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==Character Profile==
It is well known among the creatures of Foenum that when a goat sets her eye on something, it’s only a matter of time before she gets it.
It is well known among the creatures of Foenum that when a goat sets her eye on something, it’s only a matter of time before she gets it.

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*'''Strong Mixups:''' With fast short hop options, looping fuzzies, and near-unreactable crossups, Shanty has extremely strong ways to overload your opponents' mental stack
*'''Strong Mixups:''' With fast short hop options, looping fuzzies, quick crossups, and a Level 1 Super that gives her a workable HKD, Shanty has extremely strong ways to overload your opponents' mental stack.
*'''Fast Movement:''' Having an extremely fast dash and run stance, Shanty can make up for lackluster pokes with incredible speed
*'''Fast Movement:''' Having an extremely fast dash and run stance, Shanty can make up for her lackluster pokes with incredible speed.
*'''High Damage:''' With good meterless options such as TK Cutlass B, Gangway!, and Broadside, Shanty has an incredibly high damage ceiling with the right routes
*'''High Damage:''' With good meterless options such as TK Cutlass B, Gangway!, and Broadside, Shanty has an incredibly high damage ceiling with the right routes.
*'''Meter Denial:''' Shanty has the ability to do high damage with few hits, and with only one meterless multihit, she is very good at denying the opponent meter while not needing it herself
*'''Magic Gain & Usage:''' Shanty gains magic over time, and has very safe ways of gaining magic, {{clr|12|22[A]}} enders being the most common. This is important as magic makes her better in almost every way, with much higher damage and more pressure options.
*'''Magic Gain & Usage:''' Shanty has very safe ways of gaining magic, 22[A] enders being the most common. This is important as magic makes her better in almost every way, with higher damage, good neutral pokes, and plus-on-block stancels
*'''Meter Denial:''' Shanty doesn't build the opponent a lot of meter, while not needing a lot of meter herself.
*'''Sticky Pressure:''' With 2B sliding forward as much as it does, as well as having numerous safe pressure resets and a strong microdash, it can be extremely difficult to get Shanty off of you, even with strong system mechanics such as pushblock and instant block
*'''Sticky Pressure:''' With {{clr|13|2B}} sliding forward as much as it does, as well as having numerous safe pressure resets and a strong microdash, it can be extremely difficult to get Shanty off of you, even with strong system mechanics such as pushblock.
*'''Low Health:''' Shanty is tied with [[Them's Fightin' Herds/Tianhuo|Tianhuo]] and [[Them's Fightin' Herds/Pom|Pom]] for the lowest health in the game, meaning she can die very quickly
*'''Fundamental Neutral:''' Shanty lacks any sort of strong poking game, "neutral skip", or air mobility, relying on her grounded mobility, counterpokes, and slippery hurtboxes to win neutral interactions.
*'''Bad Defense:''' With a short jab and only a -71 metered reversal, Shanty's defense is very lacking
*'''Low Health:''' Shanty is tied with [[Them's Fightin' Herds/Tianhuo|Tianhuo]] and [[Them's Fightin' Herds/Pom|Pom]] for the lowest health in the game, meaning she can't afford to make as many mistakes as the rest of the cast.
*'''Weak Neutral:''' Few safe approaches and fewer meaningful disjoints makes Shanty's neutral incredibly weak
*'''Bad Defense:''' With a short (albeit very active) jab and a -71 metered reversal, Shanty's defense is very lacking.
*'''Limited Chains:''' Shanty is the only character in the game who cannot cancel her {{clr|13|5B}} into {{clr|13|2B}}, which limits her blockstring and combo potential.


<!--Many characters have unique mechanics, like Pom's air movement. Add that information here-->
'''Walk''': Shanty is tied with Arizona for the fastest walk speeds, walking forward and backward at 7 hu/frame and 5 hu/frame respectively.
'''Dashes''': Like everyone else, Shanty can dash on the ground. Shanty's dashes are very fast on their own, and her wavedash is very good.
'''Shorthop''': In addition to a regular jump, Shanty can perform a shorthop to stay closer to the ground, but cannot block during it. Shanty's jump and shorthop are also tied with Arizona for the longest arcs of each kind respectively.

==Movement Options==
'''Run Stance''': Shanty's Run Stance gives her exceptionally quick forwards and backwards movement, at the cost of not being able to block. It also gives her access to helm.
'''Jump''': Shanty can perform both regular jumps and shorthops.

'''Forward and Backdash''': Shanty can dash both forwards and backwards, like any other character.
'''Wall Cling''': Shanty's Wall Cling lets her grab onto a wall and jump to the other. It also gives her access to helm.

'''Run''': Shanty can run forward or backward, but only after entering her run stance (1 magic).
'''Helm''': Helm is a special type of jump, unique in that Shanty's jump angle isn't set, letting her move more freely in the air than other characters might. You can use helm by pressing {{clr|14|C}} or 9 while in Wall Cling, or by pressing any upwards direction in Run Stance.

'''Wall-Cling''': Ability unique to Shanty. Activated with 22B or 22C, and requires 2 magic. Press D while in wall-cling to leap to the other side (1 magic), or press any direction away from the wall to jump off.
==Command List==
===Normal Moves===
====Standing Normals====

==Normal Moves==
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5A</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5A</font> ======
|caption=Why is it active for 8 frames
|caption=Why is it active for 8 frames
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|properties=Chains into Self
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=0
  |Base Juggle Decay=15
  |description=Has the most active frames of any {{clr|12|5A}} in the game. Your fastest normal, useful for quick punishes or abare.
  |description=Has the most active frames of any {{clr|12|5A}} in the game, but lacks the range to punish backdashes outside of the corner. Your fastest normal, useful for quick punishes or abare, assuming the opponent is in range.  
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">6A</font> ======
|caption=Talk to the hoof
|First Hit Juggle Decay=40
|Base Juggle Decay=55
|description=Universal anti-air. Shanty's has poor vertical range, but good horizontal range and forward movement, making it very useful in rebeat blockstrings.
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|properties=No 2B Chain
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=-30
  |Base Juggle Decay=30
  |description=Possible counterpoke that moves forward slightly and is disjointed during the active frames.
* +3 on block when stancelled
A decently useful poke and punish starter thanks to the forward movement and disjoint during active frames. Uniquely, this cannot chain into {{clr|13|2B}} like most other {{clr|13|5B}}'s can, limiting your offense and confirm potential afterwards. Can combo into 236B on counterhit, giving it good conversions as a long distance whiff punish
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  |First Hit Juggle Decay=-55
  |Base Juggle Decay=45
  |description=Similar to {{clr|13|5B}}, moving forward with a notable disjoint during the active frames. Does massive first-hit damage, especially on counterhit.
* +4 on block when stancelled
Similar to {{clr|13|5B}}, moving forward with a notable disjoint during the active frames. Very high first hit damage, making it your most attractive C combo starter. It also naturally combos to {{clr|13|236B}} on grounded hit, which is nice when you're not in range for a {{clr|14|3C}} to connect.
====Crouching Normals====

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">2A</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">2A</font> ======
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|properties=Chains into Self
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=0
  |Base Juggle Decay=15
  |description=Hits further than the animation implies. Does more damage and hits much further than {{clr|12|5A}}, while also being a low. The tradeoff? Less active frames and slightly longer startup.
  |description=Hits further than the animation implies. Does more damage and hits much further than {{clr|12|5A}}, while also being a low. The tradeoff? Less active frames and slightly longer startup. Good for mashing at ranges where {{clr|12|5A}} will whiff, and as a low commitment poke.
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  |First Hit Juggle Decay=-20
  |Base Juggle Decay=40
  |description=Sliding low with extreme low profile during the active frames. Hits further than the animation implies. Hits surprisingly far in neutral, keeps Shanty in during pressure, rebeats into 6A, can anti air, is +2 if perfectly spaced, this button does it all!
* +1 on block when stancelled
One of Shanty's strongest buttons. A fast and low profile slide that can be spaced to be safe, or cancel into various normals or specials, including {{clr|12|6A}} for rebeat pressure. The low profile allows it to evade under tons of moves and high hitting projectiles, making it hard for zoners to push Shanty away when she's in {{clr|13|2B}} range. It's even a niche anti-air for good reward in some cases!
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|properties=Chains into 5C<br>Hard Knockdown
  |advHit=HKD +25
  |advHit=25 (HKD)
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=-50
  |Base Juggle Decay=50
  |description=As with all of Shanty's lows, hits farther than the animation implies. Has massive disjoint during active frames, and can cancel into {{clr|14|5C}} if {{clr|14|5C}} has not been used in your chain yet.
* +6 on block when stancelled
As with all of Shanty's lows, hits farther than the animation implies. Has a massive disjoint during its last few active frames, and can cancel into 5C if 5C has not been used in your chain yet. This is one of your longest range normals, mixed with huge forward movement as well, making it strong for converting far hits and whiff punishes. It's also your most attractive normal to stancel, leaving you at +2 without much distance from your opponent, making it easy to press offense with magic.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">3C</font> ======
It also has strong use as a combo ender, especially when cancelled to {{clr|12|22A}}, and if your close enough, you can set up a have the second charge hit meaty for easy plus frames and tons of magic.
|First Hit Juggle Decay=-70
|Base Juggle Decay=30
|First Hit Airborne Juggle Decay=-35
|Base Airborne Juggle Decay=65
|description=Universal launcher. Fast and moves forward quite a bit, but will still fall out at max-range confirms. Useful for many of Shanty's known combos.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5C</font> ======
====Jumping Normals====
|caption=Throw out a low, I dare you.
|advHit=Stagger 55
|First Hit Juggle Decay=85
|Base Juggle Decay=85
|description=Overhead that staggers on hit. Can hold button to feint the attack (31f). Extreme high profile from frames 5-26. Can whiff-cancel to Run Stance from frames 1-23.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.A</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">j.A</font> ======
|caption="An affront to nature."
|caption="An affront to nature."
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  |advHit=8 ~ 21
  |advBlock=3 ~ 16
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=-50
  |firstJD=-50 (Grounded)<br>-85 (Airborne)
  |Base Juggle Decay=65
  |baseJD=65 (Grounded)<br>30 (Airborne)
|First Hit Airborne Juggle Decay=-85
  |Base Airborne Juggle Decay=30
  |description=Extremely quick air normal with surprising range. Very useful fuzzy normal from shorthops, and can chain into {{clr|13|j.B}} for a confirm or double overhead. It's also Shanty's easiest way to hit crossup, which is a powerful mixup when shorthopping over crouching opponents. The horizontal range and speed also makes for a decent air-to-air, though the sweeping hitbox of {{clr|13|j.B}} can be better for that.
  |description=Extremely quick air normal with surprising range. Her fastest overhead when used during a shorthop, leading to ground confirms if chained into {{clr|13|j.B}}. Can hit crossup.
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|properties=Vacuum on Hit/Block
  |advHit=10 ~ 28
  |advBlock=0 ~ 18
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=-90
  |firstJD=-90 (Grounded)<br>-120 (Airborne)
  |Base Juggle Decay=70
  |baseJD=70 (Grounded)<br>40 (Airborne)
|First Hit Airborne Juggle Decay=-120
  |Base Airborne Juggle Decay=40
  |description=Hits above Shanty. Vacuums the opponent on hit or block, allowing for very tricky pressure and mixups. Combos from {{clr|12|j.A}}, even during a shorthop, and links back into {{clr|12|j.A}} during high-altitude air combos.
Hits above Shanty. Always combos from {{clr|12|j.A}}, even during a shorthop. Enough hitstun to link back into {{clr|12|j.A}} during juggles, allowing for tons of damage and corner carry. Very useful in shorthop mixups as well, as the vacuum allows you to set up tricky crossups.
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|properties=Bounce (Air Only)
  |advHit=13 ~ 30
  |advBlock=-4 ~ 13
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=-100
  |firstJD=-100 (Grounded)<br>-120 (Airborne)
  |Base Juggle Decay=100
  |baseJD=100 (Grounded)<br>80 (Airborne)
|First Hit Airborne Juggle Decay=-120
  |Base Airborne Juggle Decay=80
  |description=Big damage air normal. Can hit crossup, and causes a ground bounce on airborne opponents.
* Groundbounce on air hit
* Can hit crossup late into the active frames
Big damage air normal. Shanty's best normal for reducing juggle decay. This normal makes for your general purpose heavy jump-in, and your main overhead when done out of a hop. If done as early as possible out of a hop, it's a very fast and high reward overhead that leaves you plus enough on block to run another mixup. It's also a strong combo piece, as the groundbounce allows for easy followups, usually into a {{clr|15|5C}}.  

==Special Moves==
====Command Normals====
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Special Name 1</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">6A</font> ======
|caption=Talk to the hoof
  |properties=Forces Stand<br>Jump-Cancellable on Hit
|advHit=Launch/HKD +37
|First Hit Juggle Decay=100
|Base Juggle Decay=100
|description=Forward-moving and slightly disjointed. This move becomes -2 if the opponent crouch-blocks it. Can lead to a HKD on hit.
  |advHit=Launch/HKD +45
  |advBlock={{clr|12|-6}} (Grounded)<br>{{clr|14|-13}} (Airborne)
|First Hit Juggle Decay=150
|Base Juggle Decay=150
|description=Very useful high-damage combo special. Combos easily from {{clr|14|5C}}, and can combo from {{clr|14|3C}} if TK'd into. Up close, it will cross through opponents who are crouching.
* +5 on block when stancelled
* Upper body invuln starting frame 1
Universal anti-air. A decent normal for Shanty, as the upper body invuln and slight forward movement allows you to slip under things, though {{clr|13|2B}} tends to be better at this. Outside of anti-air, Shanty's {{clr|12|6A}} is also quite useful in pressure and combos. The aforementioned forward movement makes it great for rebeat pressure into her B normals, which is important to circumvent her inability to cancel her B normals into eachother. It's also +1 when stancelled, allowing you to go back into A normals to reset pressure.
|advHit=Launch/HKD +53
|First Hit Juggle Decay=80
|Base Juggle Decay=80
|description=Projectile invincible move that can cross up opponents if close enough. Does not steal the corner. Massive first-hit damage, but very hard to combo into.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Special Name 1</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">4/6C</font> ======
|caption2=Throw out a low, I dare you.
  |advHit=55 (Stagger)
|First Hit Juggle Decay=50
|Base Juggle Decay=50
|description=Charges 1 magic stock. The shockwave counts as a projectile, and will break other projectiles/lose to projectile-invuln moves.
* Can hold button to feint the attack (31f)
* Extreme high profile from frames 5-26.
* Can whiff-cancel to Run Stance from frames 1-23.
A fairly fast overhead that staggers on hit. The epitome of high risk and high reward. Bulkhead is a versatile command normal with a few different potential uses, but it's primarily a surprise overhead Shanty can use during offense. The extreme high profile is great for calling out mashers for high reward, and is even high enough to dodge most {{clr|12|5A}}'s (with the exceptions of Velvet and Texas). This makes it scary to mash on Shanty even when she has no magic. This is even stronger when done with {{clr|14|4C}}, as Shanty naturally moves out of the way of other normals, though its easier to interrupt her coming back in.  
Holding the C button allows you to feint this normal without sacrificing the high profile. This has a ton of uses: going over things in neutral, feinting into a low on offense, disengaging from opponents with {{clr|14|4[C]}}, and faking it by cancelling into {{clr|15|5D}}. Keep in mind however, none of this is exactly safe. You don't maintain the high profile into active frames, meaning a delayed mash will always win. You can also be punished by B normals and some C normals if this gets blocked as well, making it especially unsafe if you use it too predictably. Mix up how you use this normal to maximize its potential.
|First Hit Juggle Decay=70
|Base Juggle Decay=70
|description=Charges 2 magic stocks. This version has the highest damage, most active frames, the least recovery frames, and is the safest on block. Can be done meaty after certain HKDs to be plus on block. Requires 27-38 frames of charging. The shockwave counts as a projectile, and will break other projectiles/lose to projectile-invuln moves.
|advHit=Stagger 36
|First Hit Juggle Decay=90
|Base Juggle Decay=90
|description=Charges 3 magic stocks. Staggers the opponent if it hits. Requires 39+ frames of charging. The shockwave counts as a projectile, and will break other projectiles/lose to projectile-invuln moves.

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">3C</font> ======
|caption=Cannon ball/crash/splash!
  |damage=270, 410
  |guard=HL, H
  |properties=Jump-Cancellable on Hit
  |advHit=HKD +14
  |hitstun=26 (pre-JDmax)<br>24 (post-JDmax)
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=0
  |Base Juggle Decay=0
|description=Fully invincible for the first 25 frames. The second hit must be blocked high.
  |firstJD=-70 (Grounded)<br>-35 (Airborne)
  |baseJD=30 (Grounded)<br>65 (Airborne)
===Follow Up===
  |description=Universal launcher. Fast and moves forward quite a bit, but will still fall out at max-range confirms. Shanty can be a bit reliant on this for her max damage combos, but like any launcher, it's massively unsafe. Ensure you landed the hit before going into this.
|caption=That's it! Avast!
|damage=15[x3], 90
|advHit=Stagger +81/+54
|First Hit Juggle Decay=0
|Base Juggle Decay=0
  |description=Must be cancelled BEFORE the second hit of Cannonball. Install that regenerates three magic stocks on hit, and increases magic regeneration for a period of time. Causes a stagger.
===Level 3 Super===
|name=Durian Drop
|damage=175[x8], 1350
|First Hit Juggle Decay=0
|Base Juggle Decay=0
|description=An advancing invincible grab. Has invincibility for the first 30 frames.  

====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Forward Throw</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Forward Throw</font> ======
|caption=Heave ho!
|caption=Heave ho!
|name=Forward Throw
|name=Forward Throw
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|properties=Tumble<br>Damage Scaled to 50%
  |advHit=Tumble +17
  |advHit=17 (Tumble)
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=
  |Base Juggle Decay=
  |description=Can combo dash {{clr|12|5A}} or {{clr|13|2B}} in the corner. Can {{clr|12|22A}} after and still get oki.
* Consumes groundbounce on use
Shanty's throw is a very important part of her mixup game, especially in the corner. Midscreen it can't be converted into any damage, though you can safely use {{clr|12|22A}} to generate magic. When the opponent is in the corner however, Shanty can pick up with various normals into much higher damage, making it a scary option. While Shanty's strike mixup is plenty already, properly representing throws is what makes it truly terrifying.
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|name=Back Throw
|name=Back Throw
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|properties=Hard Knockdown<br>Damage Scaled to 50%
  |advHit=HKD +47
  |advHit=47 (HKD)
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=
  |Base Juggle Decay=
  |description= Can combo if throwing into the corner. Otherwise leads to a very advantageous HKD.
Shanty tosses the opponent high and behind her. Generally more advantageous midscreen in terms of okizeme, though it also has no combo potential outside of the corner. If Shanty throws the opponent into the corner however, she can pick up with various normals into a combo. You can also omit the combo and simply jump into the corner and {{clr|14|j.C}}, which will steal the corner for a surprise crossup.
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|name=Air Throw
|name=Air Throw
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  |First Hit Juggle Decay=
  |Base Juggle Decay=
  |description=Uses your groundbounce immediately. Like Paprika's airthrow, followups depend on your height. From a high connect, falling with {{clr|13|j.B}} seems most consistent. If closer to the ground, landing and using {{clr|12|5A}} or {{clr|13|5B}} works.
* Consumes groundbounce on use
Shanty mostly uses air throw as a way of discouraging people from jumping out of pressure, or as a very occassional reset tool after an air tech. Similar to Paprika's airthrow, followups depend on your height. From a high connect, falling with {{clr|13|j.B}} seems most consistent. If closer to the ground, landing and using {{clr|12|5A}} or {{clr|13|5B}} works.
===Special Moves===
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Special Name 1</font> ======
|damage=140<br>(70 Chip)
|properties=Hard Knockdown
|advHit=37 (HKD)
* Becomes -2 when blocked crouching
Shanty slices forward in a wide arc. Fairly safe combo and blockstring ender, and a surprisingly fast disjointed poke in neutral. On hit with any version of Cutlass, you can cancel into any magic special for followups with stance or potential mixups with a wallcling setup.
|damage=240<br>(95 Chip)
|properties=Hard Knockdown<br>No Collision (Crouching Only)
|advHit=45 (HKD)
* Can cross up on crouching opponents at certain spacings
Very useful high-damage combo special. Combos easily from {{clr|14|5C}}, and can combo from {{clr|14|3C}} if TK'd into, with both routes allowing for links afterwards.
|damage=250<br>(100 Chip)
|properties=Hard Knockdown<br>No Collision<br>Projectile-Invulnerable (1-51)
|advHit=53 (HKD)
* Projectile invuln
* Can cross up at certain spacings
A slower version of {{clr|13|236B}} that crosses up more often and has hefty projectile invincibility. One of Shanty's best anti-zoning tools, and a way to cross opponents up in the middle of a string. Very rarely can be used in combos, most notably after an Avast! for a high damage ender or extender. It comes with some hefty risk, as it's both unsafe on block and easily interrupted by most buttons, so be wary of using it too often.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">Special Name 1</font> ======
|properties=Projectile<br>Armor Break
*Charges 1 magic stock.
Shanty quickly shouts an "Ay!". The shockwave counts as a projectile, and will break other projectiles/lose to projectile-invuln moves. Your fastest way to generate a quick bar of magic in neutral. Opponents will expect Shanty to approach in most situations, so a quick {{clr|12|22A}} will usually go unpunished if you aren't predictable with using it. If you are predictable, an opponent can easily dashblock and punish it as it is unsafe.
|properties=Projectile<br>Armor Break
* Charges 2 magic stocks
* Requires 27-38 frames of charging
This version has the highest damage, most active frames, the least recovery frames, and is the safest on block. Can be done meaty after certain HKDs to be plus on block, and after certain SKDs to be plus after whiffing, making it a very reliable way to build magic. The shockwave counts as a projectile, and will break other projectiles/lose to projectile-invuln moves.
|properties=Projectile<br>Armor Break<br>Stagger
|advHit=36 (Stagger)
* Charges 3 magic stocks
* Requires 39+ frames of charging
Staggers the opponent if it hits. The shockwave counts as a projectile, and will break other projectiles/lose to projectile-invuln moves. Very rarely used, as the hefty startup time makes it much more reactable in neutral, and {{clr|12|22{A} }} is much more valuable on offense. You can use this after very plus knockdowns to gain tons of magic, though this usually kills any chance of pressure afterwards in exchange.

<!--Insert Magic System information-->
<!--Insert Magic System information-->
Shanty's magic slowly builds over time, and she can obtain more with Parley, to a maximum of 6 stocks. She can spend it to enter her Wall Cling and Run stances, and use certain options within the stances.
Shanty's magic slowly builds over time, and she can obtain more with Parley, to a maximum of 6 stocks. She can spend it to enter her Wall Cling and Run stances, and use certain options within the stances.
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">5D</font> ======
====== <font style="visibility:hidden" size="0">D</font> ======
|caption=This is where the fun begins.
|name=Run Stance (Enter/Exit)
|name=Run Stance (Enter/Exit)
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=
  |Base Juggle Decay=
  |description=Enters Run Stance, which has an evasive low profile hurtbox on frame 1, and gives her access to different movement and moves on frame 8 after pressing {{clr|15|5D}}. Shanty can manually exit the stance by holding down or pressing {{clr|15|D}} again, which, when done as fast as possible, makes the stance last 20f at minimum. Shanty can run forwards and backwards, which drains magic, and she cannot block.
* Very low profile frame 1
* Followups available after frame 6
* Fastest stance exit is 16f
* Top run speed forward is 24 hu/frame, backward is 17 hu/frame
The core part of Shanty's gameplan. {{clr|15|D}} activates Run Stance, a highly mobile stance with a ton of potential for mixups, combos, and neutral. The immediate low profile allows Shanty to duck under tons of things on reaction, basically anything that doesn't hit exactly on the floor, making it scary for the opponent to use high pokes or projectiles.  
Shanty can manually exit the stance by holding 2 or pressing {{clr|15|D}} again. When done as fast as possible, this makes the total stance animation last 16f. This is useful to cancel certain moves for combo potential, and more importantly canceling {{clr|12|6A}} and {{clr|14|2C}} for plus frames. This is referred to as a {{clr|14|Stancel}}, and is one of Shanty's most potent tools on offense, as it allows her to safely generate plus frames. Stancelling by holding 2 is usually preferred over double tapping, as it ensures you get the fastest stancel possible.
Run stance also gives her access to her run. Holding 6 or 4 will make Shanty start running forwards or backwards, with a very small windup before she reaches full speed. Run can be canceled into any stance followup, though if not canceled, Shanty will have a skidding animation before returning to stance idle. Her low-profile hurtbox also gains more height, though it is still somewhat shorter than her normal hurtbox.
Holding 7/8/9 during Run will enter Helm, a unique jump that can be controlled midair.
|caption=Skrrrt ver. 2
|caption=Skrrrt ver. 2
  |damage=90<br>(90 Chip)
|properties=Hard Knockdown
  |advHit=Launch/HKD +46
  |advHit=46 (HKD)
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=60
  |Base Juggle Decay=60
  |description=Advancing low that sucks opponents in on grounded hit, allowing side switches. Can be spaced to be safe.
* Vacuums on grounded hits
* Cancels into other magic tools on hit
A fast advancing low out of run. Your surprise tool in neutral, especially to catch opponents backdashing or walking backwards. Can be very useful in combos, though midscreen followups are limited without spending another bar of magic to cancel back into run stance. When this hits a grounded opponent, it will vacuum towards Shanty, guaranteeing a followup combo. This can also sideswap if you hit it very close.  
|caption=Pray to god you didn’t mash on this.
|caption=Pray to God you didn’t mash on this.
  |damage=210<br>(110 Chip)
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=35
  |Base Juggle Decay=35
  |description=High-damage charging headbutt. Wallsticks if opponent hits the wall. Can cancel into {{clr|14|22C}} to get a midscreen wallstick. Has many active frames and decent disjoint both horizontally and vertically, meaning you can space it to be safe and possibly use it as a panic anti-air if you're in stance.
* Wallsticks on hit
* Cancels into other magic tools on hit
High-damage charging headbutt. Can cancel into {{clr|14|22C}} to get a midscreen wallstick, although this slightly depends on screen position.
Due to having many active frames, and a very short hurtbox, this can serve well as an anti-air when in stance, with the downside of having limited followups.
Functions well on block as both a pressure reset and a frametrap option, due to its large amount of active frames, good frame advantage, and high damage.
|caption=Zoning? In my pony game?
|caption2=Zoning? In my ungulate game?
  |damage=70[x2], 210
  |damage=70 [x2], 210<br>(30 [x2], 50 Chip)
|properties=Bounce<br>Projectile-Invulnerable (1-35)
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=35,35,90
  |Base Juggle Decay=35,35,90
  |description=Multi-hit flip-kick thing. Hits grounded opponents on frame 28. Has projectile invulnerability on frame 1 and high profile starting at frame 5. Can cross up a crouching opponent. Uses up your groundbounce.
|JDG=0.97 [x3]
* Consumes groundbounce
* Projectile invuln frame 1, high profile frame 5
* Hits grounded opponents on frame 30, hits standing Texas and Stronghoof on the first active frame
The overhead compliment to run stance. This comes with hefty amounts of projectile invuln and high profile, allowing it to bait options that would normally beat the other two stance followups such as delayed mashing and reversals. It also makes for a high-damage combo piece, especially near the end of a combo thanks to the very high minimum damage. It's useful for catching jumps, as it hits high into the air.
Line 634: Line 720:
|caption= Does whatever a spider-goat does.
|caption= Does whatever a spider-goat does.
Line 646: Line 733:
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=
  |Base Juggle Decay=
  |description=Grounded startup is 11f, airborne travel time varies between 17 and 22f. Enters Wallcling by spending 1 magic and jumping to the wall. 22B jumps to the wall behind her, 22C jumps to the one in front of her. If midscreen, a wall is created at the camera's bounds. Can run up and down the wall and gives access to a different set of moves. Can act on the 2nd frame after reaching the wall. 15 frames of recovery if you walk to the floor. Magic drains continuously on the wall, Shanty automatically enters Helm if magic runs out. Cannot block in Wallcling.
* Grounded startup is 11f, airborne travel time varies between 17 and 22f
* Will create walls midscreen, allowing for use in combos and pressure at any time
* Actionable on the 2nd frame after reaching the wall
Shanty jumps to one of the walls of the screen. {{clr|13|22B}} jumps to the wall behind her, {{clr|14|22C}} jumps to the one in front of her. While Wallcling is a bit more limited than Run in terms of her two stances, it has utility in long combos and corner mixups, especially since Shanty immediately makes a corner midscreen. Holding 8 or 2 will run Shanty up and down the wall, and if you hold 2 all the way to the floor, Shanty will land on the ground with 15 recovery frames. Pressing {{clr|15|D}} will make Shanty quickly swap to the other wall, which is good for evading punishment.
Wallcling costs 1 bar of magic to activate, and will continuously drain magic while Shanty is on the wall, making it a somewhat costly option. However, high damage Shanty combos will frequently use wallcling after a {{clr|13|236B}} thanks to the high hitstun, or {{clr|15|5D}}~{{clr|13|B}} wallstick. Shanty cannot block during wallcling however, making usage of it during offense risky.

Pressing C while in wallcling will cause Shanty to enter "Helm".
Pressing {{clr|14|C}} while in wallcling will cause Shanty to enter "Helm".
|caption=w.8A (the bing)
|caption=w.8A (the bing)
|caption2=w.5A (the bang)
|caption2=w.5A (the bang)
|caption3=w.2A (the bong)
|caption3=w.2A (the bong)
|name=Wallcling Attack
|name=Wallcling Attack
|input=Wallcling 8/5/2A
|input=Wallcling {{clr|12|8}}/{{clr|12|5}}/{{clr|12|2A}}
Line 672: Line 768:
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=115
  |firstJD=115 (Grounded)<br>60 (Airborne)
  |Base Juggle Decay=115
  |baseJD=115 (Grounded)<br>60 (Airborne)
|First Hit Airborne Juggle Decay=60
  |Base Airborne Juggle Decay=60
  |description=Launches upward. Cancels into other wallcling followups, but not itself.
* Vacuums and launches
Shanty kicks upward, sucking the opponent closer to the wall. The key to extending with wallcling, as it cancels into other followups, allowing for extensive juggles even at high JD.
Line 687: Line 784:
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=90
  |firstJD=90 (Grounded)<br>50 (Airborne)
  |Base Juggle Decay=90
  |baseJD=90 (Grounded)<br>50 (Airborne)
|First Hit Airborne Juggle Decay=50
  |Base Airborne Juggle Decay=50
  |description=Launches full screen horizontally. Cancels into other wallcling followups, but not itself.
* Fastest wallcling normal
Launches full screen horizontally. Mostly useful as a fast option out of wallcling, though converting can be hard since it launches far away. Shanty can swap walls and extend combos with this, though these routes are mostly just for fun.
Line 702: Line 801:
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=90
  |firstJD=90 (Grounded)<br>50 (Airborne)
  |Base Juggle Decay=90
  |baseJD=90 (Grounded)<br>50 (Airborne)
|First Hit Airborne Juggle Decay=50
  |Base Airborne Juggle Decay=50
  |description=Causes a ground bounce. Fastest followup from wallcling that can hit grounded opponents, making it useful for surprise pressure. Cancels into other wallcling followups, but not itself.
* Consumes ground bounce
Your best normal for mixups out of wallcling, since it won't whiff crouchers. Wallcling mix is still very risky, but mixing between this and a crossup {{clr|13|w.B}} is the general goal. This is also important to wallcling juggles, as it spikes the opponent down on air hit and groundbounces for easy followups. If you hit it high enough, you can cancel back into {{clr|12|w.8A}} to avoid spending a groundbounce.
|input=Wallcling B
|input=Wallcling {{clr|13|B}}
|properties=Hard Knockdown
  |advHit=Launch/HKD +61
  |advHit=61 (HKD)
  |advBlock=-8 to -4
  |advBlock={{clr|13|-8}} to {{clr|15|-4}}
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=190
  |firstJD=190 (Grounded)<br>150 (Airborne)
  |Base Juggle Decay=190
  |baseJD=190 (Grounded)<br>150 (Airborne)
|First Hit Airborne Juggle Decay=150
  |Base Airborne Juggle Decay=150
  |description=Has very ambiguous crossup properties. Leads to a massive launch on hit, or a HKD if no followup is used.
* Can cross up
A great tool for extending combos off the wall. Does very high damage, and launches far up, allowing for damaging followup potential. It can also cross up on opponents close to the corner, who may be blocking the wrong way expecting a {{clr|12|w.2A}}. It pays for this by being fairly unsafe at most heights, and adding a ton of JD.  
|caption= NYOOM
|caption= NYOOM
|name=Change Walls
|name=Change Walls
|input=Wallcling D
|input=Wallcling {{clr|15|D}}
Line 744: Line 848:
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=
  |Base Juggle Decay=
  |description=Spends 1 magic to jump to the opposite wall. Does not have any additional recovery upon reaching the other wall.
*Spends 1 magic to jump to the opposite wall
{{clr|15|w.D}} doesn't really come up often except when trying to evade punishment for a wallcling you may have messed up. It can also be used in gimmicky baits, as a burst mobility option to quickly get from one corner to the other, and in certain combos to extend after {{clr|12|w.5A}}.
Line 753: Line 859:
|caption= speen mk. 2
|caption=A demon flip in looks only.
|input=Run 7/8/9, Wallcling 9/C
|input=Run 7/8/9, Wallcling {{clr|14|9}}/{{clr|14|C}}
Line 765: Line 872:
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=
  |Base Juggle Decay=
  |description=Shanty flips through the air, and can be controlled left/right to influence her trajectory, allowing for ambiguous left right mixups into Breaker. Recovery is from when she touches the ground.
* Recovery is upon landing
Shanty flips through the air, and can be controlled left/right to influence her trajectory, allowing for ambiguous left right mixups into Breaker. Alone, this is a fairly useful mobility tool that makes for some really hard to block overheads out of Run stance. Helm out of Wallcling is usually a combo extender utilizing Breaker, though it can be used to add even more layers to Wallcling mixups by faking crossups. Will put an airborne opponent in a lot of blockstun, although the opponent will exit blockstun when they land.
|caption= I dont even know what side this hit on.
|caption= I dont even know what side this hit on.
|input=Helm A/B/C
|input=Helm {{clr|12|A}}/{{clr|13|B}}/{{clr|14|C}}
|properties=Hard Knockdown (Air Only)
  |advHit=6 to 10, HKD on Airborne
  |advHit=6 to 10, HKD on Airborne
  |advBlock=-8 to -4
  |advBlock={{clr|13|-8}} to {{clr|15|-4}}
  |First Hit Juggle Decay=45
  |Base Juggle Decay=45
  |description=Overhead attack from Helm. Grants generous hitstop on aerial connect and roughly +6 to +10 on grounded hit. Unsafe on block if used from high up.
  |description=A fast overhead out of Helm that will hit very ambiguously on either side of the opponent. It must be done fairly low to combo from, and when done from high up it can be challenged or even punished. It gives a ton of hitstun on air hit, allowing for further combos. Like many of Shanty's mixups, it can be interrupted on the way up or anti-aired, so ensure you mix it in properly with all of her other tools.

<!--List combos, use numpad notation.-->
===Basic Concepts===
====Level 1====
If you want a simple combo that will nearly always work, consider using:
:* '''(starter) > 2b > 2c > 3c > jA > jB > jC > 5b > 5c > 2c > 236a'''
If you want a little more meat on your combos, you'll have to look into ways to preserve your groundbounce. One of the easier ways of doing this is with a jB > jA link:
:* '''(starter) > 2b > 2c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > 6a > jB > jC > 5c > 2c > 236a'''
If you get juggle decay low enough, you can even do multiple loops of it:
|caption2=Cannon ball/crash/splash!
:* '''jC > 5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > 5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > 5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jC > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
|damage=270, 410<br>(90 [x2] Chip)
|guard=Mid, High
|properties=Invulnerable (1-28)<br>Forced HKD
|advHit=14 (HKD)
* Fully invincible for the first 28 frames
* Second hit hits overhead
Shanty's super puts the opponent in HKD, even during Max JD, with enough advantage to meaty with a low or a throw. This makes it a solid ender for long combos to ensure you can have both damage and okizeme, though it isn't Shanty's premiere combo ender by any means. This is also your primary reversal, making it an important tool on defense. The fast startup and surprising range help with catching multiple setups, but being a massive -71 means you'll eat the highest damage combo your opponent can do for getting this blocked.
====Level 2 (Follow Up)====
|caption=That's it! Avast!
|damage=15 [x3], 90
|advHit=81/54 (Stagger)
* Must be cancelled BEFORE the second hit of Cannonball
Install that regenerates three magic stocks on hit, and increases magic regeneration for a period of time. Staggers on hit, preventing you from combo'ing after if you've used {{clr|14|4/6C}} in your route. A very strong comeback tool, as it essentially removes Shanty's reliance on Parley for magic, allowing you to stancel much more frequently and abuse her various movement tools. Combos in Avast! are also much more damaging, as Shanty is able to use magic extenders more and juggle during wallcling longer.

Another way of extending combos is using by run stance. There are many ways of doing this, as shown below.
Unlike most other staggers, the opponent will not be sent into SKD after the stagger ends in Max JD, giving you the chance to perform a reset even after a full combo.
:* '''5b > 5c > 236a > 5d~a > 5b > 5c > 236a > 5d~a > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- A basic corner combo, using Keelhaul to keep the opponent in the air. Keep in mind that 5d~a > 5b is a link, so you will need to time your input instead of cancelling it.
:* '''5b > 5c > 236a > 5d~b > 5b > 5c > 236a > 5d~a > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- Getting a little more advanced, this corner combo uses Broadside to stick the opponent to the wall, giving you more time to link the next attack.

===Advanced Concepts===
====Level 3====
Of course, run stance isnt your only use of magic. You also have wallcling, which can be used to combo the opponent further. This will be notated by a 'w' before the move.
:* '''5b > 5c > 236a > 5d~b > 22c > w5b > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- By using Broadside to stick the opponent to the wall, you have enough time to grab the wall with 22c and hit them from there.
:* '''5b > 5c > 236a > 5d~b > 22c > w5a > w5d > w2a > w5b > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- Here we are using w5a to knock the opponent to the other side of the screen, then chasing after them with w5d. However this can be a little tricky depending on the opponents height.
|name=Durian Drop
:* ''' 5b > 5c > 236a > 5d~b > 22c > w8a > w5c > any attack button > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- In this one, after grabbing the wall we are knocking the opponent upwards with w8a, then jumping off with and stunning them for a short time.
|damage=175 [x8], 1350
|properties=Invulnerable (1-29)
* Invincible for 30 frames
* Can be jumped after super freeze
An advancing invincible grab. Can be jumped on reaction to the screen freezing, and only combos from the stagger caused by {{clr|14|4/6C}} or {{clr|12|22[A]}}, which holds it back a lot in comparison to her other supers. You'll mostly find success with this by using it to bait mashing, or as a defensive option, as it is still a very high damage invincible super. Shanty can make the opponent react on defense in a ton of different ways, so ensure your opponent isn't going to jump before you risk one of these.

However there is a downside to all of those, being that they cost magic. If you want a high damage way to keep launching them without magic, you'll have to look at TK's.
Here, "TK" means to input a special attack during prejump. This can be done by doing the motion input for the attack before you jump, then timing your button press for right after you press up.
This will be notated with '2369' before the attack.
:* '''5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- With a quick input, you are able to combo 3c into Cutlass B by doing a TK. This is a core concept in most of your higher damage combos.
:* '''5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 6a > 5b > 5c > 3c > 2369a'''
::- If you get enough hits in after Juggle Decay is maxed out, you can even do a TK as an ender!
:* '''5a > 5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- Here we have a worse starter, meaning out Juggle Decay maxes out quicker. This makes it so our TK Cutlass B is a lot harder to do, however it is still possible if you practice enough.
:* '''5a > 5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- We can solve this issue by altering the combo slightly, however this does make the link after 2369b harder to input. It's up to you which you prefer.

Now let's throw some magic into the mix!
:* '''5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5b > 5c > 2c > 3c > 2369b > 5d~c > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- With good spacing and timing, you can combo 2369b into Gangway! to extend your combos with magic. Keep in mind that the followup may be harder depending on how high Gangway! hits.
Remember that you are able to run in run stance, this can lead to some different conversions at the cost of some more magic. This will be notated by 6d/4d, for run forward/run backward.
Keep in mind that you may have to delay the button press after to get the distance you need.
|input=6XX (While Blocking)
:* '''5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5b > 5c > 2c > 3c > 2369b > 6d~b > 5d~c > 5b > 5c > 236a'''
::- Here is a basic demonstration of that. There are several slight delays to get used to, but with practice they will come much more naturally.
You can also combo into wallcling from a TK:
|damage=80 (Recoverable Health)
:* '''5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 22b > w2a > w5b > 6a > 5b > 236a'''
|properties=Strike-Invulnerable (f1-16)<br>Autoguard (f17-25)
|advHit=0 (HKD)
|description=In exchange for 1/2 a bar of super meter, cross-canter interrupts your blockstun with a strike-invulnerable counterattack. Leads to a hard knockdown on hit with no frame advantage, resetting both opponents to neutral at a medium distance apart. The user will also be locked out of gaining super meter for 5 seconds, stacking up to 10 seconds if cross-canter is used repeatedly.  

This can be a strong option to escape pressure, but don't overdo it - it can be thrown during startup and is extremely punishable on block or whiff.
Here are a few examples of combo's, not all of these are optimal, and some of these can be very difficult, so feel free to mix and match various parts of different combos to find something that feels right for you!
<!--Need more combos here eventually-->
====5a starters====
:* '''5a > 5b > 5c > 2c > 236a (638 damage, hard knockdown)'''
:* '''5a > 5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jC > 5b > 5c > 2c (832 damage, hard knockdown)'''
:* '''5a > 5b > 5c > 3c > jA > jB > jC > 5a > 5b > 5c > 236a (857 damage)'''
:* '''5a > 5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > 5b > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jC > 5b > 5c > 2c > 236a (1106 damage)'''
:* '''5a > 5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > dash > 5c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > dash > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jC > 5c > 2c > 236a (1212 damage)'''
:* '''5a > 5c > 3c > jB > jB > jA > jB > dash > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > dash > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jC > 5c > 2c > 236a (1256 damage)'''
:* '''5a > 5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jC > 5c > 3c > 2369a (1416 damage)'''
====5b starters====
:* '''5b > 5c > 2c > 236a (814 damage, hard knockdown)'''
:* '''5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > 5c > 2c (981 damage, hard knockdown)'''
:* '''5b > 5c > 236b > 5a > 5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jC > 5b > 5c > 2c > 236a (1347 damage, crossup)'''
:* ''' 5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > dash > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > dash > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jC > 5c  > 2c > 236a (1476 damage, full corner carry)'''
:* '''5b > 5c > 236b > 5b > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jC > 5c > 2c > 236a (1589 damage, crossup)'''
:* '''CH 5b > 236b > 5b > 5c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jC > 5c > 2c > 3c > 2369a (1612 damage, crossup)'''
:* '''5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jA > jB > 5c > 2c > 3c > 2369a (1713 damage, full corner carry)'''
:* '''5b > 5c > 3c > 2369b > 5c > 2c > 3c > 2369b > 5c > 2c > 3c > jB > jC > 5c > 2c > 3c > 2369a (1746 damage, crossup)'''
== Techniques ==
=== Meaty Parlay ===
You are able to charge parlay to be plus on block by timing it with the opponents wakeup. An easy way to practice this is by setting the training mode ai to 'Block after first hit', then in the corner do '''2c > 22[a]'''. Your goal is to make it so the second charge of parlay hits late into its active frames, when done correctly this leaves you +12 at best.
=== Safejumps ===
When the opponent is in hard knockdown, you're able to consistently time a shorthop jC input so that you land in time to block if the opponent uses an invulnerable reversal, or hit them if they dont.
=== Fuzzy Guard Breaks ===
After the opponent blocks a shjC, they might fuzzy guard your next attack. Fuzzy guarding is the act of timing your block inputs so that way you can successfully defend against a high and a low attack with the same input. However, as Shanty, you are able to perform a fuzzy guard break. This is timing your high and low so they would come out on the same frame. The easiest way to do this is with '''shjC > shjA/2a'''. Keep in mind that the opponent is able to pushblock your shjC, giving them absolute guard for a time. There are 4 frames at the end of a pushblock where the opponent does not have absolute guard, so by timing your fuzzy guard break accordingly you're able to beat pushblock.
=== Empty Cancels ===
Shanty has a few neat empty cancels that can help in various situations. Empty cancels will be notated by 'xx'.
:* '''236A/B/C xx 236AB'''
::- By empty cancelling Cutlass into Super you can give yourself a slight momentum boost before your super comes out. This is most effective with 236C, as it carries you the furthest, and has projectile invulnerability.
:* '''4/6C xx 236AB'''
::- You can use Bulkheads high profile to move your hurtbox over some attacks, then empty cancel into super to whiff punish. This can be safer than a raw super, due to you having time to react to if the opponent does a move or not.
:* '''4/6C xx 5D'''
::- By empty cancelling Bulkhead into Run Stance, you're able to very quickly shift your hurtbox from very high to very low, letting you escape from some situations easier.
=== TK Parlay ===
By inputting 3C > 228A you are able to cancel 3C into parlay. By properly charging parlay, you are able to time it so that if they buffer air tech, they will be forced to block or get hit by it. This gives you a very safe max JD combo ender, while also giving you +2 magic stocks, and time to setup oki if they dont air tech.
=== TK Cutlass ===
By inputting 3C > 2369A/B/C you are able to cancel 3c into cutlass. You can only combo into cutlass b pre-max JD, and can only combo into cutlass a if JDG is high enough. TK Cutlass is important due to it making up most of Shanty's optimal combo's. TK Cutlass B is a 3 frame link at pre-max JD, and a 1 frame link at max JD, however as gravity increases it'll eventually become impossible. By having your stick end on 6, you are able to negative edge the B input, which can give you 1 extra frame of leniency.

<!--Check file prefix and add the color name in the text parameter.-->
<!--Check file prefix and add the color name in the text parameter.-->
{{ColorGallery | filePrefix=TFH-Shanty-| colors=
{{ColorGallery | filePrefix=TFH-Shanty-| colors=
  {{ColorGallery/Color|1|  text= Shanty}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|1|  text= Shanty ( {{clr|12|A}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|2|  text= Ditty}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|2|  text= Ditty ( {{clr|13|B}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|3|  text= What Shall We Do}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|3|  text= What Shall We Do ( {{clr|14|C}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|4|  text= D'ja Make Er?}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|4|  text= D'ja Make Er? ( {{clr|15|D}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|5|  text= And a Bottle of Rum}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|5|  text= And a Bottle of Rum (TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|6|  text= Fizzy Lemon}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|6|  text= Fizzy Lemon (VC) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|7|  text= Emerald Splash}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|7|  text= Emerald Splash ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|14|C}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|8|  text= Wild Wave}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|8|  text= Wild Wave ( {{clr|15|D}}+TU+VC) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|9|  text= Akerbeltz}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|9|  text= Akerbeltz ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|15|D}} ) }}
<!--Teal Suede, the Tennis Shoes palette, goes here, I think. Or it should go ''somewhere''.-->
<!--Teal Suede, the Tennis Shoes palette, goes here, I think. Or it should go ''somewhere''.-->
  {{ColorGallery/Color|10| text= Goatmom}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|10| text= Goatmom ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|15|D}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|11| text= Shout of Sea}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|11| text= Shout of Sea ( {{clr|14|C}}+{{clr|15|D}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|12| text= Lightning Rival}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|12| text= Lightning Rival ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|14|C}}+{{clr|15|D}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|13| text= Jellyfish Pirate}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|13| text= Jellyfish Pirate ( {{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|14|C}}+{{clr|15|D}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|14| text= Grass Pelt}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|14| text= Grass Pelt ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|14|C}}+{{clr|15|D}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|15| text= I'm So Sorry}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|15| text= I'm So Sorry ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|13|B}} ) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|16| text= Miracle Courtier}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|16| text= Miracle Courtier ( {{clr|12|A}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|17| text= Dangerous Hoofwear}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|17| text= Dangerous Hoofwear ( {{clr|13|B}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|18| text= Island Villager}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|18| text= Island Villager ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|13|B}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|19| text= Super Bleat Kid}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|19| text= Super Bleat Kid ( {{clr|14|C}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|20| text= Who We Are}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|20| text= Who We Are ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|14|C}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|21| text= Hooligan Punk}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|21| text= Hooligan Punk ( {{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|14|C}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|22| text= Baaah, Avast!}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|22| text= Baaah, Avast! ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|14|C}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|23| text= Donut Steele}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|23| text= Donut Steele ( {{clr|15|D}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|24| text= Surf's Up}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|24| text= Surf's Up ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|15|D}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|25| text= Insolated}}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|25| text= Insolated ( {{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|15|D}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|26| text= KLR:D}}
{{ColorGallery/Color|28| text= Shakalaka Bam ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|15|D}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|27| text= 28 Ays Later}}
{{ColorGallery/Color|29| text= Dark Prince ( {{clr|14|C}}+{{clr|15|D}}+TU) }}
{{ColorGallery/Color|30| text= Captain ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|14|C}}+{{clr|15|D}}+TU) }}
{{ColorGallery/Color|31| text= Graffiti Gyal ( {{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|14|C}}+{{clr|15|D}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|26| text= KLR:D ( {{clr|12|A}}+{{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|14|C}}+{{clr|15|D}}+TU) }}
  {{ColorGallery/Color|27| text= 28 Ays Later ( {{clr|13|B}}+{{clr|14|C}} ) }}
{{ColorGallery/Color|32| text= Miki Miki (?) }}
{{ColorGallery/Color|33| text= Night of Fire (?) }}


[[Category:Them's Fightin' Herds]]
[[Category:Them's Fightin' Herds]]

Latest revision as of 05:58, 13 April 2024

TFH Shanty Art.png
Species: Goat
Playstyle: Stance, Rushdown
HP: 4800
Meter Size: 360
Movement Options: Short Hop, Wall-Cling, Run
Voice Actor: Afi Ekulona
Stage(s): The Capricorn

Character Profile

It is well known among the creatures of Foenum that when a goat sets her eye on something, it’s only a matter of time before she gets it.

Shanty, named after a song with no title, was taken in by notorious pirate captain Bravura after being orphaned at a very young age. She studied the ways of salt and sail, instilled with the belief that the only ones who make it in life are those brave enough to fight to the last.

For Shanty to earn a place as a true member of her pirate crew, she has to prove her worth. And it isn’t enough to meet the bar, Shanty aims to blow it out of the water. That means stealing the most valuable treasure in the world: which just so happens to be the Prophet’s Key! Only one who’s worthy? It’s gonna be Shanty![1]


Shanty is a rushdown/stance character. She has incredibly strong pressure and mix, and can utilize grab baits very well. She has a very fast dash speed, and multiple projectile invulnerable moves, allowing her to deal with zoning attempts well. Her already good pressure is made much stronger with magic, as that gives her access to stance cancels (stancels), which can give you + frames on certain moves. Being a stance character, it is incredibly important to keep magic stocks high, and with her passive magic gain being incredibly slow, she is heavily reliant on using Parlay (22A) to gain magic.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Strong Mixups: With fast short hop options, looping fuzzies, quick crossups, and a Level 1 Super that gives her a workable HKD, Shanty has extremely strong ways to overload your opponents' mental stack.
  • Fast Movement: Having an extremely fast dash and run stance, Shanty can make up for her lackluster pokes with incredible speed.
  • High Damage: With good meterless options such as TK Cutlass B, Gangway!, and Broadside, Shanty has an incredibly high damage ceiling with the right routes.
  • Magic Gain & Usage: Shanty gains magic over time, and has very safe ways of gaining magic, 22[A] enders being the most common. This is important as magic makes her better in almost every way, with much higher damage and more pressure options.
  • Meter Denial: Shanty doesn't build the opponent a lot of meter, while not needing a lot of meter herself.
  • Sticky Pressure: With 2B sliding forward as much as it does, as well as having numerous safe pressure resets and a strong microdash, it can be extremely difficult to get Shanty off of you, even with strong system mechanics such as pushblock.
  • Fundamental Neutral: Shanty lacks any sort of strong poking game, "neutral skip", or air mobility, relying on her grounded mobility, counterpokes, and slippery hurtboxes to win neutral interactions.
  • Low Health: Shanty is tied with Tianhuo and Pom for the lowest health in the game, meaning she can't afford to make as many mistakes as the rest of the cast.
  • Bad Defense: With a short (albeit very active) jab and a -71 metered reversal, Shanty's defense is very lacking.
  • Limited Chains: Shanty is the only character in the game who cannot cancel her 5B into 2B, which limits her blockstring and combo potential.


Walk: Shanty is tied with Arizona for the fastest walk speeds, walking forward and backward at 7 hu/frame and 5 hu/frame respectively.

Dashes: Like everyone else, Shanty can dash on the ground. Shanty's dashes are very fast on their own, and her wavedash is very good.

Shorthop: In addition to a regular jump, Shanty can perform a shorthop to stay closer to the ground, but cannot block during it. Shanty's jump and shorthop are also tied with Arizona for the longest arcs of each kind respectively.

Run Stance: Shanty's Run Stance gives her exceptionally quick forwards and backwards movement, at the cost of not being able to block. It also gives her access to helm.

Wall Cling: Shanty's Wall Cling lets her grab onto a wall and jump to the other. It also gives her access to helm.

Helm: Helm is a special type of jump, unique in that Shanty's jump angle isn't set, letting her move more freely in the air than other characters might. You can use helm by pressing C or 9 while in Wall Cling, or by pressing any upwards direction in Run Stance.

Command List

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

TFH Shanty 5A.png
TFH Shanty 5A hb.png
Why is it active for 8 frames
Why is it active for 8 frames
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
30 Mid Chains into Self 5 8 11 vs. Grounded 1 -2 0 15 0.83
vs. Airborne

Has the most active frames of any 5A in the game, but lacks the range to punish backdashes outside of the corner. Your fastest normal, useful for quick punishes or abare, assuming the opponent is in range.

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TFH Shanty 5B.png
TFH Shanty 5B hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
90 Mid No 2B Chain 9 5 17 vs. Grounded 1 -2 -30 30 0.95
vs. Airborne
  • +3 on block when stancelled

A decently useful poke and punish starter thanks to the forward movement and disjoint during active frames. Uniquely, this cannot chain into 2B like most other 5B's can, limiting your offense and confirm potential afterwards. Can combo into 236B on counterhit, giving it good conversions as a long distance whiff punish

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TFH Shanty 5C.png
TFH Shanty 5C hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
175 Mid - 12 6 21 vs. Grounded -2 -6 -55 45 0.97
vs. Airborne
  • +4 on block when stancelled

Similar to 5B, moving forward with a notable disjoint during the active frames. Very high first hit damage, making it your most attractive C combo starter. It also naturally combos to 236B on grounded hit, which is nice when you're not in range for a 3C to connect.

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Crouching Normals

TFH Shanty 2A.png
TFH Shanty 2A hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
35 Low Chains into Self 6 5 13 vs. Grounded 1 -1 0 15 0.83
vs. Airborne

Hits further than the animation implies. Does more damage and hits much further than 5A, while also being a low. The tradeoff? Less active frames and slightly longer startup. Good for mashing at ranges where 5A will whiff, and as a low commitment poke.

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TFH Shanty 2B.png
TFH Shanty 2B hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
85 Low - 9 9 15 vs. Grounded -3 -6 -20 40 0.95
vs. Airborne
  • +1 on block when stancelled

One of Shanty's strongest buttons. A fast and low profile slide that can be spaced to be safe, or cancel into various normals or specials, including 6A for rebeat pressure. The low profile allows it to evade under tons of moves and high hitting projectiles, making it hard for zoners to push Shanty away when she's in 2B range. It's even a niche anti-air for good reward in some cases!

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TFH Shanty 2C.png
TFH Shanty 2C hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
145 Low Chains into 5C
Hard Knockdown
12 8 24 vs. Grounded 25 (HKD) -9 -50 50 0.97
vs. Airborne
  • +6 on block when stancelled

As with all of Shanty's lows, hits farther than the animation implies. Has a massive disjoint during its last few active frames, and can cancel into 5C if 5C has not been used in your chain yet. This is one of your longest range normals, mixed with huge forward movement as well, making it strong for converting far hits and whiff punishes. It's also your most attractive normal to stancel, leaving you at +2 without much distance from your opponent, making it easy to press offense with magic.

It also has strong use as a combo ender, especially when cancelled to 22A, and if your close enough, you can set up a have the second charge hit meaty for easy plus frames and tons of magic.

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Jumping Normals

TFH Shanty jA.png
TFH Shanty jA hb.png
"An affront to nature."
"An affront to nature."
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
45 High - 6 5 9 vs. Grounded 8 ~ 21 3 ~ 16 -50 (Grounded)
-85 (Airborne)
65 (Grounded)
30 (Airborne)
vs. Airborne

Extremely quick air normal with surprising range. Very useful fuzzy normal from shorthops, and can chain into j.B for a confirm or double overhead. It's also Shanty's easiest way to hit crossup, which is a powerful mixup when shorthopping over crouching opponents. The horizontal range and speed also makes for a decent air-to-air, though the sweeping hitbox of j.B can be better for that.

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TFH Shanty jB.png
TFH Shanty jB hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
85 High Vacuum on Hit/Block 10 9 10 vs. Grounded 10 ~ 28 0 ~ 18 -90 (Grounded)
-120 (Airborne)
70 (Grounded)
40 (Airborne)
vs. Airborne

Hits above Shanty. Always combos from j.A, even during a shorthop. Enough hitstun to link back into j.A during juggles, allowing for tons of damage and corner carry. Very useful in shorthop mixups as well, as the vacuum allows you to set up tricky crossups.

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TFH Shanty jC.png
TFH Shanty jC hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
130 High Bounce (Air Only) 20 7 11 vs. Grounded 13 ~ 30 -4 ~ 13 -100 (Grounded)
-120 (Airborne)
100 (Grounded)
80 (Airborne)
vs. Airborne
  • Groundbounce on air hit
  • Can hit crossup late into the active frames

Big damage air normal. Shanty's best normal for reducing juggle decay. This normal makes for your general purpose heavy jump-in, and your main overhead when done out of a hop. If done as early as possible out of a hop, it's a very fast and high reward overhead that leaves you plus enough on block to run another mixup. It's also a strong combo piece, as the groundbounce allows for easy followups, usually into a 5C.

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Command Normals

TFH Shanty 6A.png
TFH Shanty 6A hb.png
Talk to the hoof
Talk to the hoof
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
85 Mid Forces Stand
Jump-Cancellable on Hit
8 6 22 vs. Grounded -9 -6 (Grounded)
-13 (Airborne)
40 55 0.83
vs. Airborne
  • +5 on block when stancelled
  • Upper body invuln starting frame 1

Universal anti-air. A decent normal for Shanty, as the upper body invuln and slight forward movement allows you to slip under things, though 2B tends to be better at this. Outside of anti-air, Shanty's 6A is also quite useful in pressure and combos. The aforementioned forward movement makes it great for rebeat pressure into her B normals, which is important to circumvent her inability to cancel her B normals into eachother. It's also +1 when stancelled, allowing you to go back into A normals to reset pressure.

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TFH Shanty Bulkhead.png
TFH Shanty 6C hb 1.png
TFH Shanty 6C hb 2.png
Throw out a low, I dare you.
Throw out a low, I dare you.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
155 High Stagger 29 14 12 vs. Grounded 55 (Stagger) -12 85 85 0.90
vs. Airborne
  • Can hold button to feint the attack (31f)
  • Extreme high profile from frames 5-26.
  • Can whiff-cancel to Run Stance from frames 1-23.

A fairly fast overhead that staggers on hit. The epitome of high risk and high reward. Bulkhead is a versatile command normal with a few different potential uses, but it's primarily a surprise overhead Shanty can use during offense. The extreme high profile is great for calling out mashers for high reward, and is even high enough to dodge most 5A's (with the exceptions of Velvet and Texas). This makes it scary to mash on Shanty even when she has no magic. This is even stronger when done with 4C, as Shanty naturally moves out of the way of other normals, though its easier to interrupt her coming back in.

Holding the C button allows you to feint this normal without sacrificing the high profile. This has a ton of uses: going over things in neutral, feinting into a low on offense, disengaging from opponents with 4[C], and faking it by cancelling into 5D. Keep in mind however, none of this is exactly safe. You don't maintain the high profile into active frames, meaning a delayed mash will always win. You can also be punished by B normals and some C normals if this gets blocked as well, making it especially unsafe if you use it too predictably. Mix up how you use this normal to maximize its potential.

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TFH Shanty 3C.png
TFH Shanty 3C hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
150 Mid Jump-Cancellable on Hit 15 4 27 vs. Grounded 26 (pre-JDmax)
24 (post-JDmax)
Launch -15 -70 (Grounded)
-35 (Airborne)
30 (Grounded)
65 (Airborne)
vs. Airborne

Universal launcher. Fast and moves forward quite a bit, but will still fall out at max-range confirms. Shanty can be a bit reliant on this for her max damage combos, but like any launcher, it's massively unsafe. Ensure you landed the hit before going into this.

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Forward Throw
Forward Throw
B+C / 6B+C
TFH Shanty FT.png
TFH Shanty T hb.png
Heave ho!
Heave ho!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
400 Throw Tumble
Damage Scaled to 50%
6 3 23 vs. Grounded 17 (Tumble)
vs. Airborne
  • Consumes groundbounce on use

Shanty's throw is a very important part of her mixup game, especially in the corner. Midscreen it can't be converted into any damage, though you can safely use 22A to generate magic. When the opponent is in the corner however, Shanty can pick up with various normals into much higher damage, making it a scary option. While Shanty's strike mixup is plenty already, properly representing throws is what makes it truly terrifying.

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Back Throw
Back Throw
TFH Shanty BT.png
TFH Shanty T hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
400 Throw Hard Knockdown
Damage Scaled to 50%
6 3 23 vs. Grounded 47 (HKD)
vs. Airborne

Shanty tosses the opponent high and behind her. Generally more advantageous midscreen in terms of okizeme, though it also has no combo potential outside of the corner. If Shanty throws the opponent into the corner however, she can pick up with various normals into a combo. You can also omit the combo and simply jump into the corner and j.C, which will steal the corner for a surprise crossup.

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Air Throw
Air Throw
TFH Shanty AT.png
TFH Shanty AT hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
300 Throw Bounce 8 3 18 vs. Grounded Bounce
vs. Airborne
  • Consumes groundbounce on use

Shanty mostly uses air throw as a way of discouraging people from jumping out of pressure, or as a very occassional reset tool after an air tech. Similar to Paprika's airthrow, followups depend on your height. From a high connect, falling with j.B seems most consistent. If closer to the ground, landing and using 5A or 5B works.

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Special Moves

Special Name 1
TFH Shanty 236A.png
TFH Shanty 236A hb.png
TFH Shanty 236B.png
TFH Shanty 236B hb.png
TFH Shanty 236C.png
TFH Shanty 236C hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
(70 Chip)
Mid Hard Knockdown 13 7 20 vs. Grounded 37 (HKD) -5 100 100 0.97
vs. Airborne
  • Becomes -2 when blocked crouching

Shanty slices forward in a wide arc. Fairly safe combo and blockstring ender, and a surprisingly fast disjointed poke in neutral. On hit with any version of Cutlass, you can cancel into any magic special for followups with stance or potential mixups with a wallcling setup.

(95 Chip)
Mid Hard Knockdown
No Collision (Crouching Only)
24 6 27 vs. Grounded 45 (HKD) -11 150 150 0.90
vs. Airborne
  • Can cross up on crouching opponents at certain spacings

Very useful high-damage combo special. Combos easily from 5C, and can combo from 3C if TK'd into, with both routes allowing for links afterwards.

(100 Chip)
Mid Hard Knockdown
No Collision
Projectile-Invulnerable (1-51)
34 9 24 vs. Grounded 53 (HKD) -11 80 80 0.90
vs. Airborne
  • Projectile invuln
  • Can cross up at certain spacings

A slower version of 236B that crosses up more often and has hefty projectile invincibility. One of Shanty's best anti-zoning tools, and a way to cross opponents up in the middle of a string. Very rarely can be used in combos, most notably after an Avast! for a high damage ender or extender. It comes with some hefty risk, as it's both unsafe on block and easily interrupted by most buttons, so be wary of using it too often.

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Special Name 1
TFH Shanty Ay.png
TFH Shanty 22A hb 1.png
TFH Shanty Aye.png
TFH Shanty 22A hb 2.png
TFH Shanty Yarrr.png
TFH Shanty 22A hb 3.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
100 Mid Projectile
Armor Break
25 14 10 vs. Grounded 1 -12 50 50 0.97
vs. Airborne
  • Charges 1 magic stock.

Shanty quickly shouts an "Ay!". The shockwave counts as a projectile, and will break other projectiles/lose to projectile-invuln moves. Your fastest way to generate a quick bar of magic in neutral. Opponents will expect Shanty to approach in most situations, so a quick 22A will usually go unpunished if you aren't predictable with using it. If you are predictable, an opponent can easily dashblock and punish it as it is unsafe.

125 Mid Projectile
Armor Break
41 20 4 vs. Grounded Launch -7 70 70 0.97
vs. Airborne
  • Charges 2 magic stocks
  • Requires 27-38 frames of charging

This version has the highest damage, most active frames, the least recovery frames, and is the safest on block. Can be done meaty after certain HKDs to be plus on block, and after certain SKDs to be plus after whiffing, making it a very reliable way to build magic. The shockwave counts as a projectile, and will break other projectiles/lose to projectile-invuln moves.

110 Mid Projectile
Armor Break
52 14 20 vs. Grounded 36 (Stagger) -12 90 90 0.97
vs. Airborne
  • Charges 3 magic stocks
  • Requires 39+ frames of charging

Staggers the opponent if it hits. The shockwave counts as a projectile, and will break other projectiles/lose to projectile-invuln moves. Very rarely used, as the hefty startup time makes it much more reactable in neutral, and 22{A} is much more valuable on offense. You can use this after very plus knockdowns to gain tons of magic, though this usually kills any chance of pressure afterwards in exchange.

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Shanty's magic slowly builds over time, and she can obtain more with Parley, to a maximum of 6 stocks. She can spend it to enter her Wall Cling and Run stances, and use certain options within the stances.

Run Stance (Enter/Exit)
TFH Shanty 5D.png
TFH Shanty 5D hb.png
This is where the fun begins.
This is where the fun begins.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- - - 6 4-46 6 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne
  • Very low profile frame 1
  • Followups available after frame 6
  • Fastest stance exit is 16f
  • Top run speed forward is 24 hu/frame, backward is 17 hu/frame

The core part of Shanty's gameplan. D activates Run Stance, a highly mobile stance with a ton of potential for mixups, combos, and neutral. The immediate low profile allows Shanty to duck under tons of things on reaction, basically anything that doesn't hit exactly on the floor, making it scary for the opponent to use high pokes or projectiles.

Shanty can manually exit the stance by holding 2 or pressing D again. When done as fast as possible, this makes the total stance animation last 16f. This is useful to cancel certain moves for combo potential, and more importantly canceling 6A and 2C for plus frames. This is referred to as a Stancel, and is one of Shanty's most potent tools on offense, as it allows her to safely generate plus frames. Stancelling by holding 2 is usually preferred over double tapping, as it ensures you get the fastest stancel possible.

Run stance also gives her access to her run. Holding 6 or 4 will make Shanty start running forwards or backwards, with a very small windup before she reaches full speed. Run can be canceled into any stance followup, though if not canceled, Shanty will have a skidding animation before returning to stance idle. Her low-profile hurtbox also gains more height, though it is still somewhat shorter than her normal hurtbox.

Holding 7/8/9 during Run will enter Helm, a unique jump that can be controlled midair.

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TFH Shanty Keelhaul.png
TFH Shanty 5DA hb.png
Skrrrt ver. 2
Skrrrt ver. 2
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
(90 Chip)
Low Hard Knockdown 13 12 13 vs. Grounded 46 (HKD) -5 60 60 0.95
vs. Airborne
  • Vacuums on grounded hits
  • Cancels into other magic tools on hit

A fast advancing low out of run. Your surprise tool in neutral, especially to catch opponents backdashing or walking backwards. Can be very useful in combos, though midscreen followups are limited without spending another bar of magic to cancel back into run stance. When this hits a grounded opponent, it will vacuum towards Shanty, guaranteeing a followup combo. This can also sideswap if you hit it very close.

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TFH Shanty Broadside.png
TFH Shanty 5DB hb.png
Pray to God you didn’t mash on this.
Pray to God you didn’t mash on this.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
(110 Chip)
Mid Wallstick 10 12 19 vs. Grounded Wallstick -2 35 35 0.97
vs. Airborne
  • Wallsticks on hit
  • Cancels into other magic tools on hit

High-damage charging headbutt. Can cancel into 22C to get a midscreen wallstick, although this slightly depends on screen position. Due to having many active frames, and a very short hurtbox, this can serve well as an anti-air when in stance, with the downside of having limited followups. Functions well on block as both a pressure reset and a frametrap option, due to its large amount of active frames, good frame advantage, and high damage.

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TFH Shanty Gangway.png
TFH Shanty 5DC hb 1.png
TFH Shanty 5DC hb 2.png
Zoning? In my ungulate game?
Zoning? In my ungulate game?
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
70 [x2], 210
(30 [x2], 50 Chip)
High\ Bounce
Projectile-Invulnerable (1-35)
15 18 21 vs. Grounded Bounce -6 35,35,90 35,35,90 0.97 [x3]
vs. Airborne
  • Consumes groundbounce
  • Projectile invuln frame 1, high profile frame 5
  • Hits grounded opponents on frame 30, hits standing Texas and Stronghoof on the first active frame

The overhead compliment to run stance. This comes with hefty amounts of projectile invuln and high profile, allowing it to bait options that would normally beat the other two stance followups such as delayed mashing and reversals. It also makes for a high-damage combo piece, especially near the end of a combo thanks to the very high minimum damage. It's useful for catching jumps, as it hits high into the air.

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TFH Shanty Wallcling.png
TFH Shanty 22B hb.png
Does whatever a spider-goat does.
Does whatever a spider-goat does.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- - - 11 17-22 1 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne
  • Grounded startup is 11f, airborne travel time varies between 17 and 22f
  • Will create walls midscreen, allowing for use in combos and pressure at any time
  • Actionable on the 2nd frame after reaching the wall

Shanty jumps to one of the walls of the screen. 22B jumps to the wall behind her, 22C jumps to the one in front of her. While Wallcling is a bit more limited than Run in terms of her two stances, it has utility in long combos and corner mixups, especially since Shanty immediately makes a corner midscreen. Holding 8 or 2 will run Shanty up and down the wall, and if you hold 2 all the way to the floor, Shanty will land on the ground with 15 recovery frames. Pressing D will make Shanty quickly swap to the other wall, which is good for evading punishment.

Wallcling costs 1 bar of magic to activate, and will continuously drain magic while Shanty is on the wall, making it a somewhat costly option. However, high damage Shanty combos will frequently use wallcling after a 236B thanks to the high hitstun, or 5D~B wallstick. Shanty cannot block during wallcling however, making usage of it during offense risky.

Pressing C while in wallcling will cause Shanty to enter "Helm".

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Wallcling Attack
Wallcling 8/5/2A
TFH Shanty w8A.png
TFH Shanty w8A hb.png
w.8A (the bing)
w.8A (the bing)
TFH Shanty wA.png
TFH Shanty w5A hb.png
w.5A (the bang)
w.5A (the bang)
TFH Shanty w2A.png
TFH Shanty w2A hb.png
w.2A (the bong)
w.2A (the bong)
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
110 High - 11 9 18 vs. Grounded Launch 115 (Grounded)
60 (Airborne)
115 (Grounded)
60 (Airborne)
vs. Airborne
  • Vacuums and launches

Shanty kicks upward, sucking the opponent closer to the wall. The key to extending with wallcling, as it cancels into other followups, allowing for extensive juggles even at high JD.

Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
145 High - 8 8 17 vs. Grounded Launch 90 (Grounded)
50 (Airborne)
90 (Grounded)
50 (Airborne)
vs. Airborne
  • Fastest wallcling normal

Launches full screen horizontally. Mostly useful as a fast option out of wallcling, though converting can be hard since it launches far away. Shanty can swap walls and extend combos with this, though these routes are mostly just for fun.

Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
250 High Bounce 9 7 10 vs. Grounded Bounce 90 (Grounded)
50 (Airborne)
90 (Grounded)
50 (Airborne)
vs. Airborne
  • Consumes ground bounce

Your best normal for mixups out of wallcling, since it won't whiff crouchers. Wallcling mix is still very risky, but mixing between this and a crossup w.B is the general goal. This is also important to wallcling juggles, as it spikes the opponent down on air hit and groundbounces for easy followups. If you hit it high enough, you can cancel back into w.8A to avoid spending a groundbounce.

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Wallcling B
TFH Shanty Harpoon.png
TFH Shanty wB hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
155 High Hard Knockdown 14 8 26 vs. Grounded 61 (HKD) -8 to -4 190 (Grounded)
150 (Airborne)
190 (Grounded)
150 (Airborne)
vs. Airborne
  • Can cross up

A great tool for extending combos off the wall. Does very high damage, and launches far up, allowing for damaging followup potential. It can also cross up on opponents close to the corner, who may be blocking the wrong way expecting a w.2A. It pays for this by being fairly unsafe at most heights, and adding a ton of JD.

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Change Walls
Wallcling D
TFH Shanty wD.png
TFH Shanty wD hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- - - - - 30 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne
  • Spends 1 magic to jump to the opposite wall

w.D doesn't really come up often except when trying to evade punishment for a wallcling you may have messed up. It can also be used in gimmicky baits, as a burst mobility option to quickly get from one corner to the other, and in certain combos to extend after w.5A.

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Helm Breaker
Run 7/8/9, Wallcling 9/C
TFH Shanty Helm.png
TFH Shanty wC hb.png
A demon flip in looks only.
A demon flip in looks only.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- - - 9/17 - 15 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne
  • Recovery is upon landing

Shanty flips through the air, and can be controlled left/right to influence her trajectory, allowing for ambiguous left right mixups into Breaker. Alone, this is a fairly useful mobility tool that makes for some really hard to block overheads out of Run stance. Helm out of Wallcling is usually a combo extender utilizing Breaker, though it can be used to add even more layers to Wallcling mixups by faking crossups. Will put an airborne opponent in a lot of blockstun, although the opponent will exit blockstun when they land.

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Helm A/B/C
TFH Shanty Breaker.png
TFH Shanty wCX hb.png
I dont even know what side this hit on.
I dont even know what side this hit on.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
110 High Hard Knockdown (Air Only) 16 2+ 9 vs. Grounded 6 to 10, HKD on Airborne -8 to -4 45 45
vs. Airborne

A fast overhead out of Helm that will hit very ambiguously on either side of the opponent. It must be done fairly low to combo from, and when done from high up it can be challenged or even punished. It gives a ton of hitstun on air hit, allowing for further combos. Like many of Shanty's mixups, it can be interrupted on the way up or anti-aired, so ensure you mix it in properly with all of her other tools.

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Level 1

FHT Character Super.png
TFH Shanty 236XX hb 1.png
TFH Shanty 236XX hb 2.png
Cannon ball/crash/splash!
Cannon ball/crash/splash!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
270, 410
(90 [x2] Chip)
Mid, High Invulnerable (1-28)
Forced HKD
2+3 12(15)8 83 vs. Grounded 14 (HKD) -71 0 0
vs. Airborne
  • Fully invincible for the first 28 frames
  • Second hit hits overhead

Shanty's super puts the opponent in HKD, even during Max JD, with enough advantage to meaty with a low or a throw. This makes it a solid ender for long combos to ensure you can have both damage and okizeme, though it isn't Shanty's premiere combo ender by any means. This is also your primary reversal, making it an important tool on defense. The fast startup and surprising range help with catching multiple setups, but being a massive -71 means you'll eat the highest damage combo your opponent can do for getting this blocked.

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Level 2 (Follow Up)

TFH Shanty SuperFollowUp.png
That's it! Avast!
That's it! Avast!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
15 [x3], 90 - Stagger 60 1(7)1(8)1(27)1 47 vs. Grounded 81/54 (Stagger) 0 0
vs. Airborne
  • Must be cancelled BEFORE the second hit of Cannonball

Install that regenerates three magic stocks on hit, and increases magic regeneration for a period of time. Staggers on hit, preventing you from combo'ing after if you've used 4/6C in your route. A very strong comeback tool, as it essentially removes Shanty's reliance on Parley for magic, allowing you to stancel much more frequently and abuse her various movement tools. Combos in Avast! are also much more damaging, as Shanty is able to use magic extenders more and juggle during wallcling longer.

Unlike most other staggers, the opponent will not be sent into SKD after the stagger ends in Max JD, giving you the chance to perform a reset even after a full combo.

Level 3

Durian Drop
TFH Shanty Level3.png
TFH Shanty 63214XX hb.png
TFH Shanty Level3 Finish.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
175 [x8], 1350 Grab Invulnerable (1-29) 9+4 16 67 vs. Grounded 0 0 0
vs. Airborne
  • Invincible for 30 frames
  • Can be jumped after super freeze

An advancing invincible grab. Can be jumped on reaction to the screen freezing, and only combos from the stagger caused by 4/6C or 22[A], which holds it back a lot in comparison to her other supers. You'll mostly find success with this by using it to bait mashing, or as a defensive option, as it is still a very high damage invincible super. Shanty can make the opponent react on defense in a ton of different ways, so ensure your opponent isn't going to jump before you risk one of these.

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6XX (While Blocking)
TFH Shanty CC.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
80 (Recoverable Health) Mid Strike-Invulnerable (f1-16)
Autoguard (f17-25)
23 9 54 vs. Grounded - - 0 (HKD) 5 13 -49 0 0 1
vs. Airborne

In exchange for 1/2 a bar of super meter, cross-canter interrupts your blockstun with a strike-invulnerable counterattack. Leads to a hard knockdown on hit with no frame advantage, resetting both opponents to neutral at a medium distance apart. The user will also be locked out of gaining super meter for 5 seconds, stacking up to 10 seconds if cross-canter is used repeatedly.

This can be a strong option to escape pressure, but don't overdo it - it can be thrown during startup and is extremely punishable on block or whiff.


Shanty ( A )
Ditty ( B )
What Shall We Do ( C )
D'ja Make Er? ( D )
And a Bottle of Rum (TU)
Fizzy Lemon (VC)
Emerald Splash ( A+B+C )
Wild Wave ( D+TU+VC)
Akerbeltz ( A+D )
Goatmom ( A+B+D )
Shout of Sea ( C+D )
Lightning Rival ( A+C+D )
Jellyfish Pirate ( B+C+D )
Grass Pelt ( A+B+C+D )
I'm So Sorry ( A+B )
Miracle Courtier ( A+TU)
Dangerous Hoofwear ( B+TU)
Island Villager ( A+B+TU)
Super Bleat Kid ( C+TU)
Who We Are ( A+C+TU)
Hooligan Punk ( B+C+TU)
Baaah, Avast! ( A+B+C+TU)
Donut Steele ( D+TU)
Surf's Up ( A+D+TU)
Insolated ( B+D+TU)
Shakalaka Bam ( A+B+D+TU)
Dark Prince ( C+D+TU)
Captain ( A+C+D+TU)
Graffiti Gyal ( B+C+D+TU)
28 Ays Later ( B+C )
Miki Miki (?)
Night of Fire (?)
