Kirby Battle Blitz/Saito

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KBB Saito Render.png
Owned by: LoneAlchemist/Lonalk
HP: 1000
Meter Size: 3000
Prejump Frames: 5
Extra Movement Options: Glide(j.6[6], j.4[4]) Fastfall(j.22)


Saito is a 10 year old puffball. He was a regular puffball until he smart mouthed a grumpy magician one day and was cursed with his look. He's very jolly and silly, usually the annoying one of the group but also not immature even though he may act as such. He doesn't like fighting too much but can whenever he needs, relying on his blistering speed and wind abilities. His speed comes from him being able to manipulate wind very efficiently, and he has the ability to break reality in comical ways. (Appearing from one side of the screen when going the other way, when he threw the moon at Jodie.) He's not the hero type and prefers minding his own business but doesn't mind helping if Kirby or Aege are involved.


Saito is a fast, aerial-focused character who focuses on getting in on opponents with incredible airspeed, in order to deal heavy damage with very freeform combos. With a fast projectile to cover space, and extremely safe moves to help with pressure, Saito can destroy opponents if you know what you’re doing.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Extremely high airspeed
  • Amazing air control(j.6[6]) that makes the most out of Air dashes in order to get in on opponents
  • Amazing resets
  • Easy Meterless Combos
  • Normals lack range
  • Lack of any additional lows besides universal 2A can make pressure very stale and predictable to a knowledgeable opponent
  • Bad Ground Game

Command List

Normal Moves

KBB Saito 5A.png
KBB Saito 5A Hitbox.png
KBB Saito 5AA.png
KBB Saito 5AA Hitbox.png
KBB Saito 5AAA.png
KBB Saito 5AAA Hitbox.png
5A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
10 Mid 5AA, 2A, 5B, 236A, 214A, 236B, 214B - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito does a quick punch forwards. A fast attack that serves and a good combo/blockstring starter.

5AA Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 Mid 5AAA, 5B, 236A, 214A, 236B, 214B - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito does a backwards jump while swinging his fists up. Used as combo fodder if it hits,or if blocked continue into 5AAA or 5B.

5AAA Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 Mid 5A, 2A, 5B, 5C, 2C, 236A, 214A, 236B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito slams his fist downwards. Only combos into a single 5B if it hits,but can be used in blockstrings to link into another 5A.

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KBB Saito 5B Hitbox.png
KBB Saito 5BB Hitbox.png
5B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 Mid 5BB, 236A, 214A, 236B, 214B, - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

A downwards kick. Only use it if you’re going to continue the auto combo, otherwise it's pretty bad on its own.

5BB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
25(15+10) Mid j5A, j2A, j5C, j.236A, j.214A, j.236B, j.214B - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Two downwards kicks. You can cancel out of the first kick with an air normal or special if you want to continue a combo or you want to be closer to the ground for a blockstring. For some combos, You will have to cancel out of the first kick so the opponent doesn't bounce off the ground. Use the second kick to continue combos.

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KBB Saito J.A Hitbox.png
j.5A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
10 High j.5AA, j.5B, j.2B, j.5C, j.236A, j.214A, j.236B, j.214B - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

A fast swipe in the air. A fast move that you can throw out after an airdash,IAD or near the beginning of blockstrings.

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KBB Saito J.2A Hitbox.png
j.2A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 High j.236A, j.214A, j.236B, j.214B - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

A dive-kick. Don't let the cancels fool you, this is a super important part of Saito's neutral, as its jump-cancellable on hit and block. Use after any glide manuever to close in on enemies. Be wary that you can only jump-cancel it if the opponent is blocking on the ground.

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KBB Saito J.B Hitbox.png
j.5B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
30 High j.2B, j.5C, j.236A, j.214A, j.236B, j.214B - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

A tail swing downward. A standard overhead that's an integral part of Saito combo theory.

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KBB Saito J.2B Hitbox.png
KBB Saito J.2B Hitbox2.png
j.2B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
- High 214A, 236B, 214B - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

A wind burst shoots Saito towards the ground. Unsafe on block. Use it if you're too lazy for fastfall or to drop on vulnerable opponents to start some pressure.

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Universal Mechanics

KBB Saito 2B Hitbox.png
2B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
10 High j2B, j.5C, j.236A, j.214A, j236B, j214B - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Basic Overhead. A bit slow but not too terrible.

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Low Attack
KBB Saito 2A Hitbox.png
2A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 Low 5B, 236A, 214A, 236B, 214B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

A fast low. Big part of Saito's combo game for 2AB loops, and is also great for pressure.

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KBB Saito Throw Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
100 Unblockable - - Grab -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

A basic throw. Can't combo into anything out of it, but aside from that, it does its job.

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Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
- Unblockable - - Counter 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

A regular stubby counter.

EX Attacks

I...Don't Have a Plan
5C (Air OK)
KBB Saito 5C Hitbox.png
KBB Saito J.C Hitbox.png
5C Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
30 Mid j.5A, j.2A, j.5B, j.2B, j.2C, j.236A, j.214A, j.236B, j.214B - - 250
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito flies toward the enemy at hig speeds. Less useful than the air combo, but it doesn't make you as vulnerable when blocked, so you can use this when the opponents knocked down to close some space.

j.5C Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 Mid j.5A, j.2A, j.5B, j.2B, j.2C, j.236A, j.214A, j.236B, j.214B - - 250
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito flies toward the enemy at high speeds. Used mostly for comboes and extensions, but can also be used to close in and attack opponents after their attack, be careful with your timing as if its blocked your extremely vulnerable and free combo food.

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Rising Wind
KBB Saito 2C Hitbox.png
2C Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
50 Mid 214B - - 250
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Sends the opponent upwards for air comboes. Can combo into itself indefinitely a slong as you have the meter. Useful anti air.

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That Way!
KBB Saito J.2C Hitbox.png
j.2C Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
74 Unblockable j.236A, j.214A, j.236B, j.214B - Grab 250
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

A grab in the air that send opponents backwards. Very important part of combos as it resets juggle for all of his moves. Can also be useful against chicken blockers in the corner.

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Light Sirocco
236A (Air OK)
KBB Saito 236A Hitbox.png
KBB Saito 236A Hitbox2.png
236A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
108 Mid - - - 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito throws a ball of wind that does good damage and puts the opponents in a lot of blockstun. Great for okizeme, and can lead into other Supers such as j.214A or 214B. You're vulnerable on the first frame you do it however, so doing it at point blank can get you punished.

j.236A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
108 Mid - - - 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Same as grounded version, but the extra height will make it safer to use in okizeme and general pressure situations, but less time to take advantage of it(depending on height you use it at). If you use it too high the opponent can run under the ball, so make sure you are still moderately close to the ground.

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Burst Off!
214A (Air OK)
KBB Saito 214A Hitbox.png
214A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
138 Mid - - - 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito jumps in the air while surrounding himself in a vortex of wind. Good for certain setups and can be used out of j.2B to make the move safer on block(not completely safe) or lead into a combo on hit. Also serves as a fine burst option.

j.214A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
138 Mid - - - 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Same as ground version, but is used in air combos after j.5A.

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Wind Cutter
236B(Air Okay)
KBB Saito 236B Hitbox.png
236B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
40; 70(40 + 30) Mid - - - 500
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito throws out a fast wind projectile. It's even on block so its not too terrible, but its useful when you want to zone out opponents in neutral. You can press the button again to throw out another projectile. You can space it out for some long ranged pressure, but its usually better to just use one. Its also useful in extending tight air combos.

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Wind Cutter
KBB Saito J.236B Hitbox.png
j.236B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
40 Mid j.236B - - 500
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Same as ground version, but you can't just press the button to do another one that will always hit. Instead you can cancel into another j.236B. Use this move to snipe out grounded opponents before coming down on them with a j.2A.

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Wooo Whirlwind
214B(Air Okay)
KBB Saito 214B Hitbox.png
KBB Saito 214B Hitbox2.png
214B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
180 Mid - - - 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito spins around in a tornado before finishing off with a final burst. Mosty useful as a combo ender, but if your ballsy you can use it on block and try moving in and out of the opponents blockstun and hope they stop blocking? Nah, don't do that.

j.214B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
180 Mid - - - 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Same as ground version, just use this when you want to end an air combo.

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Wind Buster
KBB Saito 236C Hitbox.png
236C Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
325 Unblockable - - - 2000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - -

Saito prepares for a bit and then unleashes a giant wind current. Has an impressive range that can be used to lead into some combos. Be wary that you don't do it in an opponent's face, as they can punish you before the move comes out. You can also use this as an Oki if you time it right.

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From 5A

  • 5AA>5BB>x3[j.5AA>j.5B]>j.5C>j.2C - (207 Damage) A simple combo that leads into most of Saito' damage.
  • 5AA>5BB>x2[j.5AA>j.5B]>j.5C>j.2C>66>x2[2AB] - (224 Damage) A simple combo that uses a short 2AB loop.
  • 5AA>5BB>x3[j.5AA<j.5B>j.236B] - (290 Damage) Lets you get the hang of 236B versatility, but does mediocre damage for 1 1/2 meter.
  • 5AA>5BB>j.5AA>j.5B>j.236A>x4[2AB]>5C>214B - (400 Damage) Does great damage for around 1 1/2 meter and lets you get in close with a 2A or Fastfall after the 214B.
  • 5AA>5BB>j.5AA>j.5B>j.236B>j.5AA>j.5B>j.236A>x2[2AB]>5C>214B - (416 Damage) More of a meter dump but does more damage.


17% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Basic stuff like the landing page and navbox is in, along with some system pages.
  • System page is complete.
  • Clean up and finish the rest of the character pages. Every page needs to be updated to account for changes in updates 2.0 to 2.4.
  • Create netplay page.
  • Update FAQ
  • Add patch-notes from 2.1 to 2.4.
  • Finish adding frame data to every page, and begin adding hit-boxes to every page. Glitch is currently the gold standard in the gameplay section, hitboxes aside. (Avoid doing Violet's at all costs however!)
  • When Adding Hitboxes: Only take images from Fighter Factory. This is to keep the look of the hitboxes clean!
  • Ensure that this chart is updated over time.

Patch Notes