Chaos Code/NSC/Cerberus

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Cerberus is an expert treasure hunter who enjoys the thrill of exploring. His friend Pit was cursed and turned into a magical hat while on an excavation. He now embarks on a new journey after hearing of the existence of the Chaos Code and it's mysterious powers. He plans to use it to save his friend.

Cerberus is a character with many different tools for almost any situation. Unlike most characters in the game, all of his extra special moves compliment each other, so no matter what choice you make, it isn't the wrong one. If there is any weakness with this character, it would be his limited zoning options, which can be easily ignored with proper management of your Bullet Gauge.

Run vs Step

Picking what you feel comfortable with is the goal of Cerberus. Selecting your Bounce is no exception.


Running gives Cerberus an edge in most of his matchups. Running into a high jump helps because it lets him cover a lot of distance and gives him a chance to properly Smashdown Arrow or Air Smash when needed.


Choosing step with Cerberus isn't anything out of the ordinary, but most players favor run for high jump benefits. Step has it's positives as well. Dash canceling during pressure strings can easily force your opponent to make the wrong move.



All combos listed below can also follow after a JC, JD, JB>JC or JC>JD jump-in.


Basic combo. Depending on your distance, you may need to take away one 5C or 5D for a proper confirm.


Basic crouching combo. Your distance will determine whether or not you'll have to insert only one 2A>2B.


Combo which utilizes Slash Beat.


A combo which requires a high jump cancel and Smashdown Arrow. Only works on standing opponents.

EX Dual Slicer


Midscreen combo with Air Smash ender.


Midscreen combo with two jump cancels.


Cerberus's main corner BnB. You can substitute 5B with 5A if you're having a hard time linking it properly. 5A allows the 2C to catch every time, but the timing is more strict. You can either choose to spend meter or not for the ender, and if you have Smashdown Arrow, more damage for you.


Another corner BnB. This one contains normal jump cancels, and builds more meter than his main BnB.

Exceed Combos


An Exceed combo which uses Dancing Storm. This combo goes from corner to corner, so you won't have to worry about being at a certain point of the screen.


Similar to the combo above. Only difference is the ender during the last Chaos Shift, which uses Shall We Dance. Less damage than the combo above, but is useful if you don't have Dancing Storm.


The Arrow Storm. This is Cerberus's best Exceed combo. As it's nickname suggests, it utilizes Smashdown Arrow and Dancing Storm. This combo is basically a ToD on most of the cast; specifically the ones with low to moderate health.


Midscreen Arrow Storm which requires a forward jump into Smashdown Arrow as a starter. Not as much damage as the corner version, but it is arguably his second most damaging.

  • The input for Dancing Storm must be 236236 due to Smashdown Arrow placing you in the opposite direction. If you're not ending up on the other side, it is being done incorrectly.

Move List

Normal Moves

5A - Mid. Cancelable.

Good poke for catching terrible jump-ins and applying pressure on standing opponents.

2A - Low. Cancelable.

2A and 2B are your tools for massive pressure. Both have the same reach and speed, and can cancel into each other consistently as long as you're in range.

cl.B - Mid. Cancelable.

You won't really be using cl.B outside of combos. Almost always chained into unless you're starting a link after 6C.

5B - Mid. Cancelable.

Average poke. Best used in corner combos.

2B - Low. Cancelable.

Same description as 2A.

cl.C - Mid. 2 hits. Cancelable.

cl.C has 2 hits, which can be canceled prematurely for only 1 hit. The second hit also hits mid. Gives you enough time to think about what you're going to do next.

5C - Mid. Not cancelable.

A slow punch that has above-average reach. It's slow, so don't rely on it too much. Good for forcing counter hits.

2C - Mid. Cancelable.

A hook which has great range, decent speed and some anti-air properties. This will be your main high jump cancel tool in your BnBs.

cl.D - Mid. 2 hits. Cancelable.

Like cl.C, it is also 2 hits and can be canceled prematurely for only 1 hit. Second hit also hits mid.

5D - Mid. Not cancelable.

A spin kick which sends Cerberus forward. A good tool for footsies due to it's reach, but it's slow, so use sparingly.

2D - Low. Not cancelable.

Cerberus's sweep. Does a good chunk of damage and causes a hard knockdown. This should only be used for midscreen okizeme or following up with a Destruction Chaos in the middle of a combo.

j.A - High. Cancelable.

Cerberus's j.A should only be used in combos. It has terrible reach and can't really do much in air-to-air situations.

j.B - High. Cancelable.

A very good air-to-air and jump-in normal. If you're jumping in on your opponent, it would be wise for you to follow up with either a j.C or j.D afterwards.

j.C - High. Cancelable.

Average range, but very fast. As far as air-to-air is concerned, you'll probably end up using this if j.B isn't working for you. It's also a decent substitute for if you can't properly confirm off a j.D jump-in.

j.D - High. Cancelable.

The best tool that Cerberus has for jump-ins. Hitbox almost touches the ground if you IAD correctly. Keep in mind that the hitbox is located in the lower section, so you will get hit in any air-to-air situation that involves your opponent either above or in front of you.

Command Normals

Sunrise Hush - 6C

Cerberus clubs the opponent by twirling his body. Sends him forward. Can be used as a crossup. Good on it's own for okizeme and overall approach.

Special Moves

Heavenly Shoot - 236+P>A for low, 236+P>C for anti-air

Cerberus shoots magical bullets from his gun which has two different followups. If A is pressed, he shoots again, firing low. The second shot must be blocked low by the opponent. If C is pressed, he shoots a second shot in the air. Good for predicting jumps.

  • 236+PP (EX)

The EX version has 6 shots, 1 of them low, and 5 mid.

  • Cerberus has a Bullet Gauge which has a max of 2 bullets, but refills after use. Each input takes 1 bullet.
Dual Slicer - 236+K
  • 236+B

Two slashes to the front. Hits mid. Mostly used for a combo ender, but can also be used as an Exceed starter and punish tool.

  • 236+D

Cerberus slides and slashes twice, both hits are mid. Crosses up midscreen. A good Exceed combo starter on an opponent who has their guard down.

  • 236+KK (EX)

Three consecutive slashes. The third hit sends the opponent into a freefall state, and can be followed up with a combo of your choice; something as simple as 6C.

Slash Beat - 214+P
  • 214+A

A series of stylish slashes. The first slash propels him backward. Only the first slash comes out if it gets blocked or it whiffs. A slightly decent substitute if you don't want to commit to Dual Slicer.

  • 214+C

A slash followed by a series of shots which doesn't consume a bullet from the Bullet Gauge. Same as the A version, it propels him backward and you won't get all of the hits on whiff or block. This is the go-to reversal. Excellent anti-air with upper body invulnerability on startup.

Air Smash - 623+P (Air OK)

"Nice catch da!" An anti-air with throw properties similar to Rose's Soul Throw. C version goes further in the air than the A version on the ground.


The EX version hits 4 times, and wall bounces from anywhere. If you're in the corner, you can follow up with a Smashdown Arrow if you wish.

Extra Specials

Smashdown Arrow - J236+K

"Over there! Game Set da!"

A divekick. One of Cerberus's best tools. It can send Cerberus halfscreen if done at a maximum jump height, which makes it a perfect option for escaping the corner. The entire lower area is the hitbox. It can crossup as well. The second hit almost always sends you in the back to the side where you started. If your opponent is trying to find a punish, they must choose wisely.

Sweet Trap - 214+K

"Zannen Trap da!"

Counter move which sends your opponent flying. A version for high and mid attacks, C version for low. Both inputs have different animations.

Ultimate Chaos

Shall We Dance - 236236+K

"Fever!" Cerberus spins up vertically and slashes continuously. The final hit causes a hard knockdown. Can be Chaos Shifted into either a Smashdown Arrow or a well timed j.D.

Passionate Slicer - 236236+P

A 5 hit combo with some slashes followed by a burst from Cerberus's gun. Good for ground Exceed combos and a corner ender if you lack Easy Come, Easy Go or don't want to spend for an Exceed.

Extra Ultimate Chaos

Destruction Chaos


  • A:
  • B:
  • C:
  • D:
  • (Hold R1)+A:
  • (Hold R1)+B:
  • (Hold R1)+C:
  • (Hold R1)+D:

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