Tough Love Arena/Onion/Combos

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Abbreviation Meaning
General legend
AA Anti air starter
> Link
5LH Cancel (Light cancels into Heavy in this case)
DAC Delayed Attack Cancel
(Number) Indicates what part of a multi hit move hits. Omitted if every hit of a multi hit move hits.
[Text] Indicates that multiple variations can end the specific combo covered
Bold Text Meaty Attack

Beginner Combos

Some basic combos that are useful to know if Onion’s advanced combos are too hard.

  5LHH > Walk > 5HS > 5HH

A solid ground combo to use off of a 5L opener

  AA 5L > Walk > 5HS

Solid anti air combo.

  5HH > Walk > 5HS > Walk > 5HH

A good combo to know off of a spaced 5H.

  5HS > RC > 5HH > Walk > 5HS > 5HH

A good Rapid conversion to know in general.

Combo Primer

Combo Theory

Onion’s combos mainly depend on how close Onion is relative to the opponent, whether they are close to the corner, and whether they have meter. The closer Onion is to their opponent and the closer they are to the corner, the more damage they will be able to get from their combos. Onion’s link combo is a core part of their combo game. The combo will only work if Onion is close enough to link Trip into Flick. Combo notation for the link combo:

  5HL > 5LH

When combined with Hopkick, Onion gains access to a continuous loop that only relies on them having meter to spend on Rapid to perform. A sample combo with the combo loop in bold:

  6S > 5HL > 5LHS > RC > 5HL > 5LHS > RC > 5HL > 5LHH > 5HS > 5HH

Juggle Game

Onion's combo game is dependent on how close Onion is to the opponent, but it also varies when taking into account how far away they are from the corner. Due to the fact that almost every combo Onion will do leads into Roundhouse to launch the opponent, different routes can be used accordingly depending on Onion's stage positioning:

  4H > Walk > 5HS > 5HH

Onion's most common juggle midscreen due to how far away they can be from the opponent before launching them with Roundhouse. Any combos mentioned in this page will default to this specific combo for simplicity sake.

  4H > 6S > 5S > 5HS

One of Onion's best juggles to use if they are very close to the corner due to the raw damage and the oki Onion gets.

  4H > Walk > 5HS > 5HS

Onion's juggle game combined with the launch angle from Roundhouse gives them a ton of corner carry in their combos, making Hopkick a more damaging alternative if they are relatively close to the corner.


Meaty Flick, Trip, and Sweep all can link into an additional Sweep given they are meaty enough. Flick is the easiest meaty to time given its fast speed and large amount of active frames, but scales Onion's combos heavily. Trip gives Onion the most amount of time to link into Sweep, so much so that Onion can microwalk in between the link to gain a little bit of meter. Sweep is Onion's most rewarding meaty but is also the hardest one to time.

Combo Openers

  • Sweep is one of Onion's best starters, one of their pokes in neutral, and can be paired with 5S for hit confirming.
  • Feint is very easy to hit confirm from, has the same follow ups regardless of whether it is used to anti air or if it was used as a reversal, and gains Onion a full bar at the very least.
  • Hopkick > RC costs meter to do but lets Onion confirm off of one of their longest range moves.
  • Jump Onion's slowest and riskiest starter, but can lead to similar damage to Sweep and is Onion's longest range move.
  • Trip is very easy to hit confirm off of and can be common during Onion's strike-throw pressure.

5L/4L Openers

Notation Damage Meter Gain Location Notes
AA 5L > 5S > 4H




Onion's most damaging Flick anti air combo.

5L > Microwalk > 5LHL > 5LHH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]


At least 1100


A sample combo from a meaty Flick. Flick can be replaced with Sweep and Trip with good timing for the meaty.

4L > Microwalk > 5HL > 5LHH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]


At least 1000


A sample combo from a meaty Trip.

5H Opener

Notation Damage Meter Gain Location Notes
5HL > 5LHH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]


At least 900


5HH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]


At least 600


Useful to know when you land a spaced Sweep.

5HS > RC > 5HL > 5LHH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]


At least -350


A solid meter conversion that can be hit confirmed from neutral.

5HL > 5LHS > RC > 5HL > 5LHH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]


At least -50


A metered combo that pays for itself.

4S Opener

Notation Damage Meter Gain Location Notes
4S > 5HH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]




If Onion can't do their link combo off of Parry, this combo is a solid route.

4S > 5LHL > 5LHH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]




A good combo to know for when Onion gets a point blank Parry.

4S > 5HL > 5LHS > RC > 5LHL > 5LHS > RC > 5LHL > 5LHH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]


At least -1200 (assuming Onion has full meter for their 1st RC


A corner to corner combo off of Parry that does solid damage and leaves Onion with effectively one bar of meter.

4S > RC > 6S > 5HL > 5LHH > Walk > [5HS > 5HH]




A combo that lets Onion consistently convert off of a spaced Parry.


Onion TLA Combo Flowchart

Onion Combo Guide

