Kirby Battle Blitz/Hiryo

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KBB Hiryo Render.png
Owned by: xKAReloadedx
HP: 1000
Meter Size: 3000
Prejump Frames: 5
Extra Movement Options: Backwards Run (4), Quick Dashes (44 or 66), Fastfall(j.22)


Sent from another world, Hiryo needs to find strong allies before he can return and face the darkness again.


KBB Hiryo Icon.png Hiryo is a stance character with his fast ground mobility, side-switching dash and fastfall giving him strong mix off of many combos.
Pros Cons
  • Incredibly fast on the ground. Hiryo's walk rivals the speed of some characters' runs. His dash is also the best in the game, travelling the longest distance, crossing up, and having 2 I-frames on startup.
  • Versatile meterless damage. All of Hiryo’s buttons lead into meterless loops with great corner carry.
  • High mixup potential. If your defense isn’t on point, a good Hiryo WILL open you up once they get in.
  • Low Range. A lack of large buttons or a meaningful way to engage at a range that isn't right up in your opponent's face means that Hiryo has to get in before he can start his mixups.
  • Poor defense. The lack of a 5f button on the ground without spending a bit of meter and a stubby counterattack can mean that in some instances, Hiryo has trouble capitalizing on an unsafe blockstring moreso than other characters.
  • Low damage output. Hiryo's not broken anymore, so he has to rely on resets and mixups to keep up with the rest of the cast in terms of damage output. If you're on your game, Hiryo might have trouble getting things started.

Command List

Normal Moves

KBB Hiryo 5A.png
KBB Hiryo 5A Hitbox1.png
5A(Frames 9-10)
KBB Hiryo 5AA.png
KBB Hiryo 5A Hitbox2.png
5A(Frames 11-12)
KBB Hiryo 5AAA.png
KBB Hiryo 5AA Hitbox.png
KBB Hiryo 5AAA Hitbox1.png
5AAA(Frames 5-6)
KBB Hiryo 5AAA Hitbox2.png
5AAA(Frames 17-18)
5A Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
10 Mid 5AA, 2A, 5B, 5C, 2C, 214A, 236B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
8 4 10 +2(-1) - 2

Solid grounded poke, but is outclassed in most regards by 5B, which is just as safe but faster, less stubby, and more damaging.

5AA Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 Mid 5AAA, 2A, 5BB, 5C, 2C, 214A, 236B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 2 12 +1(-2) - 1

5A followup, great for blockstrings as you can frametrap by cancelling into 2C.

5AAA Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
30(15*2) Mid j.A, j.2B, j.C, j.2C, j.236A - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
4 2(5-6) 2(17-18) Down(-8) - 1
  • Leaves you airborne, so mashing A is a really good air combo starter.
  • Be careful to hit-confirm 5AA, because the 3rd hit of the auto combo is super unsafe.
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KBB Hiryo 5B.png
KBB Hiryo 5B Hitbox1.png
5B(Frames 7-8)
KBB Hiryo 5BB.png
KBB Hiryo 5B Hitbox2.png
5B(Frames 9-10)
KBB Hiryo 5BB Hitbox1.png
5BB(Frames 7-8)
KBB Hiryo 5BB Hitbox2.png
5BB(Frames 9-10)
5B Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 Mid 5BB, 5AA, 2A, 5C, 2C, 214A, 236B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 4 10 +2(-1) - 2
  • Hiryo's best grounded button.
  • It has great range for its speed, but hitting 5B at the very edge of the range will not combo into 5BB at midscreen. At that range, it is recommended to 2A or 5C, as those will combo.
5BB Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
45 Mid Jump, 2C, 214A, 236B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 4 11 Launch (-5) - 1
  • Stab that transitions into a hitgrab that launches the opponent up.
  • Opponent will snap to your sword during the hitgrab, making it good for catching an opponent jumping out of your pressure.
  • Opponent can tech out quite early after being launched, so you can have rise with a jumping button to hit your opponent or it won't combo.
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KBB Hiryo 66A and jA.png
KBB Hiryo 66A Hitbox1.png
Frames 7-8
KBB Hiryo 66A Hitbox2.png
Frames 9-11
KBB Hiryo 66A Hitbox3.png
Frames 12-15
KBB Hiryo 66A Hitbox4.png
Frames 16-17
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 Mid j.B, j.C, j.236A - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 6 15 Air (-11) - 1
  • A dash normal, unique to Hiryo.
  • Hits in front, and then behind him.
  • Great burst option, gives you the momentum to follow up with combos that have amazing corner carry.
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KBB Hiryo 66A and jA.png
KBB Hiryo j.A Hitbox1.png
Frames 7-9
KBB Hiryo j.A Hitbox2.png
Frames 10-12
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 High Fastfall(on hit), j.B, j.2B, j.C, j.2C, j.236A - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 6 15 Air - 2
  • Fastest button in the air that doesn't cost meter.
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KBB Hiryo jB.png
KBB Hiryo j.B Hitbox1.png
Frames 8-9
KBB Hiryo j.B Hitbox2.png
Frames 10-11
KBB Hiryo j.B Hitbox3.png
Frames 12-13
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 High Fastfall(on hit), j.2B, j.C, j.2C, j.236A - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
7 6 14 Air - 2
  • Sweeping upwards slash that hits in front and behind you, making it great for crossups.
  • Inexplicably can be blocked mid, which somewhat hurts its mixup potential.
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KBB Hiryo j2B.png
KBB Hiryo j.2B Hitbox 1.png
KBB Hiryo j.2B Hitbox2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
7*N+20 Mid(Spin), High(Ender) j.C, j.236A, 2C(Ender) - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
7 Until landing+3 24 after landing Stance - 2(Spin), 2(Ender)
  • The centerpiece of all Hiryo's most basic loops.
  • Held back by the meter gain it gives the opponent, allowing them to burst out of your loops earlier than they might otherwise be able to.
  • Harder loops replace this attack with j.236A, which does more damage and gives the opponent less meter, as well as having a juggle of 0.
  • Activates Quick Slash Stance.
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KBB Hiryo jC.png
KBB Hiryo j.C Hitbox1.png
Frames 11-14
KBB Hiryo j.C Hitbox2.png
Frames 15-16
KBB Hiryo j.C Hitbox3.png
Frames 17-landing
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
30 High Fastfall(on hit), j.236A - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
10 Until landing+10 5 after landing Down (-3) - 2
  • Divekick that travels incredibly fast.
  • Knocks down on hit and hits overhead, which makes it great for opening the opponent up.
  • Has a special animation for getting blocked.
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Universal Mechanics

KBB Hiryo 2B.png
KBB Hiryo 2B Hitbox1.png
Frames 13-14
KBB Hiryo 2B Hitbox2.png
Frames 15-16
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
10 High j.2B, j.C, j.2C, j.236A - Air -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
12 4 9 -2 (-5) - 2
  • Among the faster overheads.
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KBB Hiryo 2A.png
KBB Hiryo 2A Hitbox1.png
Frames 9-11
KBB Hiryo 2A Hitbox2.png
Frames 12-15
KBB Hiryo 2A Hitbox3.png
Frames 16-19
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 Low 5AAA, 5BB, 5C, 2C, 214A, 236B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
8 11 8 +2 (-5) - 1
  • Fast, super active low.
  • Hiryo's hurtbox becomes a bit shorter during the attack, letting you low-profile some jumpins.
  • Core part of Hiryo's loops, as it can hit an opponent after a groundbounce, something none of his other grounded buttons can do.
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KBB Hiryo Throw Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
60 Unblockable Dash - Grab -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
12 8 15 Down - 5
  • Fast throw, ability to be dash cancelled lets you combo out of it which is crazy good.
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Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
15 Unblockable - - Counter 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
0 10 15 Down - 2
  • Your standard counter. Stubby counterattack means that some attacks can be made counter safe against Hiryo.

EX Attacks

KBB Hiryo 5C Slash.png
KBB Hiryo 5C Hitbox1.png
Frames 8-9
KBB Hiryo 5C Hitbox2.png
Frame 10
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
20 Mid - - - 250
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
7 3 2 Stance - 0
  • Huge range and virtually no endlag make this button amazing for its cost.
  • Unlike the stance it activates, 5C has no cancels out of it.
  • Activates Quick Slash Stance.
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KBB Hiryo 5C Stance.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
- - Dash, Jump, Stance-A, Stance-B, Stance-C, 2C, 214A, 236B, 214B, 236C - - 0
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
- - - - - 0
  • Can cancel as soon as you enter the stance, which lasts for 240 frames.
  • Hiryo cannot block during Quick Slash Stance.
  • Enters stance from j.2B, 5C, 2C, and j.2C.

Sword Whip
KBB Hiryo 5C A.png
KBB Hiryo Stance-A Hitbox1.png
Frames 9-10
KBB Hiryo Stance-A Hitbox2.png
Frames 11-12
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
45 Mid Dash(on hit), 2C, 214A, 236B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
10 4 21 Down (-1) - 3
  • Largest attack in Hiryo's kit without spending meter.
  • Range and groundbounce makes it useful for extending combos and checking dashes, or just harassing your opponent on the ground due to its safety on block.
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Slash Dash
KBB Hiryo 5C B.png
KBB Hiryo Stance-B Hitbox1.png
Frames 9-11
KBB Hiryo Stance-B Hitbox2.png
Frames 12-13
KBB Hiryo Stance-B Hitbox3.png
Frames 14-15
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
45 Mid Dash(on hit), 2C, 214A, 236B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
8 7 14 Launch (-2) - 1
  • Excellent corner carry, ability to cancel into dash on hit lets you combo Stance-B into 66A which is a core part of some loops.
  • It's also safe on block, which makes it a good burst option to quickly get in against an opponent who least expects it.
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Air Slash
KBB Hiryo 5C C.png
KBB Hiryo Stance-C Hitbox1.png
Frames 7-8
KBB Hiryo Stance-C Hitbox2.png
Frames 9-10
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
35 Mid Dash(on hit), 2C, 214A, 236B, 236C - - -
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
6 4 14 Launch/Wallbounce(See description)/(-7) - 2
  • HUGE dedicated anti-air, but whiffs on grounded opponents.
  • Will only wallbounce if the opponent isn't in a hitstun state, so it's good for starting anti-air combos but not very good for general combo extension.
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Rapid Slash
2C(air OK)
KBB Hiryo 2C.png
KBB Hiryo 2C Hitbox1.png
Frames 3-4
KBB Hiryo 2C Hitbox2.png
Frames 5-6
KBB Hiryo j.2B Hitbox2.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
See description Mid 2C, 236B - - 250
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
2 4 24 Down (-8) - 2
  • Grounded version does a static 55 damage and can be chained into itself by holding the button.
  • In the air version, Hiryo slashes until he reaches the ground, but the attack usually does anywhere from 87-107 damage.
  • Uses the same ender as j.2B, which has a huge vertical hitbox and groundbounces on hit
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Star Strikes

KBB Hiryo j236A.png
KBB Hiryo j.236A Hitbox1.png
Frames 13-15
KBB Hiryo j.236A Hitbox2.png
KBB Hiryo j.236A Hitbox3.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
101 Mid - - - 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
12 Until landing+20 16 Down (Air) - 2
  • A core part of Hiryo's more difficult loops.
  • Starting hitbox only hits in front of you, meaning its pickup is less than stellar compared to Hiryo's other aerial extenders.
  • Great for travelling fullscreen.
  • Can be tiger knee'd.
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KBB Hiryo 214A.png
KBB Hiryo 214A Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
160 Mid Dash - - 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
22 2 16 Launch (+2) - 0
  • Launcher hit switches sides, making it a better option than a counter for reversing corner situations for the same cost.
  • Combos after 214A are a bit more difficult than those after 236B.
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KBB Hiryo 236B.png
KBB Hiryo 236B Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
105 Mid Dash, Jump - - See Description
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
21 2 18(whiff), 17(hit) Launch (-8) - 2
  • Good combo ender, but generally outclassed by 214A this patch.
  • Costs 1000 meter, but costs an additional 500 if it hits.
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KBB Hiryo 5AA.png
KBB HIryo 214B Hitbox.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
120 Unblockable Dash - Throw 1000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
10 15 10 Launch - 2
  • Doesn't cancel out of very many things, but is great raw, especially as it's faster and more active than Hiryo's normal throw.
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KBB Hiryo 236C.png
KBB Hiryo 236C Hitbox1.png
Coolest looking attack in the game, free
Frames 28-32
KBB Hiryo 236C Hitbox2.png
Frames 33-35
KBB Hiryo 236C Hitbox3.png
Frames 59-61
KBB Hiryo 236C Hitbox4.png
Frames 62-64
KBB HIryo 236C Hitbox5.png
KBB Hiryo 236C Hitbox6.png
Damage Guard Cancel Invul Property Cost
348(149+199) Unblockable - - Air 2000
Startup Active Recovery Advantage Proration Juggle
27 8(28-35), 12(59-70) 9 Down - 2
  • Hiryo's only attack that hits fullscreen.
  • Super reactable and costly, so you don't want to throw this out carelessly.
  • Great combo ender when you have adequate bar.
  • Can be used as a cheeky punish on a tech.
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Cancel Table

Cancel Table
A B C Star Strike Unique

X: On Contact

X[+]: Available on Whiff

X[-]: On Hit only

X[/]: On Block only


Color Gallery

Bio Spark
Old Colors
Not Enough Green
Gameboy 1
Gameboy 2


17% complete
In Progress / Completed To-do
  • Basic stuff like the landing page and navbox is in, along with some system pages.
  • System page is complete.
  • Clean up and finish the rest of the character pages. Every page needs to be updated to account for changes in updates 2.0 to 2.4.
  • Create netplay page.
  • Update FAQ
  • Add patch-notes from 2.1 to 2.4.
  • Finish adding frame data to every page, and begin adding hit-boxes to every page. Glitch is currently the gold standard in the gameplay section, hitboxes aside. (Avoid doing Violet's at all costs however!)
  • When Adding Hitboxes: Only take images from Fighter Factory. This is to keep the look of the hitboxes clean!
  • Ensure that this chart is updated over time.

Patch Notes