Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II/King Rasta Mon

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< Ring of Destruction: Slam Masters II
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King Rasta Mon/Missing IQ Gomes


Mon, you gots no rhythm and you fight like a girlie.

What would a Capcom character be without stereotypes?

The walking embodiment of a random chimp event, King Rasta Mon is canonically illiterate. He relies on his monkey manager Freak to do the boring work for him.

While he has a shorter grab range than most characters, Rasta can depend on his speed and ambiguous cross-ups to get in and make opponents guess. His specials are awkward to use or niche, outside of 236LP and 28P. Monkey assists keep your opponents locked down and can open up big rewards if you time it right.

Normal Moves

Far Standing Normals

5LP | Far Standing Light Punch
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta 5LP 1.png
RingDest Rasta 5LP 2.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5LP 3.png
Hit Advantage -1
Block Advantage -4
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Run Cancel Yes
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 3 6 9

A fast sideways chop with decent range. Good active frames, but unsafe unless you cancel it.

Chain starting on frame 13.

5HP | Far Standing Heavy Punch
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta 5HP 1.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5HP 2.png
RingDest Rasta 5HP 3.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5HP 4.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5HP 5.png
Hit Advantage -4
Block Advantage -9
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Run Cancel No
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 8 3 19

A downward chop with good range. Average active frames, but it's not cancelable and pretty unsafe.

5LK | Far Standing Light Kick
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 1.png
RingDest Rasta 5LK 2.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 3.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 1.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 5.png
Hit Advantage +1
Block Advantage -2
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Run Cancel Yes
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 4 1 12

An upward kick with only one active frame, so it’s not the stop sign it looks like. Also does little damage, so it's not really worth using in combos.

Chain starting on frame 14.

5HK | Far Standing Heavy Kick
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 5.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5HK 2.png
RingDest Rasta 5HK 3.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5HK 4.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 5.png
Hit Advantage +1
Block Advantage -4
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Run Cancel No
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 7 8 9

A straight kick with great range and active frames. Throw this out sometimes, but be aware that his upper leg is still vulnerable.

You can actually link off this when used as a meaty, but that's better done with n.5HK.

Near Standing Normals

n.5LP | Near Standing Light Punch
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta n5LP 1.png
RingDest Rasta n5LP 2.png
File:RingDest Rasta n5LP 1.png
Hit Advantage +6
Block Advantage +3
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Run Cancel Yes
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 2 4 7

A Palm strike with fast startup and good active frames. One of your all-around best buttons.

Chain starting on frame 7.

n.5HP | Near Standing Heavy Punch
Damage ?/? 1f
RingDest Rasta n5HP 1.png
RingDest Rasta n5HP 2.png
RingDest Rasta n5HP 3.png
File:RingDest Rasta n5HP 4.png
File:RingDest Rasta n5HP 5.png
Hit Advantage -4/-1
Block Advantage -9/-6
Chain Cancel No/No
Special Cancel Yes/Yes
Run Cancel No/No
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 2 3 8 11

Table-flip that hits twice, and shares its animation with 2HP. Cancelable but only combos into grab or 46HP. You could also go for a crossup with rage 28HP.

n.5LK | Near Standing Light Kick
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 1.png
RingDest Rasta 5LK 2.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 3.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 1.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 5.png
Hit Advantage +3
Block Advantage 0
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Run Cancel Yes
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 4 1 12

Nearly identical to far 5LK, but has better frame advantage by 2 frames. Still not recommended due to poor damage.

Chain starting on frame 14.

n.5HK | Near Standing Heavy Kick
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 5.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5HK 2.png
RingDest Rasta 5HK 3.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5HK 4.png
File:RingDest Rasta 5LK 5.png
Hit Advantage +4
Block Advantage -1
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Run Cancel No
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 6 6 8

It's 5HK but faster overall, and with better frame advantage to boot.

Crouching Normals

2LP | Crouching Light Punch
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta 2LP 1.png
RingDest Rasta 2LP 2.png
File:RingDest Rasta 2LP 1.png
Hit Advantage +6
Block Advantage +3
Chain Cancel Yes
Special Cancel Yes
Run Cancel Yes
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 2 4 7

A quick claw at their shins. Oddly doesn't have as much range as it looks, but is still one of Rasta's longest normals because he leans forward.

Chain starting on frame 7.

2HP | Crouching Heavy Punch
Damage ?/? 1f
RingDest Rasta 2HP 1.png
RingDest Rasta 2HP 2.png
RingDest Rasta 2HP 3.png
File:RingDest Rasta 2HP 4.png
File:RingDest Rasta 2HP 5.png
File:RingDest Rasta 2HP 6.png
Hit Advantage -11/-9
Block Advantage -16/-14
Chain Cancel No/No
Special Cancel Yes/Yes
Run Cancel No/No
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 2 2 8 19

Table-flip that hits twice, and shares its animation with n.5HP. Cancelable but only combos into grab or 46HP. You could also go for a crossup with rage 28HP.

For whatever reason, this has much worse recovery than n.5HP. This makes it not really worth using.

2LK | Crouching Light Kick
Damage ? 1f
RingDest Rasta 2LK 1.png
RingDest Rasta 2LK 2.png
9, 11, 13f
RingDest Rasta 2LK 3.png
10, 12, 14f
RingDest Rasta 2LK 4.png
RingDest Rasta 2LK 2.png
RingDest Rasta 2LK 1.png
Hit Advantage -1
Block Advantage -4
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Run Cancel No
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 8 6 8

An upward kick with strange hitboxes. Works as a far anti-air, but not useful against grounded opponents.

2LK | Crouching Light Kick
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta 2HK 1.png
File:RingDest Rasta 2HK 2.png
RingDest Rasta 2HK 3.png
File:RingDest Rasta 2HK 4.png
File:RingDest Rasta 2HK 5.png
File:RingDest Rasta 2HK 1.png
Hit Advantage KD
Block Advantage -12
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Run Cancel No
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 7 8 17

A standard sweep, Rasta's longest-reaching normal. Can be used to punish the odd move your jabs can't reach, or to end chains.

Must be blocked low.

Running Normals

66LP | Running Light Punch
Damage ?/? 1f
RingDest Rasta 66LP 1.png
RingDest Rasta 66LP 2.png
RingDest Rasta 66LP 3.png
File:RingDest Rasta 66LP 4.png
File:RingDest Rasta 66LP 5.png
Hit Advantage -10/KD
Block Advantage -13/-5
Chain Cancel No/No
Special Cancel No/No
Run Cancel No/No
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 3 8 8 10

Rasta raises his elbows for 2 hits. Slightly more damaging than sweep for ending chains. Worth throwing out since it’s safe if it connects late.

Only the second hit knocks down, though hit 1 juggles and it's rare both hits don’t connect.

66HP | Running Heavy Punch
Damage ? 1f
File:RingDest Rasta 66HP 1.png
RingDest Rasta 66HP 2.png
File:RingDest Rasta 66HP 3.png
Hit Advantage KD
Block Advantage -2
Chain Cancel No
Special Cancel No
Run Cancel No
Start/Active/Recovery Frames 5 12 12

Your standard-issue clothesline attack. Use after an irish whip, or throw is out since it's safe.

Interestingly, you can't properly meaty with this. On hit it skips to recovery, so it'll always have the same advantage.

Under Construction

66LK | Running Light Kick

Rasta sticks out his leg really far, like 5LK but with reasonable active frames.
Unfortunately this isn’t cancelable and doesn’t link even if you land it meaty.

66HK | Running Heavy Kick

An awesome slide for your kit. Keeps people guessing when you start running after knocking them down.

Jumping Normals

Diagonal Jump Normals

j.LP | Jumping Light Punch

An elbow attack that hits solidly in front of you. No hurtbox on the legs plus horizontal range makes this a good jump-in. Active until you land.

j.HP | Jumping Heavy Punch

Down-angled punch with a great hitbox. You’re probably going to be running around a lot so you won’t find a lot of time to use this. Maybe it’s a good defensive option.


Jumping knee attack that has a small hitbox just below Rasta, and can cross up. Active until you land.


A butt drop that crosses up very easily. Has a decent hitbox in front and it stays active until you land.

Neutral Jump Normals

j.8LP | Neutral Jumping Light Punch

Identical to j.LP

j.8HP | Neutral Jumping Heavy Punch

Identical to j.HP, with slightly more active frames

j.8LK | Neutral Jumping Light Kick

Identical to j.LK

j.8HK | Neutral Jumping Heavy Kick

Rasta’s butt drop. The neutral jump version has a slightly better hitbox in front.

Running Jump Normals

66j.LP | Running Jump Light Punch

Looks just like j.LP, but has an autocombo where the second hit looks like j.HP.
Both hits juggle aerial opponents, knocking down. Otherwise, it won't knock down.
Good for checking their ability to block, and the second hit generally makes it safe even if they block it early.

66j.HP | Running Jump Heavy Punch

The flying bulldog. A weird move that basically only hits on crossup and has short active frames.
Deals great damage sort of like an ST air throw, and it feels just as satisfying.

66j.LK | Running Jump Light Kick

Has a smaller hitbox than j.LK, and knocks down if it hits an aerial opponent. Besides that, it’s identical.

66j.HK | Running Jump Heavy Kick

Flying butt that always knocks down, active until you land as usual.
Welcome to Slam Masters 2, say hello to the mat for me.

Throws and Other


Grab: 8 startup, 1 active, 15 recovery. Average grab.

Throw 1 (vs standing): Backdrop. Your standard throw. This notably side-swaps if you want to corner them at the moment.

Throw 2 (vs crouching): Face Chew. Like holds in SF2, this is your better grab. Unlike in SF2, this knocks down once it ends. Mashable. After the hold ends, Rasta airborne and can put out a normal but this doesn’t seem useful.

Super Slam: Motion: G, 28G. Hurricane Stomp. Decent damage for a super, but it leaves you with a lot of frame advantage. You can move before they hit the ground after bouncing and start getting up. From here you get to set up all sorts of tricks, like meaty 66HK/66j.HK, Monkey Help, or ambiguous ball crossups.

Rasta super slam grants +53 frame advantage, and holding G for super grants +68 frame advantage. The actual throw pushes you back during the animation. This puts you nearly full screen normally, close to 3/4 screen if on a cornered opponent, and less than half if you’re cornered.


Standing: Filler Text.

Crouching: Filler Text.

Walk (Forward): Filler Text.

Walk (Back): Filler Text.

Run: Filler Text.

Jump (Forward/Back): Great jump arc. Very fast and highly obnoxious.

Jump (Neutral): Great jump arc. Very fast and highly obnoxious.

Taunt: 43 frames total.

Special Moves

236P | Monkey Help

Two different monkey assists which form a large part of Rasta’s offense. The monkey you call takes a while to get into place, and needs to basically stop in front of your opponent to attack. If they run around the ring too long looking for that chance, the monkey returns to its corner.
The monkey can also be hit when it starts attacking. You can even hit both it and Rasta!
The animation for calling a monkey is always 56 total frames.

236A - The rolling monkey. This is what you want to use most of the time. Hits low, so you can force a lot of hard-to-block or unblockable setups with this. Since the game emphasizes high/low, side, and throw mixups, people respect the low monkey.
Does not juggle, instead ending combos as soon as it hits.

236B - The jumping monkey. Despite appearances, you can unfortunately block it low. On the plus side, the monkey can jump over low normals to score you a knockdown.
Hit causes a juggle, allowing you to follow up with other specials if you time it right.

46P | Jungle Panic

Rasta flails his arms and stomps his feet at the opponent. Unfortunately, this is unsafe on hit. It does solid damage and can hit behind Rasta, though, so maybe you can get someone off you like that.
It is possible to extend a combo into monkeys, since Jungle Panic lasts a long time and doesn’t knock down, but that's niche at best.

28P | Wild Tackle

Rasta’s take on Blanka ball, which travels in a wide arc and bounces you away on hit. This move gets powered up in rage, with 28HP hitting up to 3 times and bouncing on the third hit. It can also cross up after a knockdown, especially ambiguous in the corner.
Your go-to when you want to get out of a bad situation. If it doesn’t hit them, you’ll at least create space for yourself.

28K | Jungle Climb

A funny move that’s not quite a flash kick. Hits multiple times and knocks down, quick startup and makes you airborne. The light version can be deceptively hard to punish. It isn’t invincible, but it still knocks down on trade.
You can combo into this from 5/2LP and 5LK, but that’s about it.




> = next move is a chain or run cancel
>> = next move is a link
xx = next move is a special cancel

Basic Combos

  • n.5LP/2LP > 2LP xx G
A basic chain into grab. You can always go for a super slam, but it's also techable
  • n.5LP/2LP > 2LP xx 2HK/66LP
Ending with sweep is much easier, but 66LP does more damage. Both knock down, which is good.
  • 2LP > 2LP > 2LP > 2HK/66LP
Point blank, you can connect 2LP 3 times. From further out you might get only 1 or 2 before ending.
  • n.5HP/2HP xx G
You can combo hit 2 of n.5HP/2HP into grab even outside of the corner, although it's hard (maybe character-specific?). You can always cancel hit 1, too.

Jump-In Combos

  • j.HK > 2LP xx G
Same as the first combo above, but with a jump-in starter.

Other Combos

  • n.5HP xx 46HP (236A hits) >> 28HK
The holy combo that invents an actual use for 46P. Demonstrated here.

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