 5 per hit, 8 hits Mid, Air 5BBB, 5C, 6C, Y - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
3 24 17 -4(-7) 3 10

Jodie spin-kicks his way into the action

  • Extremely fast startup
  • Decent priority above him, so can function as an anti-air, though many dive kicks will beat it.
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 High, Air Jump, j.A, j.B, j.5C, j.6C, 214A - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
5 2 33 -8 to -13(-9 to -14) 2 10

Jodie Kicks in the air

  • Good to use after launching the opponent to continue the combo.
j.B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
25 High, Air Jump, j.6C, j.5C, j.BB - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 2 10 12 (+4 to +12) 0 10

Jodie kicks in the air, but with the other leg.

  • This is one of normal jodie's best moves
  • Completely Safe
  • Really good in combos
  • Meaty high, so it's very good for oki
  • The ligering hitbox and the lack of recovery makes it good for safely approaching.
j.BB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 High, Air IAD (on hit only), Airdash (on hit only) - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
9 6 0 KND (+1) 0 10

Jodie follow up with a second kick that throws the opponent against the ground.

  • Can be cancelled with IAD to continue the combo back on the ground. Make sure to always let the opponent bounce once before continuing the combo.
  • Leaves you safe and back in a neutral state on block.

Sword Moves

S.5A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 Mid, Air S.5AA, S.2A, S.5B, S.5C, 236A, 214A, 236B - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
8 4 13 0(0) 3 5

Jodie slashes his sword upwards.

  • Combo starter with massive range.
  • Can stuff other moves out
  • Can function as a very good anti-air
S.5AA Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
25 Mid, Air S.2A, S.5B, 236A, 214A, 236B - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 8 8 0(0) 3 5

Jodie follows up with a downward slash

  • Good for taking on damage in combos
  • Can be delayed in blockstrings for a good stagger.
S.5B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
25 (50 on Fatal) Mid 5BB, 5C, 236A, 214A, 236B - Fatals, Air-Unblockable -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 6 10 0(0) 5 10

Jodie thrusts his sword into the opponent

  • Amazing Fatal that converts to a combo.
  • Can be staggered out of both parts of S.5A for a dangerous frame trap.
S.5BB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
30 (60 on fatal) Mid, Air - - Fatals -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
8 3 16 Launch +27(-2) 0 10

Jodie does one last slash to send the opponent flying into the air.

  • Sword Jodie's standard launcher
  • Safe, but negative on block. You won't get punished, but you lose your turn.
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 High, Air Jump (on hit only), j.S.B, j.S.5C, j.S.2C, 214A - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
4 2 6 +5 to +6 (+1 to +2) 0 10
j.S.B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 (30 on fatal) High, Air Jump, j.S.BB, j.S.5C, j.S.2C, 214A - Fatals -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
5 2 10 +1 to +4 (-3 to -5) 5 5

Jodie slashes upwards in the air.

  • A fast fatal with a massive hitbox.
j.S.BB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 (40 on fatal) High, Air Jump, j.S.5C, j.S.2C, 214A - Fatals -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
3 2 10 KND (0) 5 5

Jodie follows up with a slash downward, knocking the opponent down.

  • Puts the opponent in knockdown if it lands while still being safe on block.
  • Just like the first part of this move, this part also fatals, and it can be staggered.

Universal Mechanics

Low Attack
Normal Jodie Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 Low, Air 5AA, 5BB, 5C, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
5 3 17 -7(-7) 5 5

Very fast low kick

  • Important in jodie's combos as it is one of his few moves that can pickup knocked opponents
  • Will outspeed many moves and has an amazing hitbox, but is wiff-punishable.
  • The move itself is very good at wiff-punishing the opponent.

Sword Jodie Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15, 20 Low, Air Bounce (Jump), S.5BB, 236A, 214A, 236B - Multi-hit move (2 hits) -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
8, 7 4, 4 14 Launch +18 (-5) 5 10

Jodie does low swipe with his sword

  • A meaty low that converts into combos
  • Is jump cancelable. He is +2 on block if he jump cancels this move.

Normal Jodie Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
10 High, Air IAD, Airdash (66, 44), j.6c - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
18 2 32 +8 (+5) 5 0

Jodie jumps in the air and kicks the opponent in the head.

  • Very slow overhead that leads to plus frames.
  • Can be used to call out counters, but is otherwise extremely reactable at frame 18.
  • Outclassed as an overhead by his jumping moves.
Sword Jodie Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
10 HA IAD, j.S.5c, 236A (if inputted as 236B for some reason) - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
22 3 33 +12 (+9) 5 0

Jodie jumps in the air and kicks the opponent in the head, but he has a sword on him now.

  • A more extreme version of the normal jodie 2b. Even slower, but more plus. Has the same use.
  • Despite the plus frames, it's so slow that this move is still heavily outclassed as an overhead by Sword Jodie's aerial moves.

Grab (Y)
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
150 Unblockable - Invul on hit Throw -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
10 5 15 33 35 25

Jodie grabs the opponent and throws them in the other direction

  • Faster than average grab
  • Can only combo in the corner
  • Outclassed by his command grab, which is also fast, is untechable, and can combos.

EX Attacks

Star Strikes



17% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Basic stuff like the landing page and navbox is in, along with some system pages.
  • System page is complete.
  • Clean up and finish the rest of the character pages. Every page needs to be updated to account for changes in updates 2.0 to 2.4.
  • Create netplay page.
  • Update FAQ
  • Add patch-notes from 2.1 to 2.4.
  • Finish adding frame data to every page, and begin adding hit-boxes to every page. Glitch is currently the gold standard in the gameplay section, hitboxes aside. (Avoid doing Violet's at all costs however!)
  • When Adding Hitboxes: Only take images from Fighter Factory. This is to keep the look of the hitboxes clean!
  • Ensure that this chart is updated over time.

Patch Notes