Chaos Code/NSC/Hermes

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Hermes is a sorceress working for Kurenai's anti-Earth Union group, joined in battle by elemental spirits of fire, lightning and ice. She has many options for controlling the screen and generally disrupting the opponent's game with her lightning traps, ranged attacks and nasty mixups (she's got several anti air options, low hitting attacks and even a command grab) to encourage creative play.

Run vs Step




  • 2AB, 5CD, 214+C, 236236+B/D
  • 2AB, 5CD 6+B, 214+A
  • 2AB, 5CD 6+B, 2141236+B/D
  • 22+B, 623+B
  • 5ABC, 623+BD, 236236+A/C
  • 5ABC, 214+BD, 236236+A/C
  • 2AB, 5BC, 236+B/D, 236236+A/C
  • 5ABC, 236+B/D, 2141236+B/D
  • 5ABC, 214+C, 214214+B/D
  • 5ABC, 6+B, 2363214+AC
  • Throw, 236+C
  • Throw, 236+B/D, 236236+A/C
  • Throw, IAD j.BD, 5C, 214+BD (wallbounce), 236236+A/C
  • Throw, IAD j.BD, 2C, cl.D, 236+C(one hit), 2A, 5BC, 214+BD (Corner only)
  • 2AB, 5CD, 6+B, 214+A, 214214+B/D (Corner only)
  • 5ABC, 236+B/D, 214214+B/D (Corner only)

Move List

Normal Moves

5A - Mid. Cancelable.

2A - Mid. Cancelable.

cl.B - Low. Cancelable.

5B - Mid. Cancelable.

2B - Low. Cancelable.

cl.C - Mid. Cancelable.

5C - Mid. Cancelable.

2C - Mid. Cancelable.

cl.D - Mid. Cancelable.

5D - Mid. Not cancelable.

2D - Low. Not cancelable.

j.A - High. Cancelable.

j.B - High. Cancelable.

j.C - High. Cancelable.
j.D - High. Cancelable.

Command Normals

Charming Step - 6+B

  • Short hopping kick with upper body invincibility. Contrary to its appearance, it can be comboed out of toward the end by several moves. For the duration in which Hermes is off the ground, she is considered airborne and can cancel into aerial specials.

Special Moves

Humiliating Bind - 632146+A/C
  • A command grab that disables the opponent from using special moves or air dashing. Cannot be cancelled into, but has a slight amount of invincibility.

Flaming Desire - 214+B/D
  • B ver: Hermes places a sphere of light in front of her. This sphere of light will be used for the C version of this move as well as for a few other specials. You can have a maximum of three spheres onscreen at any given moment. Can cancel in midair from 6B.
  • D ver: Hermes creates a ball of electricity in front of her. If you have any spheres placed from the A version of this move, the ball will travel to the spheres and reach each point. Can cancel in midair from 6B.
  • ex ver (EX): Hermes creates a large ball of electricity in front of her. This does not appear to affect the balls of light in any way. Can cancel in midair from 6B.
Singeing Sensation - 236+A/C
  • A ver: Hermes lashes out directly in front of her with the fire spirit's whip. Solid range, unfortunately only has one super cancel that doesn't work except at close range anyway, largely defeating the purpose.
  • C ver: Hermes lashes out diagonally above her, knocking down airborne opponents.
  • ex ver (EX): Similar to the C version, except with a large ring of fire surrounding the whip. Hits 3 times and brings the opponent closer to Hermes.
Awakening of Gaia - 22+B/D
  • B ver: Hermes calls the ice spirit to lay a trap in front of her. If the opponent touches this, they are knocked down. Good to use on waking up opponents or rush happy characters to force them into the air.
  • D ver: The ice spirit delays a bit, then pounds the ground to create a low hitting, respectably fast projectile that causes a short amount of stun.
Piercing Thunder - 623+C/D
  • B ver: The lightning spirit calls a bolt of thunder a few inches away from Hermes. This works as an anti air if the opponent is close enough, but the real upside comes from the fact that this move uses the lightning traps from 214+B. When the move is performed, another, smaller, pillar of lightning will strike upon the position where the trap was set. With three traps set at once, you can have four lightning bolts in a single move, allowing frightening amounts of screen control.
  • D ver: Same as the above, except the lightning bolt is on the other side of the screen.
  • ex ver (EX): Hermes calls a wave of lightning down in front of her, which hits 5 times.

Extra Specials

Blazing Jealousy - 214+A/C

  • A ver: The fire spirit flies out in front of Hermes for a bit, like a short ranged projectile. Relatively safe and easier to combo into from 6B.
  • C ver: Hermes and the fire spirit charge toward the opponent together. Super cancels into certain moves, but is harder to combo into from 6B.

Bursting Desire - 236+B/D

  • The lightning spirit appears and summons a large burst of electricity in front of Hermes, hitting 5 times. Visually similar to 214+D, but functionally quite different. If done too close to the opponent only one hit will connect. If you have sphere traps set, they will grow to be the same size as the lightning ball.

Ultimate Chaos

Infernal Conflagration - 236236+A/C
  • Hermes and the fire spirit fire a massive beam of flame that hits three times. Successfully super cancels from 5C, 22B/D, 236+B/D, 214+BD and 623+B/D.
Shaking Lightning Storm - 236236+B/D
  • The lightning spirit appears and surrounds Hermes with a giant barrier of electricity. Super cancels from almost all of Hermes's specials, making this good combo fodder. Be careful about throwing it out raw, as if the opponent is not in the middle of something REALLY unsafe, they can hold back during the startup and block the move as it comes out.

Extra Ultimate Chaos

Scorching Pleasure - 632146+B/D
  • Hermes kicks directly in front of her. If the move connects, she will stomp the opponent to the floor as the fire spirit punishes them with a vicious whipping. The move has slight invulnerability on startup, but don't rely on it too much as a reversal. Successfully super cancels from 6B, 236+B/D and 22+B/D.
Raging Blizzard - 214214+B/D
  • The ice spirit lays a much larger trap shortly in front of Hermes. If the opponent does not step on it it eventually fades away. However, if the opponent is hit Hermes is still active, allowing you to choose whether to go for the mixup or to try and increase your damage.

Destruction Chaos

Purifying Brilliance - 2363214+AC
  • Hermes summons an earth spirit that slams its hand down to create a highly damaging energy wave. Super cancels successfully from 6B.



  • PS3 Version: You can hold R1 button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.
  • Arcade Version: You can hold START button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.


  • A Button: Normal version
  • D Button: KOS-MOS (Xenosaga)
  • R1+B Buttons: I-no (Guilty Gear)
  • R1+D Buttons: Sarah Bryant (Virtua Fighter)
MG Hikaru
Celia II Kai
Cait & Sith