Chaos Code/NSC/Celia

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At first glance, Celia looks like an ordinary high school student who is into Gothic Lolita fashion. In truth she is the first of the professor's androids created to protect the Chaos Code from intruders, but he decided it was best for her to have a normal life. One day, the professor suddenly vanished without a trace. Confused by his sudden disappearance, she sets out to look for him.

Run vs Step


Celia has a special type of run which lets her hover for a brief period. Choosing run gives Celia easy overhead and good high-low mixup opportunities. It also helps her combo her throw successfully in the corner.


Celia's step isn't like the conventional step where normals can be step canceled. Step canceled normals are sacrificed for simple movement options. Similar to run, she can high jump out of her step by just pressing up, and her step can be feinted with any button or directional input.


Always keep in mind that anything that ends with 5D can give Celia some good okizeme opportunities. After a hard knockdown, 236+K, 214+K, or any of their EX versions is something you'll want to do for additional pressure, mixups, or confirms. The choice is yours.


Blade Stroll

  • Midscreen


Run of the mill midscreen rekka combo.

  • Corner

2A>2B>2C>214+Ax3>5B(2B/2A/2C)>214+A>Delay 214+Ax2>[623+D]

Rekka loop in the corner which requires a few delays. Any high jump cancelable normal can be used for the OTG pickup, some are tighter than others. Welcome Boost (if you chose it) can give you some extra damage, but you'll lose your oki opportunity.

2B>5C>6C>214+C>Delay 214+Cx2>2A>214+C>Delay 214+Cx2>5B>214+A>Delay 214+Ax2>[623+D]

A slightly more advanced loop than the previous combo, with an above-average amount of rekka delays. For an alternate route, you can use 5C>5C>6C as a link.

2B>5C>6C>214+C>Delay 214+Cx2>2A>214+C>Delay 214+Cx2>5B>2C>hjc>j.A>Delay j.C>j.D>j.B>j.C>.j.D>j.A>j.B>j.C>j.D>j.214+K [j.623+P]

Same starter as the previous combo, but this one requires a rejump. This combo is one of the most damaging you can do without setups. As with the previous combo, you can also alternatively use 5C>5C>6C as a link.

Prankish Whip

  • Midscreen:

For the following, you can use either Charming Splash (j.214+K) or Aerial Invitation (j.623+P) as a combo ender.


A short and sweet combo that ends in a hard knockdown. If you have Run and the opponent is knocked down midscreen, you'll be able to create a left-right mixup by just hovering before he/she wakes up.

2B>cl.C>6C>236+C>4P>6>5B>2C>hjc>j.B>j.C.j.D>j.214+A [j.623+P]

A combo you'll probably find yourself performing if you're running Prankish Whip. Easy and effective.

2B>2B>cl.C>6C>236C>4P>6>5B>2C>hjc>j.A>Delay j.C>j.D>j.B>j.C>j.D>j.C>j.D>214+A [623+P]

Celia's Prankish Whip rejump combo. This combo is a bit strict, but very satisfying to execute. If you wish, you can add some extra normals on the double jump if you're in (or once you carry to) the corner.

  • Corner


Prankish Whip infinite. It may look simple to pull off, but Chaos Code's input buffer will laugh at your suffering. There are a few more ways to start this, but the one listed is the easiest. You'll eventually end up out of the corner due to the pushback, but you can just put yourself back with an Angelic Wing (2141236+K) to continue.

Move List

Normal Moves

5A - A light slap. Mid. Cancelable.

2A - Celia mechanically extends her hand from her body. Mid. Cancelable.

cl.B/5B - Celia lifts up her dress slightly and kicks. Good combo filler. Low. Cancelable.

2B - Standard issue kick. Less range, but faster than 2A. Recommended for confirms. Low. Cancelable.

cl.C - The first half of Celia's Valuting-stakes command normal. Can be linked in the corner into any normal. Mid. Cancelable.

5C - A mechanical claw is formed around Celia's forearm and she strikes forwards. Mid. Not Cancelable.

2C - Celia's best anti-air normal. Has a good vertical hitbox and moves her forward a bit. Mid. Cancelable.

cl.D/5D - Celia turns her leg into a sword and kicks forward. Good for pokes, and anti-air in some situations. Mid. Not cancelable.

2D - Celia loses control of her skates and moves a great distance. Hard knockdown. Primarily used for mid range punishing and to setup okizeme. Low. Not cancelable.

j.A - Like 2A, Celia mechanically extends her hand from her body, but diagonally. High. Cancelable.

j.B - Using the booster in her shoe, Celia kicks as high as she can. High. Cancelable.

j.C - A rocket propelled blade is formed around Celia's arm. High. Cancelable.

j.D - Celia legs transform into a pair of giant pincers. High. Cancelable.

Command Normals

Vaulting-stakes - cl.C>6C

Celia shoots her target with the second hit and launches them in the air. Can be high jump canceled.

Special Moves

Celia has a special ammo gauge which must be monitored at all times. There are 6 stocks in total. The ammo gauge only refills after all stocks have been depleted. Special moves that consume stocks of the ammo gauge can not be used during it's cooldown period. The cooldown time is approximately 10 seconds. The EX versions of ammo consuming special moves does not consume ammo.

Mischievous Missile - 236+K (Air OK)

B and D versions have no real differences besides slight momentum shifts on startup. Both versions consume one stock of ammo. EX version is two missiles.

Aerial Invitation - 623+P (Air OK)

Standard anti-air, but not reliable as one in most situations. Can be used as a decent air combo ender. A version hits once. C version hits 3 times.

Blade Stroll - 214+Px3

A rekka with good range. Ideal ground combo ender. C version has better distance, but slower startup. The last hit on both versions is a hard knockdown with OTG properties.

Counter Hit:

  • First rekka causes the opponent to stumble
  • Second rekka launches the opponent
  • Last rekka is a ground bounce
Charming Splash - j.214+K

Celia's go-to air combo ender. Hard knockdown with OTG properties. D version has slower startup, but a better hitbox than the B version.

Prankish Bomb - 214+K
  • B version - A packaged gift is dropped to the ground. Active for 5 seconds. Consumes 1 stock of ammo.
  • D version - 3 missiles appear out of Celia's dress. Cursors are marked on the ground to show it's landing point. Active for 3 seconds. Consumes 1 stock of ammo.
  • EX version - A wind-up mini-celia is deployed and travels on the ground. Tracks the opponent. Active for 5 seconds.

Extra Specials

Welcome Boost - 623+K

Celia sprouts a pair of butterfly shaped energy wings from her back and rushes forward. B version hits once and leaves the opponent standing. D version hits 3 times for a techable knockdown

Prankish Whip - 236+P>6P or 4P

A whip with good range. The 6P followup hits 5 times and is a hard knockdown. 4P followup pulls the opponent closer to Celia, and is one of the best choices for a simple and effective air combo starter.

Ultimate Chaos

Vanishing Gift - 236236+P

Celia holds a bomb in her hand and lunges toward her opponent. Hits once and does a fair amount of stun damage. Can only Chaos Shift on hit.

Bashing Rain Extreme - 236236+K (Air OK)

A barrage of missiles is unleashed from Celia's dress. Good for exceed air combo enders and fullscreen Chaos Shifts. You can only Chaos Shift during the recovery frames.

Extra Ultimate Chaos

Dangerous Company - 214214+K (B+D to launch options)

Celia summons 6 mini-celia options from her dress, each with a different facial expression. Can be very useful during pressure strings and is even a good corner combo extender. The mini-celias can only move forward. Active for 10 seconds.

Angelic Wing - 2141236+K

Celia's best reversal. In previous versions it had full active invulnerable frames, but was removed to make baiting it a bit easier. Even without invulnerable frames, this move still has to be punished in a specific manner. Can only Chaos Shift on hit. Can also wallslam and is her ideal exceed air combo starter.

Destruction Chaos

Surprise Formation - 2363214+PP

Celia rushes forward. On hit she turns her arms into blades and spins on her head. When the opponent is knocked forward, she teleports and knocks them in the air with a giant scythe. She then proceeds to juggle her target in the air with a different array of weapons. The final blow is a beam which is shot from her dress. 13 hits.



  • PS3 Version: You can hold R1 button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.
  • Arcade Version: You can hold START button while selecting a character to get an alternative color.


  • A Button: Normal version
  • B Button: Lieselotte Achenbach (Arcana Heart)
  • D Button: Flonne (Disgaea 2)
MG Hikaru
Celia II Kai
Cait & Sith