Them's Fightin' Herds/Texas

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Species: Bull
Playstyle: Grappler
HP: 5500
Meter Size: 320
Movement Options: Short Hop, Super Jump, Rodeo Run
Voice Actor: Patrick Seitz
Stage(s): Caravan Cattledome



Texas has led a storied career of adventure and carries great pride for cattlekind, symbolized by the yoke and star he bears on his back. His place as Head Bull was earned with hard work, sacrifice, and good ol’ fashioned charm!

As Arizona’s father and with the whole of Foenum at stake, he yearns to do his part in support of his daughter’s quest to save the world. So despite his age, he sets out on his own for one last journey, leaving care of the clan to his wife Minnesota, before settling down for good. (Promise!!)

Wielding twin cowbells attached by ropes to his mighty yoke, Texas uses mass and momentum to send them flying towards his opponents, reeling them into range of his heaviest strikes. Everybody knows, you don’t mess with Texas!


Texas is a grappler with an incredible array of options at any range. Up-close plus-frames and a true 50/50, unmatched midrange buttons, and several options to blow the opponent up even at fullscreen. Any touch leads to tons of damage and a powerful Restand, meaning any lost interaction against Texas could spell the end of a round.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Strong Ranged Tools: Many of Texas's normals cover a huge amount of space and convert into high damage combos if they hit, and his stomp and cowbells provide a presence at fullscreen that's scary to contest. While these options are generally fairly slow, they can be difficult or impossible to punish when spaced well.
  • Powerful Mixups: Texas has many powerful mixup tools, including a fast and high damage command grab, an anti-air which is unblockable when rising, and a plus on block low. 2D Followup's restand effect also allows Texas to turn a max JD combo into oki, giving him more opportunities to force the opponent to guess without sacrificing damage.
  • Massive Damage: Texas's most optimal combos do enormous amounts of damage, allowing him to theoretically 3 touch or even 2 touch some characters with enough meter.
  • High Health: Texas has the highest health in the game, at 5500.
  • Great Abare: Despite being the only character in the game without a 5 frame 5A, Texas boasts some excellent abare tools, including his 4 frame command grab, lows that cover shorthops, and his large normals that can make it difficult to approach him or attempt to whiff punish. In particular, Texas Smash when combined with Instant Block allows Texas to exploit openings for reversal that no other character can.
  • Limited Mobility: With no forward dash and a slow walk speed, Texas can have trouble closing in distance. He does have an armored command run to help, but it has large startup and the armor will break after 3 hits, with Texas taking first hit damage for each one, giving it a fair amount of risk.
  • Awkward Backdash: Despite having many invulnerability frames, the long, uncancellable animation on Texas's backdash gives it limited use, weakening his defense.
  • Big Body: Texas's hurtbox is taller (when standing) and much wider than the standard size, and has an awkwardly placed center line near the front of his body. As a result, it can be hard for Texas to deal with ambiguous crossups, fuzzy overheads, and certain moves like Arizona's lasso that can take advantage of his size.
  • Charge: Similarly to Paprika and Pom, the input overlap of 6A with [4]6X (Rodeo Run) can cause problems, particularly when trying to deal with airborne pressure.


Walk: Texas's default walk speed is quite slow, about the same as Oleander's forward, and even slower backward.

Dashes: Texas has no forward dash at all, but a unique backdash with a longer than usual invulnerability frames and total animation length.

Rodeo Run: [4]6X is a cancellable command run that propels Texas forward at incredible speed, roughly equivalent to Arizona's forward run.

Jumps: Like his daughter, Texas can jump at three different heights - with a normal jump, a shorthop, and a super jump.

Command List

Normal Moves

Standing Normals

TFH Texas 5A.png
TFH Texas 5A hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
35 Mid Chains into Self 8 4 19 vs. Grounded 8 24 +2 8 19 -3 0 15 0.83
vs. Airborne 26 +4 29 +7

The only 5A in the game to not be 5f, but has plenty of range to compensate. Sends the opponent at a downward angle when used in juggles, hurting its utility in combos.

Can be used as an anti-air, especially when you can't use 6A due to having charge built up.

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TFH Texas 5B.png
TFH Texas 5B hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
100 Mid - 12 8 16 vs. Grounded 10 26 +3 10 19 -4 -20 40 0.95
vs. Airborne 30 +7 33 +10

Long range, high damage poke. Will whiff on crouchers at longer ranges, so be sure to space it well.

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TFH Texas 5C.png
TFH Texas 5C hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
200 Mid Forces Stand 17 7 25 vs. Grounded 14 28 -3 14 25 -6 -35 65 0.95
vs. Airborne 34 +3 37 +6

A monster of a 5C. Normal jumps can't go over it, and while it's -6, not even Oleander's 5A can punish it at most ranges. Whiffs on crouchers who are too far away. Leads to huge damage on hit.

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Crouching Normals

TFH Texas 2A.png
TFH Texas 2A hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
30 Mid Chains into Self 6 5 13 vs. Grounded 8 18 +1 8 16 -1 0 15 0.95
vs. Airborne 25 +8 19 +2

Not a low.

Texas's fastest strike punish option.

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TFH Texas 2B.png
TFH Texas 2B hb.png
bap bap
bap bap
Version Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
2B 90 Low Chains into 2BB 10 6 11 vs. Grounded 10 Until Knockdown SKD 10 17 +1 -20 40 0.95
vs. Airborne 23 +7

Texas's fastest low.

Launches the opponent slightly on hit, making confirms a bit awkward.

Good neutral tool, being disjointed and whiffing about as fast as an A normal. It can also be whiff-cancelled into 2BB, making whiff punishing it very scary.

Good pressure tool as well, having several cancel options and being plus on block. Useful for catching the prejump of opponents trying to escape your command grab.

Due to the hitbox near his face that extends far vertically above his crouching hurtbox and being faster than his 6A, this move is also usually Texas's best anti-air against shorthopping opponents.

2BB 90 Low - 9 5 14 vs. Grounded 6 Until Knockdown SKD 6 17 -1 -20 40 0.95
vs. Airborne 23 +5

A followup to 2B that gives you... Another 2B! Basically identical to 2B, although this one is -1.

Being able to whiff cancel into this, it can be used to make 2B scary to whiff punish.

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TFH Texas 2C.png
TFH Texas 2C hb.png
You thought you were safe from my low just cause you're airborne?
You thought you were safe from my low just cause you're airborne?
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
125 Low Hard Knockdown 13 11 23 vs. Grounded 16 Until Knockdown +30 (HKD) 16 22 -11 -50 50 0.97
vs. Airborne

Huge, disjointed, and very active low. Very important for Texas's combos, allowing him to combo into 22X.

Can be awkward to hit confirm on grounded opponents in neutral, as the shallow launch trajectory will cause a 22X followup to whiff unless cancelled into almost immediately.

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Jumping Normals

TFH Texas jA.png
TFH Texas jA hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
65 High - 7 Until Landing - vs. Grounded 9 21 ≤+21 9 16 ≤+16 -30 85 0.90
vs. Airborne 29 ≤+29 -65 50

Big air-to-air button. Texas's air normals all remain active until he lands.

Very slightly increases Texas's falling speed, so it can be whiffed intentionally to make certain combo routes less strict in their timing.

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TFH Texas jB.png
TFH Texas jB hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
140 High - 15 Until Landing - vs. Grounded 12 28 ≤+28 12 18 ≤+18 -55 105 0.90
vs. Airborne 36 ≤+36 -85 75

Big mid-range airborne poke. Has incredible reach, making it difficult to punish effectively. The active frames make this move a very nice "wall".

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TFH Texas jC.png
TFH Texas jC hb.png
Paprika nods in approval and then cries because flop loses to it.
Paprika nods in approval and then cries because flop loses to it.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
180 High Bounce (Air Only) 20 Until Landing 6 vs. Grounded 18 30 ≤+24 18 19 ≤+13 -105 95 0.90
vs. Airborne - Bounce -115 85

Classic grappler body splash. Delays Texas's descent when used, and can cross up. Groundbounces opponents who are in the air.

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Command Normals

TFH Texas 6A.png
TFH Texas 6A hb.png
Stop Jumping.
Stop Jumping.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
90 Mid + Rising Unblockable Bounce (Air Only)
Damage Scaled to 80% (Air Only)
12 6 27 vs. Grounded 16 18 -14 16 21 -11 40 55 0.83
vs. Airborne - Bounce 14 -18 65 80

Has the unique property of being unblockable on opponents who are rising, making it a potent mixup option with Texas's command grab. Be wary that it can be blocked during the opponent's prejump frames.

A huge hitbox, good forward movement, and the ability to rebeat into a +1 on block 2B. Also gains a significant amount of meter on hit.

Provides Texas with a useful groundbounce in juggles, although it forces 20% less damage on followups afterwards.

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TFH Texas 3C.png
TFH Texas 3C hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
160 Mid Jump-Cancellable on Hit 18 4 36 vs. Grounded 14 26 (pre-JDmax)
24 (post-JDmax)
-13 14 15 -24 -70 30 0.83
vs. Airborne -35 65

Standard launcher. Big damage, big hitbox, big unsafeness.

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Forward Throw
Forward Throw
B+C / 6B+C
TFH Texas FT.png
TFH Texas T hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
200 Throw Damage Scaled to 50% 6 3 23 vs. Grounded - - +21 - - - - - -
vs. Airborne

Allows for links directly into powerful normals such as 5B, 5C, or 2C.

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Back Throw
Back Throw
TFH Texas Bthrow.png
TFH Texas T hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
200 Throw Damage Scaled to 50%
6 3 23 vs. Grounded - - +22 (Stagger) - - - - - -
vs. Airborne

Similar to Forward Throw, although the opponent is sent a bit further away. 5B and 2C work as followups. 5C will also connect, but push them too far away to start a good combo outside of corner. Consumes Texas's Stagger upon use.

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Air Throw
Air Throw
TFH Texas AT.png
TFH Texas AT hb.png
Like Father, Like Daughter.
Like Father, Like Daughter.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
300 Throw Hard Knockdown 8 3 18 vs. Grounded - - - - - - - - -
vs. Airborne +49 (HKD)

Brings the opponent straight down and leaves them in a HKD situation. No combos possible.

Whiffing air throw also causes the same fast-falling effect as moves like jA that makes Texas land from a jump a few frames faster.

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Special Moves

Texas Smash
Texas Smash
TFH Texas TexasSmash.png
TFH Texas 632146X hb.png
Die. Now.
Die. Now.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
1270 Command Grab Invulnerable (4)
Throw-Invulnerable (1-19)
Hard Knockdown
4 1 34 vs. Grounded - - +29 (HKD) - - - -150 -250 -
vs. Airborne

Full invuln on the first active frame, throw invuln frames 1-19.

Big-damage command grab. Is uniquely fast at 4f, being faster than the universal standard of 5f for every other characters' "fastest attacks". 1500 damage, good metergain, and a HKD that allows for walkup meaties, or a sneaky second command grab. Core to Texas's up-close mixup.

Autocorrects to face the other direction if the opponent switches sides on the exact frame of activation.

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Rodeo Run
Rodeo Run
TFH Texas RodeoRun.png
TFH Texas 46X hb.png
*train horn blares*
*train horn blares*
TFH Texas 46B.png
TFH Texas 46XB hb.png
[4]6B / "Spinner"
[4]6B / "Spinner"
TFH Texas 46C.png
TFH Texas 46XC hb.png
[4]6C / "Trample"
[4]6C / "Trample"
Version Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
[4]6X - - Armor [x2] (4-120) 21 - - vs. Grounded - - - - - - - - -
vs. Airborne

Texas's armored command run, with an actionable state at frame 22, and 2 hits of armor starting on frame 4. Will continue until an attack button is input, also stops naturally on frame 120.

~A - - - 18 - - vs. Grounded - - - - - - - - -
vs. Airborne

Run-brake. Maintains any unused hits of armor. When done as fast as possible, Rodeo Run into Stop lasts 39 frames.

~B 250
(100 Chip)
Mid Wallstick
Armor Break
9 7 28 vs. Grounded 16 (Texas) / 30 (Opp.) Until Knockdown Wallstick and/or SKD 16 11 -23 140 140 0.83
vs. Airborne

Unsafe followup that leads to a wallstick in the corner. Does not maintain any of Rodeo Run's armor. Has a niche in being quick enough to punish moves that Rodeo Run armors, but otherwise largely useless compared to the C followup.

Has armor break despite developer claims of Texas not having a move with this property. Possibly a bug or communication oversight.

~C 250
(100 Chip)
Mid Armor* (1-29)
(*any remaining from Rodeo Run)
20 9 16 vs. Grounded 10 (Texas) / 20 (Opp.) Until Knockdown SKD 10 21 -3 140 140 0.83
vs. Airborne

Much slower than the B followup, but leads to a very useful launch, maintains Rodeo Run's armor through its startup and active frames, and is safe on block or even plus when spaced. Core to many of Texas's combos.

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TFH Texas 22X.png
TFH Texas 22X hb 1.png
Get over here!
Get over here!
TFH Texas22X22X.png
TFH Texas 22X hb 2.png
Version Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
22X 120 Low Armor [x1] (10-35)
Jump-Cancellable on Hit
Hard Knockdown
29 6 34 vs. Grounded 14 (Texas) / 32 (Opp.) Until Knockdown +56 (HKD) 14 31 -8 50 50 0.90
vs. Airborne

Armored on frame 10 onwards. Does 0 damage on block.

Cancels into Rodeo Run, jumps, and Cowbells on hit, and into Earth Pull on hit or block. Very important combo tool.

Full screen armored stomp that leads to full combos no matter what range you land it from. It's only -8, making it impossible to punish from afar, and the combination of its armor and high-hitting hitbox can catch opponents trying to jump at you.

22X~22X 120 Low Tumble 21 12 20 vs. Grounded 10 (Texas) / 32 (Opp.) Until Knockdown Tumble, SKD 10 19 -12 50 50 0.90
vs. Airborne

Causes a Tumble state on hit, limiting followups, but is necessary for converting from fullscreen Stomp.

When done immediately, this is a true blockstring from Stomp, even if the opponent IBs.

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Texas's magic is filled through Bullseye, which occurs when one of the moves below hits at the tip, where the bell is. Magic can then be used on Followup, which is done by pressing the D button again. Each Cowbell has a different Followup, which consumes 1 Magic, and can be done regardless of whether or not Bullseye occurred. All Followups force 20% damage reduction on the rest of the combo.

Bullseye will also extend the hitstun of Cowbell, and pull the opponent towards Texas rather than away, as well as allow the Cowbell to be cancelled into other Cowbells, or into his [4]6 Rodeo Run.

Cowbells will not cancel into other cowbells if they have already been used once since the last followup or other non-cowbell move. So, for example, something like j.DD 6D 5D 2D 6D will not work due to the second 6D.

Cowbell (Standing)
Cowbell (Standing)
TFH Texas 5D.png
TFH Texas 5D hb.png
Version Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
5D 240
(80 Chip)
Mid Hard Knockdown 25 16 36 vs. Grounded 18 (Texas) / 24 (Opp.) / 36 (Opp, Bullseye) Until Knockdown +Varies (HKD) 6 37 / 43 (Bullseye) -14 / -8 (Bullseye) 100 100 0.83
vs. Airborne

Long-range, completely disjointed poke.

Whiffs on up-close crouchers, but far-away opponents aren't safe, nor can they easily jump over this, or punish it on block.

Landing a 5D Bullseye can provide full, high-damage combos, granting Texas a highly threatening presence even from very long range.

Launches the opponent away from Texas with a non-Bullseye hit, and toward Texas with a Bullseye hit, giving different utility for each.

Can be cancelled into from other successful Bullseyes by inputting 4D.

5DD - - Stagger
Damage Scaled to 80%
- - - vs. Grounded - - +80 (Stagger) - - - - 20 -
vs. Airborne

Instantly pulls the opponent in for a Stagger. Can be used for easier combo followups, or to combo into command grab for a powerful HKD and metergain.

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Cowbell (Overhead)
Cowbell (Overhead)
TFH Texas 2D.png
TFH Texas 2D hb.png
Version Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
2D 240
(60 Chip)
High Hard Knockdown 27 8 24 vs. Grounded 18 (Texas) / 24 (Opp.) / 46 (Opp, Bullseye) Until Knockdown +Varies (HKD) 6 (Texas) / 11 (Opp.) 10 -16 120 120 0.83
vs. Airborne

Learn to love this move. Bullseye is very generous and easy to set up for this Cowbell. Examples include after a 5D Bullseye, or after a 2C xx Stomp.

After a successful Bullseye on an opponent who is somewhat airborne, Texas can link afterwards, usually into 5B or 2C. Essential for his stronger combos.

As great as this move (and its Followup) is in combos, it is not the best as a mixup. It's among the slowest overheads in the game, hitting crouchers on frame 31, and moving the camera abruptly to make itself even more reactable. Very risky, but rewarding.

This move usually doesn't connect a standing opponent until the 5th active frame, so in practice it's effectively -12 on block, making it very difficult for some characters to punish at the edge of its range.

The move also moves Texas's hurtbox backward quite a bit during startup, so it can sometimes cause whiff punishes on opponents trying to poke him from the edge of their range.

2DD - - Restand
Damage Scaled to 80%
- - - vs. Grounded - - +24 - - - - 200 -
vs. Airborne

Causes a unique state known as a "Restand". Very good to extend combos at the cost of adding a lot of Juggle Decay to your opponent.

This state bends the rules of TFH's Juggle Decay system, being able to be used multiple times per combo, and allowing Texas to keep the opponent standing even after the JD bar is maxed out.

An excellent combo ender that gives you a command grab/low mixup.

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Cowbell (Anti-Air)
Cowbell (Anti-Air)
TFH Texas 6D.png
TFH Texas 6D hb.png
Be careful of the no fly zone.
Be careful of the no fly zone.
Version Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
6D 240
(70 Chip)
Mid Hard Knockdown 25 16 36 vs. Grounded - - - - - - - - 0.83
vs. Airborne 18 (Texas) / 24 (Opp.) / 36 (Opp, Bullseye) Until Knockdown +Varies (HKD) 6 44 -Varies 100 100

A disjoint that hits in an upward diagonal angle. While opponents already cannot jump over 5D, this move covers super jump height, allows for a good confirm on call outs, and it's a filler for combos.

Although it's called an anti air, this move doesn't grant a lower hurtbox in use.

6DD 100 - Bounce
Damage Scaled to 80%
- - - vs. Grounded - Until Knockdown Bounce, SKD - - - - 80 -
vs. Airborne

Groundbounces the opponent and side-switches.

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Cowbell (Air-to-Air)
Cowbell (Air-to-Air)
TFH Texas jD.png
TFH Texas jD hb.png
Version Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
j.D 240
(80 Chip)
Mid Hard Knockdown 27 7 Until Landing vs. Grounded 18 (Texas) / 24 (Opp.) / 36 (Opp, Bullseye) Until Knockdown +Varies (HKD) 8 (Texas) / 13 (Opp.) 14 -Varies 100 100 0.83
vs. Airborne

About as much range as 5D, with just as much disjoint and combo potential on ranged hit.

Hits higher than 5D, making it better for controlling jumps, but it cannot reach crouching opponents at all. Use j.D and 5D in tandem for powerful space control.

Like 5D, this launches the target away from Texas normally, but toward him with Bullseye.

j.DD - - Wallbounce
Damage Scaled to 80%
- - - vs. Grounded - - Wallbounce, SKD - - - - 20 -
vs. Airborne

Throws the opponent towards the wall, with enough advantage to easily link a 5D from fullscreen into a full combo. A very useful followup for confirming combos.

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Level 1

Prairie Pummel
TFH Texas 236XX.png
TFH Texas 236XX hb.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
150, 60 [x16], 350
(100 Chip)
Mid Invulnerable (1-6)
Forced HKD
6+3 8 39 vs. Grounded - - +29 (HKD) 20 21 -25 - - -
vs. Airborne

Fully invincible before the flash, armored for the rest of the startup and on active frame. Among the more damaging Level 1 supers, and relatively quite resistant to damage scaling - although it leaves Texas further away than he'd usually like to be.

In the corner, the pushback from this move can be avoided by performing it from a small distance away instead of at point blank.

Because all of Texas's normals are prohibited from super-cancelling during startup and he has no 236 motion specials to cancel out of, Texas cannot kara-cancel into super with two buttons staggered slightly apart. For this reason it may be prudent to exercise extra precision or use a macro for more consistent supers.

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Level 2 (Follow Up)

Pummel Pillar
TFH Texas 214XX.png
Ya ain't going nowhere 'til I say so!
Ya ain't going nowhere 'til I say so!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- - - - - - vs. Grounded 120 (Opponent) Until Knockdown SKD - - - - - -
vs. Airborne

Texas creates two rock walls that shorten the size of the stage temporarily, and leaves the opponent in a large amount of hitstun. Walls can be eliminated by Level 3 supers, either from the opponent or Texas himself.

Level 3

TFH Texas Lvl3.png
TFH Texas 632147896XX hb.png
TFH Texas Lvl3Finish.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
500, 574, 1000 Command Grab Invulnerable (1-3)
Throw-Invulnerable (4-9)
Forced HKD
3+0 1 36 vs. Grounded - - 0 - - - -150 - -
vs. Airborne

The single fastest move in the game. 3f command grab super with full invincibility, and cannot be jumped out of post-freeze.

The move doesn't require a perfect 360 motion as long as forward, down, back, up, and forward inputs are present in that order, so even something like 62486XX will suffice. The input buffer for this move seems to be shorter than usual though, so the motion needs to be performed fairly quickly and not too long before activation. An attempt that's too slow will usually result in a Texas Smash instead, which isn't the worst outcome considering Level 3 in effect a stronger version of it.

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Texas ( A )
Durango ( B )
Colorado ( C )
Delaware ( D )
Honglorns (TU)
EP035 (VC)
Soldier of Zepp ( A+B+C )
Behemoth Typhoon ( D+TU+VC)
Red, White, and Moo ( A+D )
Gives You Wings ( B+D )
Incredible ( A+B+D )
Gazelle Fan ( C+D )
Purplemenace ( A+C+D )
Train to Moosan ( B+C )
Hammer Spark (?)
