Them's Fightin' Herds/Texas/Combos: Difference between revisions

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===Combo Theory===
===Combo Theory===
Very generally speaking, unless going for a specific metergain route or HKD setup, a Texas combo tends to look something like:
Chain normals into Stomp (22X) -> Shorthop jump cancel -> Hit the opponent into bullseye range -> Land a bullseye cowbell to launch the opponent back toward Texas -> Repeat the previous steps if possible until around JDMax -> Chain normals into Stomp (22X) -> Use groundbounce -> Go into an ender
====A Note About Starters====
While the choice of starter changing what kinds of routes might be optimal is not unique, Texas can be impacted by this even very early in a combo.
For just one example, starting a combo with {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X will juggle the opponent at a different height than if starting straight from {{clr|14|2C}} 22X. The latter will give slightly less height on launch - a seemingly insignificant difference, one that changes how you'll want to continue the combo, and which routes are the most optimal.
====Options after Shorthop Jump Cancelling====
At midscreen, Texas generally prefers not to use {{clr|14|3C}} launcher early, as the groundbounce from the {{clr|14|j.C}} that will follow is usually more useful when saved until later in a combo. {{clr|14|3C}} does have uses in corner combos, but that's for a different section.
There are several options for continuing a combo after jump cancelling 22X. Which one you use will depend on the desired level of precision required, and may change depending on how far away the opponent is when the combo begins.
Also important to note that all of these midscreen options rely on there being enough space between Texas and the corner for bullseyes to land. Being too close to the corner will require different routing.
*'''...22X -> shjc.{{clr|13|j.B}} -> {{clr|14|5C}} -> {{clr|15|(BE)5D}}...'''
This is arguably the easiest followup, and good for damage, but the least JD efficient option. For the shorthop jump cancel, you want to jump backwards if your combo begins very close to the opponent, and neutrally/in place if it begins around normal {{clr|13|2B}} range. At the very edge of this range, it may be necessary to shorthop forward to make sure {{clr|13|j.B.}} reaches.
*'''...22X -> shjc. -> (Land) -> {{clr|13|5B}} -> {{clr|14|5C}} -> {{clr|15|(BE)5D}}...'''
This is another option that's slightly more JD efficient than the previous, in exchange for making sure you have the timing down on pressing {{clr|13|B}} after Texas has landed so you don't accidentally get a {{clr|13|j.B}}, but not too late as to let the opponent touch the ground. In the same manner as before, you want to use the direction of your shorthop to make sure the rest of the combo connects at the right range.
*'''...22X -> shjc. -> (Land) -> {{clr|14|5C}} -> {{clr|15|(BE)5D}}...'''
Very similar to the previous combo, but a bit more efficient in exchange for being harder to time, as you will have a smaller window to land {{clr|14|5C}} than you did for {{clr|13|5B}}. There is a comparatively larger range where you may want to shorthop backwards, as {{clr|14|5C}} reaches really far, and having it hit at the tip of its range tends to set you up at a better distance for the rest of the combo.
A tip that can be important elsewhere, but is particularly important here, is that Texas can "fastfall" and land from a jump a few frames earlier by purposefully whiffing {{clr|12|j.A}} or Air Throw (j.BC). This is useful in any instance where you want to have a slightly larger window to connect with buttons after jump cancelling from 22X. There are some particular instances where this technique is even necessary for the combo to work at all - for example the starter {{clr|14|2C}} 22X backwards shjc. {{clr|14|5C (Tipper)}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} will not work without fastfalling after the shjc. Fastfalling with Air Throw is preferred in instances where the hitbox from {{clr|12|j.A}} would make contact with the opponent and disrupt the combo.
*'''...22X -> shjc.{{clr|15|j.D}} -> (Land) -> {{clr|15|(BE)5D}}'''
This is the most efficient route, but also arguably the hardest to time properly. Unlike the other combos, you usually want to shorthop forward, or sometimes neutrally, so that Texas is very close to the opponent when {{clr|15|j.D}} lands. If they are too far away, {{clr|15|5D}} will not reach.
====Followups from {{clr|15|(BE)5D}}====
Depending on your combo starter and how much JD you've racked up so far, you may want to combo into another {{clr|15|(BE) 5D}}, or go straight into normals that will lead to your ender.
This option is intuitively the most straightfoward, but costs a lot of JD due to the use of {{clr|14|Run C}}, which limits your potential options for continuing and ending the combo. Some possible continuations for this option include {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}, or {{clr|14|5C}} 22X shjc.{{clr|15|j.D}}.
*'''...[4]6~{{clr|12|A}}''' -> {{clr|13|5B}} -> {{clr|14|5C}}...'''
By initiating a Rodeo Run and then immediately cancelling it (this is commonly referred to as doing "runstop"), Texas can reposition himself after a bullseye to a more favorable position for landing normals, and avoid the high JD cost of Run C entirely. Saving JD/JDG in this manner is usually necessary to enable more sophisticated combo enders, such as the use of Stomp Loops. The {{clr|13|5B}} can sometimes be omitted for even more efficiency, but it's very spacing dependent if you intend follow up with a second {{clr|15|(BE)5D}}.
====Going into an Ender====
Not very long after you've reached JDMax, you want to start transitioning into your combo ender of choice. This is usually where you want to finally use your {{clr|14|j.C}} groundbounce.
*'''...{{clr|14|2C}} -> 22X -> shjc.{{clr|14|j.C}} -> (Land) -> 22X -> {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
If you don't like stomp loops, this is your best way to squeeze out the last bit of damage before finishing with restand. {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} -> [4]6~{{clr|13|B}} is also an option here, if you prefer a bit more damage over restand, or want to go into super.
*'''...{{clr|14|2C}} -> 22X -> shjc.{{clr|14|j.C}} -> (Land) -> 22X -> tk.22X [multiple] -> 22X~22X -> {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} -> {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
With a 2258X input where the button is pressed during prejump, Texas can cancel stomps into... more stomps. The timing for this can be tricky and takes practice to get down, but it is very useful for squeezing extra damage out of a combo. The amount of tk. stomps needed before getting to the correct spacing for Earth Pull and Cowbell is dependent on how far away the opponent was when Texas did {{clr|14|j.C}}, which in turn is dependent on where he did {{clr|14|2C}}, which is also dependent on which moves he used before that. In instances where the opponent at the very edge of its range, you may need as few as 3 Stomps, but as many as 6 is they were right in your face. You'll have to get a feel for the correct amount for your particular combo of choice.
====Corner-Specific Options====
*'''Non-Bullseye Cowbells'''
In the corner, the fact that non-bullseye hits launch the opponent away from Texas rather than toward him becomes mostly irrelevant, as they have nowhere to go. This allows things such as a [4]6~{{clr|13|B}}/{{clr|14|C}} followup immediately from a {{clr|15|5D}}, or even a runstop into buttons if the opponent is juggled high enough.
*'''...{{clr|14|3C}} -> {{clr|15|6D}}...
Speaking of non-bullseye cowbells, being in the corner allows Texas to combo {{clr|14|3C}} into {{clr|15|6D}} without having to use a cowbell followup to continue to the combo. If you want to do a Rodeo Run move after {{clr|15|6D}}, be sure to start holding back very quickly after performing it so you'll build charge in time. Also, be aware that '''this only combos before hitting JDMax.''' After JDMax, {{clr|14|3C}} will have slightly shorter hitstun, and opponents will be able to tech out before {{clr|15|6D}} connects and counterhit you for it.
Also be aware that {{clr|14|3C}} uses much more JD when connecting on an airborne opponent than it does normally, which can be an issue when going for a very optimized combo. This will occur, for instance, if you launch an opponent off the ground with {{clr|13|2B}} or {{clr|14|2C}} before using {{clr|14|3C}}, but not when going into {{clr|14|3C}} straight after {{clr|14|5C}}.
If you're close enough to the corner for the move to wallstick, Run B becomes much more useful as a combo piece. If the opponent is juggled high enough when hit with wallstick, you can easily follow up with even very slow and hard-hitting moves.  If you do use this, it's most effective early on in the combo, as the wallstick will be increasingly harder to utilize as JDG increases.
====Picking Up from Stray Bullseyes====
Generally, a continuation from {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} looks a lot like going through the motions of a regular combo. Can usually be combo'd into a {{clr|15|(BE)2D}}, even at high JDG.
Airborne bullseyes can be continued in a couple different ways. With no followup, it can go into normals like {{clr|13|5B}} and {{clr|14|5C}} after Texas lands, much like you would after a {{clr|15|(BE)5D}}. At the further ends of its range, it may be a better idea to use the Followup ({{clr|15|j.DD}}). If the opponent wallbounced at a high height, you can continue after this with {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} into {{clr|15|(BE)5D}}, but if you're too close for 6D or the opponent is too low, you can just go straight to {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} instead.
Overhead cowbell has a particularly large area where it can hit a bullseye. If you landed this raw on a grounded opponent in neutral, there aren't really any great options besides going straight into super, so you should probably just restand them. On a low airborne hit, you can sometimes follow up with quick lows before they hit the ground. On the other end, when {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} hits very high and far away from Texas at the tip of its range, you can follow up with a {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} or Run B/C.
Unfortunately for Texas (or perhaps, mercifully, for his opponents), there aren't really any good ways to combo off of an anti-air bullseye without using the {{clr|15|6DD}} Followup, and your groundbounce along with it.
*This is most often Texas's preferred ender for a Max JD combo, unless going for the kill. Its powerful restand state allows Texas to consistently put the opponent in a predictable position, setting them up for a guess between a low strike or a command grab.
Bullseye {{clr|15|2D}} is preferred as it guarantees a magic stock to perform restand, but it's not necessary if you already have at least one stock of magic.
===={{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}}====
*Alternative ender that foregoes restand in favor of extra damage. Can be followed up with super for even more damage.
*Not as common since Texas can often ignore the imposition of SKD, but a {{clr|15|5D}} with no followup can be used in a non-JD Max combo as a reset point, as it leaves the opponent in a hard knockdown right next to Texas.
*{{clr|12|6A}} can be used as an ender, trading off restand oki for additional super meter and putting the opponent in a soft knockdown near Texas.
====shjc. (Land) 22X (Whiff) 22X~22X {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}}====
*The whiffed stomp version of this is used specifically for combing after a Level 2 Super at high JD. It is important to note that this will '''not''' work at very high levels of JDG (once you start hitting the low 0.20s), so plan your combo accordingly if you want to use this ender.
==={{clr|12|A}} Starters===
==={{clr|12|A}} Starters===
Line 39: Line 145:
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = 3 magic series combo that ends with a tech chase.  
| notes = 3 magic series combo that ends with a tech chase.  
| combofile = [ new soon]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [new soon]
| video = [ Video]

Line 54: Line 160:
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]
| notation =
:{{clr|12|5A}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc.{{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}}
| damage = 1314
| metergain =
| location = Corner
| kdtype =Max JD<br/>SKD
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = Corner variation of the above combo. Builds 1 Magic.
| combofile = TBA
| video =

Line 72: Line 165:
| notation =  
| notation =  
:{{clr|12|5A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|12|dl.j.A}} {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}}  
:{{clr|12|5A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|12|dl.j.A}} {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}}  
| damage = 1513
| damage = 1413
| metergain =
| metergain =
| location = Midscreen to Corner
| location = Midscreen to Corner
Line 84: Line 177:
| notation =  
| notation =  
:{{clr|12|5A}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc.whiff whiff  {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|15|6DD}} 22X tk.22X~22X {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
:{{clr|12|5A}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc.(whiff {{clr|12|j.A}}) {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|15|6DD}} 22X tk.22X~22X {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
| damage = 1513
| damage = 1513
| metergain =
| metergain =
Line 90: Line 183:
| kdtype =Max JD<br/>Restand
| kdtype =Max JD<br/>Restand
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes =  
| notes = Whiffing {{clr|12|j.A}} makes you land 2 frames earlier so it makes combos a little more lenient. Sometimes is a need to not mis-input an air button
| combofile = [coming soon.tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [coming soon Video]
| video = [ Video]

Line 116: Line 209:
| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|13|2BB}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X sh.{{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|5DD}}
:{{clr|13|2BB}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|15|(BE)j.D}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc  {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|15|(BE)j.DD}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}  
| damage = 1440
| damage = 1515
| metergain =  
| metergain =  
| location =Corner to Midscreen
| location = Midscreen
| kdtype =  Max JD<br/>SKD
| kdtype =  Max JD<br/>Restand
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes =  
| notes = When 2(BE)DD hit it will leave the opponent in a Restand state,
| combofile = TBA
can be used for grab Oki/RPS grab situation
| video = TBA
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]

Line 130: Line 224:
| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc  {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5DD}} shjc {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X tk.22X shjc.{{clr|15|j.DD}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
:{{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc  {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5DD}} shjc {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X tk.22X shjc.{{clr|15|j.DD}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
| damage = 1765
| damage = 1571
| metergain =  
| metergain =  
| location = Midscreen   
| location = Midscreen   
Line 136: Line 230:
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = Most metergain combo from 2b  that leave into a Restand RPS
| notes = Most metergain combo from 2b  that leave into a Restand RPS
| combofile = [coming soon .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [coming soon Video]
| video = [ Video]

| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|12|dl.j.A}} {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5DD}}
:{{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|12|dl.j.A}} {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5DD}}
| damage = 1648
| damage = 1598
| metergain =  
| metergain =  
| location = Corner
| location = Corner
Line 152: Line 247:
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]

| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|13|2BB}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|15|(BE)j.D}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc  {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|15|(BE)j.DD}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}  
:{{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|2B}} 22X~22X {{clr|15|2DD}}
| damage = 1765
| damage = 1782
| metergain =  
| metergain =  
| location = Midscreen   
| location = Midscreen   
Line 163: Line 259:
| notes = When 2(BE)DD hit it will leave the opponent in a Restand state,
| notes = When 2(BE)DD hit it will leave the opponent in a Restand state,
can be used for grab Oki/RPS grab situation
can be used for grab Oki/RPS grab situation
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]

| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X sh.{{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} tk.236XX  
:{{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc {{clr|14|5C}} 22X shjc.(whiff {{clr|12|j.A}}) {{clr|14|5C}} 22X shjc.{{clr|15|(BE)j.D}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 236XX
| damage = 2225
| damage = 2314
| metergain =  
| metergain =  
| location = Midscreen to Corner  
| location = Midscreen to Corner  
Line 176: Line 272:
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes =  
| notes =  
| combofile = [ .tfhc]  
| combofile = [ .tfhc]  
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]

| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X [shjc {{clr|14|5C}} 22X]x2 shjc.{{clr|15|(BE)j.D}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 236XX
:{{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc.{{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} ({{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}})x2 236XX
| damage = 2314
| damage = 2423
| metergain =  
| metergain =  
| location = Midscreen to Corner  
| location = Midscreen to Corner  
| kdtype =  Max JD<br/>HKD
| kdtype =  Max JD<br/>HKD
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|4|Hard}}
| notes =
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| notation =
:{{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc {{clr|14|j.C}} 22X (tk.22X)x5 {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 236XX
| damage = 2495
| metergain =
| location = Corner
| kdtype =  Max JD<br/>HKD
| difficulty = {{clr|4|Hard}}
| notes =  
| notes =  
| combofile = [coming soon .tfhc]  
| combofile = [ .tfhc]  
| video = [coming soon Video]
| video = [ Video]

| notation =
:{{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc.{{clr|14|j.C}} 22X tk.22X tk.22X tk.22X tk.22X~22X {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
| damage = 1254
| metergain =
| location = Midscreen
| kdtype =  Max JD<br/>Restand
| difficulty = {{clr|4|Hard}}
| notes = Combo from {{clr|13|2B}} after a Max JD restand, which returns to starting position with another restand.
Can alternatively be done with a backward shorthop instead of a neutral one, which will require only 3 stomps instead of 5 before earth pull, but do a little bit less damage.

This combo also works from a {{clr|13|2BB}}, with only slightly tighter stomp timing.
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]

Line 203: Line 327:
| notation =  
| notation =  
: {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|12|dl.j.A}} {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} > [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5DD}}
: {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|12|dl.j.A}} {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} > [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5DD}}
| damage = 1963
| damage = 1913
| metergain = TBA
| metergain = TBA
| location = Corner only
| location = Corner  
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = Can be used as a tech chase or add super for more dmg (super at the end does 2426)
| notes =  
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]
Line 215: Line 339:
| notation =  
| notation =  
: (close) {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|12|dl.j.A}} {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} tk.236XX
: {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc.{{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} ({{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}})x2 236XX
| damage = 2638
| damage = 2675
| metergain = TBA
| metergain = TBA
| location = Midscreen Only
| location = Midscreen to Corner
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>HKD
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes =
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| notation =
: {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|15|(BE)6DD}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 236XX 214XX (Walkback) {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 236XX
| damage = 3014
| metergain = TBA
| location = Midscreen to Corner
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>HKD
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes =  Meter dump dmg
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| notation =
: {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|3C}} {{clr|15|6D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc {{clr|14|j.C}} 22X {{clr|15|2DD}}
| damage = 2094
| metergain = TBA
| location = Corner
| kdtype = Max JD<br>Restand
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = If not close to the opponent the combo would miss the {{clr|12|dl.j.A}}
| notes = Corner example with restand oki. Demonstrates 6D[4] to Run C link.  
| combofile = [ .tfhc]  
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]
Line 234: Line 384:
| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5DD}}
:{{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5DD}}
| damage = 1627
| damage = 1477
| metergain =  TBA
| metergain =  TBA
| location = Midscreen Only
| location = Midscreen Only
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| difficulty = {{clr|7|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|7|Medium}}
| notes =  
| notes = Standard {{clr|12|6A}} combo
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]
Line 246: Line 396:
| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X TK22X TK22X {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}  
:{{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} dl.{{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X (TK22x)x2 {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}  
| damage = 1523
| damage = 1523
| metergain =  TBA
| metergain =  TBA
Line 252: Line 402:
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| difficulty = {{clr|7|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|7|Medium}}
| notes =  
| notes = {{clr|12|6A}} to side switch instead of using {{clr|15|6DD}}.  With how {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} pull in the opponent. [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} can pass through them, however with how big Texas if you don't delay {{clr|14|5C}} he will miss with how his center line works.
| combofile = [coming soon .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [coming soon Video]
| video = [ Video]

Line 260: Line 410:
| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5DD}}
:{{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5DD}}
| damage = 1644
| damage = 1544
| metergain =  TBA
| metergain =  TBA
| location = Midscreen Only
| location = Midscreen Only
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| difficulty = {{clr|7|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|7|Medium}}
| notes =  
| notes = {{clr|13|2B}} although not having any head iunv can be used as an AA like most members. Situations like IAD from Pom or Tainhuo are where {{clr|13|2B}} can be seen used.
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]
Line 272: Line 422:
| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} 22X 9 {{clr|15|(BE)j.D}} 22X TK.22X 9 {{clr|15|(BE)j.DD}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 236XX
:{{clr|12|6A}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} 22X shjc.{{clr|15|(BE)j.D}} 22X TK.22X shjc.{{clr|15|(BE)j.DD}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 236XX
| damage = 2031
| damage = 2031
| metergain =  TBA
| metergain =  TBA
Line 278: Line 428:
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>SKD
| difficulty = {{clr|4|Hard}}
| difficulty = {{clr|4|Hard}}
| notes =  
| notes = {{clr|12|6A}} mid-screen that leads into super. If Texas doesn't have the bar he can end at {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}} and go for RPS situations.
| combofile = [ coming soon .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [coming soon Video]
| video = [ Video]

Line 291: Line 441:
| notation =  
| notation =  
:22X dl.22X {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X jc {{clr|15|j.DD}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
:22X dl.22X {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc {{clr|15|j.DD}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
| damage = 1427
| damage = 1427
| metergain = TBA
| metergain = TBA
Line 298: Line 448:
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes =  Fullscreen Confirm from 22X
| notes =  Fullscreen Confirm from 22X
| combofile = [coming soon .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [coming soon Video]
| video = [ Video]

Line 305: Line 455:
| notation =  
| notation =  
:22X dl.22X {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5D}} 236XX
:22X dl.22X {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|15|5D}} 236XX
| damage = 2042
| damage = 1916
| metergain = TBA
| metergain = TBA
| location = Fullscreen  
| location = Fullscreen  
Line 318: Line 468:
| notation =  
| notation =  
:22X dl.22X {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|3C}} tk.236XX
:22X dl.22X {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|3C}} tk.236XX
| damage = 2122
| damage = 2022
| metergain = TBA
| metergain = TBA
| location = Midscreen to Corner
| location = Midscreen to Corner
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>HKD
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>HKD
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = If you cant get 3C tk input. You can just do 2C 236XX (it an 11 dmg different)
| notes =  
| combofile = [ .tfhc]  
| combofile = [ .tfhc]  
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]

| notation =
:[4]6{{clr|13|B}} 22X (Whiff) ~22X {{clr|15|(BE)5DD}} {{clr|13|2B}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X tk.22X tk.22X tk.22X tk.22X ~22X {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
| damage = 1549
| metergain = TBA
| location = Midscreen
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>Restand
| difficulty = {{clr|14|Hard}}
| notes = Fullscreen pickup from a spaced Run B that wallsticks, with stomp loops and restand ender.
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]

Line 340: Line 499:
| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|15|5DD}} backdash {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|15|(BE)jDD}} whiff whiff {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} 22X TK22X~22X {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
:(Jump) {{clr|15|(BE)jDD}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}  
| damage = 1583
| damage = 1285
| metergain = TBA
| metergain = TBA
| location = Midscreen
| location = Midscreen
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>Restand
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>Restand
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = (BE)2DD confirm will leave the opponent in a Restand state
| notes = {{clr|15|(BE)jDD}} confirm will leave the opponent in a Restand state
| combofile = [coming soon .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [coming soon Video]
| video = [ Video]

| notation =
| notation =
:(Jump) {{clr|15|(BE)jDD}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|13|5B}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}  
:{{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|15|5DD}} 44 {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} {{clr|14|3C}} jc {{clr|13|j.B}} {{clr|15|(BE)jDD}} (whiff {{clr|12|j.A}}) {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)6D}} 22X TK22X~22X {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}
| damage = 1535
| damage = 1583
| metergain = TBA
| metergain = TBA
| location = Midscreen
| location = Midscreen
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>Restand
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>Restand
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = (BE)jDD confirm will leave the opponent in a Restand state
| notes = {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} confirm will leave the opponent in a Restand state. Whiffing {{clr|12|j.A}} makes you land 2 frames earlier so it makes combos a little more lenient. Sometimes is a need to not mis-input an air button.
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]

Line 368: Line 528:
| notation =
| notation =
:{{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}  
:{{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} [4]6X~{{clr|14|C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X {{clr|15|(BE)2DD}}  
| damage = 1898
| damage = 1748
| metergain = TBA
| metergain = TBA
| location = Midscreen
| location = Midscreen
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>Restand
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>Restand
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = (BE)5D confirm will leave the opponent in a Restand state
| notes = {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} confirm will leave the opponent in a Restand state
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [ Video]
| video = [ Video]

| notation =
:{{clr|15|(BE)2D}} {{clr|15|5DD}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X shjc {{clr|14|dl.j.C}} {{clr|14|5C}} {{clr|14|2C}} 22X (tk.22X)x5 ~22x {{clr|15|(BE)5D}} {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} [4]6X~{{clr|13|B}} 236XX
| damage = 2106
| metergain = TBA
| location = Midscreen
| kdtype = Max JD<br/>HKD
| difficulty = {{clr|5|Medium}}
| notes = {{clr|15|(BE)2D}} confirm ending with super
| combofile = [ .tfhc]
| video = [  Video]


[[Category:Them's Fightin' Herds]]
[[Category:Them's Fightin' Herds]]

Latest revision as of 02:20, 27 June 2024

Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Cam's Notation and Input Primer

X+Y Buttons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Input "X" or "Y" can be used.
> Indicates a link. For example, Oleander 6C > 5A is a link.
dl.X There should be delay before inputting "X".
W.X Shanty specific, normals pressed during Wall mode.
j.X Button "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
iad An instant airdash, done by pressing 9 then 6, or 6 then 6 if already in the air.
jc Jump cancel the previous action.
shjc Shorthop jump cancel the previous action. Applicable to Arizona, Paprika, Shanty, and Texas.
djc Double jump cancel the previous action. Specific to Oleander.
md.X Perform a micro-dash before performing "X".
tk.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
k.xx Kara cancel, or cancelling into another move during startup of the initial move.
(X) Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X} Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#) Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
CH The first attack must be Counter Hit.
AA The attack must be an Anti-Air.

Getting Started

How to use .TFHC Files

In one of the following tables, you can download a .tfhc file. This is a combo trial you can place into your game through Documents/My Games/Them's Fightin' Herds/combo. If you do not have a combo folder in the TFH game folder, create one. The file can then be accessed in-game through Practice mode. Once the practice fight is launched, go to the pause menu, and go to Combo Training > Combo Recording > Load Combo.

Console versions of TFH currently do not support combo file sharing, but you can still make your own locally. Due to this, video examples are, or will be included.

Combo Theory

Very generally speaking, unless going for a specific metergain route or HKD setup, a Texas combo tends to look something like:

Chain normals into Stomp (22X) -> Shorthop jump cancel -> Hit the opponent into bullseye range -> Land a bullseye cowbell to launch the opponent back toward Texas -> Repeat the previous steps if possible until around JDMax -> Chain normals into Stomp (22X) -> Use groundbounce -> Go into an ender

A Note About Starters

While the choice of starter changing what kinds of routes might be optimal is not unique, Texas can be impacted by this even very early in a combo.

For just one example, starting a combo with 2B 2C 22X will juggle the opponent at a different height than if starting straight from 2C 22X. The latter will give slightly less height on launch - a seemingly insignificant difference, one that changes how you'll want to continue the combo, and which routes are the most optimal.

Options after Shorthop Jump Cancelling

At midscreen, Texas generally prefers not to use 3C launcher early, as the groundbounce from the j.C that will follow is usually more useful when saved until later in a combo. 3C does have uses in corner combos, but that's for a different section.

There are several options for continuing a combo after jump cancelling 22X. Which one you use will depend on the desired level of precision required, and may change depending on how far away the opponent is when the combo begins.

Also important to note that all of these midscreen options rely on there being enough space between Texas and the corner for bullseyes to land. Being too close to the corner will require different routing.

  • ...22X -> shjc.j.B -> 5C -> (BE)5D...

This is arguably the easiest followup, and good for damage, but the least JD efficient option. For the shorthop jump cancel, you want to jump backwards if your combo begins very close to the opponent, and neutrally/in place if it begins around normal 2B range. At the very edge of this range, it may be necessary to shorthop forward to make sure j.B. reaches.

  • ...22X -> shjc. -> (Land) -> 5B -> 5C -> (BE)5D...

This is another option that's slightly more JD efficient than the previous, in exchange for making sure you have the timing down on pressing B after Texas has landed so you don't accidentally get a j.B, but not too late as to let the opponent touch the ground. In the same manner as before, you want to use the direction of your shorthop to make sure the rest of the combo connects at the right range.

  • ...22X -> shjc. -> (Land) -> 5C -> (BE)5D...

Very similar to the previous combo, but a bit more efficient in exchange for being harder to time, as you will have a smaller window to land 5C than you did for 5B. There is a comparatively larger range where you may want to shorthop backwards, as 5C reaches really far, and having it hit at the tip of its range tends to set you up at a better distance for the rest of the combo.

A tip that can be important elsewhere, but is particularly important here, is that Texas can "fastfall" and land from a jump a few frames earlier by purposefully whiffing j.A or Air Throw (j.BC). This is useful in any instance where you want to have a slightly larger window to connect with buttons after jump cancelling from 22X. There are some particular instances where this technique is even necessary for the combo to work at all - for example the starter 2C 22X backwards shjc. 5C (Tipper) (BE)5D will not work without fastfalling after the shjc. Fastfalling with Air Throw is preferred in instances where the hitbox from j.A would make contact with the opponent and disrupt the combo.

  • ...22X -> shjc.j.D -> (Land) -> (BE)5D

This is the most efficient route, but also arguably the hardest to time properly. Unlike the other combos, you usually want to shorthop forward, or sometimes neutrally, so that Texas is very close to the opponent when j.D lands. If they are too far away, 5D will not reach.

Followups from (BE)5D

Depending on your combo starter and how much JD you've racked up so far, you may want to combo into another (BE) 5D, or go straight into normals that will lead to your ender.

  • ...[4]6~C...

This option is intuitively the most straightfoward, but costs a lot of JD due to the use of Run C, which limits your potential options for continuing and ending the combo. Some possible continuations for this option include 5C (BE)5D (BE)2DD, or 5C 22X shjc.j.D.

  • ...[4]6~A -> 5B -> 5C...

By initiating a Rodeo Run and then immediately cancelling it (this is commonly referred to as doing "runstop"), Texas can reposition himself after a bullseye to a more favorable position for landing normals, and avoid the high JD cost of Run C entirely. Saving JD/JDG in this manner is usually necessary to enable more sophisticated combo enders, such as the use of Stomp Loops. The 5B can sometimes be omitted for even more efficiency, but it's very spacing dependent if you intend follow up with a second (BE)5D.

Going into an Ender

Not very long after you've reached JDMax, you want to start transitioning into your combo ender of choice. This is usually where you want to finally use your j.C groundbounce.

  • ...2C -> 22X -> shjc.j.C -> (Land) -> 22X -> (BE)2DD

If you don't like stomp loops, this is your best way to squeeze out the last bit of damage before finishing with restand. (BE)2D -> [4]6~B is also an option here, if you prefer a bit more damage over restand, or want to go into super.

  • ...2C -> 22X -> shjc.j.C -> (Land) -> 22X -> tk.22X [multiple] -> 22X~22X -> (BE)5D -> (BE)2DD

With a 2258X input where the button is pressed during prejump, Texas can cancel stomps into... more stomps. The timing for this can be tricky and takes practice to get down, but it is very useful for squeezing extra damage out of a combo. The amount of tk. stomps needed before getting to the correct spacing for Earth Pull and Cowbell is dependent on how far away the opponent was when Texas did j.C, which in turn is dependent on where he did 2C, which is also dependent on which moves he used before that. In instances where the opponent at the very edge of its range, you may need as few as 3 Stomps, but as many as 6 is they were right in your face. You'll have to get a feel for the correct amount for your particular combo of choice.

Corner-Specific Options

  • Non-Bullseye Cowbells

In the corner, the fact that non-bullseye hits launch the opponent away from Texas rather than toward him becomes mostly irrelevant, as they have nowhere to go. This allows things such as a [4]6~B/C followup immediately from a 5D, or even a runstop into buttons if the opponent is juggled high enough.

  • ...3C -> 6D...

Speaking of non-bullseye cowbells, being in the corner allows Texas to combo 3C into 6D without having to use a cowbell followup to continue to the combo. If you want to do a Rodeo Run move after 6D, be sure to start holding back very quickly after performing it so you'll build charge in time. Also, be aware that this only combos before hitting JDMax. After JDMax, 3C will have slightly shorter hitstun, and opponents will be able to tech out before 6D connects and counterhit you for it.

Also be aware that 3C uses much more JD when connecting on an airborne opponent than it does normally, which can be an issue when going for a very optimized combo. This will occur, for instance, if you launch an opponent off the ground with 2B or 2C before using 3C, but not when going into 3C straight after 5C.

  • ...[4]6~B...

If you're close enough to the corner for the move to wallstick, Run B becomes much more useful as a combo piece. If the opponent is juggled high enough when hit with wallstick, you can easily follow up with even very slow and hard-hitting moves. If you do use this, it's most effective early on in the combo, as the wallstick will be increasingly harder to utilize as JDG increases.

Picking Up from Stray Bullseyes

  • (BE)5D

Generally, a continuation from (BE)5D looks a lot like going through the motions of a regular combo. Can usually be combo'd into a (BE)2D, even at high JDG.

  • (BE)j.D

Airborne bullseyes can be continued in a couple different ways. With no followup, it can go into normals like 5B and 5C after Texas lands, much like you would after a (BE)5D. At the further ends of its range, it may be a better idea to use the Followup (j.DD). If the opponent wallbounced at a high height, you can continue after this with (BE)6D into (BE)5D, but if you're too close for 6D or the opponent is too low, you can just go straight to (BE)5D instead.

  • (BE)2D

Overhead cowbell has a particularly large area where it can hit a bullseye. If you landed this raw on a grounded opponent in neutral, there aren't really any great options besides going straight into super, so you should probably just restand them. On a low airborne hit, you can sometimes follow up with quick lows before they hit the ground. On the other end, when (BE)2D hits very high and far away from Texas at the tip of its range, you can follow up with a (BE)6D or Run B/C.

  • (BE)6D

Unfortunately for Texas (or perhaps, mercifully, for his opponents), there aren't really any good ways to combo off of an anti-air bullseye without using the 6DD Followup, and your groundbounce along with it.



  • This is most often Texas's preferred ender for a Max JD combo, unless going for the kill. Its powerful restand state allows Texas to consistently put the opponent in a predictable position, setting them up for a guess between a low strike or a command grab.

Bullseye 2D is preferred as it guarantees a magic stock to perform restand, but it's not necessary if you already have at least one stock of magic.

(BE)2D [4]6X~B

  • Alternative ender that foregoes restand in favor of extra damage. Can be followed up with super for even more damage.


  • Not as common since Texas can often ignore the imposition of SKD, but a 5D with no followup can be used in a non-JD Max combo as a reset point, as it leaves the opponent in a hard knockdown right next to Texas.


  • 6A can be used as an ender, trading off restand oki for additional super meter and putting the opponent in a soft knockdown near Texas.

shjc. (Land) 22X (Whiff) 22X~22X (BE)5D (BE)2D

  • The whiffed stomp version of this is used specifically for combing after a Level 2 Super at high JD. It is important to note that this will not work at very high levels of JDG (once you start hitting the low 0.20s), so plan your combo accordingly if you want to use this ender.


A Starters

Notation Damage Meter Gain Location Knockdown Difficulty Notes Combo File Video
2A 2BB 5C 2C 22X (BE)2D





Your most reliable way to guarantee both a HKD and one stock of magic.



5A 5B 5C 2C 22X shjc.j.B 5B 5C (BE)5D (BE)2D (BE)6DD (BE)2DD


Midscreen to Corner

Max JD


3 magic series combo that ends with a tech chase.



5A 5B 5C 2C 22X shjc.j.B 5B 5C (BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~C 5B 2B 6A 5B 2C


Midscreen to Corner

Max JD


2 magic series combo that ends with a tech chase closer to the corner.



5A 5C 3C jc dl.j.A j.B 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C 2C 22X (BE)2D [4]6X~B 5B 2B 6A 5C 2C


Midscreen to Corner

Max JD




5A 2B 5C 2C 22X shjc.(whiff j.A) 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C 5C (BE)5D (BE)2D 6DD 22X tk.22X~22X (BE)5D (BE)2DD


Midscreen to

Max JD


Whiffing j.A makes you land 2 frames earlier so it makes combos a little more lenient. Sometimes is a need to not mis-input an air button



2A 5C 2C 22X shjc.j.B 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C 5B 5C (BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B (BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B


Midscreen to Corner

Max JD


Max dmg from 2A starter no resources



B Starters

Notation Damage Meter Gain Location Knockdown Difficulty Notes Combo File Video
2BB 5C 2C 3C jc j.B (BE)j.D 5C 3C jc j.B (BE)j.DD (BE)6D (BE)5D (BE)2DD



Max JD


When 2(BE)DD hit it will leave the opponent in a Restand state, can be used for grab Oki/RPS grab situation



2B 5C 2C 22X shjc 5B 5C (BE)5DD shjc (BE)2DD 5B 6A 5C 2C 22X tk.22X shjc.j.DD (BE)6D (BE)5D (BE)2DD



Max JD


Most metergain combo from 2b that leave into a Restand RPS



5B 5C 3C jc dl.j.A j.B 5B 5C 5D [4]6X~B (BE)2D [4]6X~C 5B 2B 6A 2C 5DD



Max JD


Can be used as a tech chase or add super for more dmg (super at the end does 2111)



2B 5C 2C 22X (BE)2D 5D [4]6X~C 5C 2C 22X (BE)2D 5D [4]6X~2B 22X~22X 2DD



Max JD


When 2(BE)DD hit it will leave the opponent in a Restand state, can be used for grab Oki/RPS grab situation



2B 5C 2C 22X shjc 5C 22X shjc.(whiff j.A) 5C 22X shjc.(BE)j.D 5C (BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B 22X (BE)2D [4]6X~B 236XX


Midscreen to Corner

Max JD




5B 5C 2C 22X shjc.j.B 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C 5C 5B 5C ((BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B)x2 236XX


Midscreen to Corner

Max JD




2B 5C 2C 22X (BE)2D 5D [4]6X~C 5C 2C 22X shjc j.C 22X (tk.22X)x5 (BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B 236XX



Max JD




2B 2C 22X shjc.j.C 22X tk.22X tk.22X tk.22X tk.22X~22X (BE)5D (BE)2DD



Max JD


Combo from 2B after a Max JD restand, which returns to starting position with another restand.

Can alternatively be done with a backward shorthop instead of a neutral one, which will require only 3 stomps instead of 5 before earth pull, but do a little bit less damage.

This combo also works from a 2BB, with only slightly tighter stomp timing.



C Starters

Notation Damage Meter Gain Location Knockdown Difficulty Notes Combo File Video
5C 3C jc dl.j.A j.B 5C 5D [4]6X~B (BE)2D > [4]6X~C 5B 2B 6A 5C 2C 5DD




Max JD




5C 2C 22X shjc.j.B 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C 5B 5C ((BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B)x2 236XX



Midscreen to Corner

Max JD




5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C 5B 5C (BE)5D (BE)2D (BE)6DD 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~B 236XX 214XX (Walkback) (BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B 236XX



Midscreen to Corner

Max JD


Meter dump dmg



5C 3C 6D [4]6X~C 5C 2C 2D [4]6X~B 5C 2C 22X shjc j.C 22X 2DD




Max JD


Corner example with restand oki. Demonstrates 6D[4] to Run C link.



Anti-Air Starters

Notation Damage Meter Gain Location Knockdown Difficulty Notes Combo File Video
6A 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C 5B 5C (BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B 5C 2C 5DD



Midscreen Only

Max JD


Standard 6A combo



6A 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C dl.5C 2C 5D [4]6X~B 5B 5C 2C 22X (TK22x)x2 (BE)2DD



Corner Only

Max JD


6A to side switch instead of using 6DD. With how (BE)5D pull in the opponent. [4]6X~C can pass through them, however with how big Texas if you don't delay 5C he will miss with how his center line works.



2B 2C 22X (BE)2D [4]6X~B 5B 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C 5B 5C 2C 5DD



Midscreen Only

Max JD


2B although not having any head iunv can be used as an AA like most members. Situations like IAD from Pom or Tainhuo are where 2B can be seen used.



6A 5C (BE)5D (BE)2D 5B 5C 22X shjc.(BE)j.D 22X TK.22X shjc.(BE)j.DD (BE)6D (BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B 236XX



Midscreen Only

Max JD


6A mid-screen that leads into super. If Texas doesn't have the bar he can end at (BE)2DD and go for RPS situations.



Special Starters

Notation Damage Meter Gain Location Knockdown Difficulty Notes Combo File Video
22X dl.22X 2C 3C (BE)6D (BE)2D [4]6X~C 2C 22X shjc j.DD (BE)6D (BE)5D (BE)2DD




Max JD


Fullscreen Confirm from 22X



22X dl.22X 2C 3C (BE)6D (BE)2D [4]6X~C 5B 5C 2C 5D 236XX




Max JD


Fullscreen Confirm from 22X



22X dl.22X 2C 3C (BE)6D (BE)2D [4]6X~C 5C 5D [4]6X~B 5B 3C tk.236XX



Midscreen to Corner

Max JD




[4]6B 22X (Whiff) ~22X (BE)5DD 2B 5C 2C 22X tk.22X tk.22X tk.22X tk.22X ~22X (BE)5D (BE)2DD




Max JD


Fullscreen pickup from a spaced Run B that wallsticks, with stomp loops and restand ender.



Magic Starters

Notation Damage Meter Gain Location Knockdown Difficulty Notes Combo File Video
(Jump) (BE)jDD (BE)5D (BE)6D (BE)2D [4]6X~C 5B 2C 22X (BE)2DD




Max JD


(BE)jDD confirm will leave the opponent in a Restand state



(BE)2D 5DD 44 5C 2C 3C jc j.B (BE)jDD (whiff j.A) (BE)5D (BE)6D 22X TK22X~22X (BE)5D (BE)2DD




Max JD


(BE)2D confirm will leave the opponent in a Restand state. Whiffing j.A makes you land 2 frames earlier so it makes combos a little more lenient. Sometimes is a need to not mis-input an air button.



(BE)5D [4]6X~C 5C (BE)5D [4]6X~C 5C 2C 22X (BE)2DD




Max JD


(BE)5D confirm will leave the opponent in a Restand state



(BE)2D 5DD 5C 2C 22X shjc dl.j.C 5C 2C 22X (tk.22X)x5 ~22x (BE)5D (BE)2D [4]6X~B 236XX




Max JD


(BE)2D confirm ending with super


