Chaos Code/NSC/Kagari: Difference between revisions

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On knockdown, Kagari can try something like this []. When the opponent is knocked down, whiff a 2A to help with the timing. Immediately after, instant airdash and then hit j.A to stop your momentum. If you time it right, you will pass through the character and land on the opposite side. Try adjusting the timings to keep your opponent off guard. Not sure if its completely safe, but worth a try.
On knockdown, Kagari can try something like this []. When the opponent is knocked down, whiff a 2A to help with the timing. Immediately after, instant airdash and then hit j.A to stop your momentum. If you time it right, you will pass through the character and land on the opposite side. Try adjusting the timings to keep your opponent off guard. Not sure if its completely safe, but worth a try.
Also on knockdown, something as simple as jumping over/instant air dashing with the A Shuriken can be effective, since it too crosses up.


Revision as of 21:23, 3 January 2013


Run vs Step

Run - Kagari has a very fast run speed, and seems to be the common choice among Japanese arcade players.



These combos are not definitive, and can be altered to whatever works best for you. Keep in mind you can add in j.C > j.D > etc. for extra damage.


2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 2D

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 2B > f.5C > 2D

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 214C > 214C > 214C

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 236236B

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 214C > 214C > 236236A/C

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 214A+C > 214A+C > 214A+C > (corner, ground bounce) > 2B > 2C > sjc > j.B > j.D > Airthrow

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 214C > 214C > 214C > j.214214B

  • If you start this combo from near to the corner to your back, the 214214B can wallsplat, allowing you to 2A > 2C > j.B(2) > 2D > Airthrow.

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 2141236C > run, airdash > j.C > j.D > 5A > cl.5C(2) > 214A+C > 214A+C > 214A+C > 2B > 2C > sjc > j.B(2) > j.D > Airthrow

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 2141236C > run, airdash > j.C > j.D > 5A > cl.5C(2) > 214C > 214C > 214C > (j.214214B)

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 2141236C > run, airdash > j.C > j.D > 5A > cl.5C(2) > 214C > 214C > 236236A/C

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 2141236C > run, airdash > j.C > j.D > 5A > cl.5C(2) > 236B > 236236A/C (or 236236B)

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 236236B > A+B > 5D > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > Airthrow

2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 5D > 3B > 236236B > A+B > 5D > j.B(1) > j.C > j.D > rejump j.A > j.B > j.C > j.D > j.A > j.B > j.C > j.D

Corner Carry

IAD > jC > jD > 5A > 5B > 5C(2) > 3B > 2141236C > 214B > IAD > jC > jD > 5A > 5B > 5C(2) > 214AC > 214C > 214C > (corner, ground bounce) > 2B > 5B > 5A > 5C > Super Jump Cancel > jB(1) > jC > jD > Airthrow

(IAD > jC > jD > 5A > 5B > 5C(2) > 3B > 2141236C > 214B)x2 > IAD > jC > jD > ender combo (depending on meter)


2B > 2A > cl.5C(2) > 214A+C > 214A+C > 214A+C > 2B > 2C > sjc > j.B > j.D > Airthrow

IAD > j.C > j.D > 5B > cl.5C(2) > 2A > 5B > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > 3B > 2141236C > IAD > j.C > j.D > 5B > cl.5C(2) > 2A > 5B > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > 3B > 2141236C > IAD > j.C > j.D > 5B > cl.5C(2) > 2A > 5B > 5A > 5B > 5C > 236A > 3B > 214C > 214C > 214C (stun)

Throw Combos

Throw > whiff 2A > 3B > sjc > j.A > j.C > j.D > land > jump > j.A > j.B > j.C > j.D > sj > j.B > j.C > j.D > Airthrow

Combo Videos

Basic Combos

Advanced Stun Combo

Basic Combo Extensions

Corner Carry Combos

Chaos Shift and Exceed Chaos Examples

Move List

Normal Moves

5A - Mid. Cancelable. Standing chop.

2A - Mid. Cancelable. Crouching chop.

cl.B - Low. Cancelable. Side kick.

5B - Mid. Cancelable. Side kick.

2B - Low. Cancelable. Fast crouching low kick with decent range.

cl.C - Mid. Cancelable. Two hit sword slash and stab. Can be jump and special cancelled after either hit.

5C - Mid. Cancelable. Sword thrust, seems to have good range.

2C - Mid. Cancelable. Sword swipe anti-air. Moves Kagari forward a bit.

cl.D - Mid. Cancelable. Standing knee attack.

5D - Mid. Not cancelable. Kagari leans to the floor and angles a kick up high. Anti-air looking move.

2D - Low. Not cancelable. Standard sweep.

j.A - High. Cancelable. Jumping horizontal chop like 2/5A.

j.B - High. Cancelable. Two hit jumping move, one kick goes straight and the other slightly up.

nj.C - High. Cancelable. Sword slash below.

j.C - High. Cancelable. When jumping away or towards j.C becomes a sword stab move. Strong move, seems to be active a very long time.

nj.D - High. Cancelable. Kagari does the jumping splits.

j.D - High. Cancelable. When jumping away or towards j.D becomes a standard horizontal kick.

Command Normals

3B - Low. Cancelable. Kagari scoots up a bit then does the splits.

A+C - Airthrow. Combo ender, and can leave you in a knockdown position in the corner.

Special Moves

Kasumi Nagi - 214A/C (follow up two more times)

This is her three part rekka series. Very useful in combos, and your go to meterless combo tool. If you have a stock of meter, you can follow up the last hit with j.214214B.

  • A ver - travels the shortest distance.
  • C ver - travels longer than the A version.
  • EX ver (EX) - travels further and faster than both versions, and each part hits twice. Also allows for followups in the corner with its ground bounce.
Shuriken - Senkou - 236A/C

The ever useful shuriken. Useful for zoning/spacing and general annoyance. Builds a bit of meter when it hits, and a tiny bit on block.

  • A ver - slower projectile.
  • C ver - a little faster than the A version.
  • EX ver (EX) - shoots three shurikens, the last one knocks the opponent in the air, which is useful for corner combo extensions. Speed seems to be in between A and C versions.
Mugen - 236B/D (hold K for low attack for D ver)

Kagari runs forward and either swipes or hops with her sword. Builds meter on whiff but risky doing so. Could be useful for whiff punishing.

  • B ver - Kagari runs forward and swipes upward. Builds a fair amount of meter on whiff. Two hits and builds lots of meter on hit, and less on block.
  • D ver - Kagari runs forward and hops with a j.C attack. Builds lots of meter on whiff, and a lot on hit. Holding D will make her go low. On counterhit, the high will lead to an easy combo. The low version on counterhit will lead to a small pickup for a combo.
Mugen - Utsuroi - 214B/D

This is Kagari's command dash which helps her make up space, and useful for mixup on opponents who respect it. Does not build meter.

  • B ver - Kagari dashes on the ground and can go through the opponent.
  • D ver - Kagari dashes on the ground and can pass through the opponent, but jumps straight up at the end. Doesn't cover as much distance as the B version.
Genjin - 623A/C

Typical Shoryuken attack. Does good bits of damage and good combo ender as well. Don't mash this out too much. Both versions build roughly the same amount of meter.

  • A ver - Kagari jumps straight up with her sword, good anti-air. Two hits.
  • C ver - Kagari steps forward and jumps up with her sword. Three hits.

Extra Specials

Shuriken - Rakurai - j.236A/C

A very useful special move to pick at character select do to the fact it gives Kagari more spacing control, and helping her build meter on hit while doing so.

  • A ver - Kagari throws the shuriken almost straight below her, at a very slight angle. Can be used for oki setups as it can cross up easily.
  • C ver - Kagari throws the shuriken at about a 45 degree angle.
Kawarimi - Oboro - 22A/C

This is a counter move. When hit during the animation Kagari will teleport above with a random object she leaves behind on the ground.

  • A ver - When Kagari is hit she will teleport above the opponent.
  • C ver - When Kagari is hit she will dash through the opponent.

Ultimate Chaos

Ougi - Rasen - 236236B/D

Kagari dashes forward to kick the opponent up in the air, following up with the beloved Izuna drop. Both versions seem to do the same amount of damage.

  • B ver A shorter dash than the D version.
  • D ver Kagari will dash a bit more forward that the B version.
Ougi - Manji Senkou Ha - 2141236A/C

Kagari creates a wave of energy with her sword. This super is a good combo extender. This move almost goes full screen. Both versions seem nearly identical.

Extra Ultimate Chaos

Ougi - Harinezumi - 236236A/C

One of the selectable supers. This one Kagari uses her "robo dreads" to pierce and punch the opponent and inflicting poison. A good combo ender as it deals a lot of damage.

  • A ver
  • C ver
Ougi - Ryuusei Kyaku - 214214B/D (midair also)

Probably the more popular super to choose, due to the fact that it's a great combo ender and when it wallsplats at a certain distance, Kagari can continue a small pickup combo afteward. Both versions seem to go the same distance, unless done in the air.

  • B ver - This version works more in combos.
  • D ver - This version when done in the air travels further and can hit full screen.

Destruction Chaos

Hi Ougi - Ura Rasen - 2363214A+C

Her most powerful super, it uses all three bars of meter. Kagari turns around and back bumps the opponent, and a seal appears while her armor disappears. She carries the opponent up and slams them against the walls for eight hits before coming down again.

This super is a very good punish at close range, and very easy to combo into. Don't be afraid to use it to get ahead and win.


Defense and Spacing

Offense, Mixup, and Knockdown

On knockdown, Kagari can try something like this [2]. When the opponent is knocked down, whiff a 2A to help with the timing. Immediately after, instant airdash and then hit j.A to stop your momentum. If you time it right, you will pass through the character and land on the opposite side. Try adjusting the timings to keep your opponent off guard. Not sure if its completely safe, but worth a try.

Also on knockdown, something as simple as jumping over/instant air dashing with the A Shuriken can be effective, since it too crosses up.



  • PS3 Version: You can hold R1 button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.
  • Arcade Version: You can hold START button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.


  • A Button: Normal version.
  • B Button: Eva Unit 02 (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
  • D Button: Nirvash (Eureka Seven)
  • R1+B Buttons: Hyaku Shiki (Zeta Gundam)
MG Hikaru
Celia II Kai
Cait & Sith