Them's Fightin' Herds/Arizona

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Arizona 2.png
Species: Cow
Playstyle: Rushdown, Grounded
HP: 5350
Meter Size: 360
Movement Options: Short Hop, Superjump, Forward Run, Magic Dash
Voice Actor: Tara Strong
Stage(s): Sunset Prairie, Peaceful Homestead


Prairie born 'n raised, Arizona is the youngest daughter of Texas and Minnesota, Head Bull and Cow of her cattlekind clan.

Despite her small size, she's incredibly strong. Though lacking in experience, she's undeterred by obstacles. Many older folks underestimate Arizona, but few are more dependable or trustworthy. When called to action, her powerful headbucks and quaking stomps send opponents flying, then she reels 'em back in with her trusty lasso.

Arizona was the only one among cattlekind with courage enough to answer the Council's call in search of Foenum's Champion, knowing full well what dangers she faced. Thrust into the wider outside world, Arizona tries to make sense of it all (or decides not to care) while she charges headfirst into the fray. [1]


A character with great close-range normals and mixup potential, who uses more committal mid-range options to drag her opponents into the blender. Her magic system utilizes lassos to grab opponents from midrange or maneuver opponents mid-combo. Each successful lasso builds a magic stock, which allows her to use magic options to bolster her combos, defense, and neutral. Once she's built enough resources through her mixup game, she can unleash powerful combos with her Level 2 Super, which is the only move that refunds Juggle Decay mid-combo.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Space Control: Stomp and Rope are far-reaching and allow Arizona to outrange other characters
  • Mixups: Arizona has many ways to put the opponent in hard knockdown, leaving her with enough advantage to set up powerful 50/50s
  • Great Defense: When she has magic or meter, Arizona can bully her way out of common pressure situations. Counter puts Arizona in auto-guard, magic headbuck grants 1 hit of armor, and her level 1 super is a 5 frame invincible reversal
  • Stubby Normals: Playing footsies with Arizona's normals is a dangerous game. Her normal buttons are short and not disjointed. This makes her vulnerable to being whiff punished, and makes universal tools like pushblock particularly effective
  • Burst Damage: Arizona's damage is generally low until she gets a good starter. She relies on her strong reset potential, and must be ready to quickly cash out if the opportunity presents itself

Normal Moves

TFH Arizona 5A.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
35 HL - 5 5 14 vs. Grounded 1 -1
vs. Airborne

Your fastest normal. Not the best range, but its speed makes it useful in up-close scenarios, such as challenging strings or quick punishes.

TFH Arizona 6A.png
Your best friend.
Your best friend.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
90 HL - 8 5 24 vs. Grounded -10 -7
vs. Airborne

Arizona's only reliable anti-air, and a good one at that. Works very well in conjunction with her mid-range tools, and is necessary for certain matchups. Jump cancels on hit, allowing for sneaky resets. One of Arizona's best normals, so learn to use it well.

TFH Arizona 5B.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
100 HL - 8 5 17 vs. Grounded 1 -2
vs. Airborne

Good punish starter and combo filler. Can also be used to reset blockstrings, being only -2.

TFH Arizona 6B.png
The People's Elbow
The People's Elbow
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
185 H - 24 5 26 vs. Grounded Bounce -10
vs. Airborne

Airborne on frame 10, can high-profile many lower-hitting normals. Uses a groundbounce, even on a grounded opponent. Can be cancelled into from any normal besides 3C, making it great for up-close mixups, especially considering how many lows Arizona has. It's unsafe on block though, so don't overdo it.

TFH Arizona 5C.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
155 HL - 12 10 15 vs. Grounded 0 -4
vs. Airborne

Can be made extremely + on hit/block if used meaty. Strong punish starter, and has a small disjoint on the first two active frames.

TFH Arizona 2A.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
30 L - 6 5 13 vs. Grounded 1 -1
vs. Airborne

The first of many lows. This is Arizona's fastest low normal. It can be cancelled into itself or 5A once per string. It has very low damage for a combo starter, but it also an incredibly safe confirm starter due to being only -1.

TFH Arizona 2B.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
90 L - 8 5 15 vs. Grounded 1 -2
vs. Airborne

Arizona's second low. It moves Arizona forward a bit, and has good framedata overall. It reaches further than 5B while having the same startup, making it more reliable in iffy punish scenarios. Has a very minor disjoint, but it's generally outclassed by other character's ground pokes.

TFH Arizona 2C.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
120 L - 13 8 24 vs. Grounded HKD +32 -9
vs. Airborne

Arizona's slowest and most unsafe normal (not counting 3C). It's her longest range normal, has many active frames, is very disjointed, hits low, and leads to a HKD when JD is not maxed out. It's very useful in combos, both as filler and as an ender.

TFH Arizona 3C.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
160 HL - 11 3 30 vs. Grounded Launch -17
vs. Airborne

Probably Arizona's worst normal. Horrible on block, whiffs on crouchers, and doesn't lead to many good combo routes without some tricky execution. Never do this on block or in neutral.

TFH Arizona jA.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
45 H - 6 1 13 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Arizona's quickest air normal, hitting in front and slightly under her. It moves her hurtbox up a bit, and therefore can be done extremely low to the ground. Its speed also makes it ideal for fuzzy guard scenarios, if you can convince your opponent to not pushblock. Its biggest downside is the fact that it only has a single active frame, making it less than ideal for air-to-air scenarios.

TFH Arizona jB.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
110 H - 10 5 14 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Good horizontal reach. Not good as a jump-in, due to not hitting underneath Arizona at all. It is best used in conjunction with shorthops, effectively as a mid-range poke. Otherwise, works great in combos and as an air-to-air.

TFH Arizona jC.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
70, 90 H - 19 1(5)3 8 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

The definitive Arizona normal. A slow, two-hit air normal with a huge variety of uses. When used on an airborne opponent, it causes a groundbounce. It hits below her, making it her best jump-in. It works ridiculously well as a crossup. When used with shorthops, it becomes a decently quick overhead that leads to pressure on block and some of her longer combos on hit. It can work as an air-to-air when used with superjump. Overall, this is one of her best moves.

Special Moves

TFH Arizona 236A.png
A version
A version
TFH Arizona 236B.png
B version
B version
TFH Arizona 236C.png
C version
C version
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
140 HL - 12 5 15 vs. Grounded 5 -9
vs. Airborne

Whiffs crouchers, cancels into 236B or 236C.

200 HL - 17 5 15 vs. Grounded KD -11
vs. Airborne

Whiffs on crouchers. It can sometimes work as an incidental anti-air. Can easily combo into 5D.

270 HL - 21 5 22 vs. Grounded Tumble -14
vs. Airborne

Does high damage and leaves the opponent in a tumble state. The tumble counts as a groundbounce. Mostly used as a combo extender, especially in the corner.

TFH Arizona 22A.png
A version
A version
TFH Arizona 22B.png
B version
B version
TFH Arizona 22C.png
C version
C version
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
40,70 L - 10 2,5 18 vs. Grounded KD -7
vs. Airborne

All non-magic stomps have two hitboxes. One comes out faster and will only hit up-close, grounded opponents. The second hitbox is the mid-range shockwave. which comes out 2 frames after the initial close hitbox. Arizona's 22A can be cancelled into 22B or 22C, and any of her stomps can cancel into her headbucks (236X).

22A is the quickest stomp, but has the shortest range. It's relatively safe at only -7, and can be very difficult to punish, especially if spaced.

70,110 L - 15 2,5 18 vs. Grounded KD -9
vs. Airborne

Not as useful in combos as the other two stomps, and strikes a middle ground of speed and range.

140,140 L - 18 2,6 19 vs. Grounded KD -11
vs. Airborne

Pops the opponent up a decent amount, allowing for combos. All stomps are jump-cancellable, but 22C utilizes this the most. Cancels into ropes or headbutts as well.


TFH Arizona Super.png
Y'all in for a...
Y'all in for a...
TFH Arizona Super2.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
280 HL - 5 31 64 vs. Grounded HKD +19 -49
vs. Airborne

The highest first-hit damage and most unsafe move in the game. Has invincibility for the first 8 frames, and infinite armor frames 9-30. It loses damage the longer it's active. Not good as a combo ender, due to suffering heavily from scaling and having terrible oki. A very scary reversal, leading to high damage with two bars. Can have up to 31 active frames, but will generally have less if closer to the opponent or hitting the wall.

Follow Up

TFH Arizona SuperFollowUp.png
TFH Arizona SuperFollowUp2.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
180 HL - 64 11 22 vs. Grounded 19
vs. Airborne

Refunds 240 JD, and allows for followups afterwards. Can only be cancelled into from 236XX on hit. The JD refund is very useful for combo extensions, as well as resets or setups. The most common followups are Dash 4D/5D or Magic Dash.

Level 3 Super

Texas Throwdown
TFH Arizona Level3.png
I... am at the end...
I... am at the end...
TFH Arizona Level3 Finish.png
Of my rope!
Of my rope!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
230, 360, 200[x5], 800 HL - 22, 35 6, 17 30 vs. Grounded 0 -31
vs. Airborne

Invincible reversal that vacuums slightly, hits twice and causes a cinematic on hit. The first hit can catch opponents crossing Ari up, and the second hit goes extremely high. Suffers from damage scaling, as such it's often best used early in a combo, if you didn't intend on using Rebound. Has invincibility for the first 52 frames.


Forward Throw
Forward Throw
B+C / 6B+C
TFH Arizona FT.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
50,50,340 Throw - 6 3 23 vs. Grounded HKD +22
vs. Airborne

The only throw that is impossible to combo from, making it the weakest damage-wise. However, it still grants a close-range HKD, giving it its own utility.

Back Throw
Back Throw
TFH Arizona BT.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
50,50,340 Throw - 6 3 23 vs. Grounded HKD +35
vs. Airborne

The only differences between this and her forward throw are the distance it leaves the opponent and the frame advantage afterwards. This one throws the opponent much further away.

Air Throw
Air Throw
TFH Arizona AT.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
300 Throw - 8 3 18 vs. Grounded HKD +17
vs. Airborne

Brings the opponent straight down and leaves them in a HKD situation. No combos possible.


Arizona can use magic for a wide variety of uses. She has a maximum of 3 stacks of mana, but can only obtain it by lassoing opponents.

TFH Arizona 5D.png
TFH Arizona 2D.png
TFH Arizona 4D.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- Grab - 20 1 25 vs. Grounded Stagger +16
vs. Airborne

Causes a stagger on hit. Only hits grounded, standing opponents in neutral. Can catch airborne opponents if they are being combo'd. Forces 20% extra scaling on the rest of the combo. Grants one magic stock on hit. Useful as a combo extender and as a reset tool. Be aware that if JD is maxed, the stagger becomes unusable for resets.

150 Grab - 20 1 25 vs. Grounded HKD +32
vs. Airborne

Switches sides and leaves the opponent in a HKD. Can hit grounded opponents in neutral, even if they are crouching. Does not allow a combo afterwards, making it relatively unrewarding on hit compared to her other lassos. Grants one magic stock on hit.

100 Grab - 20 1 25 vs. Grounded Bounce
vs. Airborne

Only hits airborne opponents. Useful as a callout on midrange jumps or as a pickup after a ranged stomp. Switches sides and uses a groundbounce. Forces 20% extra scaling on the rest of the combo. Grants one magic stock on hit.

Magic Specials
Magic Specials
TFH Arizona 236D.png
Magic Headbuck - 236D
Magic Headbuck - 236D
TFH Arizona 22D.png
Magic Stomp - 22D
Magic Stomp - 22D
TFH Arizona 41236D.png
Magic Dash - 41236D
Magic Dash - 41236D
TFH Arizona 214D.png
TFH Arizona 214Dsuccess.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
210 HL - 13 5 25 vs. Grounded Wallstick -14
vs. Airborne

Has one hit of armor, starting at frame 1. Costs one magic. Moves very quickly and has good range. Wallsticks the opponent, allowing for followups, especially in the corner. Its frame one armor is useful for punishing certain strings, though it loses to throws, multihit moves, and moves that recover fast enough for the opponent to block.

35 Unblockable - 34 2 35 vs. Grounded Launch
vs. Airborne

Fullscreen unblockable that costs 2 Magic. Can be jump-cancelled on hit, allowing for a followup from any distance. Can be useful as a surprise opener up close.

- - - - - 32 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Uses 1 Magic. Projectile invincible dash that can side switch. Has a low hurtbox, but can still be hit if you're not careful. Its main uses are corner escapes and easy followups from Level 2 super.

- - - 0 15 20 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Uses 1 Magic. Counters any non-super strike or projectile during the first 15 frames. Vulnerable to throws.

400 HL - 33 9 4 vs. Grounded KD 1
vs. Airborne

If hit during the 15 frames of counter state, Arizona lashes out with a powerful counterattack. She has an all-guard state while attacking, meaning she can't take normal damage, only chip damage. She can be thrown out of this followup, though doing so is difficult. This move can never benefit from counterhit damage bonus. It launches the opponent on hit, allowing for a followup juggle. On block, it's +1, giving Arizona a slight advantage to start pressure with.


Them's Fightin' Herds allows for a lot of creativity with your combos, and it's difficult to provide a list of BnBs because of how the Juggle Decay system works. The JD system creates many variable scenarios in which the same combo with the same starting attack may not work. The most consistent aspect of combos is a "JD Max Ender", which begins when the JD bar under the opponent's health fills up. It's far more useful to learn JD-Max enders, and to learn loops/routes that you can freestyle before the JD bar fills up. There is a spreadsheet linked at the end of this section that details various JD-Max Enders for Arizona. For now, these are the important things to note about Arizona's combos.

General BnB

If you want a generally applicable route that works in most scenarios regardless of starter, consider this route:

  • (Starter) > 5C > 22A > 22C > Shorthop Forward > j.B > 5B > 5C > 22A > 22C > 236A > 236C > 2D

The above route and alternate versions of it can be seen here. This route usually works without consideration of the Juggle Decay system, but as a tradeoff you'll miss out on the benefits of playing around the JD system.

Combo States

Arizona has access to Groundbounces, a Wallstick, and a Stagger. Each of these is only allowed once per combo. You can have one bounce, one stagger, and one stick per combo. Attempting to do a second will usually leave the opponent in a soft knockdown.

Arizona has several Groundbounces to worry about. They are the following:

-6B (Even if used on a grounded opponent, it will eat your groundbounce.)

-j.C (Only the second hit, and only on airborne opponents.)

-4D (Also switches sides.)

-236C (The tumble state counts as a groundbounce.)

This means that you can only have one of these per combo, unless you plan on ending the combo with a second one. You must be mindful of this, or else you may prematurely and unexpectedly end a combo and be punished for trying to continue it.

It's much easier to remember her stagger and wallstick. Her stagger is 5D (Neutral Lasso), and her wallstick is 236D (Magic Headbuck). The stagger can be used to restand opponents and is great as a reset tool. The wallstick is pretty much only used as a combo extender.

Juggle Decay

Juggle Decay is the little bar underneath your opponent's health bar that fills up as you combo them. When it fills up, a few key things happen. Your opponent will automatically become airborne, meaning standing resets are no longer possible. They will become heavier as the combo continues, and will build more meter per hit than you. Staggers will end earlier, and any move (except super) that Hard Knockdowns the opponent will instead give a Soft Knockdown, which removes the possibility of guaranteed oki/setups.

This is important for Arizona because it heavily influences the way her combos work. She is one of the characters that has to pay the most attention to Juggle Decay, due to how useful resets and HKDs are for her.

Basic Routes

  • 5A 5B 5C 3C (Jump Cancel) j.A j.B j.C, 5A 5B 5C - Known as the Magic Series, this is the "universal" combo route that is shown in every character's command list. It's only listed here because it shows that you can use jC to extend combos, but overall this combo is not recommended at all. It does pretty bad damage, it's inconsistent with the way jC hits, and it teaches bad habits, such as using 3C. The only purpose this combo serves is if you can't perform special moves at all. Otherwise the next combo is much better for beginners.
  • (Normals) 5C 22A 22C 236A 236C 2D - BnB combo/ender. This ender is probably the best route if you're just starting off or if you don't know where to take a combo. It makes use of Arizona's specials cancelling into each other, it gives you a magic stock, and more often than not it ends in a Hard Knockdown depending on how many normals you use before 5C. Cancelling into 22A is far safer on block than 3C, and if you realize the opponent is blocking, you can stop there. Most people are bad at punishing 22A, especially with the threat of frametrapping into 22C, so you can generally end there safely. Remember that 236C cannot tumble the opponent if you've already used a bounce, which is most important to remember after 6B. If you're unsure, do 236B instead of 236C.
  • (Normals) 2C 236B 5D - This route makes use of the 5D stagger. You can end the combo here for a reset, or combine it with the above route for a decently damaging combo that gives you two magic. If you use both in one combo, you probably won't be getting a HKD.
  • (Normals) 2C 22C j.B - You can do this a couple times in one combo. It's a pretty decent route, though nailing the timing of 2C 22C can be difficult. Doing 22A 22C is easier, though less efficient in terms of JD and damage.
  • 3C (Jump Cancel) j.B j.A j.B - One of the only routes to use 3C. The main purpose of this is to extend a combo pre-JD without using your groundbounce. The timing differs depending on if you used 2C before the 3C or not.


  • 236C 2B 2C 22B 236B - It's much easier to use 236C as a combo extender in the corner. If the opponent is cornered, try to save your groundbounce for this ender to increase your damage.
  • 3C j.C (Backdash) 5B 5C 2C 5D - You can also do this after 236C. It's one of the only ways to land a rope on a cornered opponent.
  • 22C 236B 5A - You can link 5A after 236B in the corner, which can help add some damage.
  • 236D - Very easy tool to use in the corner for extensions.


Don't end with Level 1 Super unless it will kill. It does very low damage at the end of combos, and is not worth the meter usually. Save your meter for Level 2. You can extend after a Level 2 with the following techniques:

  • Dash into 4D/5D - The easiest extender. Don't use these if you already used them before the Super. (You probably shouldn't use ropes before super anyway, because ropes lower the damage for the rest of your combo.)
  • Magic Dash - Moves you to the perfect position to catch the opponent with some normals.
  • Forward Dash - Very tricky to time, but with good dashing and timing, you can link normals without needing to use Magic Dash.

Hard Knockdowns/Resets

Arizona thrives on the mixup game. Here are some important moves that allow you to mix your opponent up. Remember that these only work if Juggle Decay is not maxed out.

  • 2C: Easy to use combo ender, leaves you +32, giving you plenty of time to go for a crossup/shorthop/dashup low/dashup throw/whatever you want.
  • 2D: Another good combo ender, usually used after a 236B or 236C. This one leaves you further than 2C, but you can still cross the opponent up with dash jC from that range. Be aware that it switches sides on connect.
  • 5D: Restands the opponent and allows a reset. You're not quite + enough to safely go for a shorthop/6B, as the opponent can 5A to interrupt.
  • 6A: Forces the opponent to stand and jump cancels. You can do this after a 5D to better cover your reset.
  • Throw: It's possible to combo into throw after 5D, though the opponent can tech it if they're paying attention. Throw has decent damage and oki while adding nothing to the JD bar.
  • 236A: On a grounded opponent, it leaves the opponent close to you and leaves you +5. Many people don't expect a reset here.

More Resources

Candel's Arizona Guide (Comes with combo files for practicing different routes.):

More difficult, optimized Arizona routes with damage numbers:

Frame Data

Detailed Frame Data


Lactose Free
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How Now
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Koi Kow
Stealth Cow
Gold & White
Moonlit Ace
Macho Cow
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Sky Cow
Effervescent Kicks
Tennis Shoes
Dead Meat
