Them's Fightin' Herds/Paprika

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Paprika 2.png
Species: Alpaca
Playstyle: All-rounder, Tricky
HP: 5350
Meter Size: 380
Movement Options: Short Hop, Superjump, Forward/Backwards Run, Teleport
Voice Actor: Marieve Herington
Stage(s): Alpake Highlands, Now Extra Depressing


High in the Huacaya Mountains, alpaca roam though inhospitable wilderness as their ancestors have since the dawn of time. The harsh, barren environment leaves little room for any pursuits other than raw survival.

But there is one among them who eschews their sober, serious attitude. Her name is Paprika, and she’s brimming with vigorous affection. Some say she aims to fill the world with love the land never had for her, but whatever her reasons, she feels compelled to share all she has and more, whether you’re willing or not.

Paprika is a basket case and a whole bag of tricks, tossing a variety of gifts and zipping around the stage faster than anyone is able to keep track of. Crushing embraces and surprising kisses make for some of her deadliest techniques. Once she decides you’re the love of her life, there can be no escape. [1]


Paprika is best described as a neutral character who can convert long pokes into consistently high damage and great okizeme. Buttons like her 5A, 5B, and 2C reach incredibly far, and her signature [4]6X Cartwheels allow her to go from a poke to being right in your face. Her mixups and setplay are quite strong as well, having access to a powerful command grab, fast and tricky overheads, and plus on block specials. Her D items add a layer to this, with the food locking the opponent out of their fast A buttons and the plant allowing for a much safer mixup attempt. Her mobility is amazing too, with a fast run and multiple jump arcs complimented by a teleport. This is all held back by her weaknesses on defense, and her only low being 2A. Her reversal options are mediocre and easily beaten, and without a good ranged low, she can't stop people from jumping away easily.

Strengths Weaknesses
  • Good Grounded Neutral: Paprika has several great pokes that lead to massive damage at most ranges. 5B and 5A being the most common, with 2C serving as a more committal whiff punish. If you like traditional "footsies", this the character for you!
  • High Meterless Damage: Paprika has some of the highest damage in the game, making her neutral pokes and mixup game incredibly deadly.
  • Strong Setplay: Paprika can use her magic to create strong setplay, with broccoli/apple locking the opponent out of their A normals, and potted plant allowing her to safely use Cartwheel C or Kiss!.
  • Extremely Strong Mixups: With access to an unreactable overhead, command grab, and safe-on-block specials, Paprika's mixups can be incredibly difficult to escape. Combined with her high damage, she can wind up 3-touching after winning a single neutral interaction.
  • Tanky: Paprika is tied with Arizona for the highest health total, meaning she can use her health as a resource to get in.
  • Poor Defense: Pap's only truly invincible reversal is Super. Flop functions well as a low profile to dodge specific options, but otherwise lacks invincibility. While Smother does have some invuln properties, it is completely vulnerable after she reappears on screen, and this loses to many common options.
  • Charge: While charge mechanics can make certain combos easier, charging also makes you more vulnerable to crossups, makes it harder to cover soft knockdowns, leads to input overlap issues, and makes it difficult to use anti-airs in neutral.
  • Weak to Pushblock: With her only low normal being a short 2A, she can lose very quickly to a well timed pushblock. This is made worse thanks to her microdash, making it very difficult to keep close enough to mix with her strongest mixups.
  • Weak to Upback & Airborne Play: Because 2A is Paprika's only low normal, it's a struggle from stopping people from upbacking out of her pressure. Additionally, Pap's 6A relies on not having charge, and her Flop requires down-charge. This makes both of them difficult to utilize in neutral alongside her strong ground game.
  • Weak Air Game: None of Paprika's air normals hit below her, making them lose to many non-6A anti airs, and she lacks any form of airborne mobility, making her fulljumps and superjumps very exploitable.


Walk: Paprika is much faster approaching than retreating, walking forward and backward at 6 hu/frame and 4 hu/frame respectively.

Dashes: Like everyone else, Paprika can dash on the ground. While wavedashing forward is possible, it doesn’t serve any function run does not.

Run: Paprika can run forward and backwards. Paprika will transition into a run out of a dash if the direction is held when a dash ends. She has a top speed of 15 hu/frame when running forward and 13 hu/frame when running backward. Running ends as soon as the direction is no longer held.

Shorthop: Paprika can hop slightly off the ground while moving forward, backward, or standing in place. This has a duration of 30 frames, including prejump.

Super jump: "It's a jump, but super." —Oleander

Command List

Normal Moves

TFH Paprika 5A.png
Tag, you're it! No tag backs.
Tag, you're it! No tag backs.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
30 Mid - 5 6 12 vs. Grounded 2 -1
vs. Airborne

Paprika's primary light attack. Comes out fast, has good range for a 5A, and can chain into itself or 2A on whiff for two rapid pokes.

TFH Paprika 6A.png
A kissaroo from me to you!
A kissaroo from me to you!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
60 Mid - 9 5 28 vs. Grounded -8, Staggers on Airborne (25) -5
vs. Airborne

Paprika smooches the air to kiss her opponents. Works as an anti-air, but can be difficult to utilize due to input overlap with cart A. It sends midair opponents into a stagger state, unlike any other anti air, after which Paprika can either continue the combo or try to set up a mix.

TFH Paprika 5B.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
100 Mid - 9 5 28 vs. Grounded 3 -3
vs. Airborne

Decently ranged medium attack. Paprika extends her head out to greet you. Speed and range make it key to Paprika's grounded neutral game. Will almost always combo into 2C, giving Paprika the potential for combos from long range pokes.

TFH Paprika 5C.png
♫ Get you love drunk off my humps ♫
♫ Get you love drunk off my humps ♫
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
150 Mid - 14 10 31 vs. Grounded -11 -13
vs. Airborne

Paprika thrusts her behind forward to attack, pulling her slightly forward. Slow but hard-hitting normal, making it ideal for strong punish starters. Has many active frames, making it good at catching backdashes.

TFH Paprika 2A.png
Got your toes!
Got your toes!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
25 Low - 6 5 14 vs. Grounded 1 -2
vs. Airborne

A rapid low hitting attack, one of three lows she possesses, and the most important for her pressure. Like her 5A, it can be chained into itself or 5A on whiff for two rapid hits. It has surprising range for a 2A, and will catch prejump.

TFH Paprika 2B.png
Paprika used Lick! It's super affectionate!
Paprika used Lick! It's super affectionate!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
40, 50 Mid - 9 4, 4 19 vs. Grounded 2 -4
vs. Airborne

Despite its appearance, this double hitting move is a not a low. A good move to scoop opponents for combo extensions.

TFH Paprika 2C.png
*breakdances towards you threateningly*
*breakdances towards you threateningly*
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
140 Mid - 13 8 25 vs. Grounded -3 -12
vs. Airborne

A long ranged attack, hard to punish on block at certain ranges. Good combo move, helps with ranged confirms from 5B, and can be used as a ranged callout in neutral.

TFH Paprika 3C.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
140 Mid - 17 3 28 vs. Grounded Launch -16
vs. Airborne

Paprika sneezes and launches her opponent. Jumping after this moves defaults her to super jump to extend her combo further airborne. Furthermore it is the largest hitbox for an universal launcher. Whiffs against crouching opponents, and is super unsafe on block.

TFH Paprika 6C.png
The lass knits ye a sweater o' love...
The lass knits ye a sweater o' love...
TFH Paprika 6CC.png
... and ye kill 'er.
... and ye kill 'er.
TFH Paprika 6CCC.png
How are ye gonna live with yerself?
How are ye gonna live with yerself?
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
100 Mid - 14 4 28 vs. Grounded 4 -8
vs. Airborne

Free T-Shirt! Paprika pulls an alarming amount of wool off her own body while extending her neck forward and "grabbing" the opponent.

This move can cancel into command grab on hit or block, and is also jump cancellable on hit. Technically unsafe on block, but opponents are usually more concerned with blocking its followup.

90 High - 4 9 31 vs. Grounded 5 -9
vs. Airborne

Paprika pulls the opponent in close to her while she begins to knit them a t-shirt.

This is an overhead (because t-shirts go over your head!), and also pulls the opponent closer. It can cancel into command grab on block or hit, and is also jump cancellable on hit. Unsafe, but the potential for the third hit of the string and command grab cancels makes it hard to punish.

130 High - 5 4 26 vs. Grounded Launch -13
vs. Airborne

Paprika finishes her new friend's t-shirt and just can't wait to see them in it!

Also an overhead, and launches the opponent on hit. Once again jump cancellable on hit. Unsafe on block, but can still cancel into command grab, making it tricky to punish.

TFH Paprika jA.png
Pure, unadulterated violence
Pure, unadulterated violence
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
40, 40 High - 7 5(6)5 4 vs. Grounded - -
vs. Airborne

A simple air jab that hits twice. Does very low blockstun, making it tricky to pushblock. A solid air to air due to its speed and surprisingly good hitbox.

TFH Paprika jB.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
110 High - 13 14 11 vs. Grounded - -
vs. Airborne

A simple air medium. Can cross up, or be used in combos.

TFH Paprika jC.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
55[x5], 150 High - 16 13 13 vs. Grounded - -
vs. Airborne

A multi-hit air heavy that can hit a maximum 6 times. Good in combos, and works will with shorthops in neutral.

Special Moves

Pap cart a.png
Do a barrel roll!
Do a barrel roll!
Pap cart b.png
Roses are red, violets are blue... I know you're allergic, but I got these for you!
Roses are red, violets are blue... I know you're allergic, but I got these for you!
Pap cart c.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
100[x2] Mid - 9 2,4 22 vs. Grounded -1 -3
vs. Airborne

A double hit move designed to be safe on block, pushes Paprika a short distance forward and gives her a hurt box lower to the ground than normal. Can work as an anti air, and cancels into 6C on block.

145[x2] Mid - 13 5(4)5 20 vs. Grounded KD -9
vs. Airborne

An unsafe on block double hitting move (depending on the proximity to the opponent) for combo extensions and catching out mid air opponents. Covers more ground than Cartwheel A and Paprika's hurtbox stays standing with a quick low profile between hits. Can cancel into 3C on block.

320 High - 18 5 30 vs. Grounded Bounce -15
vs. Airborne

A fast but very powerful overhead that ground bounces the opponent on hit. Hurtbox extends forward by a marginal amount on start up but its hitbox covers and the distance of 3/4ths midscreen. Jump cancellable on hit, can cancel into 3C on block. Despite its long reach, it is most useful when the opponent is in 2A range.

Zippy Teleports
Pap tele a.png
Wanna see me do it again?
Wanna see me do it again?
Pap tele b.png
Omae mwha mou shinderu!
Omae mwha mou shinderu!
Pap tele c.png
Justice Love rains from above!
Justice Love rains from above!
Pap basket pop.png
Pop goes the 'paca!
Pop goes the 'paca!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- - - ? 8 ? vs. Grounded - -
vs. Airborne

Paprika will dash off then back on screen where she inputted the special.

- - - ? 8 ? vs. Grounded - -
vs. Airborne

Paprika dashes off screen then back behind her opponent. Note: This teleport tracks where the opponent is when you input the special, NOT after.

295 High - ? 8(6)17 30 vs. Grounded Bounce -14
vs. Airborne

Paprika dashes off screen then back above their opponent. Paprika's fall has a coinciding hurt box and hit box and ground bounces on hit. Unsafe on block. When in the corner, Paprika only has 1 frame of vulnerability before she leaves the screen and becomes invincible.

400 Low - ?(8)15 12 17 vs. Grounded - 7
vs. Airborne

A.K.A. Magic Teleport or Picnic Surprise. Only available when Paprika's Level 2 is active. Paprika dashes off screen and explodes out of a gift basket, knocking opponents up on hit(Similar to her 3C), A myriad of pots and apples shower down on her opponent straight after. The ground explosion is a low, and can be positioned as an ambiguous crossunder.

Like all apples and pre-bounce pots, the gift hitboxes will become inactive once you make Paprika block something. This means you are vulnerable to anti-airs during this move.

Note: The amount of gifts produced by this teleport is dependent on the magic counter when Level 2 is active. If no gifts hit you and you are not at max Juggle Decay, this move causes a hard knockdown.

Belly Flop
TFH Paprika 28X.png
oomf is in her flop era </3
oomf is in her flop era </3
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- Mid,High - 9 45 19 vs. Grounded HKD, 9 -7
vs. Airborne

An evasive special move where Paprika flies up and slams the opponent, granting a hard knockdown. Not invincible, but has extreme low profile from frame 1. Useful as an anti-air. Can be used as a way to reset a combo before a full Juggle Decay Meter thanks to it's quick HKD, it can lead into a grab / command grab. With full juggle decay, the opponents will be able to tech.

TFH Paprika 623X.png
Arizona, you forgot your kissy-kissy!
Arizona, you forgot your kissy-kissy!
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
60 Grab - 11 1 32 vs. Grounded Stagger, 25 -
vs. Airborne

A command grab that staggers your opponent and refunds a considerable amount of Juggle Decay. Forces 20% extra damage scaling on the rest of the combo. Cancelling into this from close normals or from Free T-shirt can work as a potent mixup. Using it in resets alongside 2A can be powerful as well.


TFH Paprika Super.png
"The emotion implied is [...] up to interpretation." —Early Access Patch #17 Build Log
"The emotion implied is [...] up to interpretation." —Early Access Patch #17 Build Log
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
210, 20[x15], 105, 400 Mid - 4+4 32 50 vs. Grounded HKD, 14 -34
vs. Airborne

The side she emerges from is telegraphed by the direction she looks in as she dashes off screen. Hits 18 times, but can be cancelled into 22XX on any hit except for the last two. The final hit is a body slam which results in a hard knockdown. Adds a decent amount of damage and provides a good oki situation, making it a good combo ender.

Technically invincible on startup, but loses invincibility as Paprika runs in. This means it can be interrupted on the way in, making it questionable as a reversal.

Follow Up

Picnic Basket
TFH Character SuperFollowUp.png
Your life ends 30 frames from now.
Your life ends 30 frames from now.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- N/A - 0 0 0 vs. Grounded - -
vs. Airborne

Paprika's level 2 super. Smother is cancelled, leaving the opponent in an airborne hitstun state as Paprika pulls out a picnic basket. This basket remains on screen for 23 seconds and contains a maximum of 6 random gifts.

As long as Paprika is close enough to the basket, it can essentially function as a second magic meter, allowing her to toss gifts without using up any of her actual magic. However, the counter for the number of gifts in the basket will drop by a number equivalent to however many bars of magic the input would normally require (e.g. 1 for 5D, but 2 for 4D).

Paprika is also able to perform [6]4D while the basket is active. Doing so will consume the basket entirely.

Level 3 Super

Deadly Affection
TFH Paprika Level3.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
- - - - - 18 vs. Grounded
vs. Airborne

Spend 3 bars to perform an install where all her normals are replaced with Embrace. In this state, she may no longer use any of her specials or magic. She retains the ability to block, pushblock, throw tech, and all of her movement options, although she trades her runs for traditional dashes. A timer appears above her meter that slowly drains over time and when she attempts Embrace. If the timer runs out before she is able to land Embrace, she will sneeze and exit Deadly Affection. This move is also invincible for its entire 18 frame duration.

TFH Paprika Embrace.png
TFH Paprika Level3 Finish.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
1826 Grab - 16 6 22 vs. Grounded HKD, 0
vs. Airborne

A very strong, advancing, Air OK command grab that can be combo'd into using stagger. It has armor from frame 1 onwards, although armoring through a move will cause her to stop moving forwards and grab in place, making it an ineffective fireball punish. Attempting it will drain roughly 1/3rd of Deadly Affection's timer, and successfully landing the grab will cause Paprika to exit the install. She is able to use it with reversal timing on wakeup, even with no time left on her install, as long as she hasn't sneezed yet.

TFH Paprika Sneeze.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
850 HL - 17 3 57 vs. Grounded Wallstick -16
vs. Airborne

Paprika will sneeze if her Deadly Affection timer runs out. It has 12 frames of invincibility on startup, a massive hitbox, and it will wallstick the opponent, but it is extremely unsafe if it doesn't hit. It is highly exploitable if Paprika gets combo'd during her install, because after the combo ends, she will be forced to either do reversal Embrace before she sneezes, or wakeup sneeze, giving the opponent a guaranteed punish.


Ground Throw
B+C / 4B+C
TFH Paprika Throw.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
400 Grab - 6 3 23 vs. Grounded Launch -
vs. Airborne

Paprika grabs the opponent and pulls them into a tight hug, squeezing until they eventually pop out of her arms and are thrown forward. Combos into j.A or 6A. Builds a lot of meter on hit. Forces 50% scaling on the rest of the combo.

400 Grab - 6 3 23 vs. Grounded Launch -
vs. Airborne

Exactly the same as B+C, except the opponent is thrown to the side opposite of the one they were on prior to being grabbed.

Air Throw
Air Grab
TFH Paprika Air Grab.png
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
300 Grab - 8 3 18 vs. Grounded 50+ -
vs. Airborne

Paprika grabs the opponent and pulls them into a hug mid-air, causing them to fall down. Depending on height, j.B or 5A are the ideal followups.



Paprika loves her friends. Paprika loves her friends very, very much. And what do you do when you love someone very, very much?

Spoil them with gifts, of course!

Though in this case, "drown them with gifts" may be a more fitting turn of phrase, if anything. Paprika uses magic to pull out gifts for her friends from the hammerspace confined inside her wool; she then throws the gifts, turning them into projectiles. She begins each round with 6 bars of magic, with each gift toss costing anywhere from 1-2 bars. Each projectile has their own unique quirk:

Gift Table
Quirk Notes
Apple Regenerates health if eaten Falls to ground upon colliding with anything except hurtboxes
Hitbox disappears upon colliding with hurtboxes (e.g. Oleander magic traps), or if the opponent hits Paprika or her block
Can be eaten by pressing A when within range
Broccoli Super meter gain if eaten
Potted Plant Hits twice. Disappears upon collision or if the opponent hits Paprika or her block
Second hit will retain hitbox on hit/block as long as the first bounce occurs.
Cinnamon Roll Low with HKD on hit. Disappears upon collision with any hurtbox or if the opponent lands a hit on Paprika
Will eventually roll off screen otherwise

Eating an edible gift takes 50 frames for recovery across all characters; however, if Paprika eats her own gifts (not including ones thrown by another Paprika), it only takes 35 frames. This is also a form of hitstun and thus will cancel certain hitboxes such as Velvet's icicles and Oleander's sparks.

When Paprika runs out of magic, she can no longer produce any more projectiles. The only way for Paprika to regain magic is if her opponent eats one of the gifts she has tossed. It is not possible to regain magic from potted plants or cinnamon rolls, nor by eating her own gifts.

Her level 2 super produces a picnic basket which remains on screen for 23 seconds, contains a maximum of 6 random items, and can essentially function as a second magic meter. When Paprika is standing close enough to it, gift toss inputs will not use up or even require any magic as she will instead pull from the basket. Keep in mind, however, that each gift pulled will make the counter go down by an amount equivalent to the number of magic bars it would cost to throw the gift normally. This means that while using 5D will decrease the counter by 1, using 214D or 4D, for example, will decrease the counter by 2.

However, if the basket has only 1 magic left, you can still use a 2-magic move. This uses 1 magic but will otherwise work as normal.

Gift Toss
TFH Paprika 5D.gif
You get a gift and you get a gift and you get...
You get a gift and you get a gift and you get...
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
230 Mid - 35 45 20 vs. Grounded 21+ 11+
vs. Airborne

Costs 1 magic.

Paprika pulls out a random gift and throws it at the opponent as a projectile.

230 Mid - 35 45 20 vs. Grounded 21+ 11+
vs. Airborne

Costs 2 magic.

A version of 5D that gives you more control over the RNG, 214D pulls out an edible gift (apple or broccoli) and throws it at the opponent as a projectile.

210, 120 Mid - 35 45(29)? 20 vs. Grounded 17+ 11
vs. Airborne

Costs 2 magic.

A version of 5D without the RNG element, 236D pulls out a potted pot and throws it at the opponent as a projectile.

High Gift Toss
TFH Paprika 2D.gif
An offering to the RNG Gods above.
An offering to the RNG Gods above.
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
230 Mid - 30 79 20 vs. Grounded - -
vs. Airborne

Costs 1 magic.

Similar to Paprika's 5D, but instead of throwing the gift forward, Paprika throws it up in the air.

Rolling Gift
TFH Paprika 4D.png
Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure
Beautiful Cinnamon Roll Too Good For This World, Too Pure
Base Damage Guard Properties Startup Active Recovery   Hitstop Hitstun Adv. on Hit Blockstop Blockstun Adv. on Block First Hit Juggle Decay Base Juggle Decay JDG Multiplier
210 Low - 30 ? 19 vs. Grounded HKD, 78 -
vs. Airborne

Costs 2 magic.

One of Paprika's three lows. Paprika pulls out a cinnamon roll, gives it a kiss, and then lets it drop to the floor where it begins to slowly roll across the screen.


General BnB

If you want a generally applicable route that works in most scenarios regardless of starter, consider this route:

  • (Starter) > 6C > 6CC > 6CCC > Jump Cancel > j.B > j.C > 1B > 1C > [4]6C > Shorthop Cancel > j.C > 1B > 1C > [4]6A

The above route and alternate versions of it can be seen here. This route works without consideration of the Juggle Decay system, and thus you'll miss out on the benefits of playing around the JD system in the long run. This combo is fine if you're starting out and don't want to go too in-depth on combo optimization and JD.


Paprika's combo game mostly revolves around using her Cartwheel specials and jump cancels to repeatedly juggle the opponent. These combos will almost always use a groundbounce, either starting with it (in the case of using Cartwheel C as an overhead or surprising the opponent with a Zippy Teleport C) or using it as a late-combo extender.

Here is a very basic Paprika combo that demonstrates how her combo structure works.

  • 5A/2A > 5B/2B > 5C/2C > Cartwheel B > Jump Cancel Forward > j.B > j.C > 5A > 5B > 5C > Cartwheel C > Shorthop Cancel Forward > j.C > 2B > 2C > Cartwheel A > Super

A combo file for this combo can be found here. (Combo files go in Documents/My Games/Them's Fightin' Herds/combo)

There are definitely more optimal ways of chaining these Cartwheel loops together, but the above combo should give a beginner Paprika player a pretty good idea of what they should be doing. (This section will be elaborated on later.)



Paprika's standard combos don't change very much in the corner, but the gifts from Teleport D get stuck on the corner and don't spread out as much, possibly causing extreme damage when all of them hit the opponent at once. Other things to note are that 6A > 2D combos if you want to try for an edible gift set on the ground in advance.


Herd Leader
Garlic Salt
Hot Sauce
Royal Blue
Beachy Keen
Ten-Ton Magical Paca
Loving Dead Girl


Detailed Frame Data

False God's Paprika Guide

Dem's Reset/Oki Guide
