Under Night In-Birth/UNI2/Yuzuriha/Combos

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Notation Help
Disclaimer: Combos are written by various writers, so notation may differ slightly from this notation.

For more information, see Glossary and Controls

X+Y Buttons "X" and "Y" must be input simultaneously.
X/Y Input "X" or "Y" can be used.
dl.X There should be delay before inputting "X".
w.X Attack "X" should whiff and not hit the opponent.
j.X Button "X" is input while jumping or in the air.
dj.X Button "X" is input after a double jump.
jc Jump cancel the previous action. Usually will be omitted due to being obvious.
md.X Perform a micro-dash before performing "X".
TK.X Indicates the motion "X" is input immediately after leaving the ground. Stands for tiger knee.
(X) Input "X" is optional. Typically the combo will be easier if omitted.
[X] Input "X" is held down. Also can be known as "Increase" or "IC" for short. Depending on the character, this can indicate that this button is held down and not released until indicated by the release notation.
]X[ Input "X" is released. Will only appear if a button is previously held down.
{X} Button "X" should only be held down briefly to partially charge the attack, instead of the full increased version.
X(#) Attack "X" should only hit # of times.
X > Y Cancel "X" into "Y".
X, Y Link "X" into "Y", allowing "X" to fully recover before "Y".
X~Y This notation has two meanings.
  1. Use attack "X" with "Y" follow-up input.
  2. Input "X" then within a few frames, input "Y". Usually used for option selects.
CH The first attack must be Counter Hit.
CS Perform a Chain Shift, which is performed by inputting D twice.
CVO Perform a Cross Cast Veil Off, which is performed by inputting A+B+C.
IW Perform an Infinite Worth, which is performed by inputting 41236D or A+B+C during CVO.
IWEX Perform an Infinite Worth EXS, which is performed by inputting A+B+C+D.

Yuzuriha specific notation notes:

  • ~D, >D, and 7/8/9D denote D cancels. Simply tap D during the previous action to exit stance. Stance cancels during a jump are often notated as prior rather than as 9~D for convenience, and because the player may safely input these commands simultaneously. Note that D cancel triggers on D release, so it is important to not hold down D when attempting to D cancel.
    • Combos on this page where D cancels aren't written before a link into a normal should be read as exiting stance by releasing the held button instead. D cancels will work for these combos, but the extra recovery from not D canceling sets up a helpful or necessary delay.
  • Notation of 236BA, 236AB, 236BAB, 236ABA, or 236ABAC more accurately correspond to 236A~B~A~C for example, but reduced for the writer's convenience. The sequential inputs denote how players can input followup 236X slashes by pressing the appropriate button without holding any direction, such that rapid consecutive 236 inputs are not required.
  • XD corresponds to X+D. This denotes a "D-pair" input, which allows the player to attack with an already used stance mark. The attack will have out of stance startup and D-canceled recovery, and Yuzuriha will exit stance after the action. The inputs must occur within two frames of each other. If the player is already holding D, they must instead release D and press the desired button simultaneously.
  • In previous UNI releases, holding A, B, or C was required to maximize damage in combos. This is no longer the case. Suggested holds may be notated in places where a non-default/D hold may benefit a specific combo, but in general holds are not notated.

Getting Started

Starter Combos



Do I need to know ALL these routes?

Nope! If you have a working route for any common starter situation then you're basically set. Work on optimizations if, when, and where you please.

Remember also that these combos aren't completely distinct. You'll see the same strings in different combos over and over again, maybe with small, optional tweaks to optimize. The important part is understanding how you can fit things together for different situations and what parts make sense for what starters. This page helps document those possibilities.

How do I do j.C into 66B/66C etc?

Remember that you can start inputting motions before you're actionable, and that UNI has a small input buffer. Begin the 66 input during your air attack, then input your attack as you land. Remember to hold 6 through the attack input.

How do I do these fast motion sequences?

You have more time for each input than you probably realize. You can start the motion as soon as you finish the previous attack input, or even sooner in some cases. Use your time effectively and keep your inputs clean. It may not happen immediately, but given time and focused practice you can succeed.

Sequences using 6X/j6X while already in stance also don't require the 6 input. If canceling from 236X/j236X then you do need to add any direction to prevent a followup 236X, so j236A j6C j214B for example works as j236A 2C~14B.


When do I D cancel?

More than 3f into the startup of the move you wish to cancel, but not so late into recovery as to miss the cancel window. The fail timing typically comes quite late, so the window for successful D cancels is very large. On Yae Ichirin for example, you can D cancel at any time until Yuzuriha ends her flip attack. Note that 236A and 236B have reduced base damage if you D cancel during their startup, so a safe timing for D cancels is slightly after the move would connect.

Which button should I hold during combos?

You can hold any button so long as it's not used after the first stance attack in the sequence. If you came from a previous version of UNI, know that there is no more penalty for D hold.

How to manage holds on pad?

Remap your controls and/or use claw grip. D and sometimes C on shoulder buttons is common, but different players use many different setups. Take advantage of the macro binds as well.

How do I D-pair if I'm already holding D?

Release D as you input your attack button. This is known as negative edge D-pairing.


Most combos beginning from close range hits follow the formula of hit>launcher + air followup(>optional extender)>stance chain>ender. In some cases, the launcher and followup is delayed to the middle of the combo and an extending sequence is inserted beforehand.

Combos from mid/far ranges rely heavily on stance attacks to confirm, most notably 236A/B, 214B, and their air counterparts. This allows Yuzuriha to close space and follow with a short relaunch sequence into an ender.

Midscreen ender selection most often prioritizes damage, space, and frame advantage, though sometimes knockdown is desirable. Corner ending priorities vary more between damage and knockdown.

Adding too much filler between the initial hit and the launcher may reduce damage or prevent the use of certain components.

Where practical, routes often avoid reusing the same move to prevent Same Move Proration (SMP). SMP increases combo scaling, and some attacks have properties such that reusing them in a combo is not viable. For example, (j)214A/B and FF~A have significantly less hitstun on repeat uses.


Yuzuriha mainly chooses her ender based on screen position and desired meter use. Suggested meterless enders are given for each combo, but midscreen routes ending in corner for example should change to a suitable corner ender.


Combo Cost Location

Basic midscreen knockdown option. Useful if you'd rather keep the opponent close than get some extra damage and meter. Knockdown depends on height/proration, may still allow air tech.

Primary midscreen ender. Adds damage, creates space, and knocks the opponent high into the air for good frame advantage. The two variants are interchangeable, with one or the other doing slightly more damage depending on the route. Can also input 236B~A~B as 236B~A~C. May need to delay 236X slightly for proper height in some cases; delaying the 236A+D slightly creates more space after the combo. Forward teching sets up left/right mix if 236A+D is not delayed.

66B is sometimes replaced by some portion of the 4C 2C 4B sequence, at minimum incorporating 2C.

Basic corner knockdown ender. Hard knockdown if hit low enough, meaning the opponent is unable to air tech forward. Leaves you slightly plus at 5B range. Generally not used midscreen because it pushes the opponent much further away than 66B without the damage of the 236X enders, but in the corner the resulting spacing is much closer. Landing after leaves Yuzuriha around +8 at 5B range, or she can cancel into j421A>j214A~D or j214C.

Damage ender for the corner. Nets a left-right mixup if the opponent airtechs forward. Can add 236B beforehand for slightly more damage but no mixup.

Some corner routes pull the opponent out of the corner. In this case, go for the midscreen ender instead.


Combo Cost Location

Midscreen meter dump. 236C retains the strong frame advantage of the 236X enders and adds about 500 damage. 214C does more damage for worse oki.

IW is interchangeable with all EX enders as desired and able. For IWEX, do 236A~B~A > IWEX instead.

Corner meter dump. 236B~A 214B j214C+D can squeeze out a little more damage to close rounds.

Low meter CVO ender. Skip to IW after 236BA in the corner.

For all CVO enders, you can start from any previous meterless ender and CVO immediately after the last attack that is not D-paired.

High health CVO ender. Delay the j.214C slightly to ensure IW connects in the corner. 214C also works, but is slightly slower and thus slightly more meter depletes before you can IW. If health is <30% and you have at least 110 meter, you can do this route with IWEX instead of IW. Sideswaps, so you may want to use 236C instead of j.214C if the combo won't kill.

Low health CVO ender, requires full meter before CVO.


Routes are often applicable to many different starters with minimal changes. B/C normals, 6X, and 236X can generally use the same routes at close range with minimal adjustments, or even use A starter routes. Combos for lower quality starters (throw < assault < A starters; 6X starters) will also work on better starters (B/C normals; 236X starters)

"Close Range" routes encompass anything where spacing allows routing into 236A 9D icj2C and cover routes commonly used in pressure, defense, scrambles, and close range punish situations. "Far Range" extends from this point (about max 5B range) outwards. These routes are staples for neutral conversions and stance pressure.

Close Range


Yuzuriha's combo throw input works with any down input, but is notated here as A+D~2.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Quick route for extra GRD and nearly as much damage as the non-combo throw. 2B is the best you can do from throw while still building GRD on A+B.

Go-to midscreen throw route. 6B adds damage, but also makes the route much more difficult and requires delays into 236A.

Alternative midscreen route for a bit more damage than the 6C confirm above.

Jump cancel has to be 8 to avoid awkward sideswaps. Don't D-cancel the 214A; this both sets up a good timing for either 66B or 66C and avoids a damage reduction on 214B that causes the combo to do 1978 damage. D-cancel isn't required on the 8D either.


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Confirming with 2A instead of 5A adds over 100 damage.

Slight damage gain by adding jB, but you need to delay the 236A jump cancel.

Adding jB after 236A does slightly less damage here, though you can get a small gain from jC > jB.

A starters

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Mainstay UNISC route and a key upgrade over Assault routing. 214A stays on the same side, while 214B+D sideswaps. Change the ender if in corner.

ICj2C is more strict about starters than previous routes. 5A must immediately combo into a B or C normal then 236A, while 2AA > B or C normal > 236A and 2AA > 2B > 2C/5B > 236A are possible. Anything more will drop. Less filler is better for damage. B/C starters will work more consistently but should still confirm to 236A as quickly as possible.

Try to not repeat use of 5C/2C for max damage, but 2C > 236B > etc is easier to start with and will work regardless.

The pre-SC BNB. Still offers decent corner carry. Also possible as dlj236A > j6C > j214B~D.

Corner TK route, sideswaps then crosses over the opponent to put them back in corner. Land and rejump into the j236A. Omit 6C for 2AA or 5A starters or if confirmed into 2C.

B/C Starters

Also includes close range 6X and 236X starters. 2C can follow these (and the above) combos by confirming into 236A, or potentially 6B/6C > dl236A if close enough or in corner.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Adds some damage and carry on better starters. You can also delay into j6C instead of j214A if preferred, but the timing is more strict.

You can also confirm into this route after 6C~D with 66B > 236A; ending in 2C 236BAB 236AD is optimal for 3507 damage.

So-called "whiff route". Adds good corner carry with decent damage. Walking back slightly after icj2C can make the delay timing more consistent if point blank after icj2C. 2B must confirm directly into 236A unless counterhit.

Punish route. Works from 5B, 6B, 236A, 4B (hit and parry), or counterhit 2B, 66B, 5C, 2C, 6C, 236B. Can also confirm 6C~D into 66C(1) at very close range. 2C vs 5C > 236B varies by starter for maximizing damage.

Alternative punish route with better carry for slightly less damage, notably works from non-ch 5C and ch 5B/5C > 2C where the previous route does not. Use 5C to relaunch on non-5C starters. Delay the airstring as late into your jump as possible to give yourself more time for the 66B link.

Expanded TK route for 2B starter and B/C hit confirms.

Full TK route for immediate B/C combos into 236A.

Sameside TK route. Too prorated for 66C ender.

2C Launch & 5C Anti-Air

Starters that leave the opponent high off the ground can't easily route into 236A 9D icj2C, so they use a different set of combos.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

"DBZ route", for 2C hits into a launch. Sideswaps. Ability to j6B is height and spacing dependent; j6C is safer but generally needs to delay the following 236A.

Antiair 5C is a strong enough starter to allow DBZ into icj2C, which gets you back to standard routing for better damage. FF~A extensions also work. On counterhit you can j6C > j6B > j421C at close range for 3685.

Simple corner 2C 5C confirm

Optimized corner 2C 5C confirm

Force Function Starter/Extension

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

FF~A extension for damage and carry at the expense of some GRD

FF~A extension on better starters


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Reliable confirm when 66C(1) hits on attempted 66C(1) > j214X resets in pressure

Same concepts as the 236A 66C(1) j236A punish route, adapted for 66C(1) starter.

Adaptation of the carry punish route for 66C(1) starter. This is also your optimal confirm from counterhit tk j236A (3794).

More optimized 66C(1) j236B confirm

66C confirm for both/2nd only hit

Far Range

Distance proration and variable number of 214X/j214X hits may cause damage to vary more from values given here. 236X base damage also decreases with marks used in stance, so hits later in stance will do less damage.



Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Basic 6X/236B conversion and your go-to combo near max 236B range. 236A > dl 214B~D will cover most hits, but near max range you need 236B instead.

j236B can also go into any 236B starter route at heights that will hit standing opponents, but there's a trick: above TK height you'll want to whiff jA or jB as you fall to reduce landing recovery and then buffer your followup behind that. Use whichever button doesn't correspond to your followup 236X hit to make things easier.

Higher damage conversion with less carry.

Optimized midrange damage. Adding j421B puts you back on the same side, but makes the combo more difficult. Omit 2C if starting with 6A or 6C.

Sameside alternative to the previous route. Delay both 236A and 6A as late as possible so the opponent is low enough for 6A to connect.

Corner carry routes that cover nearly the entire stage. Especially nice on far range 236B hits when your back is near (but not in) the corner.

Same concept as the ground conversions, but for common air stance attacks. This combo is likely one of your main uses for negative edge D-pairing, so it's a good opportunity to practice that as well.

Midrange 236B hits in corner can confirm into 66C(1) for high damage. Use 236A instead of 236B later in the combo to avoid SMP. Also works from 6B, but not 6C.

Metered confirm for stability on 236B hits from corner. Will work at any spacing. 236C is also your go-to confirm in this situation if you exit stance after 236B.

Higher damage metered confirm from in corner with excellent carry. 236A needs to hit high up for 6C to whiff.

FF~A confirm to sideswap the opponent into corner from any spacing. Requires staying in stance after 236B. 3732 damage at close range.


236C is your most damaging starter, works at almost any range, and is faster than some of your best meterless starters. Especially good if starting from 200 so that you can rebuild some meter midcombo, with an additional +25% refund if in Vorpal.

Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Max damage midscreen 236C combo using 421B sideswap to set up spacing for the midscreen punish route. First hit of 214A whiffs here unless in corner, while 214BD fully connects for additional damage.

Same side 236C punish route for forward carry

Far range 236C conversion into BNB via 421C j236A. 421B routes are more difficult here because the opponent passes over Yuzu on the teleport, but 421C body blocks the opponent to set up a consistent j236A hit.

Corner 236C DP punish. You can omit 2C and follow 236C with (6B >) dl236A to simplify the combo, which also allows 2C instead of 66B after j236B+D.


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location

Most reliable confirm for Yae Ichirin starters when exiting stance. 214X doesn't give you enough frame advantage to confirm with anything better, and j214X optimizations are height dependent.

Better confirm for TK j214X~D. If you remain in stance and confirm with (6X > dl) 236A this also works from grounded 214X.

Better corner confirm for TK j214X~D. If you remain in stance and confirm with (6X > dl) 236A this also works from grounded 214X.


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location


Combo Damage Cost Meter Gain Location


External Links

Starter and Resources
Getting Started
Frame Data
Resources and Links
Patch Notes
Damage and Combo System
Attack Attributes